Merge branch 'revealjs392' into 'master'

Update Reveal.js to 3.9.2

See merge request openlp/openlp!148
This commit is contained in:
Tim Bentley 2020-03-03 21:26:16 +00:00
commit 519be1ee47
3 changed files with 301 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* MIT licensed
* Copyright (C) 2019 Hakim El Hattab,
* Copyright (C) 2020 Hakim El Hattab,
@ -77,29 +77,29 @@ body {
text-decoration: line-through; }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-up {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 20%);
transform: translate(0, 20%); }
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 40px);
transform: translate(0, 40px); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-up.visible {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 0);
transform: translate(0, 0); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-down {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, -20%);
transform: translate(0, -20%); }
-webkit-transform: translate(0, -40px);
transform: translate(0, -40px); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-down.visible {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 0);
transform: translate(0, 0); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-right {
-webkit-transform: translate(-20%, 0);
transform: translate(-20%, 0); }
-webkit-transform: translate(-40px, 0);
transform: translate(-40px, 0); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-right.visible {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 0);
transform: translate(0, 0); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-left {
-webkit-transform: translate(20%, 0);
transform: translate(20%, 0); }
-webkit-transform: translate(40px, 0);
transform: translate(40px, 0); }
.reveal .slides section .fragment.fade-left.visible {
-webkit-transform: translate(0, 0);
transform: translate(0, 0); }
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ body {
bottom: 12px;
right: 12px;
left: auto;
z-index: 1;
z-index: 11;
color: #000;
pointer-events: none;
font-size: 10px; }
@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ body {
transform: rotate(90deg); }
.reveal .controls .navigate-down {
right: 3.2em;
bottom: 0;
bottom: -1.4em;
padding-bottom: 1.4em;
-webkit-transform: translateY(10px);
transform: translateY(10px); }
.reveal .controls .navigate-down .controls-arrow {
@ -395,18 +396,18 @@ body {
right: auto; }
.reveal .controls[data-controls-layout="edges"] .navigate-left {
top: 50%;
left: 8px;
left: 0.8em;
margin-top: -1.8em; }
.reveal .controls[data-controls-layout="edges"] .navigate-right {
top: 50%;
right: 8px;
right: 0.8em;
margin-top: -1.8em; }
.reveal .controls[data-controls-layout="edges"] .navigate-up {
top: 8px;
top: 0.8em;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -1.8em; }
.reveal .controls[data-controls-layout="edges"] .navigate-down {
bottom: 8px;
bottom: -0.3em;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -1.8em; } }
@ -1453,9 +1454,16 @@ body {
text-align: right;
vertical-align: top; }
.reveal .hljs[data-line-numbers]:not([data-line-numbers=""]) tr:not(.highlight-line) {
.reveal .hljs.has-highlights tr:not(.highlight-line) {
opacity: 0.4; }
.reveal .hljs:not(:first-child).fragment {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box; }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* MIT licensed
* Copyright (C) 2019 Hakim El Hattab,
* Copyright (C) 2020 Hakim El Hattab,
(function( root, factory ) {
if( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
@ -26,14 +26,18 @@
var Reveal;
// The reveal.js version
var VERSION = '3.8.0';
var VERSION = '3.9.2';
var SLIDES_SELECTOR = '.slides section',
VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR = '.slides>section.present>section',
HOME_SLIDE_SELECTOR = '.slides>section:first-of-type',
UA = navigator.userAgent,
// Methods that may not be invoked via the postMessage API
POST_MESSAGE_METHOD_BLACKLIST = /registerPlugin|registerKeyboardShortcut|addKeyBinding|addEventListener/,
// Configuration defaults, can be overridden at initialization time
config = {
@ -77,9 +81,9 @@
// - "c/t": Flattened slide number / total slides
// Alternatively, you can provide a function that returns the slide
// number for the current slide. The function needs to return an array
// with one string [slideNumber] or three strings [n1,delimiter,n2].
// See #formatSlideNumber().
// number for the current slide. The function should take in a slide
// object and return an array with one string [slideNumber] or
// three strings [n1,delimiter,n2]. See #formatSlideNumber().
slideNumber: false,
// Can be used to limit the contexts in which the slide number appears
@ -270,6 +274,11 @@
// Number of slides away from the current that are visible
viewDistance: 3,
// Number of slides away from the current that are visible on mobile
// devices. It is advisable to set this to a lower number than
// viewDistance in order to save resources.
mobileViewDistance: 2,
// The display mode that will be used to show slides
display: 'block',
@ -447,7 +456,8 @@
function checkCapabilities() {
isMobileDevice = /(iphone|ipod|ipad|android)/gi.test( UA );
isMobileDevice = /(iphone|ipod|ipad|android)/gi.test( UA ) ||
( navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1 ); // iPadOS
isChrome = /chrome/i.test( UA ) && !/edge/i.test( UA );
var testElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
@ -849,17 +859,10 @@
// Make sure stretch elements fit on slide
layoutSlideContents( slideWidth, slideHeight );
// Add each slide's index as attributes on itself, we need these
// indices to generate slide numbers below
toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( function( hslide, h ) {
hslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
if( hslide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) {
toArray( hslide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) ).forEach( function( vslide, v ) {
vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-v', v );
} );
// Compute slide numbers now, before we start duplicating slides
var doingSlideNumbers = config.slideNumber && /all|print/i.test( config.showSlideNumber );
toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( function( slide ) {
slide.setAttribute( 'data-slide-number', getSlideNumber( slide ) );
} );
// Slide and slide background layout
@ -930,14 +933,11 @@
// Inject slide numbers if `slideNumbers` are enabled
if( config.slideNumber && /all|print/i.test( config.showSlideNumber ) ) {
var slideNumberH = parseInt( slide.getAttribute( 'data-index-h' ), 10 ) + 1,
slideNumberV = parseInt( slide.getAttribute( 'data-index-v' ), 10 ) + 1;
if( doingSlideNumbers ) {
var numberElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
numberElement.classList.add( 'slide-number' );
numberElement.classList.add( 'slide-number-pdf' );
numberElement.innerHTML = formatSlideNumber( slideNumberH, '.', slideNumberV );
numberElement.innerHTML = slide.getAttribute( 'data-slide-number' );
page.appendChild( numberElement );
@ -1217,6 +1217,8 @@
if( data.backgroundColor ) = data.backgroundColor;
if( data.backgroundTransition ) element.setAttribute( 'data-background-transition', data.backgroundTransition );
if( slide.hasAttribute( 'data-preload' ) ) element.setAttribute( 'data-preload', '' );
// Background image options are set on the content wrapper
if( data.backgroundSize ) = data.backgroundSize;
if( data.backgroundRepeat ) = data.backgroundRepeat;
@ -1276,7 +1278,20 @@
// Check if the requested method can be found
if( data.method && typeof Reveal[data.method] === 'function' ) {
Reveal[data.method].apply( Reveal, data.args );
if( POST_MESSAGE_METHOD_BLACKLIST.test( data.method ) === false ) {
var result = Reveal[data.method].apply( Reveal, data.args );
// Dispatch a postMessage event with the returned value from
// our method invocation for getter functions
dispatchPostMessage( 'callback', { method: data.method, result: result } );
else {
console.warn( 'reveal.js: "'+ data.method +'" is is blacklisted from the postMessage API' );
}, false );
@ -1447,8 +1462,8 @@
keyboardShortcuts['↓ , J'] = 'Navigate down';
keyboardShortcuts['Home , ⌘/CTRL ←'] = 'First slide';
keyboardShortcuts['End , ⌘/CTRL →'] = 'Last slide';
keyboardShortcuts['Home , Shift ←'] = 'First slide';
keyboardShortcuts['End , Shift →'] = 'Last slide';
keyboardShortcuts['B , .'] = 'Pause';
keyboardShortcuts['F'] = 'Fullscreen';
keyboardShortcuts['ESC, O'] = 'Slide overview';
@ -1981,8 +1996,25 @@
// If we're in an iframe, post each reveal.js event to the
// parent window. Used by the notes plugin
dispatchPostMessage( type );
* Dispatched a postMessage of the given type from our window.
function dispatchPostMessage( type, data ) {
if( config.postMessageEvents && window.parent !== window.self ) {
window.parent.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ namespace: 'reveal', eventName: type, state: getState() }), '*' );
var message = {
namespace: 'reveal',
eventName: type,
state: getState()
extend( message, data );
window.parent.postMessage( JSON.stringify( message ), '*' );
@ -2243,10 +2275,12 @@
transformSlides( { layout: '' } );
else {
// Prefer zoom for scaling up so that content remains crisp.
// Don't use zoom to scale down since that can lead to shifts
// in text layout/line breaks.
if( scale > 1 && features.zoom ) {
// Zoom Scaling
// Content remains crisp no matter how much we scale. Side
// effects are minor differences in text layout and iframe
// viewports changing size. A 200x200 iframe viewport in a
// 2x zoomed presentation ends up having a 400x400 viewport.
if( scale > 1 && features.zoom && window.devicePixelRatio < 2 ) { = scale; = ''; = '';
@ -2254,7 +2288,10 @@ = '';
transformSlides( { layout: '' } );
// Apply scale transform as a fallback
// Transform Scaling
// Content layout remains the exact same when scaled up.
// Side effect is content becoming blurred, especially with
// high scale values on ldpi screens.
else { = ''; = '50%';
@ -2623,34 +2660,37 @@
* Return a hash URL that will resolve to the current slide location.
* Return a hash URL that will resolve to the given slide location.
* @param {HTMLElement} [slide=currentSlide] The slide to link to
function locationHash() {
function locationHash( slide ) {
var url = '/';
// Attempt to create a named link based on the slide's ID
var id = currentSlide ? currentSlide.getAttribute( 'id' ) : null;
var s = slide || currentSlide;
var id = s ? s.getAttribute( 'id' ) : null;
if( id ) {
id = encodeURIComponent( id );
var indexf;
if( config.fragmentInURL ) {
indexf = getIndices().f;
var index = getIndices( slide );
if( !config.fragmentInURL ) {
index.f = undefined;
// If the current slide has an ID, use that as a named link,
// but we don't support named links with a fragment index
if( typeof id === 'string' && id.length && indexf === undefined ) {
if( typeof id === 'string' && id.length && index.f === undefined ) {
url = '/' + id;
// Otherwise use the /h/v index
else {
var hashIndexBase = config.hashOneBasedIndex ? 1 : 0;
if( indexh > 0 || indexv > 0 || indexf !== undefined ) url += indexh + hashIndexBase;
if( indexv > 0 || indexf !== undefined ) url += '/' + (indexv + hashIndexBase );
if( indexf !== undefined ) url += '/' + indexf;
if( index.h > 0 || index.v > 0 || index.f !== undefined ) url += index.h + hashIndexBase;
if( index.v > 0 || index.f !== undefined ) url += '/' + (index.v + hashIndexBase );
if( index.f !== undefined ) url += '/' + index.f;
return url;
@ -3039,11 +3079,11 @@
syncBackground( slide );
syncFragments( slide );
loadSlide( slide );
loadSlide( slide );
@ -3255,9 +3295,10 @@
// be visible
var viewDistance = isOverview() ? 10 : config.viewDistance;
// Limit view distance on weaker devices
// Shorten the view distance on devices that typically have
// less resources
if( isMobileDevice ) {
viewDistance = isOverview() ? 6 : 2;
viewDistance = isOverview() ? 6 : config.mobileViewDistance;
// All slides need to be visible when exporting to PDF
@ -3309,7 +3350,7 @@
// Flag if there are ANY vertical slides, anywhere in the deck
if( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '.slides>section>section' ).length ) {
if( hasVerticalSlides() ) {
dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'has-vertical-slides' );
else {
@ -3317,7 +3358,7 @@
// Flag if there are ANY horizontal slides, anywhere in the deck
if( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '.slides>section' ).length > 1 ) {
if( hasHorizontalSlides() ) {
dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'has-horizontal-slides' );
else {
@ -3393,14 +3434,26 @@
// Update slide number if enabled
if( config.slideNumber && dom.slideNumber ) {
dom.slideNumber.innerHTML = getSlideNumber();
* Returns the HTML string corresponding to the current slide number,
* including formatting.
function getSlideNumber( slide ) {
var value;
var format = 'h.v';
if( typeof config.slideNumber === 'function' ) {
value = config.slideNumber();
if( slide === undefined ) {
slide = currentSlide;
else {
if ( typeof config.slideNumber === 'function' ) {
value = config.slideNumber( slide );
} else {
// Check if a custom number format is available
if( typeof config.slideNumber === 'string' ) {
format = config.slideNumber;
@ -3415,23 +3468,21 @@
value = [];
switch( format ) {
case 'c':
value.push( getSlidePastCount() + 1 );
value.push( getSlidePastCount( slide ) + 1 );
case 'c/t':
value.push( getSlidePastCount() + 1, '/', getTotalSlides() );
case 'h/v':
value.push( indexh + 1 );
if( isVerticalSlide() ) value.push( '/', indexv + 1 );
value.push( getSlidePastCount( slide ) + 1, '/', getTotalSlides() );
value.push( indexh + 1 );
if( isVerticalSlide() ) value.push( '.', indexv + 1 );
var indices = getIndices( slide );
value.push( indices.h + 1 );
var sep = format === 'h/v' ? '/' : '.';
if( isVerticalSlide( slide ) ) value.push( sep, indices.v + 1 );
dom.slideNumber.innerHTML = formatSlideNumber( value[0], value[1], value[2] );
var url = '#' + locationHash( slide );
return formatSlideNumber( value[0], value[1], value[2], url );
@ -3442,11 +3493,14 @@
* @param {number} a Current slide
* @param {string} delimiter Character to separate slide numbers
* @param {(number|*)} b Total slides
* @param {HTMLElement} [url='#'+locationHash()] The url to link to
* @return {string} HTML string fragment
function formatSlideNumber( a, delimiter, b ) {
function formatSlideNumber( a, delimiter, b, url ) {
var url = '#' + locationHash();
if( url === undefined ) {
url = '#' + locationHash();
if( typeof b === 'number' && !isNaN( b ) ) {
return '<a href="' + url + '">' +
'<span class="slide-number-a">'+ a +'</span>' +
@ -3599,7 +3653,7 @@
// Stop content inside of previous backgrounds
if( previousBackground ) {
stopEmbeddedContent( previousBackground );
stopEmbeddedContent( previousBackground, { unloadIframes: !shouldPreload( previousBackground ) } );
@ -3778,6 +3832,7 @@ = 'block';
var backgroundContent = slide.slideBackgroundContentElement;
var backgroundIframe = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-iframe' );
// If the background contains media, load it
if( background.hasAttribute( 'data-loaded' ) === false ) {
@ -3786,8 +3841,7 @@
var backgroundImage = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-image' ),
backgroundVideo = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-video' ),
backgroundVideoLoop = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-loop' ),
backgroundVideoMuted = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-muted' ),
backgroundIframe = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-iframe' );
backgroundVideoMuted = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-muted' );
// Images
if( backgroundImage ) {
@ -3827,15 +3881,9 @@
iframe.setAttribute( 'allowfullscreen', '' );
iframe.setAttribute( 'mozallowfullscreen', '' );
iframe.setAttribute( 'webkitallowfullscreen', '' );
iframe.setAttribute( 'allow', 'autoplay' );
// Only load autoplaying content when the slide is shown to
// avoid having it play in the background
if( /autoplay=(1|true|yes)/gi.test( backgroundIframe ) ) {
iframe.setAttribute( 'data-src', backgroundIframe );
else {
iframe.setAttribute( 'src', backgroundIframe );
} = '100%'; = '100%';
@ -3846,6 +3894,19 @@
// Start loading preloadable iframes
var backgroundIframeElement = backgroundContent.querySelector( 'iframe[data-src]' );
if( backgroundIframeElement ) {
// Check if this iframe is eligible to be preloaded
if( shouldPreload( background ) && !/autoplay=(1|true|yes)/gi.test( backgroundIframe ) ) {
if( backgroundIframeElement.getAttribute( 'src' ) !== backgroundIframe ) {
backgroundIframeElement.setAttribute( 'src', backgroundIframe );
@ -3865,6 +3926,11 @@
var background = getSlideBackground( slide );
if( background ) { = 'none';
// Unload any background iframes
toArray( background.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src]' ) ).forEach( function( element ) {
element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
} );
// Reset lazy-loaded media elements with src attributes
@ -4185,9 +4251,15 @@
* Returns the number of past slides. This can be used as a global
* flattened index for slides.
* @param {HTMLElement} [slide=currentSlide] The slide we're counting before
* @return {number} Past slide count
function getSlidePastCount() {
function getSlidePastCount( slide ) {
if( slide === undefined ) {
slide = currentSlide;
var horizontalSlides = toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ) );
@ -4203,7 +4275,7 @@
for( var j = 0; j < verticalSlides.length; j++ ) {
// Stop as soon as we arrive at the present
if( verticalSlides[j].classList.contains( 'present' ) ) {
if( verticalSlides[j] === slide ) {
break mainLoop;
@ -4212,7 +4284,7 @@
// Stop as soon as we arrive at the present
if( horizontalSlide.classList.contains( 'present' ) ) {
if( horizontalSlide === slide ) {
@ -4429,7 +4501,44 @@
function getSlides() {
return toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR + ':not(.stack)' ));
return toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR + ':not(.stack)' ) );
* Returns a list of all horizontal slides in the deck. Each
* vertical stack is included as one horizontal slide in the
* resulting array.
function getHorizontalSlides() {
return toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ) );
* Returns all vertical slides that exist within this deck.
function getVerticalSlides() {
return toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '.slides>section>section' ) );
* Returns true if there are at least two horizontal slides.
function hasHorizontalSlides() {
return getHorizontalSlides().length > 1;
* Returns true if there are at least two vertical slides.
function hasVerticalSlides() {
return getVerticalSlides().length > 1;
@ -4667,6 +4776,8 @@
if( fragments.length ) {
var maxIndex = 0;
if( typeof index !== 'number' ) {
var currentFragment = sortFragments( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment.visible' ) ).pop();
if( currentFragment ) {
@ -4680,6 +4791,8 @@
i = parseInt( el.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
maxIndex = Math.max( maxIndex, i );
// Visible fragments
if( i <= index ) {
if( !el.classList.contains( 'visible' ) ) changedFragments.shown.push( el );
@ -4703,6 +4816,13 @@
} );
// Write the current fragment index to the slide <section>.
// This can be used by end users to apply styles based on
// the current fragment index.
index = typeof index === 'number' ? index : -1;
index = Math.max( Math.min( index, maxIndex ), -1 );
currentSlide.setAttribute( 'data-fragment', index );
@ -5116,8 +5236,8 @@
// Whitelist specific modified + keycode combinations
var prevSlideShortcut = event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === 32;
var firstSlideShortcut = ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && keyCode === 37;
var lastSlideShortcut = ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && keyCode === 39;
var firstSlideShortcut = event.shiftKey && keyCode === 37;
var lastSlideShortcut = event.shiftKey && keyCode === 39;
// Prevent all other events when a modifier is pressed
var unusedModifier = !prevSlideShortcut && !firstSlideShortcut && !lastSlideShortcut &&
@ -5144,6 +5264,10 @@
return false;
// Use linear navigation if we're configured to OR if
// the presentation is one-dimensional
var useLinearMode = config.navigationMode === 'linear' || !hasHorizontalSlides() || !hasVerticalSlides();
var triggered = false;
// 1. User defined key bindings
@ -5216,7 +5340,7 @@
if( firstSlideShortcut ) {
slide( 0 );
else if( !isOverview() && config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
else if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@ -5228,7 +5352,7 @@
if( lastSlideShortcut ) {
slide( Number.MAX_VALUE );
else if( !isOverview() && config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
else if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@ -5237,7 +5361,7 @@
// K, UP
else if( keyCode === 75 || keyCode === 38 ) {
if( !isOverview() && config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@ -5246,7 +5370,7 @@
// J, DOWN
else if( keyCode === 74 || keyCode === 40 ) {
if( !isOverview() && config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@ -5356,20 +5480,50 @@
if( deltaX > touch.threshold && Math.abs( deltaX ) > Math.abs( deltaY ) ) {
touch.captured = true;
if( config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
if( config.rtl ) {
else {
else {
else if( deltaX < -touch.threshold && Math.abs( deltaX ) > Math.abs( deltaY ) ) {
touch.captured = true;
if( config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
if( config.rtl ) {
else {
else {
else if( deltaY > touch.threshold ) {
touch.captured = true;
if( config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
else {
else if( deltaY < -touch.threshold ) {
touch.captured = true;
if( config.navigationMode === 'linear' ) {
else {
// If we're embedded, only block touch events if they have
// triggered an action
@ -5905,6 +6059,15 @@
// Returns the speaker notes string for a slide, or null
getSlideNotes: getSlideNotes,
// Returns an array with all horizontal/vertical slides in the deck
getHorizontalSlides: getHorizontalSlides,
getVerticalSlides: getVerticalSlides,
// Checks if the presentation contains two or more
// horizontal/vertical slides
hasHorizontalSlides: hasHorizontalSlides,
hasVerticalSlides: hasVerticalSlides,
// Returns the previous slide element, may be null
getPreviousSlide: function() {
return previousSlide;

View File

@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ def init_url(plugin_name, db_file_name=None):
db_type = settings.value('db type')
if db_type == 'sqlite':
db_url = get_db_path(plugin_name, db_file_name)
db_url = '{type}://{user}:{password}@{host}/{db}'.format(type=db_type,