Improved unit tests

This commit is contained in:
Felipe Polo-Wood 2013-10-24 21:15:44 -04:00
parent 8072188cdf
commit 5644e26a85
7 changed files with 177 additions and 99 deletions

View File

@ -326,7 +326,6 @@ class PowerpointDocument(PresentationDocument):
titles = []
notes = []
num = 0
for slide in self.presentation.Slides:
text = slide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
@ -334,12 +333,11 @@ class PowerpointDocument(PresentationDocument):
text = ''
titles.append(text.replace('\n',' ').replace('\x0b',' ') + '\n')
num += 1
note = _get_text_from_shapes(slide.NotesPage.Shapes)
if len(note) == 0:
note = ' '
def _get_text_from_shapes(shapes):

View File

@ -157,9 +157,11 @@ class PptviewDocument(PresentationDocument):
and the notes to 'slideNotes[x].txt'
in the thumbnails directory
titles = None
notes = None
filename = os.path.normpath(self.filepath)
# let's make sure we have a valid zipped presentation
if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename) and zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
namespaces = {"p":
"a": ""}

View File

@ -322,15 +322,16 @@ class PresentationDocument(object):
Performs the actual persisting of titles to the titles.txt
and notes to the slideNote%.txt
titlesfile = os.path.join(self.get_thumbnail_folder(), 'titles.txt')
with open(titlesfile, mode='w') as fo:
for num in range(len(notes)):
notesfile = os.path.join(self.get_thumbnail_folder(),
'slideNotes%d.txt' % (num+1))
with open(notesfile, mode='w') as fn:
if titles:
titlesfile = os.path.join(self.get_thumbnail_folder(), 'titles.txt')
with open(titlesfile, mode='w') as fo:
if notes:
for slide_no, note in enumerate(notes):
notesfile = os.path.join(self.get_thumbnail_folder(),
'slideNotes%d.txt' % (slide_no+1))
with open(notesfile, mode='w') as fn:
class PresentationController(object):

View File

@ -45,16 +45,6 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
self.ppc = ImpressController(mocked_plugin)
self.doc = ImpressDocument(self.ppc,self.file_name)
def verify_installation(self):
Test the installation of ImpressViewer
# GIVEN: A boolean value set to true
# WHEN: We "convert" it to a bool
isInstalled = self.ppc.check_available()
# THEN: We should get back a True bool
assert isInstalled is True, 'The result should be True'
def create_titles_and_notes_test(self):
Test ImpressDocument.create_titles_and_notes
@ -76,38 +66,6 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
# THEN: save_titles_and_notes should have been called once with two arrays of two elements
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes.assert_called_once_with(['\n','\n'],[' ',' '])
def _mock_a_LibreOffice_document(self,pageCount,noteCount,textCount):
pages = MagicMock()
page = MagicMock()
pages.getByIndex.return_value = page
notesPage = MagicMock()
notesPage.getCount.return_value = noteCount
shape = MagicMock()
shape.supportsService.return_value = True
shape.getString.return_value = 'Note'
notesPage.getByIndex.return_value = shape
page.getNotesPage.return_value = notesPage
page.getCount.return_value = textCount
#pageShape.getString.return_value = 'Title'
#pageShape.getString.side_effect = self._get_string_side_effect
#page.getByIndex.return_value = pageShape
page.getByIndex.side_effect = self._get_page_shape_side_effect
pages.getCount.return_value = pageCount
document = MagicMock()
document.getDrawPages.return_value = pages
document.getByIndex.return_value = page
return document
def _get_page_shape_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
pageShape = MagicMock()
pageShape.supportsService.return_value = True
if args[1] == 0:
pageShape.getShapeType.return_value = ''
pageShape.getString.return_value = 'Title'
pageShape.getString.return_value = 'String'
return pageShape
def get_text_from_page_out_of_bound_test(self):
Test ImpressDocument.__get_text_from_page with out-of-bounds index
@ -158,3 +116,32 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
result = self.doc._ImpressDocument__get_text_from_page(1,TextType.SlideText)
# THEN: result should be 'Title\nString\nString\n'
assert result == 'Title\nString\nString\n', 'Result should be exactly \'Title\\nString\\nString\\n\''
def _mock_a_LibreOffice_document(self,pageCount,noteCount,textCount):
pages = MagicMock()
page = MagicMock()
pages.getByIndex.return_value = page
notesPage = MagicMock()
notesPage.getCount.return_value = noteCount
shape = MagicMock()
shape.supportsService.return_value = True
shape.getString.return_value = 'Note'
notesPage.getByIndex.return_value = shape
page.getNotesPage.return_value = notesPage
page.getCount.return_value = textCount
page.getByIndex.side_effect = self._get_page_shape_side_effect
pages.getCount.return_value = pageCount
document = MagicMock()
document.getDrawPages.return_value = pages
document.getByIndex.return_value = page
return document
def _get_page_shape_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
pageShape = MagicMock()
pageShape.supportsService.return_value = True
if args[1] == 0:
pageShape.getShapeType.return_value = ''
pageShape.getString.return_value = 'Title'
pageShape.getString.return_value = 'String'
return pageShape

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Functional tests to test the PowerPointController class and related methods.
from unittest import TestCase
import os
from mock import MagicMock, patch
from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.powerpointcontroller import PowerpointController, PowerpointDocument
from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.powerpointcontroller import PowerpointController, PowerpointDocument, _get_text_from_shapes
TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'resources'))
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
self.ppc = PowerpointController(mocked_plugin)
self.file_name = os.path.join(TEST_PATH,"test.pptx")
self.doc = PowerpointDocument(self.ppc,self.file_name)
def verify_installation_test(self):
# add _test to the name to enable
def verify_installation(self):
Test the installation of Powerpoint
@ -70,20 +70,58 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
# THEN: result should be true
assert result is True, u'The result should be True'
def verify_titles_test(self):
def create_titles_and_notes_test(self):
Test reading the titles from PowerPoint
Test creating the titles from PowerPoint
# GIVEN: mocked save_titles_and_notes, _get_text_from_shapes and two mocked slides
self.doc = PowerpointDocument(self.ppc,self.file_name)
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes = MagicMock()
self.doc._PowerpointDocument__get_text_from_shapes = MagicMock()
slide = MagicMock()
slide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'SlideText'
pres = MagicMock()
pres.Slides = [slide,slide]
self.doc.presentation = pres
# WHEN reading the titles and notes
titles,notes = self.doc.get_titles_and_notes()
print("titles: ".join(titles))
print("notes: ".join(notes))
# THEN there should be exactly 5 titles and 5 notes
assert len(titles)==5, u'There should be five titles'
assert len(notes)==5, u'Theres should be five notes'
# THEN the save should have been called exactly once with 2 titles and 2 notes
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes.assert_called_once_with(['SlideText\n', 'SlideText\n'], [' ', ' '])
def create_titles_and_notes_with_no_slides_test(self):
Test creating the titles from PowerPoint when it returns no slides
# GIVEN: mocked save_titles_and_notes, _get_text_from_shapes and two mocked slides
self.doc = PowerpointDocument(self.ppc,self.file_name)
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes = MagicMock()
self.doc._PowerpointDocument__get_text_from_shapes = MagicMock()
pres = MagicMock()
pres.Slides = []
self.doc.presentation = pres
# WHEN reading the titles and notes
# THEN the save should have been called exactly once with empty titles and notes
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes.assert_called_once_with([], [])
def get_text_from_shapes_test(self):
Test getting text from powerpoint shapes
# GIVEN: mocked
shape = MagicMock()
shape.PlaceholderFormat.Type = 2
shape.HasTextFrame = shape.TextFrame.HasText = True
shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'slideText'
shapes = [shape,shape]
result = _get_text_from_shapes(shapes)
assert result == 'slideText\nslideText\n'
def get_text_from_shapes_with_no_shapes_test(self):
Test getting text from powerpoint shapes with no shapes
# GIVEN: mocked
shapes = []
result = _get_text_from_shapes(shapes)
assert result == ''

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Functional tests to test the PptviewController class and related methods.
from unittest import TestCase
import os
from mock import MagicMock, patch
from mock import MagicMock, patch, mock_open
from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pptviewcontroller import PptviewController, PptviewDocument
TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'resources'))
@ -44,10 +44,8 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
self.ppc = PptviewController(mocked_plugin)
self.file_name = os.path.join(TEST_PATH,"test.pptx")
self.doc = PptviewDocument(self.ppc,self.file_name)
#add _test to the function
# I don't haver powerpointviewer to verify
#add _test to the function name to enable test
def verify_installation(self):
Test the installation of PowerpointViewer
@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
# THEN: We should get back a True bool
assert isInstalled is True, u'The result should be True'
# add _test to the following if necessary
# add _test to the following if necessary to enable test
# I don't have powerpointviewer to verify
def verify_loading_document(self):
@ -71,9 +69,10 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
result = self.doc.is_loaded()
# THEN: result should be true
assert result is True, u'The result should be True'
assert result is True, 'The result should be True'
def verify_titles_test(self):
# disabled
def verify_titles(self):
Test reading the titles from PowerpointViewer
@ -85,6 +84,52 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
print("titles: ".join(titles))
print("notes: ".join(notes))
# THEN there should be exactly 5 titles and 5 notes
assert len(titles)==5, u'There should be five titles'
assert len(notes)==5, u'Theres should be five notes'
assert len(titles)==5, 'There should be five titles'
assert len(notes)==5, 'Theres should be five notes'
def create_titles_and_notes_test(self):
Test PowerpointController.create_titles_and_notes
# GIVEN: mocked PresentationController.save_titles_and_notes
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes = MagicMock()
# WHEN reading the titles and notes
# THEN save_titles_and_notes should have been called once with empty arrays
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes.assert_called_once_with(['Test 1\n', '\n', 'Test 2\n', 'Test 4\n', 'Test 3\n'], ['Notes for slide 1', 'Inserted', 'Notes for slide 2', 'Notes \nfor slide 4', 'Notes for slide 3'])
def create_titles_and_notes_nonexistent_file_test(self):
Test PowerpointController.create_titles_and_notes with nonexistent file
# GIVEN: mocked PresentationController.save_titles_and_notes and an nonexistent file
with patch('') as mocked_open, \
patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pptviewcontroller.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists:
mocked_exists.return_value = False
self.doc = PptviewDocument(self.ppc,'Idontexist.pptx')
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes = MagicMock()
# WHEN: reading the titles and notes
def create_titles_and_notes_invalid_file_test(self):
Test PowerpointController.create_titles_and_notes with invalid file
# GIVEN: mocked PresentationController.save_titles_and_notes and an invalid file
with patch('', mock_open(read_data='this is a test')) as mocked_open, \
patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pptviewcontroller.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists, \
patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pptviewcontroller.zipfile.is_zipfile') as mocked_is_zf:
mocked_is_zf.return_value = False
mocked_exists.return_value = True
mocked_open.filesize = 10
self.doc = PptviewDocument(self.ppc,os.path.join(TEST_PATH,"test.ppt"))
self.doc.save_titles_and_notes = MagicMock()
# WHEN: reading the titles and notes
assert mocked_is_zf.call_count == 1

View File

@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
Functional tests to test the Impress class and related methods.
Functional tests to test the PresentationController and PresentationDocument
classes and related methods.
from unittest import TestCase
import os
@ -48,20 +49,25 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
Test PresentationDocument.save_titles_and_notes method with two valid lists
# GIVEN: two lists of length==2 and a mocked open and get_thumbnail_folder
with patch('') as mocked_open, \
mocked_open = mock_open()
with patch('', mocked_open), \
patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.PresentationDocument.get_thumbnail_folder') \
as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder:
t = ['uno', 'dos']
n = ['one', 'two']
titles = ['uno', 'dos']
notes = ['one', 'two']
# WHEN: calling save_titles_and_notes
mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = 'test'
# THEN: the last call to open should have been for slideNotes2.txt
os.path.join('test','slideNotes2.txt'), mode='w')
mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test','titles.txt'), mode='w')
mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test','slideNotes1.txt'), mode='w')
mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test','slideNotes2.txt'), mode='w')
assert mocked_open.call_count == 3, 'There should be exactly three files opened'
def save_titles_and_notes_with_None_and_empty_test(self):
def save_titles_and_notes_with_None_test(self):
Test PresentationDocument.save_titles_and_notes method with no data
@ -69,14 +75,13 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
with patch('') as mocked_open, \
patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.PresentationDocument.get_thumbnail_folder') \
as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder:
t = None
n = []
titles = None
notes = None
# WHEN: calling save_titles_and_notes
mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = 'test'
# THEN: the one and only call to open should have been for titles.txt
os.path.join('test','titles.txt'), mode='w')
# THEN: No file should have been created
assert mocked_open.call_count == 0, 'No file should be created'
def get_titles_and_notes_test(self):
@ -97,9 +102,11 @@ class TestLibModule(TestCase):
assert len(result_titles) == 2
assert type(result_notes) is list
assert len(result_notes) == 2
assert mocked_open.call_count == 3
assert mocked_exists.call_count == 3
assert mocked_open.call_count == 3, 'Three files should be opened'
assert mocked_exists.call_count == 3, 'Three files should have been checked'
def get_titles_and_notes_with_file_not_found_test(self):