This commit is contained in:
Samuel Mehrbrodt 2017-06-12 20:04:17 +02:00
parent a1e1092b10
commit 5fbcbb3047

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@ -35,46 +35,59 @@ from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.mediaitem import SongMediaItem
from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
__default_settings__ = {
'songs/footer template': """{{title}}<br/>
'songs/footer template': """
%if authors_none:
authors = ", ".join(authors_none)
%if authors_words_music:
authors = ", ".join(authors_words_music)
%if authors_words:
authors = ", ".join(authors_words)
%if authors_music:
authors = ", ".join(authors_music)
%if authors_translation:
authors = ", ".join(authors_translation)
%if copyright:
%if songbook_entries:
entries = ", ".join(songbook_entries)
%if ccli_license:
@ -344,14 +357,13 @@ class TestMediaItem(TestCase, TestMixin):
Test build songs footer with basic song and one author
# GIVEN: A Song and a Service Item, mocked settings: True for 'songs/display written by'
# and False for 'core/ccli number' (ccli will cause traceback if true)
# GIVEN: A Song and a Service Item, mocked settings
mocked_settings = MagicMock()
mocked_settings.value.side_effect = [False, "", "0"]
MockedSettings.return_value = mocked_settings
with patch('pystache.Renderer.render') as MockedRenderer:
with patch('mako.template.Template.render_unicode') as MockedRenderer:
mock_song = MagicMock()
mock_song.title = 'My Song'
mock_song.alternate_title = ''
@ -365,27 +377,23 @@ class TestMediaItem(TestCase, TestMixin):
mock_song.copyright = 'My copyright'
mock_song.songbook_entries = []
service_item = ServiceItem(None)
MockedRenderer.return_value = ""
# WHEN: I generate the Footer with default settings
author_list = self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, mock_song)
# THEN: I get nothing real returned
self.assertEqual(service_item.footer_html, "", 'pystache isnt in scope')
# AND: The psytache function was called with the following arguments
MockedRenderer.assert_called_once_with('', {'authors_translation': [], 'authors_music_label': 'Music',
'copyright': 'My copyright', 'songbook_entries': [],
'alternate_title': '', 'topics': [], 'authors_music_all': [],
'authors_words_label': 'Words', 'authors_music': [],
'authors_words_music': [], 'ccli_number': '',
'authors_none_label': 'Written by', 'title': 'My Song',
'authors_words_music_label': 'Words and Music',
'authors_none': [{'last_or_penultimate': True, 'last': True,
'entry': 'my author', 'first': True}],
'ccli_license_label': 'CCLI License', 'authors_words': [],
'ccli_license': '0', 'authors_translation_label': 'Translation',
'authors_words_all': []})
# THEN: The mako function was called with the following arguments
args = {'authors_translation': [], 'authors_music_label': 'Music',
'copyright': 'My copyright', 'songbook_entries': [],
'alternate_title': '', 'topics': [], 'authors_music_all': [],
'authors_words_label': 'Words', 'authors_music': [],
'authors_words_music': [], 'ccli_number': '',
'authors_none_label': 'Written by', 'title': 'My Song',
'authors_words_music_label': 'Words and Music',
'authors_none': ['my author'],
'ccli_license_label': 'CCLI License', 'authors_words': [],
'ccli_license': '0', 'authors_translation_label': 'Translation',
'authors_words_all': []}
self.assertEqual(author_list, ['my author'],
'The author list should be returned correctly with one author')