Change attributes from enumeration to strings. Double underscore class attributes

This commit is contained in:
Samuel Findlay 2012-06-09 05:30:33 +10:00
parent 818e46fba7
commit 6bf5f6d56f
4 changed files with 128 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
Song wizard specific initialisation.
for format in SongFormat.get_format_list():
if not SongFormat.get(format, SongFormat.Availability):
if not SongFormat.get(format, u'availability'):
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
Song wizard specific signals.
for format in SongFormat.get_format_list():
select_mode = SongFormat.get(format, SongFormat.SelectMode)
select_mode = SongFormat.get(format, u'selectMode')
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles:
QtCore.SIGNAL(u'clicked()'), self.onAddButtonClicked)
@ -161,8 +161,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
for format in SongFormat.get_format_list():
format_name, custom_combo_text, select_mode = SongFormat.get(
format, SongFormat.Name, SongFormat.ComboBoxText,
format, u'name', u'comboBoxText', u'selectMode')
combo_box_text = custom_combo_text if custom_combo_text \
else format_name
self.formatComboBox.setItemText(format, combo_box_text)
@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', f_label))
for format in self.disablableFormats:
SongFormat.get(format, SongFormat.DisabledLabelText))
SongFormat.get(format, u'disabledLabelText'))
@ -227,8 +226,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
QtCore.QSettings().setValue(u'songs/last import type',
select_mode, class_, error_msg = SongFormat.get(format,
SongFormat.SelectMode, SongFormat.Class,
u'selectMode', u'class', u'invalidSourceMsg')
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles:
import_source = self.getListOfFiles(
@ -291,8 +289,8 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
def onBrowseButtonClicked(self):
format = self.currentFormat
select_mode, format_name, filter = SongFormat.get(format,
SongFormat.SelectMode, SongFormat.Name, SongFormat.Filter)
select_mode, format_name, filter = SongFormat.get(format, u'selectMode',
u'name', u'filter')
filepathEdit = self.formatWidgets[format][u'filepathEdit']
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.SingleFile:
self.getFileName(WizardStrings.OpenTypeFile % format_name,
@ -304,8 +302,8 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
def onAddButtonClicked(self):
format = self.currentFormat
select_mode, format_name, filter, custom_title = SongFormat.get(format,
SongFormat.SelectMode, SongFormat.Name, SongFormat.Filter,
u'selectMode', u'name', u'filter',
title = custom_title if custom_title \
else WizardStrings.OpenTypeFile % format_name
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles:
@ -338,7 +336,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
last_import_type = 0
for format in SongFormat.get_format_list():
select_mode = SongFormat.get(format, SongFormat.SelectMode)
select_mode = SongFormat.get(format, u'selectMode')
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles:
@ -363,7 +361,7 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
the actual importing.
source_format = self.currentFormat
select_mode = SongFormat.get(source_format, SongFormat.SelectMode)
select_mode = SongFormat.get(source_format, u'selectMode')
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.SingleFile:
importer = self.plugin.importSongs(source_format, filename=unicode(
@ -397,8 +395,8 @@ class SongImportForm(OpenLPWizard):
def addFileSelectItem(self):
format = self.currentFormat
prefix, can_disable, select_mode = SongFormat.get(format,
SongFormat.Prefix, SongFormat.CanDisable, SongFormat.SelectMode)
prefix, can_disable, select_mode = SongFormat.get(format, u'prefix',
u'canDisable', u'selectMode')
page = QtGui.QWidget()
page.setObjectName(prefix + u'Page')
if can_disable:
@ -505,8 +503,8 @@ class SongImportSourcePage(QtGui.QWizardPage):
wizard = self.wizard()
format = wizard.currentFormat
select_mode, format_available = SongFormat.get(format,
SongFormat.SelectMode, SongFormat.Availability)
select_mode, format_available = SongFormat.get(format, u'selectMode',
if format_available:
if select_mode == SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles:
if wizard.formatWidgets[format][u'fileListWidget'].count() > 0:

View File

@ -81,45 +81,40 @@ class SongFormat(object):
Required attributes for each song format:
Import class, e.g. ``OpenLyricsImport``
Name of the format, e.g. ``u'OpenLyrics'``
Prefix for Qt objects. Use mixedCase, e.g. ``u'openLyrics'``
See ``SongImportForm.addFileSelectItem()``
Optional attributes for each song format:
Whether song format importer is disablable.
Whether song format importer is available.
Whether format accepts single file, multiple files, or single folder
(as per ``SongFormatSelect`` options).
File extension filter for ``QFileDialog``.
Optional/custom text Strings for ``SongImportForm`` widgets:
Combo box selector (default value is the format's ``Name``).
Combo box selector (default value is the format's ``u'name'``).
Required for disablable song formats.
Title for ``QFileDialog`` (default includes the format's ``Name``).
Message displayed if ``Class.isValidSource()`` returns ``False``.
Title for ``QFileDialog`` (default includes the format's ``u'name'``).
Message displayed if ``isValidSource()`` returns ``False``.
# Enumeration of song formats and their attributes
# Song formats (ordered alphabetically after Generic)
# * Numerical order of song formats is significant as it determines the
# order used by formatComboBox.
# * Attribute ints are negative so they don't clash with song format ints.
# * Each group of attribute values increments by 10 to facilitate addition
# of more attributes in future.
# Song formats (ordered alphabetically after Generic)
Unknown = -1
OpenLyrics = 0
OpenLP2 = 1
@ -138,158 +133,143 @@ class SongFormat(object):
WordsOfWorship = 14
#CSV = 15
# Required attributes
Class = -10
Name = -11
Prefix = -12
# Optional attributes
CanDisable = -20
Availability = -21
SelectMode = -22
Filter = -23
# Optional/custom text values
ComboBoxText = -30
DisabledLabelText = -31
GetFilesTitle = -32
InvalidSourceMsg = -33
# Set optional attribute defaults
_defaults = {
CanDisable: False,
Availability: True,
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles,
Filter: u'',
ComboBoxText: None,
DisabledLabelText: u'',
GetFilesTitle: None,
InvalidSourceMsg: None
__defaults__ = {
u'canDisable': False,
u'availability': True,
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.MultipleFiles,
u'filter': u'',
u'comboBoxText': None,
u'disabledLabelText': u'',
u'getFilesTitle': None,
u'invalidSourceMsg': None
# Set attribute values for each Song Format
_attributes = {
__attributes__ = {
OpenLyrics: {
Class: OpenLyricsImport,
Name: u'OpenLyrics',
Prefix: u'openLyrics',
Filter: u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': OpenLyricsImport,
u'name': u'OpenLyrics',
u'prefix': u'openLyrics',
u'filter': u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'OpenLyrics Files'),
ComboBoxText: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'comboBoxText': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'OpenLyrics or OpenLP 2.0 Exported Song')
OpenLP2: {
Class: OpenLPSongImport,
Name: UiStrings().OLPV2,
Prefix: u'openLP2',
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
Filter: u'%s (*.sqlite)' % (translate(
u'class': OpenLPSongImport,
u'name': UiStrings().OLPV2,
u'prefix': u'openLP2',
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
u'filter': u'%s (*.sqlite)' % (translate(
'SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenLP 2.0 Databases'))
OpenLP1: {
Name: UiStrings().OLPV1,
Prefix: u'openLP1',
CanDisable: True,
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
Filter: u'%s (*.olp)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'name': UiStrings().OLPV1,
u'prefix': u'openLP1',
u'canDisable': True,
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
u'filter': u'%s (*.olp)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
' v1.x Databases'),
DisabledLabelText: WizardStrings.NoSqlite
u'disabledLabelText': WizardStrings.NoSqlite
Generic: {
Name: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'name': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'Generic Document/Presentation'),
Prefix: u'generic',
CanDisable: True,
DisabledLabelText: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'prefix': u'generic',
u'canDisable': True,
u'disabledLabelText': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'The generic document/presentation importer has been disabled '
'because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice.'),
GetFilesTitle: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'getFilesTitle': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'Select Document/Presentation Files')
Class: CCLIFileImport,
Name: u'CCLI/SongSelect',
Prefix: u'ccli',
Filter: u'%s (*.usr *.txt)' % translate(
u'class': CCLIFileImport,
u'name': u'CCLI/SongSelect',
u'prefix': u'ccli',
u'filter': u'%s (*.usr *.txt)' % translate(
'SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'CCLI SongSelect Files')
DreamBeam: {
Class: DreamBeamImport,
Name: u'DreamBeam',
Prefix: u'dreamBeam',
Filter: u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': DreamBeamImport,
u'name': u'DreamBeam',
u'prefix': u'dreamBeam',
u'filter': u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'DreamBeam Song Files')
EasySlides: {
Class: EasySlidesImport,
Name: u'EasySlides',
Prefix: u'easySlides',
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
Filter: u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': EasySlidesImport,
u'name': u'EasySlides',
u'prefix': u'easySlides',
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
u'filter': u'%s (*.xml)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'EasySlides XML File')
EasyWorship: {
Class: EasyWorshipSongImport,
Name: u'EasyWorship',
Prefix: u'ew',
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
Filter: u'%s (*.db)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': EasyWorshipSongImport,
u'name': u'EasyWorship',
u'prefix': u'ew',
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFile,
u'filter': u'%s (*.db)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'EasyWorship Song Database')
FoilPresenter: {
Class: FoilPresenterImport,
Name: u'Foilpresenter',
Prefix: u'foilPresenter',
Filter: u'%s (*.foil)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'Foilpresenter Song Files')
u'class': FoilPresenterImport,
u'name': u'Foilpresenter',
u'prefix': u'foilPresenter',
u'filter': u'%s (*.foil)' % translate(
'SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Foilpresenter Song Files')
OpenSong: {
Class: OpenSongImport,
Name: WizardStrings.OS,
Prefix: u'openSong'
u'class': OpenSongImport,
u'name': WizardStrings.OS,
u'prefix': u'openSong'
PowerSong: {
Class: PowerSongImport,
Name: u'PowerSong 1.0',
Prefix: u'powerSong',
SelectMode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFolder,
InvalidSourceMsg: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': PowerSongImport,
u'name': u'PowerSong 1.0',
u'prefix': u'powerSong',
u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFolder,
u'invalidSourceMsg': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'You need to specify a valid PowerSong 1.0 database folder.')
SongBeamer: {
Class: SongBeamerImport,
Name: u'SongBeamer',
Prefix: u'songBeamer',
Filter: u'%s (*.sng)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'class': SongBeamerImport,
u'name': u'SongBeamer',
u'prefix': u'songBeamer',
u'filter': u'%s (*.sng)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'SongBeamer Files')
SongShowPlus: {
Class: SongShowPlusImport,
Name: u'SongShow Plus',
Prefix: u'songShowPlus',
Filter: u'%s (*.sbsong)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'SongShow Plus Song Files')
u'class': SongShowPlusImport,
u'name': u'SongShow Plus',
u'prefix': u'songShowPlus',
u'filter': u'%s (*.sbsong)' % translate(
'SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'SongShow Plus Song Files')
SongsOfFellowship: {
Name: u'Songs of Fellowship',
Prefix: u'songsOfFellowship',
CanDisable: True,
Filter: u'%s (*.rtf)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'name': u'Songs of Fellowship',
u'prefix': u'songsOfFellowship',
u'canDisable': True,
u'filter': u'%s (*.rtf)' % translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'Songs Of Fellowship Song Files'),
DisabledLabelText: translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
u'disabledLabelText': translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
'The Songs of Fellowship importer has been disabled because '
'OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice.')
WordsOfWorship: {
Class: WowImport,
Name: u'Words of Worship',
Prefix: u'wordsOfWorship',
Filter: u'%s (*.wsg *.wow-song)' % translate(
u'class': WowImport,
u'name': u'Words of Worship',
u'prefix': u'wordsOfWorship',
u'filter': u'%s (*.wsg *.wow-song)' % translate(
'SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Words Of Worship Song Files')
# },
# CSV: {
# class_: CSVImport,
# name: WizardStrings.CSV,
# prefix: u'csv',
# select_mode: SongFormatSelect.SingleFile
# u'class': CSVImport,
# u'name': WizardStrings.CSV,
# u'prefix': u'csv',
# u'selectMode': SongFormatSelect.SingleFile
@ -333,16 +313,16 @@ class SongFormat(object):
:>1: Return tuple of requested attribute values.
if not attributes:
return SongFormat._attributes.get(format)
return SongFormat.__attributes__.get(format)
elif len(attributes) == 1:
default = SongFormat._defaults.get(attributes[0])
return SongFormat._attributes[format].get(attributes[0],
default = SongFormat.__defaults__.get(attributes[0])
return SongFormat.__attributes__[format].get(attributes[0],
values = []
for attr in attributes:
default = SongFormat._defaults.get(attr)
default = SongFormat.__defaults__.get(attr)
return tuple(values)
@ -351,16 +331,16 @@ class SongFormat(object):
Set specified song format attribute to the supplied value.
SongFormat._attributes[format][attribute] = value
SongFormat.__attributes__[format][attribute] = value
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.OpenLP1, SongFormat.Availability, HAS_OPENLP1)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.OpenLP1, u'availability', HAS_OPENLP1)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.OpenLP1, SongFormat.Class, OpenLP1SongImport)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship, SongFormat.Availability, HAS_SOF)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.OpenLP1, u'class', OpenLP1SongImport)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship, u'availability', HAS_SOF)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship, SongFormat.Class, SofImport)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.Generic, SongFormat.Availability, HAS_OOO)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship, u'class', SofImport)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.Generic, u'availability', HAS_OOO)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.Generic, SongFormat.Class, OooImport)
SongFormat.set(SongFormat.Generic, u'class', OooImport)
__all__ = [u'SongFormat', u'SongFormatSelect']

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class PowerSongImport(SongImport):
Receive either a list of files or a folder (unicode) to import.
from importer import SongFormat
PS_string = SongFormat.get(SongFormat.PowerSong, SongFormat.Name)
PS_string = SongFormat.get(SongFormat.PowerSong, u'name')
if isinstance(self.importSource, unicode):
if os.path.isdir(self.importSource):
dir = self.importSource

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class SongsPlugin(Plugin):
def importSongs(self, format, **kwargs):
class_ = SongFormat.get(format, SongFormat.Class)
class_ = SongFormat.get(format, u'class')
importer = class_(self.manager, **kwargs)
return importer