Dropped <line> element for openlyrics parsing and allow to import formatting tags over multiple lines and tags with only starting tag

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Martin Zibricky 2011-09-20 17:52:19 +02:00
parent 039115c7f4
commit 74c5669194

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@ -547,12 +547,16 @@ class OpenLyrics(object):
name = tag.get(u'name')
if name is None:
start_tag = u'{%s}' % name[:5]
# Some tags have only start tag e.g. {br}
end_tag = u'{' + name[:5] + u'}' if hasattr(tag, 'close') else u''
openlp_tag = {
u'desc': name,
u'start tag': u'{%s}' % name[:5],
u'end tag': u'{/%s}' % name[:5],
u'start tag': start_tag,
u'end tag': end_tag,
u'start html': tag.open.text,
u'end html': tag.close.text,
# Some tags have only start html e.g. {br}
u'end html': tag.close.text if hasattr(tag, 'close') else u'',
u'protected': False,
u'temporary': temporary
@ -562,25 +566,45 @@ class OpenLyrics(object):
FormattingTags.add_html_tags([tag for tag in found_tags
if tag[u'start tag'] not in existing_tag_ids], True)
def _process_line_mixed_content(self, element):
def _process_lines_mixed_content(self, element, newlines=True):
Converts the xml text with mixed content to OpenLP representation.
Chords are skipped and formatting tags are converted.
The property object (lxml.etree.Element).
The switch to enable/disable processing of line breaks <br/>.
The <br/> is used since OpenLyrics 0.8.
text = u''
use_endtag = True
# Skip <chord> element.
if element.tag == u'chord' and element.tail:
# Skip <comment> elements - not yet supported.
if element.tag == NSMAP % u'comment' and element.tail:
# Append tail text at chord element.
text += element.tail
return text
# Skip <chord> element - not yet supported.
elif element.tag == NSMAP % u'chord' and element.tail:
# Append tail text at chord element.
text += element.tail
return text
# Convert line breaks <br/> to \n.
elif newlines and element.tag == NSMAP % u'br':
text += u'\n'
if element.tail:
text += element.tail
return text
# Start formatting tag.
if element.tag == NSMAP % 'tag':
if element.tag == NSMAP % u'tag':
text += u'{%s}' % element.get(u'name')
# Some formattings may have only start tag.
# Handle this case if element has no children and contains no text.
if len(element) == 0 and not element.text:
use_endtag = False
# Append text from element.
if element.text:
@ -589,10 +613,10 @@ class OpenLyrics(object):
# Process nested formatting tags.
for child in element:
# Use recursion since nested formatting tags are allowed.
text += self._process_line_mixed_content(child)
text += self._process_lines_mixed_content(child, newlines)
# Append text from tail and add formatting end tag.
if element.tag == NSMAP % 'tag':
if element.tag == NSMAP % 'tag' and use_endtag:
text += u'{/%s}' % element.get(u'name')
# Append text from tail.
@ -601,17 +625,31 @@ class OpenLyrics(object):
return text
def _process_verse_line(self, line):
def _process_verse_lines(self, lines):
Converts lyrics line to OpenLP representation.
Converts lyrics lines to OpenLP representation.
The line object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement).
The lines object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement).
text = u''
# Convert lxml.objectify to lxml.etree representation.
line = etree.tostring(line)
element = etree.XML(line)
return self._process_line_mixed_content(element)
lines = etree.tostring(lines)
element = etree.XML(lines)
# OpenLyrics version <= 0.7 contais <line> elements to represent lines.
# First child element is tested.
if element[0].tag == NSMAP % 'line':
# Loop over the "line" elements removing comments and chords.
for line in element:
if text:
text += u'\n'
text += self._process_lines_mixed_content(line, newlines=False)
# OpenLyrics 0.8 uses <br/> for new lines.
# Append text from "lines" element to verse text.
text = self._process_lines_mixed_content(element)
return text
def _process_lyrics(self, properties, song_xml, song_obj):
@ -637,14 +675,8 @@ class OpenLyrics(object):
for lines in verse.lines:
if text:
text += u'\n'
# Loop over the "line" elements removing chords.
lines_text = u''
for line in lines.line:
if lines_text:
lines_text += u'\n'
lines_text += self._process_verse_line(line)
# Append text from "lines" element to verse text.
text += lines_text
text += self._process_verse_lines(lines)
# Add a virtual split to the verse text.
if lines.get(u'break') is not None:
text += u'\n[---]'