diff --git a/openlp/core/ui/aboutdialog.py b/openlp/core/ui/aboutdialog.py index 3b9190156..401560cf0 100644 --- a/openlp/core/ui/aboutdialog.py +++ b/openlp/core/ui/aboutdialog.py @@ -166,6 +166,17 @@ class Ui_AboutDialog(object): ' PyQt4: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/' 'intro\n' ' Oxygen Icons: http://oxygen-icons.org/\n' + '\n' + 'Final Credit\n' + ' "For God so loved the world that He gave\n' + ' His one and only Son, so that whoever\n' + ' believes in Him will not perish but inherit\n' + ' eternal life." -- John 3:16\n\n' + ' And last but not least, final credit goes to\n' + ' God our Father, for sending His Son to die\n' + ' on the cross, setting us free from sin. We\n' + ' bring this software to you for free because\n' + ' He has set us free.' )) self.aboutNotebook.setTabText( self.aboutNotebook.indexOf(self.creditsTab),