Last few modifications to the converter.

This commit is contained in:
Raoul Snyman 2009-10-20 18:43:36 +02:00
parent cf7489839d
commit bada6cd34a
1 changed files with 19 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
from traceback import format_tb as get_traceback
# Some global options to be used throughout the import process
dirty_chars = re.compile(r'\W', re.UNICODE)
dirty_chars = re.compile(r'\W ', re.UNICODE)
verbose = False
debug = False
old_cursor = None
@ -73,12 +73,7 @@ create_statements = [
def clean_string(dirty):
return dirty_chars.sub(u'', dirty).replace(u'\r\n', ' ').replace(u'\n', ' ')
def convert_string(buffer_column):
buffer_string = buffer(buffer_column)
#unicode(encoded_string.decode('cp1252', 'replace'))
return unicode(buffer_string, 'utf-8').decode('cp1252', 'replace')
return dirty_chars.sub(u'', dirty.replace(u'\r\n', ' ').replace(u'\n', ' '))
def display_sql(sql, params):
prepared_params = []
@ -128,7 +123,7 @@ def import_songs():
print 'done.'
author_map = {}
for row in rows:
display_name = convert_string(row[1])
display_name = unicode(row[1], u'cp1252')
names = display_name.split(u' ')
first_name = names[0]
last_name = u' '.join(names[1:])
@ -153,10 +148,10 @@ def import_songs():
print 'Importing songs...',
if debug:
print '... SELECT songid AS id, songtitle AS title, lyrics, copyrightinfo AS copyright FROM songs...',
print '... SELECT songid AS id, songtitle AS title, lyrics || \'\' AS lyrics, copyrightinfo AS copyright FROM songs...',
elif verbose:
print '... fetching songs from old database...',
old_cursor.execute(u'SELECT songid AS id, songtitle AS title, lyrics, copyrightinfo AS copyright FROM songs')
old_cursor.execute(u'SELECT songid AS id, songtitle AS title, lyrics || \'\' AS lyrics, copyrightinfo AS copyright FROM songs')
rows = old_cursor.fetchall()
if debug or verbose:
print 'done.'
@ -164,28 +159,32 @@ def import_songs():
xml_lyrics_template = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><song version="1.0"><lyrics language="en">%s</lyrics></song>'
xml_verse_template = u'<verse label="%d" type="Verse"><![CDATA[%s]]></verse>'
for row in rows:
clean_title = convert_string(row[1])
clean_lyrics = convert_string(row[2])
clean_copyright = convert_string(row[3])
clean_title = unicode(row[1], u'cp1252')
clean_lyrics = unicode(row[2], u'cp1252')
clean_copyright = unicode(row[3], u'cp1252')
verse_order = u''
text_lyrics = clean_lyrics.split(u'\n\n')
xml_lyrics = u''
xml_verse = u''
for line, verse in enumerate(text_lyrics):
if not verse:
xml_lyrics += (xml_verse_template % (line + 1, verse))
xml_verse = xml_lyrics_template % xml_lyrics
xml_verse += (xml_verse_template % (line + 1, verse))
verse_order += '%d ' % (line + 1)
xml_lyrics = xml_lyrics_template % xml_verse
search_title = clean_string(clean_title)
search_lyrics = clean_string(clean_lyrics)
sql_insert = u'INSERT INTO songs '\
'(id, title, lyrics, copyright, search_title, search_lyrics) '\
'VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
sql_params = (clean_title, xml_lyrics, clean_copyright, clean_title, clean_lyrics)
'(id, title, lyrics, verse_order, copyright, search_title, search_lyrics) '\
'VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
sql_params = (clean_title, xml_lyrics, verse_order, clean_copyright, clean_title, clean_lyrics)
if debug:
print '...', display_sql(sql_insert, (sql_params[0], u'<xml>', sql_params[2], sql_params[3], u'string'))
print '...', display_sql(sql_insert, (sql_params[0], u'%s...' % clean_lyrics[:7], sql_params[2], sql_params[3], sql_params[4], u'%s...' % search_lyrics[:7]))
elif verbose:
print '... importing "%s"' % clean_title
new_cursor.execute(sql_insert, sql_params)
song_map[row[0]] = new_cursor.lastrowid
if debug:
print ' >>> songs.songid =', row[0], ' =', song_map[row[0]]
if not verbose and not debug:
print 'done.'
if debug or verbose: