More work on using tables.

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Groth 2017-01-28 23:04:16 +01:00
parent 02d6a42ac4
commit c3a953ce1b
2 changed files with 45 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -315,69 +315,32 @@ def expand_tags(text):
return text
def expand_and_align_chords_in_line(match):
def compare_chord_lyric(chord, lyric):
Expand the chords in the line and align them using whitespaces.
NOTE: There is equivalent javascript code in chords.js, in the updateSlide function. Make sure to update both!
:param match:
:return: The line with expanded html-chords
:param chord:
:param lyric:
slimchars = 'fiíIÍjlĺľrtť.,;/ ()|"\'!:\\'
whitespaces = ''
SLIMCHARS = 'fiíIÍjlĺľrtť.,;/ ()|"\'!:\\'
chordlen = 0
taillen = 0
# The match could be "[G]sweet the " from a line like "A[D]mazing [D7]grace! How [G]sweet the [D]sound!"
# The actual chord, would be "G" in match "[G]sweet the "
chord =
# The tailing word of the chord, would be "sweet" in match "[G]sweet the "
tail =
# The remainder of the line, until line end or next chord. Would be " the " in match "[G]sweet the "
remainder =
# Line end if found, else None
end =
# Based on char width calculate width of chord
if chord == ' ':
return 0
for chord_char in chord:
if chord_char not in slimchars:
if chord_char not in SLIMCHARS:
chordlen += 2
chordlen += 1
# Based on char width calculate width of tail
for tail_char in tail:
if tail_char not in slimchars:
taillen += 2
lyriclen = 0
for lyric_char in lyric:
if lyric_char not in SLIMCHARS:
lyriclen += 2
taillen += 1
# Based on char width calculate width of remainder
for remainder_char in remainder:
if remainder_char not in slimchars:
taillen += 2
taillen += 1
# If the chord is wider than the tail+remainder and the line goes on, some padding is needed
if chordlen >= taillen and end is None:
# Decide if the padding should be "_" for drawing out words or spaces
if tail:
if not remainder:
for c in range(math.ceil((chordlen - taillen) / 2) + 1):
whitespaces += '_'
for c in range(chordlen - taillen + 2):
whitespaces += ' '
if not remainder:
for c in range(math.floor((chordlen - taillen) / 2)):
whitespaces += '_'
for c in range(chordlen - taillen + 1):
whitespaces += ' '
lyriclen += 1
if chordlen > lyriclen:
return chordlen - lyriclen
if not tail and remainder and remainder[0] == ' ':
for c in range(chordlen):
whitespaces += ' '
if whitespaces:
whitespaces = '<span class="ws">' + whitespaces + '</span>'
return '<span class="chord"><span><strong>' + chord + '</strong></span></span>' + tail + whitespaces + remainder
return 0
def expand_chords(text):
@ -397,45 +360,49 @@ def expand_chords(text):
words = line.split(' ')
in_note = False
for word in words:
notes = []
chords = []
lyrics = []
new_line += '<table class="segment" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left">'
note = ''
chord = ''
lyric = ''
if '[' in word and ']' in word:
for char in word:
if char == '[':
in_note = True
if lyric != '':
if note == '':
note = '&nbsp;'
if chord == '':
chord = '&nbsp;'
note = ''
chord = ''
lyric = ''
elif char == ']' and in_note:
in_note = False
elif in_note:
note += char
chord += char
lyric += char
if lyric != '' or note != '':
if note == '':
note = '&nbsp;'
if lyric != '' or chord != '':
if chord == '':
chord = '&nbsp;'
if lyric == '':
lyric = '&nbsp;'
new_line += '<tr>'
for note in notes:
new_line += '<td class="note">%s</td>' % note
new_line += '</tr><tr>'
new_chord_line = '<tr>'
new_lyric_line = '</tr><tr>'
for i in range(len(lyrics)):
end_space = ''
spacer = compare_chord_lyric(chords[i], lyrics[i])
new_chord_line += '<td class="note">%s</td>' % chords[i]
if i + 1 == len(lyrics):
end_space = '&nbsp;'
new_line += '<td class="lyrics">%s%s</td>' % (lyrics[i], end_space)
new_line += '</tr>'
new_lyric_line += '<td class="lyrics">%s&nbsp;</td>' % lyrics[i]
if spacer > 0:
space = '&nbsp;' * int(math.ceil(spacer / 2))
new_lyric_line += '<td class="lyrics">%s%s-%s</td>' % (lyrics[i], space, space)
new_lyric_line += '<td class="lyrics">%s</td>' % lyrics[i]
new_line += new_chord_line + new_lyric_line + '</tr>'
new_line += '<tr><td class="note">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td class="lyrics">%s&nbsp;</td></tr>' % word
new_line += '</table>'
@ -443,7 +410,6 @@ def expand_chords(text):
new_line += line
new_line += '</td></tr></table>'
return '{br}'.join(expanded_text_lines)

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@ -587,8 +587,12 @@ LYRICS_SRC = Template("""
table.segment {
float: left;
td.note {}
td.lyrics {}
td.note {
text-align: left;
td.lyrics {
text-align: left;
FOOTER_SRC = Template("""