More media clean-up

This commit is contained in:
Phill 2019-05-26 21:53:54 +01:00
parent c2550777c3
commit cdf29876e2
5 changed files with 14 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ class MediaController(RegistryBase, LogMixin, RegistryProperties):
State().missing_text('media_live', translate('OpenLP.SlideController',
'VLC or pymediainfo are missing, so you are unable to play any media'))
self.service_manager.supported_suffixes(ext[2:] for ext in AUDIO_EXT)
self.service_manager.supported_suffixes(ext[2:] for ext in VIDEO_EXT)
return True
def bootstrap_post_set_up(self):

View File

@ -163,12 +163,6 @@ class MediaPlayer(RegistryProperties):
return ''
def get_info(self):
Returns Information about the player
return ''
def get_live_state(self):
Get the state of the live player

View File

@ -42,20 +42,18 @@ from import MediaPlayer
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Audio and video extensions copied from 'include/vlc_interface.h' from vlc 2.2.0 source
AUDIO_EXT = ['*.3ga', '*.669', '*.a52', '*.aac', '*.ac3', '*.adt', '*.adts', '*.aif', '*.aifc', '*.aiff', '*.amr',
'*.aob', '*.ape', '*.awb', '*.caf', '*.dts', '*.flac', '*.it', '*.kar', '*.m4a', '*.m4b', '*.m4p', '*.m5p',
'*.mid', '*.mka', '*.mlp', '*.mod', '*.mpa', '*.mp1', '*.mp2', '*.mp3', '*.mpc', '*.mpga', '*.mus',
'*.oga', '*.ogg', '*.oma', '*.opus', '*.qcp', '*.ra', '*.rmi', '*.s3m', '*.sid', '*.spx', '*.thd', '*.tta',
'*.voc', '*.vqf', '*.w64', '*.wav', '*.wma', '*.wv', '*.xa', '*.xm']
AUDIO_EXT = ('3ga', '669', 'a52', 'aac', 'ac3', 'adt', 'adts', 'aif', 'aifc', 'aiff', 'amr', 'aob', 'ape', 'awb', 'caf',
'dts', 'flac', 'it', 'kar', 'm4a', 'm4b', 'm4p', 'm5p', 'mid', 'mka', 'mlp', 'mod', 'mpa', 'mp1', 'mp2',
'mp3', 'mpc', 'mpga', 'mus', 'oga', 'ogg', 'oma', 'opus', 'qcp', 'ra', 'rmi', 's3m', 'sid', 'spx', 'thd',
'tta', 'voc', 'vqf', 'w64', 'wav', 'wma', 'wv', 'xa', 'xm')
VIDEO_EXT = ['*.3g2', '*.3gp', '*.3gp2', '*.3gpp', '*.amv', '*.asf', '*.avi', '*.bik', '*.divx', '*.drc', '*.dv',
'*.f4v', '*.flv', '*.gvi', '*.gxf', '*.iso', '*.m1v', '*.m2v', '*.m2t', '*.m2ts', '*.m4v', '*.mkv',
'*.mov', '*.mp2', '*.mp2v', '*.mp4', '*.mp4v', '*.mpe', '*.mpeg', '*.mpeg1', '*.mpeg2', '*.mpeg4', '*.mpg',
'*.mpv2', '*.mts', '*.mtv', '*.mxf', '*.mxg', '*.nsv', '*.nuv', '*.ogg', '*.ogm', '*.ogv', '*.ogx', '*.ps',
'*.rec', '*.rm', '*.rmvb', '*.rpl', '*.thp', '*.tod', '*.ts', '*.tts', '*.txd', '*.vob', '*.vro', '*.webm',
'*.wm', '*.wmv', '*.wtv', '*.xesc',
VIDEO_EXT = ('3g2', '3gp', '3gp2', '3gpp', 'amv', 'asf', 'avi', 'bik', 'divx', 'drc', 'dv', 'f4v', 'flv', 'gvi', 'gxf',
'iso', 'm1v', 'm2v', 'm2t', 'm2ts', 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp2', 'mp2v', 'mp4', 'mp4v', 'mpe', 'mpeg',
'mpeg1', 'mpeg2', 'mpeg4', 'mpg', 'mpv2', 'mts', 'mtv', 'mxf', 'mxg', 'nsv', 'nuv', 'ogg', 'ogm', 'ogv',
'ogx', 'ps', 'rec', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'rpl', 'thp', 'tod', 'ts', 'tts', 'txd', 'vob', 'vro', 'webm', 'wm',
'wmv', 'wtv', 'xesc',
# These extensions was not in the official list, added manually.
'*.nut', '*.rv', '*.xvid']
'nut', 'rv', 'xvid')
def get_vlc():
@ -372,14 +370,3 @@ class VlcPlayer(MediaPlayer):
def get_info(self):
Return some information about this player
return(translate('Media.player', 'VLC is an external player which '
'supports a number of different formats.') +
'<br/> <strong>' + translate('Media.player', 'Audio') +
'</strong><br/>' + str(AUDIO_EXT) + '<br/><strong>' +
translate('Media.player', 'Video') + '</strong><br/>' +
str(VIDEO_EXT) + '<br/>')

View File

@ -75,9 +75,8 @@ class ThemeForm(QtWidgets.QWizard, Ui_ThemeWizard, RegistryProperties):
self.image_path_edit.filters = \
'{name};;{text} (*)'.format(name=get_images_filter(), text=UiStrings().AllFiles)
# TODO: Should work
visible_formats = '({name})'.format(name='; '.join(VIDEO_EXT))
actual_formats = '({name})'.format(name=' '.join(VIDEO_EXT))
visible_formats = '(*.{name})'.format(name='; *.'.join(VIDEO_EXT))
actual_formats = '(*.{name})'.format(name=' *.'.join(VIDEO_EXT))
video_filter = '{trans} {visible} {actual}'.format(trans=translate('OpenLP', 'Video Files'),
visible=visible_formats, actual=actual_formats)
self.video_path_edit.filters = '{video};;{ui} (*)'.format(video=video_filter, ui=UiStrings().AllFiles)

View File

@ -956,20 +956,3 @@ class TestVLCPlayer(TestCase, TestMixin):
expected_calls = [call(True), call(False)]
assert expected_calls == mocked_controller.seek_slider.blockSignals.call_args_list
def test_get_info(self, mocked_translate):
Test that get_info() returns some information about the VLC player
# GIVEN: A VlcPlayer
mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda *x: x[1]
vlc_player = VlcPlayer(None)
# WHEN: get_info() is run
info = vlc_player.get_info()
# THEN: The information should be correct
assert 'VLC is an external player which supports a number of different formats.<br/> ' \
'<strong>Audio</strong><br/>' + str(AUDIO_EXT) + '<br/><strong>Video</strong><br/>' + \
str(VIDEO_EXT) + '<br/>' == info