Improve the worshipcenter pro importer and updated test.

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Groth 2015-10-27 15:00:11 +00:00
parent d65fa351c3
commit fc5f2e1018
2 changed files with 59 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The :mod:`worshipcenterpro` module provides the functionality for importing
a WorshipCenter Pro database into the OpenLP database.
import logging
import re
import pyodbc
from openlp.core.common import translate
@ -71,8 +71,41 @@ class WorshipCenterProImport(SongImport):
self.title = songs[song]['TITLE']
if 'AUTHOR' in songs[song]:
if 'CCLISONGID' in songs[song]:
self.ccli_number = songs[song]['CCLISONGID']
if 'COMMENTS' in songs[song]:
if 'COPY' in songs[song]:
if 'SUBJECT' in songs[song]:
lyrics = songs[song]['LYRICS'].strip('&crlf;&crlf;')
for verse in lyrics.split('&crlf;&crlf;'):
verse = verse.replace('&crlf;', '\n')
marker_type = 'v'
# Find verse markers if any
marker_start = verse.find('<')
if marker_start > -1:
marker_end = verse.find('>')
marker = verse[marker_start + 1:marker_end]
# Identify the marker type
if 'REFRAIN' in marker or 'CHORUS' in marker:
marker_type = 'c'
elif 'BRIDGE' in marker:
marker_type = 'b'
elif 'PRECHORUS' in marker:
marker_type = 'p'
elif 'END' in marker:
marker_type = 'e'
elif 'INTRO' in marker:
marker_type = 'i'
elif 'TAG' in marker:
marker_type = 'o'
marker_type = 'v'
# Strip tags from text
verse = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', verse)
self.add_verse(verse, marker_type)

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@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ This module contains tests for the WorshipCenter Pro song importer.
import os
from unittest import TestCase, SkipTest
if != 'nt':
raise SkipTest('Not Windows, skipping test')
import pyodbc
from tests.functional import patch, MagicMock
@ -67,6 +64,10 @@ class WorshipCenterProImportLogger(WorshipCenterProImport):
RECORDSET_TEST_DATA = [TestRecord(1, 'TITLE', 'Amazing Grace'),
TestRecord(1, 'AUTHOR', 'John Newton'),
TestRecord(1, 'CCLISONGID', '12345'),
TestRecord(1, 'COMMENTS', 'The original version'),
TestRecord(1, 'COPY', 'Public Domain'),
1, 'LYRICS',
'Amazing grace! How&crlf;sweet the sound&crlf;That saved a wretch like me!&crlf;'
@ -97,7 +98,9 @@ RECORDSET_TEST_DATA = [TestRecord(1, 'TITLE', 'Amazing Grace'),
'Just to learn from His&crlf;lips words of comfort&crlf;In the beautiful&crlf;'
'garden of prayer.&crlf;&crlf;There\'s a garden where&crlf;Jesus is waiting,&crlf;'
'And He bids you to come,&crlf;meet Him there;&crlf;Just to bow and&crlf;'
'receive a new blessing&crlf;In the beautiful&crlf;garden of prayer.&crlf;&crlf;')]
'receive a new blessing&crlf;In the beautiful&crlf;garden of prayer.&crlf;&crlf;'),
SONG_TEST_DATA = [{'title': 'Amazing Grace',
'verses': [
('Amazing grace! How\nsweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me!\nI once was lost,\n'
@ -113,7 +116,10 @@ SONG_TEST_DATA = [{'title': 'Amazing Grace',
('The earth shall soon\ndissolve like snow,\nThe sun forbear to shine;\nBut God, Who called\n'
'me here below,\nShall be forever mine.'),
('When we\'ve been there\nten thousand years,\nBright shining as the sun,\n'
'We\'ve no less days to\nsing God\'s praise\nThan when we\'d first begun.')]},
'We\'ve no less days to\nsing God\'s praise\nThan when we\'d first begun.')],
'author': 'John Newton',
'comments': 'The original version',
'copyright': 'Public Domain'},
{'title': 'Beautiful Garden Of Prayer, The',
'verses': [
('There\'s a garden where\nJesus is waiting,\nThere\'s a place that\nis wondrously fair,\n'
@ -191,6 +197,9 @@ class TestWorshipCenterProSongImport(TestCase):
mocked_manager = MagicMock()
mocked_import_wizard = MagicMock()
mocked_add_verse = MagicMock()
mocked_parse_author= MagicMock()
mocked_add_comment = MagicMock()
mocked_add_copyright = MagicMock()
mocked_finish = MagicMock()
mocked_pyodbc.connect().cursor().fetchall.return_value = RECORDSET_TEST_DATA
mocked_translate.return_value = 'Translated Text'
@ -198,6 +207,9 @@ class TestWorshipCenterProSongImport(TestCase):
importer.import_source = 'import_source'
importer.import_wizard = mocked_import_wizard
importer.add_verse = mocked_add_verse
importer.parse_author = mocked_parse_author
importer.add_comment = mocked_add_comment
importer.add_copyright = mocked_add_copyright
importer.stop_import_flag = False
importer.finish = mocked_finish
@ -220,6 +232,12 @@ class TestWorshipCenterProSongImport(TestCase):
verse_calls = song_data['verses']
add_verse_call_count += len(verse_calls)
for call in verse_calls:
mocked_add_verse.assert_any_call(call, 'v')
if 'author' in song_data:
if 'comments' in song_data:
if 'copyright' in song_data:
self.assertEqual(mocked_add_verse.call_count, add_verse_call_count,
'Incorrect number of calls made to add_verse')