# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ The :mod:`openlp.core.common.applocation` module provides an utility for OpenLP receiving the data path etc. """ import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path import appdirs import openlp from openlp.core.common import get_frozen_path, is_macosx, is_win from openlp.core.common.path import create_paths from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry log = logging.getLogger(__name__) FROZEN_APP_PATH = Path(sys.argv[0]).parent APP_PATH = Path(openlp.__file__).parent class AppLocation(object): """ The :class:`AppLocation` class is a static class which retrieves a directory based on the directory type. """ AppDir = 1 DataDir = 2 PluginsDir = 3 VersionDir = 4 CacheDir = 5 LanguageDir = 6 @staticmethod def get_directory(dir_type=AppDir): """ Return the appropriate directory according to the directory type. :param dir_type: The directory type you want, for instance the data directory. Default *AppLocation.AppDir* :return: The requested path :rtype: Path """ if dir_type == AppLocation.AppDir or dir_type == AppLocation.VersionDir: path = get_frozen_path(FROZEN_APP_PATH, APP_PATH) elif dir_type == AppLocation.PluginsDir: path = get_frozen_path(FROZEN_APP_PATH, APP_PATH) / 'plugins' elif dir_type == AppLocation.LanguageDir: path = get_frozen_path(FROZEN_APP_PATH, _get_os_dir_path(dir_type)) / 'i18n' else: path = _get_os_dir_path(dir_type) return path @staticmethod def get_data_path(): """ Return the path OpenLP stores all its data under. :return: The data path to use. :rtype: Path """ # Check if we have a different data location. if Registry().get('settings').contains('advanced/data path'): path = Path(Registry().get('settings').value('advanced/data path')) else: path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.DataDir) create_paths(path) return path @staticmethod def get_files(section=None, extension=''): """ Get a list of files from the data files path. :param None | str section: Defaults to *None*. The section of code getting the files - used to load from a section's data subdirectory. :param str extension: Defaults to ''. The extension to search for. For example:: '.png' :return: List of files found. :rtype: list[Path] """ path = AppLocation.get_data_path() if section: path = path / section try: file_paths = path.glob('*' + extension) return [file_path.relative_to(path) for file_path in file_paths] except OSError: return [] @staticmethod def get_section_data_path(section): """ Return the path a particular module stores its data under. :param str section: :rtype: Path """ path = AppLocation.get_data_path() / section create_paths(path) return path def _get_os_dir_path(dir_type): """ Return a path based on which OS and environment we are running in. :param dir_type: AppLocation Enum of the requested path type :return: The requested path :rtype: Path """ # If running from source, return the language directory from the source directory if dir_type == AppLocation.LanguageDir: directory = Path(openlp.__file__, '..', '..').resolve() / 'resources' if directory.exists(): return directory if is_win(): openlp_folder_path = Path(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'openlp') if dir_type == AppLocation.DataDir: return openlp_folder_path / 'data' elif dir_type == AppLocation.LanguageDir: return Path(openlp.__file__).parent return openlp_folder_path dirs = appdirs.AppDirs('openlp', multipath=True) if is_macosx(): openlp_folder_path = Path(dirs.user_data_dir) if dir_type == AppLocation.DataDir: return openlp_folder_path / 'Data' elif dir_type == AppLocation.LanguageDir: return Path(openlp.__file__).parent return openlp_folder_path else: if dir_type == AppLocation.LanguageDir: site_dirs = dirs.site_data_dir.split(os.pathsep) directory = Path(site_dirs[0]) if directory.exists(): return directory return Path(site_dirs[1]) if dir_type == AppLocation.DataDir: return Path(dirs.user_data_dir) elif dir_type == AppLocation.CacheDir: return Path(dirs.user_cache_dir) if dir_type == AppLocation.DataDir: return Path(os.getenv('HOME'), '.openlp', 'data') return Path(os.getenv('HOME'), '.openlp')