# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2022 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## from zipfile import is_zipfile from lxml import etree, objectify from openlp.core.common.i18n import get_language, translate from openlp.core.common.mixins import LogMixin, RegistryProperties from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry from openlp.core.lib.exceptions import ValidationError from openlp.core.lib.ui import critical_error_message_box from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db import AlternativeBookNamesDB, BibleDB, BiblesResourcesDB class BibleImport(BibleDB, LogMixin, RegistryProperties): """ Helper class to import bibles from a third party source into OpenLP """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.file_path = kwargs.get('file_path') self.wizard = None self.stop_import_flag = False Registry().register_function('openlp_stop_wizard', self.stop_import) @staticmethod def is_compressed(file_path): """ Check if the supplied file is compressed :param pathlib.Path file_path: A path to the file to check """ if is_zipfile(file_path): critical_error_message_box( message=translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleImport', 'The file "{file}" you supplied is compressed. You must decompress it before import.' ).format(file=file_path)) return True return False def get_book_ref_id_by_name(self, book, maxbooks=66, language_id=None): """ Find the book id from the name or abbreviation of the book. If it doesn't currently exist, ask the user. :param book: The name or abbreviation of the book :param maxbooks: The number of books in the bible :param language_id: The language_id of the bible :return: The id of the bible, or None """ self.log_debug('BibleDB.get_book_ref_id_by_name:("{book}", "{lang}")'.format(book=book, lang=language_id)) book_temp = BiblesResourcesDB.get_book(book, True) if book_temp: return book_temp['id'] book_id = BiblesResourcesDB.get_alternative_book_name(book) if book_id: return book_id book_id = AlternativeBookNamesDB.get_book_reference_id(book) if book_id: return book_id from openlp.plugins.bibles.forms import BookNameForm book_name = BookNameForm(self.wizard) if book_name.exec(book, self.get_books(), maxbooks) and book_name.book_id: AlternativeBookNamesDB.create_alternative_book_name(book, book_name.book_id, language_id) return book_name.book_id def get_language(self, bible_name=None): """ If no language is given it calls a dialog window where the user could select the bible language. Return the language id of a bible. :param bible_name: The language the bible is. """ self.log_debug('BibleImpoer.get_language()') from openlp.plugins.bibles.forms import LanguageForm language_id = None language_form = LanguageForm(self.wizard) if language_form.exec(bible_name): combo_box = language_form.language_combo_box language_id = combo_box.itemData(combo_box.currentIndex()) else: return False if not language_id: return None self.save_meta('language_id', language_id) return language_id def get_language_id(self, file_language=None, bible_name=None): """ Get the language_id for the language of the bible. Fallback to user input if we cannot do this pragmatically. :param file_language: Language of the bible. Possibly retrieved from the file being imported. Str :param bible_name: Name of the bible to display on the get_language dialog. Str :return: The id of a language Int or None """ language_id = None if file_language: language = get_language(file_language) if language and language.id: language_id = language.id if not language_id: # The language couldn't be detected, ask the user language_id = self.get_language(bible_name) if not language_id: # User cancelled get_language dialog self.log_error('Language detection failed when importing from "{name}". User aborted language selection.' .format(name=bible_name)) return None self.save_meta('language_id', language_id) return language_id def find_and_create_book(self, name, no_of_books, language_id, guess_id=None): """ Find the OpenLP book id and then create the book in this bible db :param name: Name of the book. If None, then fall back to the guess_id Str :param no_of_books: The total number of books contained in this bible Int :param language_id: The OpenLP id of the language of this bible Int :param guess_id: The guessed id of the book, used if name is None Int :return: """ if name: book_ref_id = self.get_book_ref_id_by_name(name, no_of_books, language_id) else: self.log_debug('No book name supplied. Falling back to guess_id') book_ref_id = guess_id if not book_ref_id: raise ValidationError(msg='Could not resolve book_ref_id in "{}"'.format(self.file_path)) book_details = BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_by_id(book_ref_id) if book_details is None: raise ValidationError(msg='book_ref_id: {book_ref} Could not be found in the BibleResourcesDB while ' 'importing {file}'.format(book_ref=book_ref_id, file=self.file_path)) return self.create_book(name, book_ref_id, book_details['testament_id']) def parse_xml(self, file_path, use_objectify=False, elements=None, tags=None): """ Parse and clean the supplied file by removing any elements or tags we don't use. :param file_path: The filename of the xml file to parse. Str :param use_objectify: Use the objectify parser rather than the etree parser. (Bool) :param elements: A tuple of element names (Str) to remove along with their content. :param tags: A tuple of element names (Str) to remove, preserving their content. :return: The root element of the xml document """ try: with file_path.open('rb') as import_file: # NOTE: We don't need to do any of the normal encoding detection here, because lxml does it's own # encoding detection, and the two mechanisms together interfere with each other. if not use_objectify: tree = etree.parse(import_file, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True)) else: tree = objectify.parse(import_file, parser=objectify.makeparser(recover=True)) if elements or tags: self.wizard.increment_progress_bar( translate('BiblesPlugin.OsisImport', 'Removing unused tags (this may take a few minutes)...')) if elements: # Strip tags we don't use - remove content etree.strip_elements(tree, elements, with_tail=False) if tags: # Strip tags we don't use - keep content etree.strip_tags(tree, tags) return tree.getroot() except OSError as e: self.log_exception('Opening {file_name} failed.'.format(file_name=e.filename)) critical_error_message_box( title='An Error Occured When Opening A File', message='The following error occurred when trying to open\n{file_name}:\n\n{error}' .format(file_name=e.filename, error=e.strerror)) return None def register(self, wizard): """ This method basically just initialises the database. It is called from the Bible Manager when a Bible is imported. Descendant classes may want to override this method to supply their own custom initialisation as well. :param wizard: The actual Qt wizard form. """ self.wizard = wizard return self.name def set_current_chapter(self, book_name, chapter_name): self.wizard.increment_progress_bar(translate('BiblesPlugin.OsisImport', 'Importing {book} {chapter}...') .format(book=book_name, chapter=chapter_name)) def stop_import(self): """ Stops the import of the Bible. """ self.log_debug('Stopping import') self.stop_import_flag = True def validate_xml_file(self, file_path, tag): """ Validate the supplied file :param file_path: The supplied file :param tag: The expected root tag type :return: True if valid. ValidationError is raised otherwise. """ if BibleImport.is_compressed(file_path): raise ValidationError(msg='Compressed file') bible = self.parse_xml(file_path, use_objectify=True) if bible is None: raise ValidationError(msg='Error when opening file') root_tag = bible.tag.lower() bible_type = translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleImport', 'unknown type of', 'This looks like an unknown type of XML bible.') if root_tag == tag: return True elif root_tag == 'bible': bible_type = "OpenSong" elif root_tag == '{http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/osis/namespace}osis': bible_type = 'OSIS' elif root_tag == 'xmlbible': bible_type = 'Zefania' critical_error_message_box( message=translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleImport', 'Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an {bible_type} XML bible.' .format(bible_type=bible_type))) raise ValidationError(msg='Invalid xml.')