# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ This module contains tests for the PdfController """ import os import pytest from pathlib import Path from shutil import rmtree, which from tempfile import mkdtemp from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from openlp.core.common import is_macosx, is_linux, is_win from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings from openlp.core.display.screens import ScreenList from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller import PdfController, PdfDocument from tests.utils.constants import RESOURCE_PATH @pytest.yield_fixture() def pdf_env(settings, mock_plugin): temp_folder_path = Path(mkdtemp()) thumbnail_folder_path = Path(mkdtemp()) desktop = MagicMock() desktop.primaryScreen.return_value = SCREEN['primary'] desktop.screenCount.return_value = SCREEN['number'] desktop.screenGeometry.return_value = SCREEN['size'] ScreenList.create(desktop) yield settings, mock_plugin, temp_folder_path, thumbnail_folder_path rmtree(thumbnail_folder_path) rmtree(temp_folder_path) SCREEN = { 'primary': False, 'number': 1, 'size': QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1024, 768) } IS_CI = 'GITLAB_CI' in os.environ or 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ def get_screen_resolution(): """ Get the screen resolution """ if is_macosx(): from AppKit import NSScreen screen_size = NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size return screen_size.width, screen_size.height elif is_win(): from win32api import GetSystemMetrics return GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1) elif is_linux(): if IS_CI: return 1024, 768 else: from Xlib.display import Display resolution = Display().screen().root.get_geometry() return resolution.width, resolution.height else: return 1024, 768 def test_constructor(settings, mock_plugin): """ Test the Constructor from the PdfController """ # GIVEN: No presentation controller controller = None # WHEN: The presentation controller object is created controller = PdfController(plugin=mock_plugin) # THEN: The name of the presentation controller should be correct assert 'Pdf' == controller.name, 'The name of the presentation controller should be correct' def load_pdf(exe_path, pdf_env): """ Test loading a Pdf using the PdfController """ # GIVEN: A Pdf-file test_file_path = RESOURCE_PATH / 'presentations' / 'pdf_test1.pdf' # WHEN: The Pdf is loaded settings = pdf_env[0] mock_plugin = pdf_env[1] temp_folder_path = pdf_env[2] thumbnail_folder_path = pdf_env[3] settings.setValue('presentations/pdf_program', exe_path) controller = PdfController(plugin=mock_plugin) controller.temp_folder = temp_folder_path controller.thumbnail_folder = thumbnail_folder_path document = PdfDocument(controller, test_file_path) loaded = document.load_presentation() # THEN: The load should succeed and we should be able to get a pagecount assert loaded is True, 'The loading of the PDF should succeed.' assert 3 == document.get_slide_count(), 'The pagecount of the PDF should be 3.' def load_pdf_pictures(exe_path, pdf_env): """ Test loading a Pdf and check the generated pictures' size """ # GIVEN: A Pdf-file test_file_path = RESOURCE_PATH / 'presentations' / 'pdf_test1.pdf' # WHEN: The Pdf is loaded mock_plugin = pdf_env[1] temp_folder_path = pdf_env[2] thumbnail_folder_path = pdf_env[3] Settings().setValue('presentations/pdf_program', exe_path) controller = PdfController(plugin=mock_plugin) controller.temp_folder = temp_folder_path controller.thumbnail_folder = thumbnail_folder_path document = PdfDocument(controller, test_file_path) loaded = document.load_presentation() # THEN: The load should succeed and pictures should be created and have been scaled to fit the screen assert loaded is True, 'The loading of the PDF should succeed.' image = QtGui.QImage(os.path.join(str(temp_folder_path), 'pdf_test1.pdf', 'mainslide001.png')) # Based on the converter used the resolution will differ a bit if controller.gsbin: assert 1076 == image.height(), 'The height should be 1076' assert 760 == image.width(), 'The width should be 760' else: width, height = get_screen_resolution() # Calculate the width of the PDF based on the aspect ratio of the PDF width = int(round(height * 0.70703125, 0)) assert image.height() == height, 'The height should be {height}'.format(height=height) assert image.width() == width, 'The width should be {width}'.format(width=width) def test_load_pdf(pdf_env): """ Test loading a Pdf with each of the installed backends """ for exe_name in ['gs', 'mutool', 'mudraw']: exe_path = which(exe_name) if exe_path: load_pdf(exe_path, pdf_env) load_pdf_pictures(exe_path, pdf_env) def test_loading_pdf_using_pymupdf(): try: import fitz # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pytest.skip('PyMuPDF is not installed') load_pdf(None) load_pdf_pictures(None) @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists') def test_process_check_binary_mudraw(mocked_check_binary_exists): """ Test that the correct output from mudraw is detected """ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns mudraw output mudraw_output = (b'usage: mudraw [options] input [pages]\n\t-o -\toutput filename (%d for page number)n\t\tsupp' b'orted formats: pgm, ppm, pam, png, pbmn\t-p -\tpasswordn\t-r -\tresolution in dpi (default: ' b'72)n\t-w -\twidth (in pixels) (maximum width if -r is specified)n\t-h -\theight (in pixels) ' b'(maximum height if -r is specified)') mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = mudraw_output # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test') # THEN: mudraw should be detected assert 'mudraw' == ret, 'mudraw should have been detected' @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists') def test_process_check_binary_new_motool(mocked_check_binary_exists): """ Test that the correct output from the new mutool is detected """ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns new mutool output new_mutool_output = (b'usage: mutool [options]\n\tdraw\t-- convert document\n\trun\t-- run javascript' b'\n\tclean\t-- rewrite pdf file\n\textract\t-- extract font and image resources\n\tinfo\t' b'-- show information about pdf resources\n\tpages\t-- show information about pdf pages\n' b'\tposter\t-- split large page into many tiles\n\tshow\t-- show internal pdf objects\n\t' b'create\t-- create pdf document\n\tmerge\t-- merge pages from multiple pdf sources into a' b'new pdf\n') mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = new_mutool_output # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test') # THEN: mutool should be detected assert 'mutool' == ret, 'mutool should have been detected' @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists') def test_process_check_binary_old_motool(mocked_check_binary_exists): """ Test that the output from the old mutool is not accepted """ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns old mutool output old_mutool_output = (b'usage: mutool [options]\n\tclean\t-- rewrite pdf file\n\textract\t-- extract ' b'font and image resources\n\tinfo\t-- show information about pdf resources\n\tposter\t-- ' b'split large page into many tiles\n\tshow\t-- show internal pdf objects') mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = old_mutool_output # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test') # THEN: mutool should be detected assert ret is None, 'old mutool should not be accepted!' @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists') def test_process_check_binary_gs(mocked_check_binary_exists): """ Test that the correct output from gs is detected """ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns gs output gs_output = (b'GPL Ghostscript 9.19 (2016-03-23)\nCopyright (C) 2016 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserv' b'ed.\nUsage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]') mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = gs_output # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test') # THEN: mutool should be detected assert 'gs' == ret, 'mutool should have been detected'