AlertsPlugin &Alert W&aarskuwing Show an alert message. Vertoon 'n waarskuwing boodskap. Alert name singular Waarskuwing Alerts name plural Waarskuwings Alerts container title Waarskuwings <strong>Alerts Plugin</strong><br />The alert plugin controls the displaying of alerts on the display screen. <strong>Waarskuwings Inprop-program</strong><br />Die waarskuwings inprop-program beheer die vertoning van waarskuwings op die skerm. AlertsPlugin.AlertForm Alert Message Waarskuwing Boodskap Alert &text: Waarskuwing &teks: &New &Nuwe &Save &Stoor Displ&ay V&ertoon Display && Cl&ose Vert&oon && Maak toe New Alert Nuwe Waarskuwing &Parameter: &Parameter: No Parameter Found Geen Parameter Gevind nie You have not entered a parameter to be replaced. Do you want to continue anyway? Daar is nie 'n parameter gegee om te vervang nie. Gaan steeds voort? No Placeholder Found Geen Plekhouer Gevind nie The alert text does not contain '<>'. Do you want to continue anyway? Die waarskuwing-teks bevat nie '<>' nie. Wil jy steeds voortgaan? You haven't specified any text for your alert. Please type in some text before clicking New. Daar is geen teks vir die waarskuwing ingesluetel nie. Voer asseblief enige teks in voordat die Nuwe balkie gekliek word. AlertsPlugin.AlertsManager Alert message created and displayed. Waarskuwing boodskap is geskep en vertoon. AlertsPlugin.AlertsTab Font Skriftipe Font name: Skrif naam: Font color: Skrif kleur: Font size: Skrif grootte: Alert timeout: Waarskuwing verstreke-tyd: BiblesPlugin &Bible &Bybel Bible name singular Bybel Bibles name plural Bybels Bibles container title Bybels No Book Found Geen Boek Gevind nie No matching book could be found in this Bible. Check that you have spelled the name of the book correctly. Geen ooreenstemmende boek kon in hierdie Bybel gevind word nie. Maak seker dat die naam van die boek korrek gespel is. Import a Bible. Voer 'n Bybel in. Add a new Bible. Voeg 'n nuwe Bybel by. Edit the selected Bible. Redigeer geselekteerde Bybel. Delete the selected Bible. Wis die geselekteerde Bybel uit. Preview the selected Bible. Voorskou die geselekteerde Bybel. Send the selected Bible live. Stuur die geselekteerde Bybel na die regstreekse skerm. Add the selected Bible to the service. Voeg die geselekteerde Bybel by die diens. <strong>Bible Plugin</strong><br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible verses from different sources during the service. <strong>Bybel Inprop-program</strong<br />Die Bybel inprop-program verskaf die vermoë om Bybelverse vanaf verskillende bronne te vertoon tydens die diens. Genesis Genesis Exodus Eksodus Leviticus Livitikus Numbers Numeri Deuteronomy Deuterononium Joshua Josua Judges Rigters Ruth Rut 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1 Konings 2 Kings 2 Konings 1 Chronicles 1 Kronieke 2 Chronicles 2 Kronieke Ezra Esra Nehemiah Nehemia Esther Ester Job Job Psalms Psalms Proverbs Spreuke van Salomo Ecclesiastes Prediker Song of Solomon Hooglied van Salomo Isaiah Jesaja Jeremiah Jeremia Lamentations Klaagliedere van Jeremia Ezekiel Esegiël Daniel Daniël Hosea Hosea Joel Joël Amos Amos Obadiah Obadja Jonah Jona Micah Miga Nahum Nahum Habakkuk Habakuk Zephaniah Sefanja Haggai Haggai Zechariah Sagaria Malachi Maleagi Matthew Matteus Mark Markus Luke Lukas John Johannes Acts Handelinge Romans Romeine 1 Corinthians 1 Korintiërs 2 Corinthians 2 Korintiërs Galatians Galasiërs Ephesians Effesiërs Philippians Filippense Colossians Kolossense 1 Thessalonians 1 Tessalonisense 2 Thessalonians 2 Tessalonisense 1 Timothy 1 Timoteus 2 Timothy 2 Timoteus Titus Titus Philemon Filemon Hebrews Hebreërs James Jakobus 1 Peter 1 Petrus 2 Peter 2 Petrus 1 John 1 Johannes 2 John 2 Johannes 3 John 3 Johannes Jude Judas Revelation Openbaring Judith Judit Wisdom Wysheid van Salomo Tobit Tobit Sirach Sirag Baruch Barug 1 Maccabees 1 Makkabeërs 2 Maccabees 2 Makkabeërs 3 Maccabees 3 Makkabeërs 4 Maccabees 4 Makkabeërs Rest of Daniel Byvoegings tot Daniël Rest of Esther Byvoegings tot Ester Prayer of Manasses Gebed van Manasse Letter of Jeremiah Brief van Jeremia Prayer of Azariah Gebed van Asarja Susanna Susanna Bel Bel en die Draak 1 Esdras 1 Esdras 2 Esdras 2 Esdras : Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 : 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 : v Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 v 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 v V Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 V 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 V verse Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 vers verses Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verses 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 to 2 verse - range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 - to range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 tot , connecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2, 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5 , and connecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 and 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5 en end ending identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - end = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To The Last Verse einde BiblesPlugin.BibleEditForm You need to specify a version name for your Bible. Dit word vereis om 'n weergawe naam vir die Bybel te spesifiseer. You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. Kopiereg moet vir jou Bybel ingestel word. Bybels in die Publieke Domein moet sodanig gemerk word. Bible Exists Bybel Bestaan This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. Hierdie Bybel bestaan reeds. Voer asseblief 'n ander Bybel in, of wis eers die bestaande een uit. Duplicate Book Name Duplikaat Boek Naam You need to specify a book name for "{text}". Jy moet 'n boek naam spesifiseer vir "{text}". The book name "{name}" is not correct. Numbers can only be used at the beginning and must be followed by one or more non-numeric characters. Die boek naam "{name}" is verkeerd. Nommers kan slegs gebruik word aan die begin en moet word gevolg deur een of meer nie-numeriese karakters. The Book Name "{name}" has been entered more than once. BiblesPlugin.BibleImport The file "{file}" you supplied is compressed. You must decompress it before import. unknown type of This looks like an unknown type of XML bible. BiblesPlugin.BibleManager Scripture Reference Error Skrif Verwysing Fout Web Bible cannot be used in Text Search Text Search is not available with Web Bibles. Please use the Scripture Reference Search instead. This means that the currently used Bible or Second Bible is installed as Web Bible. If you were trying to perform a Reference search in Combined Search, your reference is invalid. Nothing found BiblesPlugin.BiblesTab Verse Display Vers Vertoning Only show new chapter numbers Vertoon net nuwe hoofstuk nommers Bible theme: Bybel tema: No Brackets Geen Hakkies ( And ) ( En ) { And } { En } [ And ] [ En ] Display second Bible verses Vertoon tweede Bybel se verse Custom Scripture References Aangepasde Skrifgedeelte Verwysing Multiple alternative verse separators may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. Veelvoudige alternatiewe vers verdelers mag gedefinieer word. Hulle moet geskei word deur 'n vertikale staaf "|". Maak asseblief hierdie redigeer lyn skoon om die verstek waarde te gebruik. English Afrikaans Default Bible Language Verstek Bybel Taal Book name language in search field, search results and on display: Boek naam taal in soek veld, soek resultate en op die vertoning: Bible Language Bybel Vertaling Application Language Program Taal Show verse numbers Wys versnommers Note: Changes do not affect verses in the Service Verse separator: Range separator: List separator: End mark: Quick Search Settings Reset search type to "Text or Scripture Reference" on startup Don't show error if nothing is found in "Text or Scripture Reference" Search automatically while typing (Text search must contain a minimum of {count} characters and a space for performance reasons) BiblesPlugin.BookNameDialog Select Book Name Kies Boek Naam Current name: Huidige naam: Corresponding name: Ooreenstemmende naam: Show Books From Wys Boeke Van Old Testament Ou Testament New Testament Nuwe Testament Apocrypha Apokriewe The following book name cannot be matched up internally. Please select the corresponding name from the list. Die volgende boek name kon nie intern gevind word nie. Kies asseblief die ooreenstemmende naam van die lys. BiblesPlugin.BookNameForm You need to select a book. Kies asseblief 'n boek. BiblesPlugin.CSVBible Importing books... {book} Importing verses from {book}... Importing verses from <book name>... BiblesPlugin.EditBibleForm Bible Editor Bybel Redigeerder License Details Lisensie Besonderhede Version name: Weergawe naam: Copyright: Kopiereg: Permissions: Toestemming: Default Bible Language Verstek Bybel Taal Book name language in search field, search results and on display: Boek naam taal in soek veld, soek resultate en op die vertoning: Global Settings Globale Instellings Bible Language Bybel Taal Application Language Program Taal English Afrikaans This is a Web Download Bible. It is not possible to customize the Book Names. Hierdie is 'n Web Aflaai Bybel. Dit is nie moontlik om die Boek Name aan te pas nie. To use the customized book names, "Bible language" must be selected on the Meta Data tab or, if "Global settings" is selected, on the Bible page in Configure OpenLP. Om eie boek name te gebruik, moet "Bybel taal" in die Meta Data blad op die Bybel bladsy OpenLP Instelling gekies wees, of wanneer "Globale instellings" geselekteer is. Full license: BiblesPlugin.HTTPBible Registering Bible and loading books... Registreer Bybel en laai boeke... Registering Language... Taal registrasie... Download Error Aflaai Fout There was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection, and if this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Daar was 'n probleem om die gekose verse af te laai. Gaan die Internet konneksie na en as hierdie probleem voortduur, oorweeg dit asseblief om 'n gogga te rapporteer. Parse Error Ontleed Fout There was a problem extracting your verse selection. If this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Daar was 'n probleem om die gekose verse te onttrek. As hierdie probleem voortduur, oorweeg dit asseblief om 'n gogga te rapporteer. Importing {book}... Importing <book name>... BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm Bible Import Wizard Bybel Invoer Gids This wizard will help you to import Bibles from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. Hierdie gids sal u help om Bybels van 'n verskeidenheid formate in te voer. Kliek die volgende knoppie hieronder om die proses te begin deur 'n formaat te kies om in te voer. Web Download Web Aflaai Location: Ligging: Crosswalk Crosswalk BibleGateway BibleGateway Bible: Bybel: Download Options Aflaai Opsies Server: Bediener: Username: Gebruikersnaam: Password: Wagwoord: Proxy Server (Optional) Tussenganger Bediener (Opsioneel) License Details Lisensie Besonderhede Set up the Bible's license details. Stel hierdie Bybel se lisensie besonderhede op. Version name: Weergawe naam: Copyright: Kopiereg: Please wait while your Bible is imported. Wag asseblief terwyl u Bybel ingevoer word. You need to specify a file with books of the Bible to use in the import. 'n Lêer met boeke van die Bybel moet gespesifiseer word vir gebruik tydens die invoer. You need to specify a file of Bible verses to import. 'n Lêer met Bybel verse moet gespesifiseer word om in te voer. You need to specify a version name for your Bible. Jy moet 'n weergawe naam vir die Bybel spesifiseer. You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. Kopiereg moet vir jou Bybel ingestel word. Bybels in die Publieke Domein moet sodanig gemerk word. Bible Exists Bybel Bestaan reeds This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. Hierdie Bybel bestaan reeds. Voer asseblief 'n ander Bybel in, of wis eers die bestaande een uit. Your Bible import failed. Die Bybel invoer het misluk. CSV File KGW Lêer Bibleserver Bybelbediener Permissions: Toestemming: Bible file: Bybel lêer: Books file: Boeke lêer: Verses file: Verse lêer: Registering Bible... Bybel word geregistreer... Registered Bible. Please note, that verses will be downloaded on demand and thus an internet connection is required. Geregistreerde Bybel. Neem asseblief kennis dat verse op aanvraag afgelaai sal word en sal derhalwe 'n internet-verbinding benodig. Click to download bible list Klik om die Bybel lys af te laai Download bible list Laai Bybel lys af Error during download Fout tydens aflaai An error occurred while downloading the list of bibles from %s. Daar was 'n probleem om die lys van bybels af te laai vanaf %s. Bibles: SWORD data folder: SWORD zip-file: Defaults to the standard SWORD data folder Import from folder Import from Zip-file To import SWORD bibles the pysword python module must be installed. Please read the manual for instructions. Full license: BiblesPlugin.LanguageDialog Select Language Kies 'n Taal OpenLP is unable to determine the language of this translation of the Bible. Please select the language from the list below. OpenLP is nie in staat om die taal van hierdie Bybelvertaling te bepaal nie. Kies asseblief die taal van die lys hieronder. Language: Taal: BiblesPlugin.LanguageForm You need to choose a language. Kies asseblief 'n taal. BiblesPlugin.MediaItem Find: Vind: Book: Boek: Chapter: Hoofstuk: Verse: Vers: From: Vanaf: To: Tot: Text Search Teks Soektog Second: Tweede: Scripture Reference Skrif Verwysing Toggle to keep or clear the previous results. Wissel om die vorige resultate te behou of te verwyder. You cannot combine single and dual Bible verse search results. Do you want to delete your search results and start a new search? Enkel en dubbel Bybel-vers soek-resultate kan nie gekombineer word nie. Wis die resultate uit en begin 'n nuwe soektog? Bible not fully loaded. Die Bybel is nie ten volle gelaai nie. Information Informasie Search Scripture Reference... Soek Bybel Verwysing... Search Text... Soek Teks... Search Soek Select Clear the search results. Text or Reference Text or Reference... Are you sure you want to completely delete "{bible}" Bible from OpenLP? You will need to re-import this Bible to use it again. The second Bible does not contain all the verses that are in the main Bible. Only verses found in both Bibles will be shown. {count:d} verses have not been included in the results. BiblesPlugin.OsisImport Removing unused tags (this may take a few minutes)... Verwydering van ongebruikte tags (dit mag 'n paar minuute neem)... Importing {book} {chapter}... BiblesPlugin.Sword Importing {name}... BiblesPlugin.SwordImport An unexpected error happened while importing the SWORD bible, please report this to the OpenLP developers. {error} BiblesPlugin.ZefaniaImport Incorrect Bible file type supplied. Zefania Bibles may be compressed. You must decompress them before import. Ongeldige Bybel lêertipe verskaf. Zefania Bybels mag dalk saamgeperste lêers wees. Jy moet hulle eers ontpers voordat hulle ingevoer word. BiblesPlugin.Zefnia Importing {book} {chapter}... CustomPlugin Custom Slide name singular Pasgemaakte Skyfie Custom Slides name plural Pasgemaakte Skyfies Custom Slides container title Pasgemaakte Skyfies Load a new custom slide. Laai 'n nuwe pasgemaakte skyfie. Import a custom slide. Voer 'n pasgemaakte skyfie in. Add a new custom slide. Voeg 'n nuwe pasgemaakte skyfie by. Edit the selected custom slide. Redigeer die gekose pasgemaakte skyfie. Delete the selected custom slide. Vee die gekose pasgemaakte skyfie uit. Preview the selected custom slide. Voorskou die gekose pasgemaakte skyfie. Send the selected custom slide live. Stuur die gekose pasgemaakte skyfie regstreeks. Add the selected custom slide to the service. Voeg die gekose pasgemaakte skyfie by die orde van die diens. <strong>Custom Slide Plugin </strong><br />The custom slide plugin provides the ability to set up custom text slides that can be displayed on the screen the same way songs are. This plugin provides greater freedom over the songs plugin. <strong>Aanpas Skyfie Mini-program</strong><br/>Die aanpas skyfie mini-program verskaf die vermoë om aangepasde teks skyfies op te stel wat in dieselfde manier gebruik word as die liedere mini-program. Dié mini-program verskaf grooter vryheid as die liedere mini-program. CustomPlugin.CustomTab Custom Display Pasgemaakte Vertoning Display footer Vertoon voetspasie Import missing custom slides from service files Voer vermisde aanpas skyfies in vanaf diens lêers CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm Edit Custom Slides Redigeer Pasgemaakte Skyfies &Title: &Titel: Add a new slide at bottom. Voeg 'n nuwe skyfie aan die onderkant by. Edit the selected slide. Wysig die gekose skyfie. Edit all the slides at once. Wysig al die skyfies tegelyk. Split a slide into two by inserting a slide splitter. Verdeel 'n skyfie deur 'n skyfie-verdeler te gebruik. The&me: Te&ma: &Credits: &Krediete: You need to type in a title. 'n Titel word vereis. Ed&it All Red&igeer Alles Insert Slide Voeg 'n Skyfie in You need to add at least one slide. Ten minste een skyfie moet bygevoeg word CustomPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Slide Wysig Skyfie CustomPlugin.MediaItem Are you sure you want to delete the "{items:d}" selected custom slide(s)? ImagePlugin <strong>Image Plugin</strong><br />The image plugin provides displaying of images.<br />One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the theme. <strong>Beeld Mini-program</strong><br/>Die beeld mini-program verskaf vertoning van beelde.<br/>Een van die onderskeidende kenmerke van hierdie mini-program is die vermoë om beelde te groepeer in die diensbestuurder wat dit maklik maak om verskeie beelde te vertoon. Die mini-program kan ook van OpenLP se "tydgebonde herhaling"-funksie gebruik maak om 'n automatiese skyfe-vertoning te verkry. Verder kan beelde van hierdie mini-program gebruik word om die huidige tema se agtergrond te vervang hoewel 'n tema sy eie agtergrond het. Image name singular Beeld Images name plural Beelde Images container title Beelde Add a new image. Voeg 'n nuwe beeld by. Edit the selected image. Redigeer die geselekteerde beeld. Delete the selected image. Wis die geselekteerde beeld uit. Preview the selected image. Skou die geselekteerde beeld. Send the selected image live. Stuur die geselekteerde beeld regstreeks. Add the selected image to the service. Voeg die geselekteerde beeld by die diens. Add new image(s). Add new image(s) ImagePlugin.AddGroupForm Add group Voeg groep by Parent group: Ouer groep: Group name: Groep naam: You need to type in a group name. 'n Groep naam moet ingevoer word. Could not add the new group. Nuwe groep kon nie bygevoeg word nie. This group already exists. Hierdie groep bestaan reeds. ImagePlugin.ChooseGroupForm Select Image Group Selekteer Beeld Groep Add images to group: Voeg beelde by groep: No group Geen groep Existing group Reeds bestaande groep New group Nuwe groep ImagePlugin.ExceptionDialog Select Attachment Selekteer Aanhangsel ImagePlugin.MediaItem Select Image(s) Selekteer beeld(e) You must select an image to replace the background with. 'n Beeld wat die agtergrond vervang moet gekies word. Missing Image(s) Vermisde Beeld(e) There was no display item to amend. Daar was geen vertoon item om by te voeg nie. -- Top-level group -- -- Boonste vlak groep -- You must select an image or group to delete. Of 'n beeld of 'n groep om uit te wis moet geselekteer word. Remove group Verwyder groep Are you sure you want to remove "{name}" and everything in it? The following image(s) no longer exist: {names} The following image(s) no longer exist: {names} Do you want to add the other images anyway? There was a problem replacing your background, the image file "{name}" no longer exists. ImagesPlugin.ImageTab Visible background for images with aspect ratio different to screen. Visuele agtergrond vir beelde met 'n aspek verhouding wat verskil met dié van die skerm. Media.player Audio Oudio Video Video VLC is an external player which supports a number of different formats. VLC is 'n eksterne speler wat 'n aantal verskillende formate ondersteun. Webkit is a media player which runs inside a web browser. This player allows text over video to be rendered. WebKit is 'n media-speler wat loop in 'n webblaaier. Hierdie speler toelaat teks oor video gelewer moet word. This media player uses your operating system to provide media capabilities. Hierdie media-speler gebruik jou bedryfstelsel om media vermoëns. MediaPlugin <strong>Media Plugin</strong><br />The media plugin provides playback of audio and video. <strong>Media Mini-program</strong><br/>Die media mini-program verskaf speel funksies van audio en video. Media name singular Media Media name plural Media Media container title Media Load new media. Laai nuwe media. Add new media. Voeg nuwe media by. Edit the selected media. Redigeer di geselekteerde media. Delete the selected media. Wis die giselekteerde media uit. Preview the selected media. Skou die geselekteerde media. Send the selected media live. Stuur die geselekteerde media regstreeks. Add the selected media to the service. Voeg die geselekteerde media by die diens. MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelector Select Media Clip Selekteer Media Gedeelte Source Bron Media path: Media pad: Select drive from list Selekteer hardeskyf vanaf lys Load disc Laai skyf Track Details Snit Inligting Title: Titel: Audio track: Oudio snit: Subtitle track: Subtitel snit: HH:mm:ss.z HH:mm:ss.z Clip Range Gedeelte Omvang Start point: Begin punt: Set start point Stel begin punt Jump to start point Spring na begin punt End point: Eindpunt: Set end point Stel eindpunt Jump to end point Spring na eindpunt MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelectorForm No path was given Geen pad gegee Given path does not exists Gegewe pad bestaan nie An error happened during initialization of VLC player 'n Fout het gebeur tydens inisialisering van VLC speler VLC player failed playing the media VLC speler versuim om die media te speel CD not loaded correctly CD nie korrek gelaai nie The CD was not loaded correctly, please re-load and try again. Die CD was nie korrek gelaai nie, laai weer en probeer weer asseblief. DVD not loaded correctly DVD nie korrek gelaai nie The DVD was not loaded correctly, please re-load and try again. Die DVD was nie korrek gelaai nie, laai weer en probeer weer asseblief. Set name of mediaclip Stel naam van video gedeelte Name of mediaclip: Naam van media gedeelte: Enter a valid name or cancel Gee 'n geldige naam of kanselleer Invalid character Ongeldige karakter The name of the mediaclip must not contain the character ":" Die naam van die media gedeelta mag nie die ":" karakter bevat nie MediaPlugin.MediaItem Select Media Selekteer Media You must select a media file to delete. 'n Media lêer om uit te wis moet geselekteer word. You must select a media file to replace the background with. 'n Media lêer wat die agtergrond vervang moet gekies word. Missing Media File Vermisde Media Lêer There was no display item to amend. Daar was geen vertoon item om by te voeg nie. Unsupported File Lêer nie Ondersteun nie Use Player: Gebruik Speler: VLC player required VLC speler vereis VLC player required for playback of optical devices VLC speler is vir die speel van optiese toestelle nodig Load CD/DVD Laai CD/DVD Mediaclip already saved Media gedeelte alreeds gestoor This mediaclip has already been saved Hierdie media gedeelte is alreeds gestoor File %s not supported using player %s Unsupported Media File CD/DVD playback is only supported if VLC is installed and enabled. There was a problem replacing your background, the media file "{name}" no longer exists. The optical disc {name} is no longer available. The file {name} no longer exists. Videos ({video});;Audio ({audio});;{files} (*) MediaPlugin.MediaTab Allow media player to be overridden Laat toe dat media speler oorheers word Start new Live media automatically OpenLP Image Files Beeld Lêers Backup Backup of the data folder failed! Open Video Files Data Directory Error Data Lêer Fout OpenLP data folder was not found in: {path} The location of the data folder was previously changed from the OpenLP's default location. If the data was stored on removable device, that device needs to be made available. You may reset the data location back to the default location, or you can try to make the current location available. Do you want to reset to the default data location? If not, OpenLP will be closed so you can try to fix the the problem. OpenLP has been upgraded, do you want to create a backup of the old data folder? A backup of the data folder has been created at: {text} OpenLP.AboutForm Credits Krediete License Lisensie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. Hierdie program is gratis sagteware, u kan dit herversprei en / of wysig onder die voorwaardes van die GNU General Public License, soos gepubliseer deur die Free Software Foundation; weergawe 2 van die lisensie. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See below for more details. Hierdie program word versprei in die hoop dat dit nuttig sal wees, maar SONDER ENIGE WAARBORG; sonder die geïmpliseerde waarborg van VERHANDELBAARHEID of GESKIKTHEID VIR 'N SPESIFIEKE DOEL. Sien hieronder vir meer inligting. OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations (if Impress, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is installed) for church worship using a computer and a data projector. Find out more about OpenLP: OpenLP is written and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to see more free Christian software being written, please consider volunteering by using the button below. OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection OpenLP is gratis kerklike aanbieding of liedere projeksie sagteware, wat gebruik word om skyfies van liedere, Bybel verse, videos, beelde en selfs aanbiedinge (as Impress, PowerPoint of PowerPoint Viewer geïnstalleer is) te vertoon deur gebruik te maak van 'n rekenaar en 'n data projektor. Vind meer uit aangaande OpenLP: OpenLP is geskryf en word onderhou deur vrywilligers. As jy meer gratis Christelike sagteware wil sien, oorweeg dit asseblief om ook vrywillig te wees deur die knoppie hieronder te gebruik. Volunteer Vrywilliger Project Lead Developers Contributors Packagers Testers Translators Afrikaans (af) Czech (cs) Danish (da) German (de) Greek (el) English, United Kingdom (en_GB) English, South Africa (en_ZA) Spanish (es) Estonian (et) Finnish (fi) French (fr) Hungarian (hu) Indonesian (id) Japanese (ja) Norwegian Bokmål (nb) Dutch (nl) Polish (pl) Portuguese, Brazil (pt_BR) Russian (ru) Swedish (sv) Tamil(Sri-Lanka) (ta_LK) Chinese(China) (zh_CN) Documentation Final Credit "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but inherit eternal life." -- John 3:16 And last but not least, final credit goes to God our Father, for sending His Son to die on the cross, setting us free from sin. We bring this software to you for free because He has set us free. build {version} Built With Python: Qt5: PyQt5: Oxygen Icons: MuPDF: MediaInfo: Copyright {crs} 2004-{yr} {cr} Portions copyright {crs} 2004-{yr} {others} OpenLP.AdvancedTab UI Settings GK (UI) Verstellings Expand new service items on creation Sit die nuwe diens items uit wanneer dit geskep word Enable application exit confirmation Stel die program in staat om die uitgang bevestiging te vertoon Mouse Cursor Muis Wyser Hide mouse cursor when over display window Steek die muis wyser weg wanneer dit oor die vertoon venster beweeg Open File Maak Lêer oop Advanced Gevorderd Default Service Name Verstek Diens Naam Enable default service name Laat verstek diens naam toe Date and Time: Datum en Tyd: Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Sunday Sondag Now Nou Time when usual service starts. Tyd wanneer gewone diens begin. Name: Naam: Consult the OpenLP manual for usage. Konsulteer die OpenLP handleiding vir gebruik. Example: Voorbeeld: Bypass X11 Window Manager Werk om X11 Venster Bestuurder Syntax error. Sintaks fout. Data Location Data Ligging Current path: Huidige pad: Custom path: Eie pad: Browse for new data file location. Blaai vir nuwe data lêer ligging. Set the data location to the default. Stel die data ligging na die verstek ligging. Cancel Kanselleer Cancel OpenLP data directory location change. Kanselleer OpenLP data lêer ligging verandering. Copy data to new location. Kopiër data na nuwe ligging. Copy the OpenLP data files to the new location. Kopiër die OpenLP data lêers na die nuwe ligging. <strong>WARNING:</strong> New data directory location contains OpenLP data files. These files WILL be replaced during a copy. <strong>WAARSKUWING:</strong> Nuwe data lêer ligging bevat OpenLP data lêers. Hierdie lêers SAL vervang word gedurende kopiëring. Select Data Directory Location Selekteer Data Lêer Ligging Confirm Data Directory Change Bevestig Data Lêer Verandering Reset Data Directory Herstel Data Lêer Overwrite Existing Data Oorskryf Bestaande Data Thursday Display Workarounds Use alternating row colours in lists Restart Required This change will only take effect once OpenLP has been restarted. Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to the default location? This location will be used after OpenLP is closed. Verander die OpenLP data lêer sekerlik na die verstek ligging toe? Hierdie ligging sal gebruik word nadat OpenLP toegemaak is. Max height for non-text slides in slide controller: Disabled When changing slides: Do not auto-scroll Auto-scroll the previous slide into view Auto-scroll the previous slide to top Auto-scroll the previous slide to middle Auto-scroll the current slide into view Auto-scroll the current slide to top Auto-scroll the current slide to middle Auto-scroll the current slide to bottom Auto-scroll the next slide into view Auto-scroll the next slide to top Auto-scroll the next slide to middle Auto-scroll the next slide to bottom Number of recent service files to display: Open the last used Library tab on startup Double-click to send items straight to Live Preview items when clicked in Library Preview items when clicked in Service Automatic Automaties Revert to the default service name "{name}". Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to: {path} The data directory will be changed when OpenLP is closed. WARNING: The location you have selected {path} appears to contain OpenLP data files. Do you wish to replace these files with the current data files? OpenLP.ColorButton Click to select a color. Kliek om 'n kleur te kies. OpenLP.DB RGB Video Video Digital Storage Network RGB 1 RGB 2 RGB 3 RGB 4 RGB 5 RGB 6 RGB 7 RGB 8 RGB 9 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8 Video 9 Digital 1 Digital 2 Digital 3 Digital 4 Digital 5 Digital 6 Digital 7 Digital 8 Digital 9 Storage 1 Storage 2 Storage 3 Storage 4 Storage 5 Storage 6 Storage 7 Storage 8 Storage 9 Network 1 Network 2 Network 3 Network 4 Network 5 Network 6 Network 7 Network 8 Network 9 OpenLP.ExceptionDialog Error Occurred 'n Fout het; opgeduik Send; E-Mail Stuur; E-pos Save; to; File Stoor; na; Lêer Attach; File Heg 'n; Lêer; aan <strong>Please; describe; what; you; were; trying; to; do.</strong> &nbsp;If possible, write in English. <strong>Thank; you; for your description!</strong> <strong>Tell; us; what; you; were; doing; when; this; happened.</strong> <strong>Oops, OpenLP; hit; a; problem; and; couldn't; recover!<br><br>You; can; help </strong> the OpenLP developers to <strong>fix this</s;trong> by<br> sending; them; a <strong>bug; report; to; {email}</strong>{newlines} {first_part}<strong>No; email; app? </strong> You can <strong>save</strong> this; information; to; a <strong>file</strong> and<br>send it from your <strong>mail on browser</s;trong> via; an <strong>attachment.</strong><br><br><strong>Thank you</s;trong> for being part of; making; OpenLP; better!<br> <strong>Please; enter; a; more; detailed; description; of; the; situation</strong> OpenLP.ExceptionForm Save; Crash; Report Stoor; Bots; Verslag Text; files (*;.txt *;.log *;.text;) Teks; lêers (*;.txt *;.log *;.text;) Platform;: {platform} OpenLP.FileRenameForm File; Rename Lêer; Hernoem New; File; Nuwe; Lêer; File; Copy Lêer; Kopieër OpenLP.FirstTimeLanguageForm Select; Translation Kies; Vertaling Choose; the; translation; you'd; like; to; use in OpenLP. Kies; die; taal; wat; gebruik; moet; word in OpenLP. Translation;: Vertaling;: OpenLP.FirstTimeWizard Songs Liedere First; Time; Wizard Eerste; Keer; Gids Welcome; to; the; First; Time; Wizard Welkom; by; die; Eerste; Keer; Gids Default; Settings Verstek; Instellings Enabling; selected; plugins;... Skakel; geselekteerde; miniprogramme; aan;... No; Internet; Connection Geen; Internet; Verbinding Unable; to; detect; an; Internet; connection. Nie in staat; om 'n; Internet; verbinding; op; te; spoor; nie. Sample; Songs Voorbeeld; Liedere Select; and; download; public domain; songs. Kies; en; laai; liedere; vanaf; die; publieke; domein. Sample; Bibles Voorbeeld; Bybels Select; and; download; free; Bibles. Kies; en; laai; gratis; Bybels; af. Sample; Themes Voorbeeld; Temas Select; and; download; sample; themes. Kies; en; laai; voorbeeld; temas; af. Set; up; default settings; to; be; used; by; OpenLP. Stel; verstek; instellings; wat; deur; OpenLP; gebruik; moet; word. Default; output; Verstek; uitgaande; Select; default Kies; verstek; Starting; configuration; process;... Konfigurasie; proses; begin;... Setting; Up; And; Downloading Opstel; en; Afliaai Please; wait; while OpenLP is; set; up; and; your; data; is; downloaded. Wag; asseblief; terwyl; OpenLP; opgestel; en; die; data; afgelaai; word. Setting; Up Opstel Download; Error Aflaai; Fout There; was; a; connection; problem; during; download, so; further; downloads; will; be; skipped. Try; to; re-run; the; First; Time; Wizard; later. There; was; a; connection; problem; while downloading, so further; downloads; will; be; skipped. Try; to; re-run; the; First; Time; Wizard; later. Downloading; Resource; Index Please; wait; while the resource; index; is; downloaded. Please; wait; while OpenLP downloads; the; resource; index; file;... Downloading; and; Configuring Please; wait; while resources are; downloaded; and; OpenLP; is; configured. Network; Error There; was; a; network; error; attempting; to; connect; to; retrieve; initial; configuration; information Unable; to; download; some; files Select; parts; of; the; program; you; wish; to; use You; can; also; change; these; settings; after; the; Wizard. Custom; Slides; – Easier; to; manage; than; songs; and; they; have; their; own; list; of; slides Bibles; – Import; and; show; Bibles Images; – Show; images; or; replace; background; with them Presentations; – Show .ppt,; .odp; and .pdf; files Media; – Playback; of; Audio; and; Video; files Remote; – Control; OpenLP; via; browser; or; smartphone; app Song; Usage; Monitor Alerts; – Display; informative; messages; while showing other; slides Projectors; – Control; PJLink; compatible; projects; on; your; network; from; OpenLP Downloading; {name}... Download; complete. Click; the; {button} button; to; return to; OpenLP. Download; complete. Click; the; {button} button; to; start; OpenLP. Click; the; {button} button; to; return to; OpenLP. Click; the; {button} button; to; start; OpenLP. This; wizard; will; help; you; to; configure; OpenLP; for initial use. Click the; {button} button; below; to; start. No; Internet; connection; was; found. The; First; Time; Wizard; needs; an; Internet; connection in order; to; be; able; to; download; sample; songs, Bibles; and; themes. Click; the; {button} button; now; to; start; OpenLP; with initial settings; and; no; sample; data. To; re-run; the; First; Time; Wizard; and; import this; sample; data; at; a; later; time, check; your; Internet; connection; and; re-run; this; wizard; by; selecting "Tools/Re-run; First; Time; Wizard" from; OpenLP. To; cancel; the; First; Time; Wizard; completely (and; not; start; OpenLP;), click; the; {button} button; now. OpenLP.FormattingTagDialog Configure; Formatting; Tags Konfigureer; Formattering; Etiket Description Beskrywing Tag Etiket Start; HTML Begin; HTML End; HTML Eindig; HTML Default; Formatting Custom; Formatting OpenLP.FormattingTagForm <HTML here> <HTML hier> Validation; Error Validerings; Fout Description; is; missing Tag; is; missing Tag; {tag} already; defined. Description; {tag} already; defined. Start; tag; {tag} is; not; valid; HTML End; tag; {end} does; not; match; end; tag; for start tag {start} New; Tag; {d} OpenLP.FormattingTags Red Rooi Black Swart Blue Blou Yellow Geel Green Groen Pink Pienk Orange Oranje Purple Pers White Wit Superscript Bo-skrif Subscript Onder-skrif Paragraph Paragraaf Bold Vetdruk Italics Italiaans Underline Onderlyn Break Breek OpenLP.GeneralTab General Algemeen Monitors Monitors Select; monitor; for output Selekteer; monitor; vir; uitgaande; Display; if a single; screen Vertoon as dit 'n; enkel; skerm; is Application; Startup Applikasie; Aanskakel Show; blank; screen; warning Vertoon; leë; skerm; waarskuwing Show; the; splash; screen Wys; die; spatsel; skerm Application; Settings Program; Verstellings Prompt; to; save; before; starting; a; new service Vra; om; te; stoor; voordat 'n; nuwe; diens; begin; word sec sek CCLI; Details CCLI; Inligting SongSelect; SongSelect; SongSelect; SongSelect; X X Y Y Height Hoogte Width Wydte Check; for updates to OpenLP Kyk; vir; opdaterings; van; OpenLP Timed; slide; Tyd-gedrewe; skyfie; Background; Audio Agtergrond; Oudio Start; background; audio; paused Begin; agtergrond; oudio; gestop Service; Item; Slide; Limits Diens; Item; Skyfie; Limiete Override; display; Oorheers; vertoon; Repeat; track; list Herhaal; snit; lys Behavior; of; next/previous; on; the; last/first; Gedrag; van; die; vorige/volgende; op; die; laaste/eerste; &Remain; on; Slide &Bly; op; Skyfie &Wrap; around Omvou &Move; to; next/previous; service; item Beweeg; na; volgende/vorige; diens; ite&m Logo Logo; Browse; for an image file; to; display. Blaai; vir 'n; beeld; lêer; om; te; vertoon. Revert; to; the; default OpenLP; logo. Verander; terug; na; die; verstek; OpenLP; logo. Don't; show; logo; on; startup Automatically; open; the; previous; service; file Unblank; display; when; changing; slide in Live Unblank; display; when; sending; items; to; Live Automatically; preview; the; next; item in service OpenLP.LanguageManager Language Taal Please; restart; OpenLP; to; use; your; new language; setting. Herlaai; asseblief; OpenLP; om; die; nuwe; taal; instelling; te; gebruik. OpenLP.MainDisplay OpenLP; Display OpenLP; Vertooning OpenLP.MainWindow &File &Lêer &Import &Invoer &Export Uitvo&er &View &Bekyk &Tools &Gereedskap &Settings Ver&stellings &Language Taa&l &Help &Hulp Open; an; existing; service. Maak 'n; bestaande; diens; oop. Save; the; current; service; to; disk. Stoor; die; huidige; diens; na; skyf. Save; Service; As Stoor; Diens; As Save; the; current; service; under; a; new name. Stoor; die; huidige; diens; onder 'n; nuwe; naam. E&xit &Uitgang &Theme &Tema &Configure; OpenLP;... &Konfigureer; OpenLP;... &About &Aangaande &Web; Site &Web; Tuiste Use; the; system; language,; if available. Gebruik die; sisteem; se; taal as dit; beskikbaar; is. Add &Tool;... Voeg; Gereedskaps&tuk; by;... Add; an; application; to; the; list; of; tools. Voeg 'n; applikasie; by; die; lys; van; gereedskapstukke. &Setup Op&stel &Live &Regstreeks OpenLP; Version; Updated OpenLP; Weergawe; is; Opdateer OpenLP; Main; Display; Blanked OpenLP; Hoof; Vertoning; Blanko The; Main; Display; has; been; blanked; out Die; Hoof; Skerm; is; afgeskakel English Please; add; the; name; of; your; language; here Engels Configure &Shortcuts;... Konfigureer; Kor&tpaaie;... Open &Data; Folder;... Maak &Data; Lêer; oop;... Open; the; folder; where; songs, bibles; and; other; data; resides. Maak; die; lêer; waar; liedere, bybels; en; ander; data; is, oop. &Autodetect Spoor; outom&aties; op Update; Theme; Images Opdateer; Tema; Beelde Update; the; preview; images; for all themes. Opdateer die; voorskou; beelde; vir; alle; temas. Print; the; current; service. Druk; die; huidige; diens. Re-run; First; Time; Wizard Her-gebruik; Eerste; Keer; Gids Re-run; the; First; Time; Wizard, importing; songs, Bibles; and; themes. Her-gebruik; die; Eerste; Keer; Gids; om; liedere, Bybels; en; tema's in te; voer. Re-run; First; Time; Wizard? Her-gebruik Eerste; Keer; Gids? Are; you; sure; you; want; to; re-run; the; First; Time; Wizard? Re-running this; wizard; may; make; changes; to; your; current; OpenLP; configuration; and; possibly; add; songs; to; your; existing; songs; list; and; change; your; default theme. Is; u; seker; u; wil; weer; die; Eerste-ker; Gids; gebruik? Her-gebruik van; hierdie; gids; mag; veranderinge; aan; die; huidige; OpenLP; konfigurasie; aanbring; en; kan; moontlik; liedere; byvoeg; by; die; bestaande; liedere; lys; en; kan; ook; die; verstek; tema; verander. Clear; List Clear; List; of; recent; files Maak; Lys; Skoon Clear; the; list; of; recent; files. Maak; die; lys; van; onlangse; lêers; skoon. Configure &Formatting; Tags;... Konfigureer &Formattering; Etikette;... Settings Instellings Import; settings? Voer verstellings in? Import; settings Voer; verstellings in OpenLP; will; now; close. Imported; settings; will; be; applied; the; next; time; you; start; OpenLP. OpenLP; sal; nou; toe; maak. Ingevoerde; verstellings; sal; toegepas; word; die; volgende; keer as OpenLP; begin; word. Export; Settings; File Voer; Verstellings; Lêer; Uit New; Data; Directory; Error Nuwe; Data; Lêer; Fout General Algemeen Library Jump; to; the; search; box; of; the; current; active; plugin. Are; you; sure; you; want; to; import settings? Importing settings; will; make; permanent; changes; to; your; current; OpenLP; configuration. Importing; incorrect; settings; may; cause; erratic; behaviour; or; OpenLP; to; terminate; abnormally. The; file; you; have; selected; does; not; appear; to; be; a; valid; OpenLP; settings; file. Processing; has; terminated; and; no; changes; have; been; made. Export; setting; error &Recent; Services &New; Service &Open; Service &Save; Service Save; Service &As;... &Manage; Plugins Exit; OpenLP Are; you; sure; you; want; to; exit; OpenLP? &Exit; OpenLP Version; {new} of; OpenLP; is; now; available; for download (you are currently; running; version; {current}). You; can; download; the; latest; version; from The; key "{key}" does; not; have; a; default value; so; it; will; be; skipped in this; export. An; error; occurred; while exporting the; {err} Default; {theme} Copying; OpenLP; data; to; new data; directory; location - {path} - Please; wait; for copy to finish OpenLP; Data; directory; copy; failed; {err} &Layout; Presets Service Diens Themes Temas Projectors Close; OpenLP - Shut; down; the; program. Export; settings; to; a *;.config; file. Import; settings; from; a *;.config; file; previously; exported; from; this; or; another; machine. &Projectors Hide; or; show; Projectors. Toggle; visibility; of; the; Projectors. L&ibrary Hide; or; show; the; Library. Toggle; the; visibility; of; the; Library. &Themes Hide; or; show; themes Toggle; visibility; of; the; Themes. &Service Hide; or; show; Service. Toggle; visibility; of; the; Service. &Preview Hide; or; show; Preview. Toggle; visibility; of; the; Preview. Li&ve Hide; or; show; Live L&ock; visibility; of; the; panels Lock; visibility; of; the; panels. Toggle; visibility; of; the; Live. You; can; enable; and; disable; plugins; from; here. More; information; about; OpenLP. Set; the; interface language to; {name} &Show; all Reset; the; interface back to; the; default layout; and; show; all; the; panels. Use; layout; that; focuses; on; setting; up; the; Service. Use; layout; that; focuses; on; Live. OpenLP; Settings (*;.conf;) &User; Manual OpenLP.Manager Database; Error Databasis; Fout OpenLP; cannot; load; your; database. Database;: {db} The; database; being; loaded; was; created in a; more; recent; version; of; OpenLP. The; database; is; version; {db_ver}, while OpenLP expects; version; {db_up}. The; database; will; not; be; loaded. Database;: {db_name} OpenLP.MediaManagerItem No; Items; Selected Geen; items; geselekteer; nie &Add; to; selected; Service; Item &Voeg; by; die; geselekteerde; Diens; item You; must; select; one; or; more; items; to; preview. Kies; een; of; meer; items; vir; die; voorskou. You; must; select; one; or; more; items; to; send; live. Kies; een; of; meer; items; vir; regstreekse; uitsending. You; must; select; one; or; more; items. Kies; een; of; meer; items. You; must; select; an; existing; service; item; to; add; to. 'n; Bestaande; diens; item; moet; geselekteer; word; om; by; by; te; voeg. Invalid; Service; Item Ongeldige; Diens; Item You; must; select; one; or; more; items; to; add. Kies; een; of; meer; items; om; by; te; voeg. Invalid; File; Type Ongeldige; Lêer; Tipe &Clone &Kloon Duplicate; files; were; found; on; import and were; ignored. Duplikaat; lêers; gevind; tydens; invoer; en; is; geïgnoreer. Invalid; File; {name}. Suffix; not; supported You; must; select; a; {title} service; item. OpenLP.OpenLyricsImportError <lyrics> tag; is; missing. <lyrics> etiket; is; vermis. <verse> tag; is; missing. <verse> etiket; is; vermis. OpenLP.PJLink1 Unknown; status No; message Error; while sending data; to; projector Undefined; OpenLP.PlayerTab Players Available; Media; Players Beskikbare; Media; Spelers Player; Search; Order Visible; background; for videos with aspect ratio; different; to; screen. %s (unavailable) %s (onbeskikbaar) NOTE;: To; use; VLC; you; must; install; the %s; version Will; insert "32;bit" or "64;bit" OpenLP.PluginForm Plugin; Details Mini-program; Besonderhede Status;: Status;: Active Aktief Manage; Plugins {name} (Disabled) {name} (Active) {name} (Inactive) OpenLP.PrintServiceDialog Fit; Page Pas; Blaai Fit; Width Pas; Wydte OpenLP.PrintServiceForm Options Opsies Copy Kopieër Copy as HTML<;/source> Kopieër as HTML<;/translation> Zoom; In Zoom; In Zoom; Out Zoem; Uit Zoom; Original Zoem; Oorspronklike Other; Options Ander; Opsies Include; slide; text; if available Sluit skyfie; teks in indien; beskikbaar Include; service; item; notes Sluit; diens; item; notas in Include; play; length; of; media; items Sluit; die; speel; tyd; van; die; media; items in Add; page; break before; each; text; item Voeg 'n; bladsy-breking; voor; elke; teks; item Service; Sheet Diens; Blad Print Druk Title;: Titel;: Custom; Footer; Verpersoonlike; Voetskrif; OpenLP.ProjectorConstants OK General; projector; error Not; connected; error Lamp; error Fan; error High; temperature; detected Cover; open; detected Check; filter Authentication; Error Undefined; Command Invalid; Parameter Projector; Busy Projector/Display; Error Invalid; packet; received Warning; condition; detected Error; condition; detected PJLink; class not supported Invalid; prefix; character The; connection; was; refused; by; the; peer (or; timed; out;) The; remote; host; closed; the; connection The; host; address; was; not; found The; socket; operation; failed; because; the; application; lacked; the; required; privileges The; local; system; ran; out; of; resources (e.g., too; many; sockets;) The; socket; operation; timed; out The; datagram; was; larger; than; the; operating; system's; limit An; error; occurred; with the network (Possibly; someone; pulled; the; plug?;) The; address; specified; with socket.bind() is; already in use; and; was; set; to; be; exclusive The; address; specified; to; socket.bind(); does; not; belong; to; the; host The; requested; socket; operation; is; not; supported; by; the; local; operating; system (e.g., lack; of; IPv6; support;) The; socket; is; using; a; proxy, and; the; proxy; requires; authentication The; SSL/TLS; handshake; failed The; last; operation; attempted; has; not; finished; yet (still in progress in the; background;) Could; not; contact; the; proxy; server; because; the; connection; to; that; server; was; denied The; connection; to; the; proxy; server; was; closed; unexpectedly (before; the; connection; to; the; final; peer; was; established;) The; connection; to; the; proxy; server; timed; out; or; the; proxy; server; stopped; responding in the; authentication; phase. The; proxy; address; set; with setProxy() was; not; found An; unidentified; error; occurred Not; connected Connecting Connected Getting; status Off Initialize in progress Power in standby Warmup in progress Power; is; on Cooldown in progress Projector; Information; available Sending; data Received; data The; connection; negotiation; with the proxy; server; failed; because; the; response; from; the; proxy; server; could; not; be; understood OpenLP.ProjectorEdit Name; Not; Set You; must; enter; a; name; for this entry.<br />Please enter; a; new name; for this entry. Duplicate; Name OpenLP.ProjectorEditForm Add; New; Projector Edit; Projector IP; Address Port; Number PIN Name Location Notes Notas Database; Error Databasis; Fout There; was; an; error; saving; projector; information. See; the; log; for the error OpenLP.ProjectorManager Add; Projector Edit; Projector Delete; Projector Select; Input; Source View; Projector Connect; to; selected; projectors Disconnect; from; selected; projectors Disconnect; from; selected; projector Power; on; selected; projector Standby; selected; projector Blank; selected; projector; screen Show; selected; projector; screen &View; Projector; Information &Edit; Projector &Connect; Projector D&isconnect; Projector Power &On; Projector Power; O&ff; Projector Select &Input Edit; Input; Source &Blank; Projector; Screen &Show; Projector; Screen &Delete; Projector Name IP Port Poort Notes Notas Projector; information; not; available; at; this; time. Projector; Name Manufacturer Model Other; info Power; status Shutter; is Closed Current; source; input; is Lamp Hours No; current; errors; or; warnings Current; errors/warnings Projector; Information No; message Not; Implemented; Yet Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete this; projector? Add; a; new projector. Edit; selected; projector. Delete; selected; projector. Choose; input; source; on; selected; projector. View; selected; projector; information. Connect; to; selected; projector. Connect; to; selected; projectors. Disconnect; from; selected; projector. Disconnect; from; selected; projectors. Power; on; selected; projector. Power; on; selected; projectors. Put; selected; projector in standby. Put; selected; projectors in standby. Blank; selected; projectors; screen Blank; selected; projectors; screen. Show; selected; projector; screen. Show; selected; projectors; screen. is; on is; off Authentication; Error No; Authentication; Error OpenLP.ProjectorPJLink Fan Lamp Temperature Cover Filter Other Ander OpenLP.ProjectorTab Projector Communication; Options Connect; to; projectors; on; startup Socket; timeout (seconds) Poll; time (seconds) Tabbed; dialog; box Single; dialog; box OpenLP.ProjectorWizard Duplicate; IP; Address Invalid; IP; Address Invalid; Port; Number OpenLP.ScreenList Screen Skerm primary primêr OpenLP.ServiceItem [slide {frame:d}] <strong>Start</strong>: {start} <strong>Length</strong>: {length} OpenLP.ServiceItemEditForm Reorder; Service; Item Hergroepeer; Diens; Item OpenLP.ServiceManager Move; to &top Skuif; boon&toe Move; item; to; the; top; of; the; service. Skuif; item; tot; heel; bo in die; diens. Move &up Sk&uif; op Move; item; up; one; position in the; service. Skuif; item; een; posisie; boontoe in die; diens. Move &down Skuif &af Move; item; down; one; position in the; service. Skuif; item; een; posisie; af in die; diens. Move; to &bottom Skuif &tot; heel; onder Move; item; to; the; end; of; the; service. Skuif; item; tot; aan; die; einde; van; die; diens. &Delete; From; Service Wis; uit; vanaf; die &Diens Delete; the; selected; item; from; the; service. Wis; geselekteerde; item; van; die; diens; af. &Add; New; Item &Voeg; Nuwe; Item; By &Add; to; Selected; Item &Voeg; by; Geselekteerde; Item &Edit; Item R&edigeer; Item &Reorder; Item Ve&rander; Item; orde &Notes &Notas &Change; Item; Theme &Verander; Item; Tema File; is; not; a; valid; service. Lêer; is; nie 'n; geldige; diens; nie. Missing; Display; Handler Vermisde; Vertoon; Hanteerder Your; item; cannot; be; displayed as there is no; handler; to; display; it Die; item; kan; nie; vertoon; word; nie; omdat; daar; nie 'n; hanteerder; is; om; dit; te; vertoon; nie Your; item; cannot; be; displayed as the; plugin; required; to; display; it; is; missing; or; inactive Die; item; kan; nie; vertoon; word; nie; omdat; die; mini-program; wat; dit; moet; vertoon; vermis; of; onaktief; is &Expand; all Br&ei; alles; uit Expand; all; the; service; items. Brei; al; die; diens; items; uit. &Collapse; all Sto&rt; alles; ineen Collapse; all; the; service; items. Stort; al; die; diens; items; ineen. Open; File Maak; Lêer; oop Moves; the; selection; down; the; window. Skuif; die; geselekteerde; afwaarts in die; venster. Move; up Skuif; op Moves; the; selection; up; the; window. Skuif; die; geselekteerde; opwaarts in die; venster. Go; Live Gaan; Regstreeks Send; the; selected; item; to; Live. Stuur; die; geselekteerde; item; Regstreeks. &Start; Time &Begin; Tyd Show &Preview Wys &Voorskou Modified; Service Redigeer; Diens The; current; service; has; been; modified. Would; you; like; to; save; this; service? Die huidige; diens; was; verander. Stoor; hierdie; diens? Custom; Service; Aangepasde; Diens; Notes;: Notas;: Playing; Speel; Untitled; Service Ongetitelde; Diens File; could; not; be; opened; because; it; is; corrupt. Lêer; kon; nie; oopgemaak; word; nie; omdat; dit; korrup; is. Empty; File Leë; Lêer This; service; file; does; not; contain; any; data. Die; diens; lêer; het; geen; data; inhoud; nie. Corrupt; File Korrupte; Lêer Load; an; existing; service. Laai 'n; bestaande; diens. Save; this; service. Stoor; die; diens. Select; a; theme; for the service. Kies 'n; tema; vir; die; diens. Slide; theme Skyfie; tema Notes Notas Edit Redigeer Service; copy; only Slegs; diens; kopie. Error; Saving; File Fout; gedurende; Lêer; Stooring There; was; an; error; saving; your; file. Daar; was 'n; probleem; om; die; lêer; te; stoor. Service; File(s); Missing Diens; Lêer(s); Vermis &Rename;... Create; New &Custom; Slide &Auto; play; slides Auto; play; slides &Loop Auto; play; slides &Once &Delay; between; slides OpenLP; Service; Files (*;.osz *;.oszl;) OpenLP; Service; Files( *; . osz; ) OpenLP; Service; Files - lite( *; . oszl; ) OpenLP; Service; Files( *; . osz; ) File; is; not; a; valid; service. The; content; encoding; is; not; UTF-8. The; service; file; you; are; trying; to; open; is in an; old; format. Please; save; it; using; OpenLP; 2.0;.2; or; greater. This; file; is; either; corrupt; or; it; is; not; an; OpenLP; 2; service; file. &Auto; Start - inactive &Auto; Start - active Input; delay Delay; between; slides in seconds. Vertraging; tussen; skyfies in sekondes. Rename; item; title Title;: Titel;: The; following; file(s) in the; service; are; {name} These; files; will; be; removed; if you continue to; save. An; error; occurred; while writing the; service; {error} OpenLP.ServiceNoteForm Service; Item; Notes Diens; Item; Notas OpenLP.SettingsForm Configure; OpenLP Konfigureer; OpenLP OpenLP.ShortcutListDialog Action Aksie Shortcut Kortpad Duplicate; Shortcut Duplikaat; Kortpad Alternate Alternatief Select; an; action; and; click; one; of; the; buttons; below; to; start; capturing; a; new primary; or; alternate; shortcut, respectively. Kies 'n; aksie; en; kliek; een; van; die; knoppies; hieronder; om 'n; primêre; of; alternatiewe; kortpad; vas; te; vang. Default Verstek Custom Aanpasing Capture; shortcut. Vang; kortpad. Restore; the; default shortcut; of; this; action. Stel; die; verstek; kortpad; terug; vir; hierdie; aksie. Restore; Default; Shortcuts Herstel; Verstek; Kortpaaie Do; you; want; to; restore; all; shortcuts; to; their; defaults? Herstel alle; kortpaaie; na; hul; verstek; waarde? Configure; Shortcuts Konfigureer; Kortpaaie The; shortcut "{key}" is; already; assigned; to; another; action, please; use; a; different; shortcut. OpenLP.SlideController Hide Verskuil Go; To Gaan; Na Show; Desktop Wys; Werkskerm Previous; Service Vorige; Diens Next; Service Volgende; Diens Move; to; previous. Skuif; terug. Move; to; next. Skuif; volgende. Play; Slides Speel; Skyfies Delay; between; slides in seconds. Vertraging; tussen; skyfies in sekondes. Move; to; live. Skuif; na; regstreeks. Add; to; Service. Voeg; by; Diens. Edit; and; reload; song; preview. Redigeer; en; herlaai; lied; voorskou. Start; playing; media. Begin; media; speel. Pause; audio. Stop; oudio. Pause; playing; media. Halt; spelende; media. Stop; playing; media. Stop; spelende; media. Video; position. Video; posisie. Audio; Volume. Oudio; Volume. Go; to "Verse" Gaan; na "Vers" Go; to "Chorus" Gaan; na "Koor" Go; to "Bridge" Gaan; na "Brug" Go; to "Pre-Chorus" Gaan; na "Pre-Koor" Go; to "Intro" Gaan; na "Inleiding" Go; to "Ending" Gaan; na "Einde" Go; to "Other" Gaan; na "Ander" Previous; Slide Vorige; Skyfie Next; Slide Volgende; Skyfie Pause; Audio Hou; Oudio Background; Audio Agtergrond; Oudio Go; to; next; audio; track. Gaan; na; die; volgende; oudio; snit. Tracks Snitte Loop; playing; media. Video; timer. Toggle; Desktop Toggle; Blank; to; Theme Toggle; Blank; Screen OpenLP.SourceSelectForm Select; Projector; Source Edit; Projector; Source; Text Ignoring; current; changes; and; return to; OpenLP Delete; all; user-defined; text; and; revert; to; PJLink; default text Discard; changes; and; reset; to; previous; user-defined; text Save; changes; and; return to; OpenLP Delete; entries; for this projector Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete ALL; user-defined; source; input; text; for this projector? OpenLP.SpellTextEdit Spelling; Suggestions Spelling; Voorstelle Formatting; Tags Uitleg; Hakkies Language;: Taal;: OpenLP.StartTimeForm Theme; Layout Tema; Uitleg The; blue; box; shows; the; main; area. Die; blou; boks; wys; die; hoof; area. The; red; box; shows; the; footer. Die; rooi; boks; wys; die; voet; area. OpenLP.StartTime_form Item; Start; and; Finish; Time Item; Begin; en; End; Tyd Hours;: Ure;: Minutes;: Minute;: Seconds;: Sekondes;: Start Begin Finish Eindig Length Lengte Time; Validation; Error Tyd; Validasie; Fout Finish; time; is; set; after; the; end; of; the; media; item End; tyd; is; na; die; einde; van; die; media; item; gestel Start; time; is; after; the; finish; time; of; the; media; item Begin; tyd; is; na; die; eind; tyd; van; die; media; item OpenLP.ThemeForm (approximately %d; lines; per; slide;) (ongeveer %d; lyne; per; skyfie;) OpenLP.ThemeManager Create; a; new theme. Skep 'n; nuwe; tema. Edit; Theme Redigeer; Tema Edit; a; theme. Redigeer 'n; tema. Delete; Theme Wis; Tema; Uit Delete; a; theme. Wis 'n; tema; uit. Import; Theme Voer; Tema; In Import; a; theme. Voer 'n; tema in;. Export; Theme Voer; Tema; Uit Export; a; theme. Voer 'n; tema; uit. &Edit; Theme R&edigeer; Tema &Delete; Theme &Wis; Tema; uit Set; As &Global; Default Stel in As &Globale; Standaard You; must; select; a; theme; to; edit. Kies 'n; tema; om; te; redigeer. You; are; unable; to; delete the; default theme. Die; standaard; tema; kan; nie; uitgewis; word; nie. You; have; not; selected; a; theme. Geen; tema; is; geselekteer; nie. Theme; Exported Tema; Uitvoer Your; theme; has; been; successfully; exported. Die; tema; was; suksesvol; uitgevoer. Theme; Export; Failed Tema; Uitvoer; het; Misluk Select; Theme; Import; File Kies; Tema; Invoer; Lêer File; is; not; a; valid; theme. Lêer; is; nie 'n; geldige; tema; nie. &Copy; Theme &Kopieër; Tema &Rename; Theme He&rnoem; Tema &Export; Theme Vo&er; Tema; uit You; must; select; a; theme; to; rename. Kies 'n; tema; om; te; hernoem. Rename; Confirmation Hernoem; Bevestiging Rename %s; theme? Hernoem %s tema? You; must; select; a; theme; to; delete;. Kies 'n; tema; om; uit; te; wis. Delete; Confirmation Uitwis; Bevestiging Delete %s; theme? Wis %s tema; uit? Validation; Error Validerings; Fout A; theme; with this name; already; exists. 'n; Tema; met; hierdie; naam; bestaan; alreeds. Theme; Already; Exists Tema; Bestaan; Reeds OpenLP; Themes (*;.otz;) Unable; to; delete theme {text} (;default) Copy; of; {name} Copy; of <theme; name> Save; Theme - ({name}) The; theme; export failed; because; this; error; {err} {name} (;default) Theme; {name} already; exists. Do; you; want; to; replace; it? {count}; time(s); by; {plugin} Theme; is; currently; used; {text} OpenLP.ThemeWizard Theme; Wizard Tema; Gids Welcome; to; the; Theme; Wizard Welkom; by; die; Tema; Gids Set; Up; Background Stel; die; Agtergrond; Op Set; up; your; theme's; background; according; to; the; parameters; below. Stel; jou; tema; se; agtergrond; op; volgens; die; parameters; hier; onder. Background; Agtergrond; Gradient Gradiënt Gradient;: Gradiënt;: Horizontal Horisontaal Vertical Vertikaal Circular Sirkelvormig Top; Left - Bottom; Right Links; Bo - Regs; Onder Bottom; Left - Top; Right Links; Onder - Regs; Bo Main; Area; Font; Details Hoof; Area; Skrif; Gegewens Define; the; font; and; display; characteristics; for the Display text Definieër; die; skrif; en; vertoon; karrakters; vir; die; Vertoon; teks Font;: Skrif;: Size;: Grootte;: Line; Lyn; &Outline;: &Buitelyn;: &Shadow;: &Skaduwee;: Bold Vetdruk Italic Italiaans Footer; Area; Font; Details Voetskrif; Area; Skrif; Gegewens Define; the; font; and; display; characteristics; for the Footer text Definieër; die; skrif; en; vertoon; karraktereienskappe; vir; die; Voetskrif; teks Text; Formatting; Details Teks; Formattering; Gegewens Allows; additional; display; formatting; information; to; be; defined Laat; toe; dat; addisionele; vertoon; formattering; inligting; gedifinieër; word Horizontal; Horisontale; Left Links Right Regs Center Middel Output; Area; Locations Uitvoer; Area; Liggings &Main; Area &Hoof; Area &Use; default location Gebr&uik; verstek; ligging X; X; px px Y; Y; Width;: Wydte;: Height;: Hoogte;: Use; default location Gebruik; verstek; ligging Theme; Tema; This; wizard; will; help; you; to; create; and; edit; your; themes. Click; the; next; button; below; to; start; the; process; by; setting; up; your; background. Hierdie; gids; sal; help; om; temas; te; skep; en; te; redigeer. Klik; die; volgende; knoppie; hieronder; om; die; proses; te; begin; deur; jou; agtergrond; op; te; stel. Transitions;: Oorskakel; &Footer; Area &Voetskrif; Area Starting; Begin; Ending; Eind; Background; Agtergrond; Justify Uitsgespan Layout; Preview Uitleg; Voorskou Transparent Deurskynend Preview; and; Save Skou; en; Stoor Preview; the; theme; and; save; it. Skou; die; tema; en; stoor; dit. Background; Image; Empty Leë; Agtergrond; Beeld Select; Image Selekteer; Beeld Theme; Name; Missing Tema; Naam; Vermis There; is; no; name; for this theme. Please enter; one. Daar; is; geen; naam; vir; hierdie; tema; nie. Voer; asseblief; een in;. Theme; Name; Invalid Tema; Naam; Ongeldig Invalid; theme; name. Please; enter; one. Ongeldige; tema; naam. Voer; asseblief; een in;. Solid; color color;: Allows; you; to; change; and; move; the; Main; and; Footer; areas. You; have; not; selected; a; background; image. Please; select; one; before; continuing. 'n; Agtergrond; beeld; is; nie; gekies; nie. Kies; asseblief; een; voor; jy; aangaan. Edit; Theme - {name} Select; Video OpenLP.ThemesTab Global; Theme Globale; Tema Theme; Level Tema; Vlak S&ong; Level Lied; Vl&ak Use; the; theme; from; each; song in the; database. If; a; song; doesn't; have; a; theme; associated; with it, then use; the; service's; theme. If; the; service; doesn't; have; a; theme, then; use; the; global; theme. Gebruik; die; tema; van; elke; lied in die; lied-databasis. As 'n; lied; nie 'n; geassosieërde; tema; het; nie, gebruik; die; diens; se; tema. As; die; diens; nie 'n; tema; het; nie, gebruik; dan; die; globale; tema. &Service; Level Dien&s; Vlak Use; the; theme; from; the; service, overriding; any; of; the; individual; songs' themes. If; the; service; doesn't; have; a; theme, then; use; the; global; theme. Gebruik; die; tema; van; die; diens; en; verplaas; enige; van; die; individuele; liedere; se; temas. As; die; diens; nie 'n; tema; het; nie, gebruik; dan; die; globale; tema. &Global; Level &Globale; Vlak Use; the; global; theme, overriding; any; themes; associated; with either the; service; or; the; songs. Gebruik; die; globale; tema; om; enige; temas; wat; met; die; diens; of; liedere; geassosieer; is; te; vervang. Themes Temas Universal; Settings &Wrap; footer; text OpenLP.Ui Delete; the; selected; item. Wis; die; geselekteerde; item; uit. Move; selection; up; one; position. Skuif; die; seleksie; een; posisie; op. Move; selection; down; one; position. Skuif; die; seleksie; een; posisie; af. &Vertical; &Vertikale; Finished; import. Invoer; voltooi. Format;: Formaat;: Importing Invoer Importing "%s"... "%s" ingevoer;... Select; Import; Source Selekteer; Invoer; Bron Select; the; import format and; the; location; to; import from. Selekteer; die; invoer; vormaat; en; die; ligging; vanwaar; invoer; geskied. Open %s; File Maak %s; Lêer; Oop %p% %p% Ready. Gereed. Starting; import... Invoer; begin;... You; need; to; specify; at; least; one %s; file; to; import from. A; file; type e.g. OpenSong Spesifiseer; ten; minste; een %s; lêer; om; vanaf in te; voer. Welcome; to; the; Bible; Import; Wizard Welkom; by; die; Bybel; Invoer; Gids Welcome; to; the; Song; Export; Wizard Welkom; by; die; Lied; Uitvoer; Gids Welcome; to; the; Song; Import; Wizard Welkom; by; die; Lied; Invoer; Gids Author Singular Outeur Authors Plural Outeure &;#xa9; Copyright; symbol. Song; Maintenance Lied; Onderhoud Topic Singular Onderwerp Topics Plural Onderwerpe Title; and/or; verses; not; found Titel; en/of; verse; nie; gevind XML; syntax; error XML; sintaks; fout Open %s; Folder Maak %s; Gids; Oop You; need; to; specify; one %s; file; to; import from. A; file; type e.g. OpenSong Een %s; lêer; moet; gespesifiseer; word; om; vanaf in te; voer. You; need; to; specify; one %s; folder; to; import from. A; song; format; e.g. PowerSong Een %s; gids; moet; gespesifiseer; word; om; vanaf in te; voer. Importing; Songs Voer; Liedere; In Welcome; to; the; Duplicate; Song; Removal; Wizard Written; by Author; Unknown About Aangaande &Add &Voeg; by Add; group Voeg; groep; by Advanced Gevorderd All; Files Alle; Lêers Automatic Automaties Background; Color Agtergrond; Kleur Bottom Onder Browse;... Deursoek;... Cancel Kanselleer CCLI; CCLI; Create; a; new service. Skep 'n; nuwe; diens. Confirm; Delete Bevesting; Uitwissing Continuous Aaneen-lopend Default Verstek Default; Verstek; Service %Y-%m-%d %H-%M This; may; not; contain; any; of; the; following; /\?*|<>[]":+; See Diens %Y-%m-%d %H-%M &Delete &Wis; Uit Display; Vertoon; Duplicate; Error Dupliseer; Fout &Edit R&edigeer Empty; Field Leë; Veld Error Fout Export Uitvoer File Lêer File; Not; Found Lêer; nie; gevind; nie pt Abbreviated; font; pointsize; unit pt Help Hulp h The; abbreviated; unit; for hours h Invalid Folder; Selected Singular Ongeldige; Gids; Geselekteer Invalid; File; Selected Singular Ongeldige; Lêer; Geselekteer Invalid; Files; Selected Plural Ongeldige; Lêer; Geselekteer Image Beeld Import Voer in Layout; Uitleg; Live Regstreeks Live; Background; Error Regstreekse; Agtergrond; Fout Live; Toolbar Regstreekse; Gereedskapsbalk Load Laai Manufacturer Singular Manufacturers Plural Model Singular Models Plural m The; abbreviated; unit; for minutes m Middle Middel New Nuwe New; Service Nuwe; Diens New; Theme Nuwe; Tema Next; Track Volgende; Snit No; Folder; Selected Singular Geen; Gids; Geselekteer; nie No; File; Selected Singular Geen; Lêer; Geselekteer; nie No; Files; Selected Plural Geen; Leêrs; Geselekteer; nie No; Item; Selected Singular Geen; Item; Geselekteer; nie No; Items; Selected Plural Geen; items; geselekteer; nie OpenLP; is; already; running. Do; you; wish; to; continue;? OpenLP is; reeds; ana; die; gang. Gaan; voort? Open; service. Maak 'n; diens; oop. Play; Slides in Loop Speel; Skyfies in Herhaling Play; Slides; to; End Speel; Skyfies; tot; Einde Preview Voorskou Print; Service Druk; Diens; uit Projector Singular Projectors Plural Replace; Background Vervang; Agtergrond Replace; live; background. Vervang; regstreekse; agtergrond. Reset; Background Herstel; Agtergrond Reset; live; background. Herstel; regstreekse; agtergrond. s The; abbreviated; unit; for seconds s Save && Preview Stoor && Voorskou Search Soek Search; Themes;... Search; bar; place; holder; text Soek; Temas;... You; must; select; an; item; to; delete;. Kies 'n; item; om; uit; te; wis. You; must; select; an; item; to; edit. Selekteer 'n; item; om; te; regideer. Settings Instellings Save; Service Stoor; Diens Service Diens Optional &Split Op&sionele; Verdeling Split; a; slide; into; two; only; if it does; not; fit; on; the; screen as one; slide. Verdeel 'n; skyfie; slegs in twee; wanneer; dit; nie; op; die; skerm as 'n; enkele; skyfie; sal; pas; nie. Stop; Play; Slides in Loop Staak; Skyfies in Herhaling Stop; Play; Slides; to; End Staak; Skyfies; tot; Einde Theme Singular Tema Themes Plural Temas Tools Gereedskap Top Bo Unsupported; File Lêer; nie; Ondersteun; nie Verse; Per; Slide Vers; Per; Skyfie Verse; Per; Line Vers; Per; Lyn Version Weergawe View Vertoon View; Mode Vertoon; Modus CCLI; song; Preview; Toolbar OpenLP OpenLP Replace; live; background; is; not; available; when; the; WebKit; player; is; disabled. Songbook Singular Songbooks Plural Background; Agtergrond; Add; group. File; {name} not; found. Please; try selecting; it; individually. Start; {code} Video Video Search; is; Empty; or; too; Short <strong>The; search; you; have; entered; is; empty; or; shorter; than; 3; characters; long.</strong><br><br>Please try again with a longer search. No; Bibles; Available Geeb; Bybels; Beskikbaar; nie <strong>There; are; no; Bibles; currently; installed.</strong><br><br>Please use the Import Wizard to install one or more Bibles. Book; Chapter Chapter Verse Vers Psalm Book; names; may; be; shortened; from; full; names,; for an example Ps; 23 = Psalm; 23 No; Search; Results Geen; Soek; Resultate Please; type more text; to; use 'Search; As; You; Type' Optional, this; will; be; displayed in footer. Optional, this; won't; be; displayed in footer. Required, this; will; be; displayed in footer. OpenLP.core.lib {one}; and; {two} {first}; and; {last} Openlp.ProjectorTab Source; select; dialog; interface PresentationPlugin <strong>Presentation; Plugin</strong><br />The; presentation; plugin; provides; the; ability; to; show; presentations; using; a; number; of; different; programs. The; choice; of; available; presentation; programs; is; available; to; the; user in a; drop; down; box. <strong>Aanbieding; Mini-program</strong><br/>Die; aanbieding; mini-program; bied; die; vermoë; om; aanbiedings; van; verskillende; programme; te; vertoon. Die; keuse; van; beskikbare; aanbieding-programme; word; aan; die; gebruiker; vertoon; deur 'n; hangkieslys. Presentation name; singular Aanbieding Presentations name; plural Aanbiedinge Presentations container; title Aanbiedinge Load; a; new presentation. Laai 'n; nuwe; aanbieding. Delete; the; selected; presentation. Wis; die; geselekteerde; aanbieding; uit. Preview; the; selected; presentation. Skou; die; geselekteerde; aanbieding. Send; the; selected; presentation; live. Stuur; die; geselekteerde; aanbieding; regstreeks. Add; the; selected; presentation; to; the; service. Voeg; die; geselekteerde; aanabieding; by; die; diens. PresentationPlugin.MediaItem Select; Presentation(s) Selekteer; Aanbieding(e) Automatic Automaties Present; Bied; aan; File; Exists Lêer; Bestaan; Reeds A; presentation; with that filename; already; exists. 'n; Aanbieding; met; daardie; lêernaam; bestaan; reeds. This; type of presentation; is; not; supported. Hierdie; tipe; aanbieding; word; nie; ondersteun; nie. Missing; Presentation Vermisde; Aanbieding Presentations ({text}) The; presentation; {name} no; longer; exists. The; presentation; {name} is; incomplete, please; reload. PresentationPlugin.PowerpointDocument An; error; occurred in the; PowerPoint; integration; and; the; presentation; will; be; stopped. Restart; the; presentation; if you wish; to; present; it. PresentationPlugin.PresentationTab Available; Controllers Beskikbare; Beheerders Allow; presentation; application; to; be; overridden Laat; toe; dat; die; program; oorheers; word PDF; options Use; given; full; path; for mudraw or ghostscript; Select; mudraw; or; ghostscript; binary. The; program; is; not; ghostscript; or; mudraw; which; is; required. PowerPoint; options Clicking; on; the; current; slide; advances; to; the; next; effect Let; PowerPoint; control; the; size; and; monitor; of; the; presentations (This; may; fix; PowerPoint; scaling; issues in Windows; 8; and; 10;) {name} (unavailable) RemotePlugin <strong>Remote; Plugin</strong><br />The; remote; plugin; provides; the; ability; to; send; messages; to; a; running; version; of; OpenLP; on; a; different; computer; via; a; web; browser; or; through; the; remote; API. <strong>Afgeleë; Mini-program</strong><br/>Die; afgeleë; mini-program; verskaf; die; vermoë; om; boodskappe; na 'n; lopende; weergawe; van; OpenLP; op 'n; ander; rekenaar; te; stuur; deur 'n; web-blaaier; of; deur; die; afgeleë; PPK (API). Remote name; singular Afstandbeheer Remotes name; plural Afstandbehere Remote container; title Afstandbeheer Server; Config; Change Server; configuration; changes; will; require; a; restart; to; take; effect. RemotePlugin.Mobile Service; Manager Diens; Bestuurder Slide; Controller Skyfie; Beheerder Alerts Waarskuwings Search Soek Home Tuis Refresh Verfris Blank Blanko Theme Tema Desktop Werkskerm Show Wys Prev Vorige Next Volgende Text Teks Show; Alert Wys; Waarskuwing Go; Live Gaan; Regstreeks Add; to; Service Voeg; by; Diens Add &amp; Go; to; Service Voeg; by &amp; Gaan; na; Diens No; Results Geen; Resultate Options Opsies Service Diens Slides Skyfies Settings Instellings Remote Afstandbeheer Stage; View Verhoog; skerm Live; View Lewendige; Kykskerm RemotePlugin.RemoteTab Serve; on; IP; Bedien; op; hierdie; IP; Port; Poort; Server; Settings Bediener; Verstellings Remote; Afgeleë; Stage; view; Verhoog; vertoning; Display; stage; time in 12;h; format Vertoon; verhoog; tyd in 12; uur; formaat Android; App Android; Program Live; view; HTTPS; Server Could; not; find; an; SSL; certificate. The; HTTPS; server; will; not; be; available; unless; an; SSL; certificate; is; found. Please; see; the; manual; for more information. User; Authentication User; Password;: Wagwoord;: Show; thumbnails; of; non-text; slides in remote; and; stage; view. iOS; App Scan; the; QR; code; or; click <a; href=;"{qr}">download</a> to install the Android app from Google Play. Scan; the; QR; code; or; click <a; href=;"{qr}">download</a> to install the iOS app from the App Store. SongPlugin.ReportSongList Save; File song_extract.csv CSV; format (*;.csv;) Output; Path; Not; Selected Skryf; Ligging; Nie; Gekies; Nie You; have; not; set; a; valid; output; location; for your report. Please select; an; existing; path; on; your; computer. Report; Creation Verslag; Skepping Report; {name} has; been; successfully; created. Song; Extraction; Failed An; error; occurred; while extracting: {error} SongUsagePlugin &Song; Usage; Tracking &Volg; Lied; Gebruik &Delete; Tracking; Data Wis; Volg &Data; Uit Delete; song; usage; data; up; to; a; specified; date. Wis; lied; volg; data; uit; tot; en; met 'n; spesifieke; datum. &Extract; Tracking; Data Onttr&ek; Volg; Data Generate; a; report; on; song; usage. Genereer 'n; verslag; oor; lied-gebruik. Toggle; Tracking Wissel; Volging Toggle; the; tracking; of; song; usage. Wissel; lied-gebruik; volging. <strong>SongUsage; Plugin</strong><br />This; plugin; tracks; the; usage; of; songs in services. <strong>LiedGebruik; Mini-program</strong><br/>Die; mini-program; volg; die; gebruik; van; liedere in dienste. SongUsage name; singular Lied; Gebruik SongUsage name; plural Lied; Gebruik SongUsage container; title Lied; Gebruik Song; Usage Lied; Gebruik Song; usage; tracking; is; active. Lied; gebruik; volging; is; aktief. Song; usage; tracking; is; inactive. Lied; gebruik; volging; is; onaktief. display vertoon printed gedruk SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDeleteForm Delete; Song; Usage; Data Wis; Lied; Gebruik; Data; Uit Delete; Selected; Song; Usage; Events? Wis Geselekteerde; Lied; Gebruik; Gebeure; uit? Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete selected; Song; Usage; data? Wis regtig; die; geselekteerde; Diens; Gebruik; data; uit? Deletion; Successful Uitwissing; Suksesvol Select; the; date; up; to; which; the; song; usage; data; should; be; deleted. All; data; recorded; before; this; date; will; be; permanently; deleted. All; requested; data; has; been; deleted; successfully. SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDetailForm Song; Usage; Extraction Diens; Gebruik; Ontrekking Select; Date; Range Selekteer; Datum; Grense to tot Report; Location Rapporteer; Ligging Output; File; Location Uitvoer; Lêer; Ligging Report; Creation Verslag; Skepping Output; Path; Not; Selected Skryf; Ligging; Nie; Gekies; Nie You; have; not; set; a; valid; output; location; for your song usage; report. Please; select; an; existing; path; on; your; computer. Report; Creation; Failed usage_detail_;{old}_;{new}.txt Report; {name} has; been; successfully; created. An; error; occurred; while creating the; {error} SongsPlugin &Song &Lied Import; songs; using; the; import wizard. Voer; liedere in deur; van; die; invoer; helper; gebruik; te; maak. <strong>Songs; Plugin</strong><br />The; songs; plugin; provides; the; ability; to; display; and; manage; songs. <strong>Liedere; Mini-program</strong><br/>Die; liedere; mini-program; verskaf; die; vermoë; om; liedere; te; vertoon; en; te; bestuur. &Re-index; Songs He&r-indeks; Liedere Re-index; the; songs; database; to; improve; searching; and; ordering. Her-indeks; die; liedere; databasis; om; lied-soektogte; en; organisering; te; verbeter. Reindexing; songs;... Besig; om; liedere; indek; te; herskep;... Arabic (CP-1256) Arabies (CP-1256) Baltic (CP-1257) Balties (CP-1257) Central; European (CP-1250) Sentraal; Europees (CP-1250) Cyrillic (CP-1251) Cyrillies (CP-1251) Greek (CP-1253) Grieks (CP-1253) Hebrew (CP-1255) Hebreeus (CP-1255) Japanese (CP-932) Japanees (CP-932) Korean (CP-949) Koreaans (CP-949) Simplified; Chinese (CP-936) Vereenvoudigde; Chinees (CP-936) Thai (CP-874) Thai (CP-874) Traditional; Chinese (CP-950) Tradisionele; Chinees (CP-950) Turkish (CP-1254) Turks (CP-1254) Vietnam (CP-1258) Viëtnamees (CP-1258) Western; European (CP-1252) Wes-Europees (CP-1252) Character; Encoding Karrakter; Enkodering The; codepage; setting; is; responsible; for the correct character; representation. Usually; you; are; fine; with the preselected; choice. Die; kodeblad; instelling; is; verantwoordelik; vir; die; korrekte; karrakter; voorstelling. Gewoonlik; is; die; reeds-geselekteerde; keuse; voldoende. Please; choose; the; character; encoding. The; encoding; is; responsible; for the correct character; representation. Kies; asseblief; die; karrakter; enkodering. Die; enkodering; is; verantwoordelik; vir; die; korrekte; karrakter; voorstelling. Song name; singular Lied Songs name; plural Liedere Songs container; title Liedere Exports; songs; using; the; export wizard. Voer; liedere; uit; deur; gebruik; te; maak; van; die; uitvoer; gids. Add; a; new song. Voeg 'n; nuwe; lied; by. Edit; the; selected; song. Redigeer; die; geselekteerde; lied. Delete; the; selected; song. Wis; die; geselekteerde; lied; uit. Preview; the; selected; song. Skou; die; geselekteerde; lied. Send; the; selected; song; live. Stuur; die; geselekteerde; lied; regstreeks. Add; the; selected; song; to; the; service. Voeg; die; geselekteerde; lied; by; die; diens. Reindexing; songs Her-indekseer; liedere CCLI; SongSelect Import; songs; from; CCLI's; SongSelect; service. Find &Duplicate; Songs Find; and; remove; duplicate; songs in the; song; database. Songs Liedere Song; List; Report Produce; a; CSV; file; of; all; the; songs in the; database. SongsPlugin.AuthorType Words Author; who; wrote; the; lyrics; of; a; song Music Author; who; wrote; the; music; of; a; song Words; and; Music Author; who; wrote; both; lyrics; and; music; of; a; song Translation Author; who; translated; the; song SongsPlugin.AuthorsForm Author; Maintenance Outeur; Onderhoud Display; Vertoon; First; Voornaam;: Last; Van;: You; need; to; type in the; first; name; of; the; author. U; moet; die; naam; van; die; skrywer; invul. You; need; to; type in the; last; name; of; the; author. U; moet; ten; minste; die; skrywer; se; naam; invoer. You; have; not; set; a; display; name; for the author, combine the; first; and; last; names? 'n; Vertoon; naam; vir; die; skrywer; is; nie; opgestel; nie. Kan; die; naam; en; van; gekombineer; word? SongsPlugin.CCLIFileImport The; file; does; not; have; a; valid; extension. Die; lêer; het; nie 'n; geldige; verlening; nie. SongsPlugin.DreamBeamImport Invalid; DreamBeam; song; file. Missing; DreamSong; tag. SongsPlugin.EasyWorshipSongImport Unexpected; data; formatting. No; song; text; found. [above are Song Tags; with notes imported; from; EasyWorship;] This; file; does; not; exist. Could; not; find; the "Songs.MB" file. It; must; be in the; same; folder as the "Songs.DB" file. This; file; is; not; a; valid; EasyWorship; database. Could; not; retrieve; encoding. Administered; by; {admin} "{title}" could; not; be; imported.; {entry} "{title}" could; not; be; imported.; {error} SongsPlugin.EditBibleForm Meta; Data Meta; Data Custom; Book; Names Eie; Boek; Name SongsPlugin.EditSongForm Song; Editor Lied; Redigeerder &Title;: &Titel;: Alt&ernate; Alt&ernatiewe; &Lyrics;: &Lirieke;: &Verse; &Vers; Ed&it; All Red&igeer; Alles Title && Lyrics Titel && Lirieke &Add; to; Song &Voeg; by; Lied &Remove Ve&rwyder A&dd; to; Song Voeg; by; Lie&d R&emove V&erwyder New &Theme Nuwe &Tema Copyright; Information Kopiereg; Informasie Comments Kommentaar Theme, Copyright; Info && Comments Tema, Kopiereg; Informasie && Kommentaar Add; Author Voeg; Skrywer; By This; author; does; not; exist, do; you; want; to; add; them? Hierdie skrywer; bestaan; nie, moet; die; skrywer; bygevoeg; word? This; author; is; already in the; list. Hierdie; skrywer; is; alreeds in die; lys. You; have; not; selected; a; valid; author. Either; select; an; author; from; the; list, or; type in a; new author; and; click; the "Add; Author; to; Song" button; to; add; the; new author. Die; geselekteerde; skrywer; is; ongeldig. Kies 'n; skrywer; vanaf; die; lys; of; voer 'n; nuwe; skrywer in en; kliek; op; die "Voeg; Skrywer; by; Lied" knoppie; om; die; skrywer; by; te; voeg. Add; Topic Voeg; Onderwerp; by This; topic; does; not; exist, do; you; want; to; add; it? Die onderwerp; bestaan; nie. Voeg; dit; by? This; topic; is; already in the; list. Die; onderwerp; is; reeds in die; lys. You; have; not; selected; a; valid; topic. Either; select; a; topic; from; the; list, or; type in a; new topic; and; click; the "Add; Topic; to; Song" button; to; add; the; new topic. Geselekteerde; onderwerp; is; ongeldig. Kies 'n; onderwerp; vanaf; die; lys; of; voer 'n; nuwe; onderwerp in en; kliek; die "Voeg; Onderwerp; by; Lied" knoppie; om; die; onderwerp; by; te; voeg. You; need; to; type in a; song; title. Tik 'n; lied; titel in;. You; need; to; type in at; least; one; verse. Ten; minste; een; vers; moet; ingevoer; word. You; need; to; have; an; author; for this song. Daar word 'n; outeur; benodig; vir; hierdie; lied. Linked; Audio Geskakelde; Oudio Add &File(s) &Voeg; Leêr(s); By Add &Media Voeg &Media; By Remove &All Verwyder &Alles Open; File(s) Maak; Lêer(s); Oop <strong>Warning;:</strong> Not all of the verses are in use. <strong>Waarskuwing;:</strong> Nie al die verse is in gebruik nie. <strong>Warning;:</strong> You have not entered a verse order. <strong>Waarskuwing;:</strong>'n Vers orde is nie ingevoer nie. Invalid; Verse; Order &Edit; Author; Type Edit; Author; Type Choose; type; for this author &Manage; Authors, Topics, Songbooks Add &to; Song Re&move Authors, Topics && Songbooks Add; Songbook This; Songbook; does; not; exist, do; you; want; to; add; it? This; Songbook; is; already in the; list. You; have; not; selected; a; valid; Songbook. Either; select; a; Songbook; from; the; list, or; type in a; new Songbook; and; click; the "Add; to; Song" button; to; add; the; new Songbook. There; are; no; verses; corresponding; to "{invalid}". Valid; entries; are; {valid}. Please; enter; the; verses; separated; by; spaces. There; is; no; verse; corresponding; to "{invalid}". Valid; entries; are; {valid}. Please; enter; the; verses; separated; by; spaces. There; are; misplaced; formatting; tags in the; following; {tag} Please; correct; these; tags; before; continuing. You; have; {count} verses; named; {name} {number}. You; can; have; at; most; 26; verses; with the same; name SongsPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit; Verse Redigeer; Vers &Verse; &Vers; &Insert Sit; Tussen-&in Split; a; slide; into; two; by; inserting; a; verse; splitter. Verdeel 'n; skyfie in twee; deur 'n; vers-verdeler in te; sit. SongsPlugin.ExportWizardForm Song; Export; Wizard Lied; Uitvoer; Gids Select; Songs Kies; Liedere Check; the; songs; you; want; to; export. Merk; die; liediere; wat; uitgevoer; moet; vord. Uncheck; All Merk; Alles; Af Check; All Merk; Alles; Aan Select; Directory Kies; Lêer-gids Directory;: Lêer; Exporting Uitvoer Please; wait; while your songs; are; exported. Wag; asseblief; terwyl; die; liedere; uitgevoer; word. You; need; to; add; at; least; one; Song; to; export. Ten; minste; een; lied; moet; bygevoeg; word; om; uit; te; voer. No; Save; Location; specified Geen; Stoor; Ligging; gespesifiseer; nie Starting; export... Uitvoer; begin;... You; need; to; specify; a; directory. 'n; Lêer; gids; moet; gespesifiseer; word. Select; Destination; Folder Kies; Bestemming; Lêer; gids Select; the; directory; where; you; want; the; songs; to; be; saved. Kies; die; gids; waar; die; liedere; gestoor; moet; word. This; wizard; will; help; to; export your; songs; to; the; open; and; free <strong>OpenLyrics </strong> worship song format. SongsPlugin.FoilPresenterSongImport Invalid; Foilpresenter; song; file. No; verses; found. Ongeldige; Foilpresenter; lied; lêer. Geen; verse; gevin; die. SongsPlugin.GeneralTab Enable; search as you; type Bekragtig; soek; soos; getik; word SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm Select; Document/Presentation; Files Selekteer; Dokument/Aanbieding; Lêers Song; Import; Wizard Lied; Invoer; Gids This; wizard; will; help; you; to; import songs from a; variety; of; formats. Click; the; next; button; below; to; start; the; process; by; selecting; a; format; to; import from. Hierdie; gids; help; met; die; invoer; van; liedere in verskillende; formate. Kliek; die; volgende; knoppie; hieronder; om; die; proses; te; begin; deur 'n; formaat; te; kies; wat; gebruik; moet; word; vir; invoer. Generic; Document/Presentation Generiese; Dokumentasie/Aanbieding Add; Files;... Voeg; Lêers; by;... Remove; File(s) Verwyder; Lêer(s) Please; wait; while your songs; are; imported. Wag; asseblief; terwyl; die; liedere; ingevoer; word. Words; Of; Worship; Song; Files Words; Of; Worship; Lied; Lêers Songs; Of; Fellowship; Song; Files Songs; Of; Fellowship; Lied; Lêers SongBeamer; Files SongBeamer; Lêers SongShow; Plus; Song; Files SongShow; Plus; Lied; Lêers Foilpresenter; Song; Files Foilpresenter; Lied; Lêers Copy Kopieër Save; to; File Stoor; na; Lêer The; Songs; of; Fellowship; importer; has; been; disabled; because; OpenLP; cannot; access; OpenOffice; or; LibreOffice. Die; Liedere; van; Volgelinge; invoerder; is; onaktief; gestel; omdat; OpenLP; nie; toegang; tot; OpenOffice; of; LibreOffice; het; nie. The; generic; document/presentation; importer; has; been; disabled; because; OpenLP; cannot; access; OpenOffice; or; LibreOffice. Die; generiese; dokument/aanbieding; invoerder; is; onaktief; gestel; omdat; OpenLP; nie; toegang; tot; OpenOffice; of; LibreOffice; het; nie. OpenLyrics; Files OpenLyrics; Lêers CCLI; SongSelect; Files CCLI; SongSelect; Lêers EasySlides; XML; File EeasySlides; XML; Lêer EasyWorship; Song; Database EasyWorship; Lied; Databasis DreamBeam; Song; Files DreamBeam; Lied; Lêers You; need; to; specify; a; valid; PowerSong; 1.0; database; folder. 'n; Geldige; PowerSong; 1.0; databasis; gids; moet; gespesifiseer; word. ZionWorx (CSV) ZionWorx (CSV) First; convert; your; ZionWorx; database; to; a; CSV; text; file, as; explained in the <a; href=;"Verwerk; eers; jou; ZionWorx; databasis; na 'n; CSV; teks; lêer, soos; verduidelik; word in die <a; href=;" SundayPlus; Song; Files SundayPlus; Lied; Leêrs This; importer; has; been; disabled. Hierdie; invoerder; is; onaktief; gestel. MediaShout; Database MediaShout; Databasis The; MediaShout; importer; is; only; supported; on; Windows. It; has; been; disabled; due; to; a; missing; Python; module. If; you; want; to; use; this; importer, you; will; need; to; install; the "pyodbc" module. Die; MediaShout; invoerder; word; slegs; ondersteun; op; Windows. Dit; is; vanweë 'n; vermiste; Python; module, gedeaktiveer. As; jy; hierdie; invoerder; wil; gebruik, sal; jy; die "pyodbc" module moet installeer. SongPro; Text; Files SongPro; Teks; Leêrs SongPro (Export; File;) SongPro (Voer; Leêr; uit;) In; SongPro,; export your; songs; using; the; File -> Export; menu In; SongPro, voer; liedere; uit; deur; middel; van; die; Leêr -> Uitvoer; spyskaart EasyWorship; Service; File WorshipCenter; Pro; Song; Files The; WorshipCenter; Pro; importer; is; only; supported; on; Windows. It; has; been; disabled; due; to; a; missing; Python; module. If; you; want; to; use; this; importer, you; will; need; to; install; the "pyodbc" module. PowerPraise; Song; Files PresentationManager; Song; Files Worship; Assistant; Files Worship; Assistant (CSV) In; Worship; Assistant,; export your; Database; to; a; CSV; file. OpenLyrics; or; OpenLP; 2; Exported; Song OpenLP; 2; Databases LyriX; Files LyriX (Exported; TXT-files;) VideoPsalm; Files VideoPsalm OPS; Pro; database The; OPS; Pro; importer; is; only; supported; on; Windows. It; has; been; disabled; due; to; a; missing; Python; module. If; you; want; to; use; this; importer, you; will; need; to; install; the "pyodbc" module. ProPresenter; Song; Files The; VideoPsalm; songbooks; are; normally; located in {path} SongsPlugin.LyrixImport File; {name} Error;: {error} SongsPlugin.MediaFilesForm Select; Media; File(s) Selekteer; Media; Lêer(s) Select; one; or; more; audio; files; from; the; list; below, and; click; OK; to; import them into; this; song. Selekteer; een; of; meer; oudio; lêers; van; die; lys; hieronder, en; kliek; OK; om; hulle; na; hierdie; lied in te; voer. SongsPlugin.MediaItem Titles Titels Lyrics Lirieke CCLI; CCLI; Entire; Song Volledige; Lied Maintain; the; lists; of; authors, topics; and; books. Onderhou; die; lys; van; skrywers, onderwerpe; en; boeke. copy For; song; cloning kopieër Search; Titles;... Soek; Titels;... Search; Entire; Song;... Soek; deur; hele; Lied;... Search; Lyrics;... Soek; Lirieke;... Search; Authors;... Soek; Outeure;... Search; Songbooks;... Search; Topics;... Copyright Kopiereg Search; Copyright;... CCLI; number Search; CCLI; number;... Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete the "{d}" selected; song(s)? SongsPlugin.MediaShoutImport Unable; to; open; the; MediaShout; database. Die; MediaShout; databasis; kan; nie; oopgemaak; word; nie. SongsPlugin.OPSProImport Unable; to; connect; the; OPS; Pro; database. "{title}" could; not; be; imported.; {error} SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport Not; a; valid; OpenLP; 2; song; database. SongsPlugin.OpenLyricsExport Exporting "{title}"... SongsPlugin.OpenSongImport Invalid; OpenSong; song; file. Missing; song; tag. SongsPlugin.PowerSongImport No; songs; to; import. Geen; liedere; om in te; voer; nie. Verses; not; found. Missing "PART" header. Verse; nie; gevind; nie. Vermis "PART" opskrif. No; {text} files; found. Invalid; {text} file. Unexpected; byte; value. Invalid; {text} file. Missing "TITLE" header. Invalid; {text} file. Missing "COPYRIGHTLINE" header. SongsPlugin.PresentationManagerImport File; is; not in XML-format, which; is; the; only; format; supported. SongsPlugin.SongBookForm &Name;: &Naam;: &Publisher;: &Uitgewer;: You; need; to; type in a; name; for the book. 'n; Naam; vir; die; boek; moet; ingevoer; word. Songbook; Maintenance SongsPlugin.SongExportForm Your; song; export failed. Die; lied; uitvoer; het; misluk. Finished; export. To; import these files; use; the <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> importer. Uitvoer; voltooi. Om; hierdie; lêers in te; voer, gebruik; die <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> invoerder. Your; song; export failed; because; this; error; {error} SongsPlugin.SongImport copyright kopiereg The; following; songs; could; not; be; Die; volgende; liedere; kon; nie; ingevoer; word; Cannot; access; OpenOffice; or; LibreOffice Het; nie; toegang; tot; OpenOffice; of; LibreOffice; nie Unable; to; open; file Kan; nie; lêer; oopmaak; nie File; not; found Lêer; nie; gevind; nie SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm Could; not; add; your; author. Skrywer; kon; nie; bygevoeg; word; nie. This; author; already; exists. Die; skrywer; bestaan; reeds. Could; not; add; your; topic. Onderwerp; kon; nie; bygevoeg; word; nie. This; topic; already; exists. Hierdie; onderwerp; bestaan; reeds. Could; not; add; your; book. Boek; kon; nie; bygevoeg; word; nie. This; book; already; exists. Hierdie; boek; bestaan; reeds. Could; not; save; your; changes. Veranderinge; kon; nie; gestoor; word; nie. Could; not; save; your; modified; author, because; the; author; already; exists. Geredigeerde; skrywer; kon; nie; gestoor; word; nie, omdat; die; skrywer; reeds; bestaan. Could; not; save; your; modified; topic, because; it; already; exists. Geredigeerde; onderwerp; kon; nie; gestoor; word; nie, want; dit; bestaan; alreeds. Delete; Author Wis; Skrywer; Uit Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete the; selected; author? Wis die; geselekteerde; skrywer; uit? This; author; cannot; be; deleted, they; are; currently; assigned; to; at; least; one; song. Die; skrywer; kan; nie; uitgewis; word; nie, omdat; die; skrywer; aan; ten; minste; een; lied; toegeken; is. Delete; Topic Wis; Onderwerp; Uit Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete the; selected; topic? Wis die; geselekteerde; onderwerp; uit? This; topic; cannot; be; deleted, it; is; currently; assigned; to; at; least; one; song. Die; onderwerp; kan; nie; uitgewis; word; nie, omdat; dit; aan; ten; minste; een; lied; toegeken; is. Delete; Book Wis; Boek; Uit Are; you; sure; you; want; to; delete the; selected; book? Wis die; geselekteerde; boek; uit? This; book; cannot; be; deleted, it; is; currently; assigned; to; at; least; one; song. Die; boek; kan; nie; uitgewis; word; nie, omdat; dit; aan; ten; minste; een; lied; toegeken; is. The; author; {original} already; exists. Would; you; like; to; make; songs; with author {new} use; the; existing; author; {original}? The; topic; {original} already; exists. Would; you; like; to; make; songs; with topic {new} use; the; existing; topic; {original}? The; book; {original} already; exists. Would; you; like; to; make; songs; with book {new} use; the; existing; book; {original}? SongsPlugin.SongSelectForm CCLI; SongSelect; Importer <strong>Note;:</strong> An Internet connection is required in order to import songs from CCLI SongSelect. Username;: Gebruikersnaam;: Password;: Wagwoord;: Save; username; and; password Login Search; Search Soek Logout View Vertoon Title;: Titel;: Author(s);: Copyright;: Kopiereg;: CCLI; Lyrics;: Back Terug Import Voer in More; than; 1000; results Your; search; has; returned; more; than; 1000; results, it; has; been; stopped. Please; refine; your; search; to; fetch; better; results. Logging; out;... Save; Username; and; Password WARNING;: Saving; your; username; and; password; is; INSECURE, your; password; is; stored in PLAIN; TEXT. Click; Yes; to; save; your; password; or; No; to; cancel; this. Error; Logging; In There; was; a; problem; logging in, perhaps; your; username; or; password; is; incorrect? Song; Imported Incomplete; song This; song; is; missing; some; information, like; the; lyrics, and; cannot; be; imported. Your; song; has; been; imported, would; you; like; to; import more songs? Stop Found; {d} song(s) SongsPlugin.SongsTab Update; service; from; song; edit Opdateer; diens; van; lied-redigering Display; songbook in footer Enable "Go; to; verse" button in Live; panel Import; missing; songs; from; Service; files Display "{symbol}" symbol; before; copyright; info Song; related; settings Show "Written; by:" in footer; for unspecified authors SongsPlugin.TopicsForm Topic; Maintenance Onderwerp; Onderhoud Topic; Onderwerp; You; need; to; type in a; topic; name. 'n; Onderwerp; naam; moet; ingevoer; word. SongsPlugin.VerseType Verse Vers Chorus Koor Bridge Brug Pre-Chorus Voor-Refrein Intro Inleiding Ending Slot Other Ander SongsPlugin.VideoPsalmImport Error;: {error} SongsPlugin.WordsofWorshipSongImport Invalid; Words; of; Worship; song; file. Missing "{text}" header. Invalid; Words; of; Worship; song; file. Missing "{text}" string. SongsPlugin.WorshipAssistantImport Error; reading; CSV; file. Probleem; om; CSV; lêer; te; lees. File; not; valid; WorshipAssistant; CSV; format. Line; {d}: {error} Record; {d} Decoding; {error} SongsPlugin.WorshipCenterProImport Unable; to; connect; the; WorshipCenter; Pro; database. SongsPlugin.ZionWorxImport Error; reading; CSV; file. Probleem; om; CSV; lêer; te; lees. File; not; valid; ZionWorx; CSV; format. Lêer; nie; geldige; ZionWorx; CSV; formaat; nie. Record %d Opname %d Line; {d}: {error} Record; {index} Decoding; {error} Wizard Wizard This; wizard; will; help; you; to; remove; duplicate; songs; from; the; song; database. You; will; have; a; chance; to; review; every; potential; duplicate; song; before; it; is; deleted. So; no; songs; will; be; deleted; without; your; explicit; approval. Searching; for duplicate songs. Please; wait; while your songs; database; is; analyzed. Here; you; can; decide; which; songs; to; remove; and; which; ones; to; keep. Information Informasie No; duplicate; songs; have; been; found in the; database. Review; duplicate; songs ({current};/{total}) common.languages (Afan); Oromo Language; om Abkhazian Language; ab Afar Language; aa Afrikaans Language; af Albanian Language; sq Amharic Language; am Amuzgo Language; amu Ancient; Greek Language; grc Arabic Language; ar Armenian Language; hy Assamese Language; as Aymara Language; ay Azerbaijani Language; az Bashkir Language; ba Basque Language; eu Bengali Language; bn Bhutani Language; dz Bihari Language; bh Bislama Language; bi Breton Language; br Bulgarian Language; bg Burmese Language; my Byelorussian Language; be Cakchiquel Language; cak Cambodian Language; km Catalan Language; ca Chinese Language; zh Comaltepec; Chinantec Language; cco Corsican Language; co Croatian Language; hr Czech Language; cs Danish Language; da Dutch Language; nl English Language; en Engels Esperanto Language; eo Estonian Language; et Faeroese Language; fo Fiji Language; fj Finnish Language; fi French Language; fr Frisian Language; fy Galician Language; gl Georgian Language; ka German Language; de Greek Language; el Greenlandic Language; kl Guarani Language; gn Gujarati Language; gu Haitian; Creole Language; ht Hausa Language; ha Hebrew (former; iw;) Language; he Hiligaynon Language; hil Hindi Language; hi Hungarian Language; hu Icelandic Language; is Indonesian (former in) Language; id Interlingua Language; ia Interlingue Language; ie Inuktitut (Eskimo) Language; iu Inupiak Language; ik Irish Language; ga Italian Language; it Jakalteko Language; jac Japanese Language; ja Javanese Language; jw K'iche' Language; quc Kannada Language; kn Kashmiri Language; ks Kazakh Language; kk Kekchí Language; kek Kinyarwanda Language; rw Kirghiz Language; ky Kirundi Language; rn Korean Language; ko Kurdish Language; ku Laothian Language; lo Latin Language; la Latvian, Lettish Language; lv Lingala Language; ln Lithuanian Language; lt Macedonian Language; mk Malagasy Language; mg Malay Language; ms Malayalam Language; ml Maltese Language; mt Mam Language; mam Maori Language; mi Maori Language; mri Marathi Language; mr Moldavian Language; mo Mongolian Language; mn Nahuatl Language; nah Nauru Language; na Nepali Language; ne Norwegian Language; no Occitan Language; oc Oriya Language; or Pashto, Pushto Language; ps Persian Language; fa Plautdietsch Language; pdt Polish Language; pl Portuguese Language; pt Punjabi Language; pa Quechua Language; qu Rhaeto-Romance Language; rm Romanian Language; ro Russian Language; ru Samoan Language; sm Sangro Language; sg Sanskrit Language; sa Scots; Gaelic Language; gd Serbian Language; sr Serbo-Croatian Language; sh Sesotho Language; st Setswana Language; tn Shona Language; sn Sindhi Language; sd Singhalese Language; si Siswati Language; ss Slovak Language; sk Slovenian Language; sl Somali Language; so Spanish Language; es Sudanese Language; su Swahili Language; sw Swedish Language; sv Tagalog Language; tl Tajik Language; tg Tamil Language; ta Tatar Language; tt Tegulu Language; te Thai Language; th Tibetan Language; bo Tigrinya Language; ti Tonga Language; to Tsonga Language; ts Turkish Language; tr Turkmen Language; tk Twi Language; tw Uigur Language; ug Ukrainian Language; uk Urdu Language; ur Uspanteco Language; usp Uzbek Language; uz Vietnamese Language; vi Volapuk Language; vo Welch Language; cy Wolof Language; wo Xhosa Language; xh Yiddish (former; ji;) Language; yi Yoruba Language; yo Zhuang Language; za Zulu Language; zu ;