AlertsPlugin &Alert &Hälytys Show an alert message. Näytä Alert name singular Hälytys Alerts name plural Hälytykset Alerts container title Hälytykset <strong>Alerts Plugin</strong><br />The alert plugin controls the displaying of nursery alerts on the display screen. <strong>Hälytykset lisäosa</strong><br />Hälytykset lisäosa huolehtii lastenhoidon viestien näyttämisestä esityksen aikana. AlertsPlugin.AlertForm Alert Message Hälytysviesti Alert &text: Hälytyksen &teksti &New &Uusi &Save &Tallenna Displ&ay &Näytä Display && Cl&ose Näytä && &Sulje New Alert Uusi hälytys You haven't specified any text for your alert. Please type in some text before clicking New. Et ole määritellyt viestitekstiä hälytykselle. Ole hyvä ja anna jokin teksti ennen kuin painat Uusi. &Parameter: &Parametri: No Parameter Found Parametritekstiä ei ole. You have not entered a parameter to be replaced. Do you want to continue anyway? Et ole antanut lainkaan tekstiin sijoitettavaa parametriä. Tahdotko jatkaa siitä huolimatta? No Placeholder Found Ei korvattavaa parametria tekstissä The alert text does not contain '<>'. Do you want to continue anyway? Hälytystekstissä ei ole lainkaan '<>' parametria. Tahdotko jatkaa siitä huolimatta? AlertsPlugin.AlertsManager Alert message created and displayed. Hälytysviesti on luotu ja näytetty. AlertsPlugin.AlertsTab Font Kirjasin Font name: Kirjasimen nimi: Font color: Kirjasimen väri: Background color: Taustaväri: Font size: Kirjasimen koko: Alert timeout: Hälytyksen kesto: BiblesPlugin &Bible &Raamattu Bible name singular Raamattu Bibles name plural Raamatut Bibles container title Raamatut No Book Found Kirjaa ei löydy No matching book could be found in this Bible. Check that you have spelled the name of the book correctly. Annettua kirjaa ei ole tässä Raamatussa. Ole hyvä ja tarkista kirjan nimen oikeinkirjoitus. Import a Bible. Tuo Raamattu. Add a new Bible. Lisää uusi Raamattu. Edit the selected Bible. Muokkaa valittua Raamattua. Delete the selected Bible. Poista valittu Raamattu. Preview the selected Bible. Esikatsele valittua Raamatun tekstiä. Send the selected Bible live. Lähetä valittu Raamatun teksti esitykseen. Add the selected Bible to the service. Lisää valittu Raamatun teksti ajolistalle. <strong>Bible Plugin</strong><br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible verses from different sources during the service. <strong>Raamattu-lisäosa</strong><br />Raamattu-lisäosalla voi näyttää Raamatun jakeita suoraan Raamatusta tilaisuuden aikana. &Upgrade older Bibles &Päivitä vanhempia Raamattuja Upgrade the Bible databases to the latest format. Päivitä Raamattutietokannat uusimpaan tiedostomuotoon. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Judith Wisdom Tobit Sirach Baruch 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Rest of Daniel Rest of Esther Prayer of Manasses Letter of Jeremiah Prayer of Azariah Susanna Bel 1 Esdras 2 Esdras :|v|V|verse|verses;;-|to;;,|and;;end Double-semicolon delimited separators for parsing references. Consult the developers for further information. BiblesPlugin.BibleEditForm You need to specify a version name for your Bible. You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. Bible Exists This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. You need to specify a book name for "%s". The book name "%s" is not correct. Numbers can only be used at the beginning and must be followed by one or more non-numeric characters. Duplicate Book Name The Book Name "%s" has been entered more than once. BiblesPlugin.BibleManager Scripture Reference Error Virhe jaeviitteessä Web Bible cannot be used Nettiraamattua ei voi käyttää Text Search is not available with Web Bibles. Tekstihaku ei ole käytettävissä nettiraamatuista. You did not enter a search keyword. You can separate different keywords by a space to search for all of your keywords and you can separate them by a comma to search for one of them. Et antanut lainkaan hakusanaa. Voit antaa useita eri hakusanoja välilyönnillä erotettuna, jos etsit niitä yhdessä. Jos sanat erotetaan pilkulla, etsitään mitä tahansa niistä. There are no Bibles currently installed. Please use the Import Wizard to install one or more Bibles. Raamattuja ei ole asennettuna. Ole hyvä ja asenna tai tuo ohjelmaan yksi tai useampia Raamattuja. No Bibles Available Raamattuja ei ole saatavilla Your scripture reference is either not supported by OpenLP or is invalid. Please make sure your reference conforms to one of the following patterns or consult the manual: Book Chapter Book Chapter%(range)sChapter Book Chapter%(verse)sVerse%(range)sVerse Book Chapter%(verse)sVerse%(range)sVerse%(list)sVerse%(range)sVerse Book Chapter%(verse)sVerse%(range)sVerse%(list)sChapter%(verse)sVerse%(range)sVerse Book Chapter%(verse)sVerse%(range)sChapter%(verse)sVerse Please pay attention to the appended "s" of the wildcards and refrain from translating the words inside the names in the brackets. BiblesPlugin.BiblesTab Verse Display Jakeiden näyttäminen Only show new chapter numbers Älä toista lukunumeroita Bible theme: Raamatun teema No Brackets Ei sulkuja ( And ) ( ja ) { And } { ja } [ And ] [ ja ] Note: Changes do not affect verses already in the service. Huomio: Muutokset eivät vaikuta jakeisiin, jotka on jo ajolistalla. Display second Bible verses Näytä vaihtoehtoinen Raamattu Custom Scripture References Verse Separator: Range Separator: List Separator: End Mark: Multiple alternative verse separators may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. Multiple alternative range separators may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. Multiple alternative list separators may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. Multiple alternative end marks may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. English Default Bible Language Book name language in search field, search results and on display: Bible Language Application Language BiblesPlugin.BookNameDialog Select Book Name Valitse kirjan nimi Current name: Nykyinen nimi: Corresponding name: Vastaava nimi: Show Books From Näytä kirjalyhenteet Old Testament Vanha testamentti New Testament Uusi testamentti Apocrypha Deuterokanoniset kirjat The following book name cannot be matched up internally. Please select the corresponding name from the list. BiblesPlugin.BookNameForm You need to select a book. SInun pitää valita kirja. BiblesPlugin.CSVBible Importing books... %s Tuodaan kirjoja... %s Importing verses from %s... Importing verses from <book name>... Tuodaan jakeita %s:sta... Importing verses... done. Tuodaan jakeita... valmis. BiblesPlugin.EditBibleForm Bible Editor License Details Version name: Copyright: Permissions: Default Bible Language Book name language in search field, search results and on display: Global Settings Bible Language Application Language English This is a Web Download Bible. It is not possible to customize the Book Names. To use the customized book names, "Bible language" must be selected on the Meta Data tab or, if "Global settings" is selected, on the Bible page in Configure OpenLP. BiblesPlugin.HTTPBible Registering Bible and loading books... Rekisteröidään Raamattu ja ladataan kirjoja... Registering Language... Rekisteröidään kieli... Importing %s... Importing <book name>... Tuodaan %s... Download Error Virhe tiedoston lataamisessa There was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection, and if this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Ohjelma havaitsi ongelmia valittujen jakeiden lataamisessa. Ole hyvä ja tarkasta internet-yhteyden toimivuus. Jos ongelma ei poistu, harkitse raportointia virheestä kehittäjille. Parse Error Jäsennysvirhe There was a problem extracting your verse selection. If this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Ohjelma havaitsi ongelmia valittujen jakeiden purkamisessa. Jos ongelma ei poistu, harkitse raportointia virheestä kehittäjille. BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm Bible Import Wizard Raamatun ohjattu tuonti This wizard will help you to import Bibles from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. Tämä työkalu helpottaa Raamattujen tuomista ohjelmaan eri formaateissa. Paina 'Seuraava' - painiketta aloittaaksesi tuonnin valitsemalla formaatin, josta teksti tuodaan. Web Download Lataaminen netistä Location: Sijainti: Crosswalk Crosswalk BibleGateway BibleGateway Bible: Raamattu: Download Options Laamisen asetukset Server: Palvelin: Username: Käyttäjätunnus: Password: Salasana: Proxy Server (Optional) Välityspalvelin (valinnainen) License Details Käyttöoikeus Set up the Bible's license details. Aseta Raamatun tekstin käyttöoikeuden tiedot. Version name: Käännöksen nimi: Copyright: Tekijäinoikeus: Please wait while your Bible is imported. Ole hyvä ja odota kunnes Raamattu on tuotu järjestelmään. You need to specify a file with books of the Bible to use in the import. Valitse tiedosto tuotavaksi, jossa on Raamatun tekstissä käytetyt kirjojen nimet. You need to specify a file of Bible verses to import. Valitse tiedosto tuotavaksi, jossa on Raamatun teksti jakeittain. You need to specify a version name for your Bible. Anna nimi käännökselle, joka tuodaan ohjelmaan. You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. Sinun pitää määritellä tekijäinoikeusteksti Raamatulle. Myös Public Domain -lisenssi pitää mainita. Bible Exists Raamattu on jo olemassa This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. Tämä Raamattu on jo olemassa. Ole hyvä ja tuo eri käännös tai poista ensin nykyinen samalla nimellä oleva. Your Bible import failed. Raamatun tuonti epäonnistui. CSV File CSV-tiedosto Bibleserver Raamattupalvelin Permissions: Oikeudet: Bible file: Raamattutiedosto: Books file: Kirjatiedosto: Verses file: Jaetiedosto: 1.x Bible Files 1.x Raamattu tiedostot Registering Bible... Rekisteröidään Raamattua... Registered Bible. Please note, that verses will be downloaded on demand and thus an internet connection is required. Raamattu rekisteröity. Huomaathan, että jakeet ladataan palvelimelta tarpeen mukaan, joten internet yhteys tämän raamatun käytössä vaaditaan. BiblesPlugin.LanguageDialog Select Language Valitse kieli OpenLP is unable to determine the language of this translation of the Bible. Please select the language from the list below. OpenLP ei pysty määrittelemään tässä Raamatun käännöksessä käytettyä kieltä. Ole hyvä ja valitse kieli alla olevasta luettelosta. Language: Kieli: BiblesPlugin.LanguageForm You need to choose a language. Sinun tulee valita kieli. BiblesPlugin.MediaItem Quick Nopea Find: Etsi: Book: Kirja: Chapter: Luku: Verse: Jae: From: Alkaen: To: Asti: Text Search Tekstihaku Second: Toinen: Scripture Reference Jaeviite Toggle to keep or clear the previous results. Vaihda valinta pitääksesi tai pyyhkiäksesi edelliset tulokset. You cannot combine single and dual Bible verse search results. Do you want to delete your search results and start a new search? Et voi yhdistää yhden ja kahden käännöksen jaehakujen tuloksia. Haluatko poistaa hakutulokset ja aloittaa uuden haun? Bible not fully loaded. Raamattu ei latautunut kokonaan. Information Tiedot The second Bible does not contain all the verses that are in the main Bible. Only verses found in both Bibles will be shown. %d verses have not been included in the results. Toissijainen Raamattu ei sisällä kaikki ensisijaisen käännöksen jakeita. Vain ne jakeet, jotka ovat kummassakin käännöksessä, voidaan näyttää. %d jaetta jätettiin pois hakutuloksista. Search Scripture Reference... Search Text... Are you sure you want to completely delete "%s" Bible from OpenLP? You will need to re-import this Bible to use it again. BiblesPlugin.OpenSongImport Incorrect Bible file type supplied. OpenSong Bibles may be compressed. You must decompress them before import. BiblesPlugin.Opensong Importing %s %s... Importing <book name> <chapter>... Tuodaan %s %s... BiblesPlugin.OsisImport Detecting encoding (this may take a few minutes)... Selvitetään merkistöä (tämä voi kestää muutamia minuutteja)... Importing %s %s... Importing <book name> <chapter>... Tuodaan %s %s... BiblesPlugin.UpgradeWizardForm Select a Backup Directory Valitse hakemisto varmuuskopiolle Bible Upgrade Wizard Ohjattu Raamatun päivitys This wizard will help you to upgrade your existing Bibles from a prior version of OpenLP 2. Click the next button below to start the upgrade process. Tämä päivitystyökalu auttaa päivittämään nykyiset Raamatut edellisestä versiosta OpenLP 2:een. Paina 'seuraava' jatkaaksesi päivitystä. Select Backup Directory Valitse hakemisto varmuuskopiolle Please select a backup directory for your Bibles Ole hyvä ja valitse hakemisto, jonne Raamatut varmuuskopiodaan Previous releases of OpenLP 2.0 are unable to use upgraded Bibles. This will create a backup of your current Bibles so that you can simply copy the files back to your OpenLP data directory if you need to revert to a previous release of OpenLP. Instructions on how to restore the files can be found in our <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a>. Vanhemmat versiot OpenLP 2.0 eivät voi käyttää päivitettyjä Raamatun käännöksiä. Tämä tekee varmuuskopion nykyisistä Raamatuista, jotta voit kopioida ne takaisin OpenLP:n hakemistoon, jos sinun tarvitsee jostain syystä palata käyttämään ohjelman vanhempaa versiota. Ohjeet Raamattujen palauttamiseen on nettisivullamme kohdassa <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a>. Please select a backup location for your Bibles. Ole hyvä ja valitse sijainti varmuuskopioille. Backup Directory: Varmuuskopioihakemisto: There is no need to backup my Bibles Raamatunkäännöksiä ei tarvitse varmuuskopioida Select Bibles Valitse Raamatut Please select the Bibles to upgrade Ole hyvä ja valitse Raamatut päivitettäväksi Upgrading Päivitetään Please wait while your Bibles are upgraded. Ole hyvä ja odota, kunnes Raamatut on päivitetty. The backup was not successful. To backup your Bibles you need permission to write to the given directory. Varmuuskopiointi epäonnistui. Varmuuskopiointia varten tarvitaan kirjoitusoikeudet annettuun hakemistoon. Upgrading Bible %s of %s: "%s" Failed Päivitetään Raamattua %s/%s: "%s" Epäonnistui Upgrading Bible %s of %s: "%s" Upgrading ... Päivitetään Raamattua %s/%s: "%s" Päivitetään ... Download Error Virhe latauksessa To upgrade your Web Bibles an Internet connection is required. Nettiraamattujen päivittämiseksi tarvitaan internet-yhteys. Upgrading Bible %s of %s: "%s" Upgrading %s ... Päivitetään Raamattua %s/%s: "%s" Päivitetään %s ... Upgrading Bible %s of %s: "%s" Complete Päivitetään Raamattua %s/%s: "%s" Valmis , %s failed , %s epäonnistui Upgrading Bible(s): %s successful%s Please note that verses from Web Bibles will be downloaded on demand and so an Internet connection is required. Raamattujen päivitys: %s onnistui %s Ole hyvä ja huomaa, että jakeet nettiraamatuista ladataan käytettäessä, joten nettiyhteys niiden käyttämiseksi vaaditaan. Upgrading Bible(s): %s successful%s Päivitetään Raamattuja: %s onnistui %s. Upgrade failed. Päivitys epäonnistui. You need to specify a backup directory for your Bibles. Määrittele hakemisto Raamattujen varmuuskopioille. Starting upgrade... Aloitetaan päivitys... There are no Bibles that need to be upgraded. Ei ole päivitettäviä Ramaattuja. CustomPlugin <strong>Custom Slide Plugin</strong><br />The custom slide plugin provides the ability to set up custom text slides that can be displayed on the screen the same way songs are. This plugin provides greater freedom over the songs plugin. <strong>Mukautetut diat</strong><br />Mukautetut diat ominaisuus mahdollistaa yksittäisten diojen näyttämisen laulujen tapaan. Mukautetut diat sen sijaan voidaan muokata vapaammin omiin tarkoituksiin sopiviksi. Custom Slide name singular Mukautettu dia Custom Slides name plural Mukautetut diat Custom Slides container title Mukautetut diat Load a new custom slide. Lataa uusi mukautettu dia. Import a custom slide. Tuo mukautettu dia. Add a new custom slide. Lisää uusi mukautettu dia. Edit the selected custom slide. Muokkaa valittua mukautettua diaa. Delete the selected custom slide. Poista valittu mukautettu dia. Preview the selected custom slide. Esikatsele valittua mukautettua diaa. Send the selected custom slide live. Lähetä valittu mukautettu dia esitykseen. Add the selected custom slide to the service. Lisää valittu mukautettu dia ajolistalle. CustomPlugin.CustomTab Custom Display Mukautettu näyttö Display footer Näytä lopputunniste CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm Edit Custom Slides Muokkaa mukautettuja dioja &Title: &Otsikko Add a new slide at bottom. Lisää uusi dia loppuun. Edit the selected slide. Muokkaa valittua diaa. Edit all the slides at once. Muokkaa kaikki dioja kerralla. Split a slide into two by inserting a slide splitter. Jaa dia kahteen osaan lisäämällä splitterin. The&me: Tee&ma: &Credits: &Lopputekstit: You need to type in a title. Muista antaa myös otsikko. You need to add at least one slide Sinun pitää lisätä ainakin yksi dia. Ed&it All Mu&okkaa kaikkia Insert Slide Lisää dia CustomPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Slide CustomPlugin.MediaItem Are you sure you want to delete the %n selected custom slide(s)? ImagePlugin <strong>Image Plugin</strong><br />The image plugin provides displaying of images.<br />One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the theme. <strong>Kuvankatselu lisäosa</strong><br />Kuvankatselu toteuttaa helpon kuvien näyttämisen.<br />Lisäosa mahdollistaa kokonaisen kuvajoukon näyttämisen yhdessä ajolistalla, mikä tekee useiden kuvien näyttämisestä hallitumpaa. Kuvia voi myös ajaa slideshowna OpenLP:n ajastusta hyödyntäen. Lisäksi kuvia voi käyttää jumalanpalvelukselle valitun taustakuvan sijaan, mikä mahdollistaa kuvien käyttämisen taustakuvana teksteille teeman sijaan. Image name singular Kuva Images name plural Kuvat Images container title Kuvat Load a new image. Lataa uusi kuva. Add a new image. Lisää uusi kuva. Edit the selected image. Muokkaa valittua kuvaa. Delete the selected image. Poista valittu kuva. Preview the selected image. Esikatsele valittua kuvaa. Send the selected image live. Lähetä valittu kuva esitykseen. Add the selected image to the service. Lisää valittu kuva ajolistalle. ImagePlugin.ExceptionDialog Select Attachment Valitse liite ImagePlugin.MediaItem Select Image(s) Valitse kuva(t) You must select an image to delete. Sinun pitää valita kuva, jonka poistat. You must select an image to replace the background with. Sinun pitää valita kuva, jolla korvaa taustan. Missing Image(s) Puuttuvat kuva(t) The following image(s) no longer exist: %s Seuraavaa kuvaa (kuvia) ei enää ole olemassa: %s The following image(s) no longer exist: %s Do you want to add the other images anyway? Seuraavaa kuvaa (kuvia) ei ole enää olemassa: %s Haluatko lisätä toisia kuvia siitä huolimatta? There was a problem replacing your background, the image file "%s" no longer exists. Taustakuvan korvaaminen ei onnistunut. Kuvatiedosto "%s" ei ole enää olemassa. There was no display item to amend. Muutettavaa näyttöotsaketta ei ole. ImagesPlugin.ImageTab Background Color Taustaväri Default Color: Oletusväri: Visible background for images with aspect ratio different to screen. MediaPlugin <strong>Media Plugin</strong><br />The media plugin provides playback of audio and video. <strong>Media-lisäosa</strong><br /> Media-lisäosa mahdollistaa audio ja video lähteiden toistamisen. Media name singular Media Media name plural Media Media container title Media Load new media. Lataa uusi media. Add new media. Lisää uusi media. Edit the selected media. Muokkaa valittua mediaa. Delete the selected media. Poista valittu media. Preview the selected media. Esikatsele valittua mediaa. Send the selected media live. Lähetä valittu media esitykseen. Add the selected media to the service. Lisää valittu media ajolistalle. MediaPlugin.MediaItem Select Media Valitse media You must select a media file to delete. Sinun täytyy valita mediatiedosto poistettavaksi. You must select a media file to replace the background with. Sinun täytyy valita mediatiedosto, jolla taustakuva korvataan. There was a problem replacing your background, the media file "%s" no longer exists. Taustakuvan korvaamisessa on ongelmia, mediatiedosto '%s" ei ole enää saatavilla. Missing Media File Puuttuva mediatiedosto The file %s no longer exists. Tiedosto %s ei ole enää olemassa. Videos (%s);;Audio (%s);;%s (*) Videoita (%s);;Audio (%s);;%s (*) There was no display item to amend. Ei ollut muutettavaa näyttöelementtiä. Unsupported File Tiedostotyyppiä ei tueta. Automatic Automaattinen Use Player: Käytä soitinta: MediaPlugin.MediaTab Available Media Players Saatavilla olevat mediasoittimet %s (unavailable) %s (ei ole saatavilla) Player Order Soittimien järjestys Allow media player to be overridden OpenLP Image Files Kuvatiedostot Information Tiedot Bible format has changed. You have to upgrade your existing Bibles. Should OpenLP upgrade now? Raamatun tiedostomuoto on muuttunut. Sinun tarvitsee päivittää aiemmin asennetut Raamatut. Pitäisikö OpenLP:n päivittää ne nyt? OpenLP.AboutForm Credits Kiitokset License Lisenssi Contribute Avustus build %s build %s This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. Tämä ohjelma on vapaa, voit jakaa ja / tai muuttaa sitä ehtojen mukaisesti GNU General Public Licensen julkaissut Free Software Foundation, version 2 lisenssillä. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See below for more details. Tätä ohjelmaa levitetään siinä toivossa, että se olisi hyödyllinen, mutta ilman mitään takuuta; ilman edes hiljaista takuuta kaupallisesti hyväksyttävästä laadusta tai soveltuvuudesta tiettyyn tarkoitukseen. Project Lead %s Developers %s Contributors %s Testers %s Packagers %s Translators Afrikaans (af) %s German (de) %s English, United Kingdom (en_GB) %s English, South Africa (en_ZA) %s Estonian (et) %s French (fr) %s Hungarian (hu) %s Japanese (ja) %s Norwegian Bokmål (nb) %s Dutch (nl) %s Portuguese, Brazil (pt_BR) %s Russian (ru) %s Documentation %s Built With Python: Qt4: PyQt4: Oxygen Icons: Final Credit "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but inherit eternal life." -- John 3:16 And last but not least, final credit goes to God our Father, for sending His Son to die on the cross, setting us free from sin. We bring this software to you for free because He has set us free. Projektin johto ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Kehittäjät ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Osallistujat ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Testaajat ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Paketoijat ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Kääntäjät ⏎ afrikaans (af) ⏎%s ⏎ saksa (de) ⏎%s ⏎ brittienglanti (en_GB) ⏎%s ⏎ englanti, Etelä-Afrikka (en_ZA) ⏎%s ⏎ viro (et) ⏎%s ⏎ ranska (fr) ⏎%s ⏎ unkari (hu) ⏎%s ⏎ japani (ja) ⏎ %s ⏎ norja bokmål (nb) ⏎%s ⏎ hollanti (nl) ⏎%s ⏎ portugali, brasilia (pt_BR) ⏎%s ⏎ venäjä (ru) ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ Dokumentaatio ⏎%s ⏎ ⏎ rakennettu ⏎ Python: ⏎ Qt4: ⏎ PyQt4: ⏎ Oxygen kuvakkeet: ⏎ ⏎ Muut kiitokset ⏎ "Sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut, että Hän antoi ⏎ ainokaisen Poikansa, niin että kuka tahansa ⏎ uskoo Häneen ei hukkuisi, vaan perii ⏎ iankaikkisen elämän." - Joh. 3:16 ⏎ ⏎ Ja viimeisenä, mutta ei vähäisimpänä, kaikkein suurin ansio ⏎ Jumala, Isämme, joka lähetti Poikansa kuolemaan ⏎ ristillä, jossa hän vapautti meidät synnistä. Me ⏎ annamme tämän ohjelmiston sinulle maksutta koska ⏎ Hän vapautti meidät maksutta. OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations (if Impress, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is installed) for church worship using a computer and a data projector. Find out more about OpenLP: OpenLP is written and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to see more free Christian software being written, please consider contributing by using the button below. OpenLP <version> <revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection ⏎ ⏎ OpenLP on vapaa esitysohjelmisto seurakuntakontekstiin, jolla voi näyttää laulujen sanoja, dioja, Raamatun jakeita, videoita, kuvia, ja jopa esitysgrafiikkaa (jos käytössä on joko Impress, PowerPoint tai PowerPoint Viewer) käyttäen tietokonetta ja dataprojektoria. ⏎ ⏎ lisätietoja OpenLP: ⏎ ⏎ OpenLP on toteutettu ja sitä ylläpidetään vapaaehtoisvoimin. Jos haluat nähdä yhä enemmän vapaita kristillisiä ohjelmistoja on tuottettavan, harkitse edistää työtä painammalla alla olevaa painiketta. Copyright © 2004-2012 %s Portions copyright © 2004-2012 %s OpenLP.AdvancedTab UI Settings Käyttöliittymän asetukset Number of recent files to display: Kuinka monta viimeisintä tiedostoa näytetään Remember active media manager tab on startup Muista aktivoida median hallinnan välilehti käynnistyksessä Double-click to send items straight to live Tuplaklikkaa lähettääksesi otsakkeet suoraan esitykseen Expand new service items on creation Näytä uudet ajolistan otsakkeet avoimina luodessa Enable application exit confirmation Varmista sovelluksen sulkeminen ennen poistumista Mouse Cursor Hiiren osoitin Hide mouse cursor when over display window Piilota hiiren osoitin, kun se on näyttöikkunan päällä Default Image Oletuskuva Background color: Taustaväri: Image file: Kuvatiedosto: Open File Avaa tiedosto Advanced Edistyneet Preview items when clicked in Media Manager Esikatsele otsaketta, kun sitä klikataan median hallinnassa Click to select a color. Valitse väri klikkaamalla. Browse for an image file to display. Selaa näytettäviä kuvia. Revert to the default OpenLP logo. Palauta oletusarvoinen OpenLP logo. Service %Y-%m-%d %H-%M This may not contain any of the following characters: /\?*|<>[]":+ See for more information. Default Service Name Enable default service name Date and Time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurdsday Friday Saturday Sunday Now Time when usual service starts. Name: Consult the OpenLP manual for usage. Revert to the default service name "%s". Example: X11 Bypass X11 Window Manager Syntax error. Data Location Current path: Custom path: Browse for new data file location. Set the data location to the default. Cancel Cancel OpenLP data directory location change. Copy data to new location. Copy the OpenLP data files to the new location. <strong>WARNING:</strong> New data directory location contains OpenLP data files. These files WILL be replaced during a copy. Data Directory Error Select Data Directory Location Confirm Data Directory Change Reset Data Directory Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to the default location? This location will be used after OpenLP is closed. Overwrite Existing Data OpenLP.ExceptionDialog Error Occurred Tapahtui virhe Oops! OpenLP hit a problem, and couldn't recover. The text in the box below contains information that might be helpful to the OpenLP developers, so please e-mail it to, along with a detailed description of what you were doing when the problem occurred. Uups. OpenLP päätyi virheeseen, josta ei voi jatkaa. Tekstikentässä on tietoa virheestä, joka saattaa helpottaa ohjelmakehittäjien työtä, joten ole hyvä ja lähetä se sähköpostilla osoitteeseen Lisää myös kuvaus siitä, mitä olit tekemässä, kun virhe tapahtui. Send E-Mail Lähetä sähköposti Save to File Tallenna tiedostoon Please enter a description of what you were doing to cause this error (Minimum 20 characters) Ole hyvä ja kerro lyhyesti, mitä olit tekemässä, kun virhe tapahtui. (Vähintään 20 kirjainta) Attach File Liitä tiedosto Description characters to enter : %s Kuvauksessa on merkkejä: %s OpenLP.ExceptionForm Platform: %s Järjestelmä: %s Save Crash Report Tallenna virheraportti Text files (*.txt *.log *.text) Teksti tiedostot (*.txt *.log *.text) **OpenLP Bug Report** Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s **OpenLP virheraportti**⏎ Versio: %s⏎ ⏎ --- Poikkeuksen tiedot. ---⏎ ⏎ %s⏎ ⏎ --- Poikkeuksen traceback ---⏎ %s⏎ --- Järjestelmätiedot ---⏎ %s⏎ --- Kirjastoversiot ---⏎ %s⏎ *OpenLP Bug Report* Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s Please add the information that bug reports are favoured written in English. **OpenLP virheraportti**⏎ Versio: %s⏎ ⏎ --- Poikkeuksen tiedot. ---⏎ ⏎ %s⏎ ⏎ --- Poikkeuksen traceback ---⏎ %s⏎ --- Järjestelmätiedot ---⏎ %s⏎ --- Kirjastoversiot ---⏎ %s⏎ OpenLP.FileRenameForm File Rename Tiedoston uudelleennimeäminen New File Name: Uusi tiedostonimi: File Copy Tiedoston kopiointi OpenLP.FirstTimeLanguageForm Select Translation Valitse käännös Choose the translation you'd like to use in OpenLP. Valitse käännös, jota haluat käyttää OpenLP:ssä Translation: Käännös: OpenLP.FirstTimeWizard Songs Laulut First Time Wizard Ensikäynnistyksen avustaja Welcome to the First Time Wizard Tervetuloa ensikäynnistyksen avustajaan Activate required Plugins Aktivoi vaaditut lisäosat Select the Plugins you wish to use. Valitse lisäosat, joita haluat käyttää. Bible Raamattu Images Kuvat Presentations Esitykset Media (Audio and Video) Media (audio ja video) Allow remote access Salli etäkäyttö Monitor Song Usage Tilastoi laulujen käyttöä Allow Alerts Salli hälytykset Default Settings Oletusasetukset Downloading %s... Ladataan %s... Download complete. Click the finish button to start OpenLP. Lataus valmis. Paina lopetuspainiketta käynnistääksesi OpenLP:n. Enabling selected plugins... Otetaan käyttöön valittuja lisäosia... No Internet Connection Ei internetyhteyttä Unable to detect an Internet connection. Toimivaa internetyhteyttä ei saatavilla. Sample Songs Esimerkkejä lauluista Select and download public domain songs. Valitse ja lataa tekijäinoikeusvapaita lauluja. Sample Bibles Esimerkkejä Raamatuista Select and download free Bibles. Sample Themes Select and download sample themes. Set up default settings to be used by OpenLP. Default output display: Select default theme: Starting configuration process... This wizard will help you to configure OpenLP for initial use. Click the next button below to start. Setting Up And Downloading Please wait while OpenLP is set up and your data is downloaded. Setting Up Click the finish button to start OpenLP. Download complete. Click the finish button to return to OpenLP. Click the finish button to return to OpenLP. Custom Slides Finish No Internet connection was found. The First Time Wizard needs an Internet connection in order to be able to download sample songs, Bibles and themes. Click the Finish button now to start OpenLP with initial settings and no sample data. To re-run the First Time Wizard and import this sample data at a later time, check your Internet connection and re-run this wizard by selecting "Tools/Re-run First Time Wizard" from OpenLP. To cancel the First Time Wizard completely (and not start OpenLP), click the Cancel button now. OpenLP.FormattingTagDialog Configure Formatting Tags Edit Selection Save Description Tag Start HTML End HTML OpenLP.FormattingTagForm Update Error Tag "n" already defined. New Tag <HTML here> </and here> Tag %s already defined. OpenLP.FormattingTags Red Black Blue Yellow Green Pink Orange Purple White Superscript Subscript Paragraph Bold Italics Underline Break OpenLP.GeneralTab General Monitors Select monitor for output display: Display if a single screen Application Startup Show blank screen warning Automatically open the last service Show the splash screen Application Settings Prompt to save before starting a new service Automatically preview next item in service sec CCLI Details SongSelect username: SongSelect password: X Y Height Width Check for updates to OpenLP Unblank display when adding new live item Timed slide interval: Background Audio Start background audio paused Service Item Slide Limits Override display position: Repeat track list Behavior of next/previous on the last/first slide: &Remain on Slide &Wrap around &Move to next/previous service item OpenLP.LanguageManager Language Please restart OpenLP to use your new language setting. OpenLP.MainDisplay OpenLP Display OpenLP.MainWindow &File &Import &Export &View M&ode &Tools &Settings &Language &Help Media Manager Service Manager Theme Manager &New &Open Open an existing service. &Save Save the current service to disk. Save &As... Save Service As Save the current service under a new name. E&xit Quit OpenLP &Theme &Configure OpenLP... &Media Manager Toggle Media Manager Toggle the visibility of the media manager. &Theme Manager Toggle Theme Manager Toggle the visibility of the theme manager. &Service Manager Toggle Service Manager Toggle the visibility of the service manager. &Preview Panel Toggle Preview Panel Toggle the visibility of the preview panel. &Live Panel Toggle Live Panel Toggle the visibility of the live panel. &Plugin List &Luettelo lisäosista List the Plugins Lisäosien luettelo &User Guide &About More information about OpenLP &Online Help &Web Site Use the system language, if available. Set the interface language to %s Add &Tool... Add an application to the list of tools. &Default Set the view mode back to the default. &Setup Set the view mode to Setup. &Live Set the view mode to Live. Version %s of OpenLP is now available for download (you are currently running version %s). You can download the latest version from OpenLP Version Updated OpenLP Main Display Blanked The Main Display has been blanked out Default Theme: %s English Please add the name of your language here Finish Configure &Shortcuts... Close OpenLP Are you sure you want to close OpenLP? Open &Data Folder... Open the folder where songs, bibles and other data resides. &Autodetect Update Theme Images Update the preview images for all themes. Print the current service. &Recent Files L&ock Panels Prevent the panels being moved. Re-run First Time Wizard Re-run the First Time Wizard, importing songs, Bibles and themes. Re-run First Time Wizard? Are you sure you want to re-run the First Time Wizard? Re-running this wizard may make changes to your current OpenLP configuration and possibly add songs to your existing songs list and change your default theme. Clear List Clear List of recent files Clear the list of recent files. Configure &Formatting Tags... Export OpenLP settings to a specified *.config file Settings Import OpenLP settings from a specified *.config file previously exported on this or another machine Import settings? Are you sure you want to import settings? Importing settings will make permanent changes to your current OpenLP configuration. Importing incorrect settings may cause erratic behaviour or OpenLP to terminate abnormally. Open File OpenLP Export Settings Files (*.conf) Import settings OpenLP will now close. Imported settings will be applied the next time you start OpenLP. Export Settings File OpenLP Export Settings File (*.conf) New Data Directory Error OpenLP.Manager Database Error The database being loaded was created in a more recent version of OpenLP. The database is version %d, while OpenLP expects version %d. The database will not be loaded. Database: %s OpenLP cannot load your database. Database: %s OpenLP.MediaManagerItem No Items Selected &Add to selected Service Item You must select one or more items to preview. You must select one or more items to send live. You must select one or more items. You must select an existing service item to add to. Invalid Service Item You must select a %s service item. You must select one or more items to add. No Search Results Invalid File Type Invalid File %s. Suffix not supported &Clone Duplicate files were found on import and were ignored. OpenLP.OpenLyricsImportError <lyrics> tag is missing. <verse> tag is missing. OpenLP.PluginForm Plugin List Luettelo lisäosista Plugin Details Lisäosan tiedot Status: Active Inactive %s (Inactive) %s (Active) %s (Disabled) OpenLP.PrintServiceDialog Fit Page Fit Width OpenLP.PrintServiceForm Options Copy Copy as HTML Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom Original Other Options Include slide text if available Include service item notes Include play length of media items Add page break before each text item Service Sheet Print Title: Custom Footer Text: OpenLP.ScreenList Screen primary OpenLP.ServiceItem <strong>Start</strong>: %s <strong>Length</strong>: %s OpenLP.ServiceItemEditForm Reorder Service Item OpenLP.ServiceManager Move to &top Move item to the top of the service. Move &up Move item up one position in the service. Move &down Move item down one position in the service. Move to &bottom Move item to the end of the service. &Delete From Service Delete the selected item from the service. &Add New Item &Add to Selected Item &Edit Item &Reorder Item &Notes &Change Item Theme OpenLP Service Files (*.osz) File is not a valid service. The content encoding is not UTF-8. File is not a valid service. Missing Display Handler Your item cannot be displayed as there is no handler to display it Your item cannot be displayed as the plugin required to display it is missing or inactive &Expand all Expand all the service items. &Collapse all Collapse all the service items. Open File Moves the selection down the window. Move up Moves the selection up the window. Go Live Send the selected item to Live. &Start Time Show &Preview Modified Service The current service has been modified. Would you like to save this service? Custom Service Notes: Notes: Playing time: Untitled Service File could not be opened because it is corrupt. Empty File This service file does not contain any data. Corrupt File Load an existing service. Save this service. Select a theme for the service. This file is either corrupt or it is not an OpenLP 2.0 service file. Service File Missing Slide theme Notes Edit Service copy only Error Saving File There was an error saving your file. OpenLP.ServiceNoteForm Service Item Notes OpenLP.SettingsForm Configure OpenLP OpenLP.ShortcutListDialog Action Shortcut Duplicate Shortcut The shortcut "%s" is already assigned to another action, please use a different shortcut. Alternate Select an action and click one of the buttons below to start capturing a new primary or alternate shortcut, respectively. Default Custom Capture shortcut. Restore the default shortcut of this action. Restore Default Shortcuts Do you want to restore all shortcuts to their defaults? Configure Shortcuts OpenLP.SlideController Hide Go To Blank Screen Blank to Theme Show Desktop Previous Service Next Service Escape Item Move to previous. Move to next. Play Slides Delay between slides in seconds. Move to live. Add to Service. Edit and reload song preview. Start playing media. Pause audio. Pause playing media. Stop playing media. Video position. Audio Volume. Go to "Verse" Go to "Chorus" Go to "Bridge" Go to "Pre-Chorus" Go to "Intro" Go to "Ending" Go to "Other" Previous Slide Next Slide Pause Audio Background Audio Go to next audio track. Tracks OpenLP.SpellTextEdit Spelling Suggestions Formatting Tags Language: OpenLP.StartTimeForm Hours: Minutes: Seconds: Item Start and Finish Time Start Finish Length Time Validation Error Finish time is set after the end of the media item Start time is after the finish time of the media item Theme Layout The blue box shows the main area. The red box shows the footer. OpenLP.ThemeForm Select Image Theme Name Missing There is no name for this theme. Please enter one. Theme Name Invalid Invalid theme name. Please enter one. (approximately %d lines per slide) OpenLP.ThemeManager Create a new theme. Edit Theme Edit a theme. Delete Theme Delete a theme. Import Theme Import a theme. Export Theme Export a theme. &Edit Theme &Delete Theme Set As &Global Default %s (default) You must select a theme to edit. You are unable to delete the default theme. Theme %s is used in the %s plugin. You have not selected a theme. Save Theme - (%s) Theme Exported Your theme has been successfully exported. Theme Export Failed Your theme could not be exported due to an error. Select Theme Import File File is not a valid theme. &Copy Theme &Rename Theme &Export Theme You must select a theme to rename. Rename Confirmation Rename %s theme? You must select a theme to delete. Delete Confirmation Delete %s theme? Validation Error A theme with this name already exists. OpenLP Themes (*.theme *.otz) Copy of %s Copy of <theme name> Theme Already Exists OpenLP.ThemeWizard Theme Wizard Welcome to the Theme Wizard Set Up Background Set up your theme's background according to the parameters below. Background type: Solid Color Gradient Color: Gradient: Horizontal Vertical Circular Top Left - Bottom Right Bottom Left - Top Right Main Area Font Details Define the font and display characteristics for the Display text Font: Size: Line Spacing: &Outline: &Shadow: Bold Italic Footer Area Font Details Define the font and display characteristics for the Footer text Text Formatting Details Allows additional display formatting information to be defined Horizontal Align: Left Right Center Output Area Locations Allows you to change and move the main and footer areas. &Main Area &Use default location X position: px Y position: Width: Height: Use default location Theme name: Edit Theme - %s This wizard will help you to create and edit your themes. Click the next button below to start the process by setting up your background. Transitions: &Footer Area Starting color: Ending color: Background color: Justify Layout Preview Transparent Preview and Save Preview the theme and save it. OpenLP.ThemesTab Global Theme Theme Level S&ong Level Use the theme from each song in the database. If a song doesn't have a theme associated with it, then use the service's theme. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. &Service Level Use the theme from the service, overriding any of the individual songs' themes. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. &Global Level Use the global theme, overriding any themes associated with either the service or the songs. Themes OpenLP.Ui Error About &Add Advanced All Files Bottom Browse... Cancel CCLI number: Create a new service. &Delete &Edit Empty Field Export pt Abbreviated font pointsize unit Image Import Live Live Background Error Load Middle New New Service New Theme No File Selected Singular No Files Selected Plural No Item Selected Singular No Items Selected Plural 1.x OpenLP 2.0 Preview Replace Background Reset Background s The abbreviated unit for seconds Save && Preview Search You must select an item to delete. You must select an item to edit. Save Service Service Start %s Theme Singular Themes Plural Top Version Delete the selected item. Move selection up one position. Move selection down one position. &Vertical Align: Finished import. Format: Importing Importing "%s"... Select Import Source Select the import format and the location to import from. The 1.x importer has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "python-sqlite" module. Open %s File %p% Ready. Starting import... You need to specify at least one %s file to import from. A file type e.g. OpenSong Welcome to the Bible Import Wizard Welcome to the Song Export Wizard Welcome to the Song Import Wizard Author Singular Authors Plural © Copyright symbol. Song Book Singular Song Books Plural Song Maintenance Topic Singular Topics Plural Continuous Default Display style: Duplicate Error File Help h The abbreviated unit for hours Layout style: Live Toolbar m The abbreviated unit for minutes OpenLP is already running. Do you wish to continue? Settings Tools Unsupported File Verse Per Slide Verse Per Line View Title and/or verses not found XML syntax error View Mode Open service. Print Service Replace live background. Reset live background. Split a slide into two only if it does not fit on the screen as one slide. Welcome to the Bible Upgrade Wizard Confirm Delete Play Slides in Loop Play Slides to End Stop Play Slides in Loop Stop Play Slides to End Next Track Search Themes... Search bar place holder text Optional &Split Invalid Folder Selected Singular Invalid File Selected Singular Invalid Files Selected Plural No Folder Selected Singular Open %s Folder You need to specify one %s file to import from. A file type e.g. OpenSong You need to specify one %s folder to import from. A song format e.g. PowerSong OpenLP.core.lib %1 and %2 Locale list separator: 2 items %1, and %2 Locale list separator: end %1, %2 Locale list separator: middle %1, %2 Locale list separator: start PresentationPlugin <strong>Presentation Plugin</strong><br />The presentation plugin provides the ability to show presentations using a number of different programs. The choice of available presentation programs is available to the user in a drop down box. Presentation name singular Esitys Presentations name plural Esitykset Presentations container title Esitykset Load a new presentation. Delete the selected presentation. Preview the selected presentation. Send the selected presentation live. Add the selected presentation to the service. PresentationPlugin.MediaItem Select Presentation(s) Automatic Present using: File Exists A presentation with that filename already exists. This type of presentation is not supported. Presentations (%s) Missing Presentation The presentation %s is incomplete, please reload. The presentation %s no longer exists. PresentationPlugin.PresentationTab Available Controllers %s (unavailable) Allow presentation application to be overridden RemotePlugin <strong>Remote Plugin</strong><br />The remote plugin provides the ability to send messages to a running version of OpenLP on a different computer via a web browser or through the remote API. Remote name singular Remotes name plural Remote container title RemotePlugin.Mobile OpenLP 2.0 Remote OpenLP 2.0 Stage View Service Manager Slide Controller Alerts Hälytykset Search Refresh Blank Show Prev Next Text Show Alert Näytä hälytys Go Live No Results Options Add to Service Home Theme Desktop Add &amp; Go to Service RemotePlugin.RemoteTab Serve on IP address: Port number: Server Settings Remote URL: Stage view URL: Display stage time in 12h format Android App Scan the QR code or click <a href="">download</a> to install the Android app from the Market. SongUsagePlugin &Song Usage Tracking &Delete Tracking Data Delete song usage data up to a specified date. &Extract Tracking Data Generate a report on song usage. Toggle Tracking Toggle the tracking of song usage. <strong>SongUsage Plugin</strong><br />This plugin tracks the usage of songs in services. SongUsage name singular SongUsage name plural SongUsage container title Song Usage Song usage tracking is active. Song usage tracking is inactive. display printed SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDeleteForm Delete Song Usage Data Delete Selected Song Usage Events? Are you sure you want to delete selected Song Usage data? Deletion Successful All requested data has been deleted successfully. Select the date up to which the song usage data should be deleted. All data recorded before this date will be permanently deleted. SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDetailForm Song Usage Extraction Select Date Range to Report Location Output File Location usage_detail_%s_%s.txt Report Creation Report %s has been successfully created. Output Path Not Selected You have not set a valid output location for your song usage report. Please select an existing path on your computer. SongsPlugin &Song Import songs using the import wizard. <strong>Songs Plugin</strong><br />The songs plugin provides the ability to display and manage songs. &Re-index Songs Re-index the songs database to improve searching and ordering. Reindexing songs... Arabic (CP-1256) Baltic (CP-1257) Central European (CP-1250) Cyrillic (CP-1251) Greek (CP-1253) Hebrew (CP-1255) Japanese (CP-932) Korean (CP-949) Simplified Chinese (CP-936) Thai (CP-874) Traditional Chinese (CP-950) Turkish (CP-1254) Vietnam (CP-1258) Western European (CP-1252) Character Encoding The codepage setting is responsible for the correct character representation. Usually you are fine with the preselected choice. Please choose the character encoding. The encoding is responsible for the correct character representation. Song name singular Songs name plural Songs container title Exports songs using the export wizard. Add a new song. Edit the selected song. Delete the selected song. Preview the selected song. Send the selected song live. Add the selected song to the service. SongsPlugin.AuthorsForm Author Maintenance Display name: First name: Last name: You need to type in the first name of the author. You need to type in the last name of the author. You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names? SongsPlugin.CCLIFileImport The file does not have a valid extension. SongsPlugin.EasyWorshipSongImport Administered by %s [above are Song Tags with notes imported from EasyWorship] SongsPlugin.EditBibleForm Meta Data Custom Book Names SongsPlugin.EditSongForm Song Editor &Title: Alt&ernate title: &Lyrics: &Verse order: Ed&it All Title && Lyrics &Add to Song &Remove &Manage Authors, Topics, Song Books A&dd to Song R&emove Book: Number: Authors, Topics && Song Book New &Theme Copyright Information Comments Theme, Copyright Info && Comments Add Author This author does not exist, do you want to add them? This author is already in the list. You have not selected a valid author. Either select an author from the list, or type in a new author and click the "Add Author to Song" button to add the new author. Add Topic This topic does not exist, do you want to add it? This topic is already in the list. You have not selected a valid topic. Either select a topic from the list, or type in a new topic and click the "Add Topic to Song" button to add the new topic. You need to type in a song title. You need to type in at least one verse. The verse order is invalid. There is no verse corresponding to %s. Valid entries are %s. Add Book This song book does not exist, do you want to add it? You need to have an author for this song. You need to type some text in to the verse. Linked Audio Add &File(s) Add &Media Remove &All Open File(s) <strong>Warning:</strong> Not all of the verses are in use. The verse order is invalid. There are no verses corresponding to %s. Valid entries are %s. SongsPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Verse &Verse type: &Insert Split a slide into two by inserting a verse splitter. SongsPlugin.ExportWizardForm Song Export Wizard Select Songs Check the songs you want to export. Uncheck All Check All Select Directory Directory: Exporting Please wait while your songs are exported. You need to add at least one Song to export. No Save Location specified Starting export... You need to specify a directory. Select Destination Folder Select the directory where you want the songs to be saved. This wizard will help to export your songs to the open and free <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> worship song format. SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm Select Document/Presentation Files Song Import Wizard This wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. Generic Document/Presentation Add Files... Remove File(s) Please wait while your songs are imported. OpenLP 2.0 Databases v1.x Databases Words Of Worship Song Files Songs Of Fellowship Song Files SongBeamer Files SongShow Plus Song Files Foilpresenter Song Files Copy Save to File The Songs of Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice. The generic document/presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice. OpenLyrics or OpenLP 2.0 Exported Song OpenLyrics Files CCLI SongSelect Files EasySlides XML File EasyWorship Song Database DreamBeam Song Files You need to specify a valid PowerSong 1.0 database folder. ZionWorx (CSV) First convert your ZionWorx database to a CSV text file, as explained in the <a href="">User Manual</a>. SundayPlus Song Files This importer has been disabled. MediaShout Database The MediaShout importer is only supported on Windows. It has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "pyodbc" module. SongPro Text Files SongPro (Export File) In SongPro, export your songs using the File -> Export menu SongsPlugin.MediaFilesForm Select Media File(s) Select one or more audio files from the list below, and click OK to import them into this song. SongsPlugin.MediaItem Titles Lyrics CCLI License: Entire Song Are you sure you want to delete the %n selected song(s)? Maintain the lists of authors, topics and books. copy For song cloning Search Titles... Search Entire Song... Search Lyrics... Search Authors... Search Song Books... SongsPlugin.MediaShoutImport Unable to open the MediaShout database. SongsPlugin.OpenLP1SongImport Not a valid 1.x song database. SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport Not a valid OpenLP 2.0 song database. SongsPlugin.OpenLyricsExport Exporting "%s"... SongsPlugin.PowerSongImport No songs to import. Verses not found. Missing "PART" header. SongsPlugin.SongBookForm Song Book Maintenance &Name: &Publisher: You need to type in a name for the book. SongsPlugin.SongExportForm Your song export failed. Finished export. To import these files use the <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> importer. SongsPlugin.SongImport copyright The following songs could not be imported: Cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice Unable to open file File not found SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm Could not add your author. This author already exists. Could not add your topic. This topic already exists. Could not add your book. This book already exists. Could not save your changes. Could not save your modified author, because the author already exists. Could not save your modified topic, because it already exists. Delete Author Are you sure you want to delete the selected author? This author cannot be deleted, they are currently assigned to at least one song. Delete Topic Are you sure you want to delete the selected topic? This topic cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. Delete Book Are you sure you want to delete the selected book? This book cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. The author %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with author %s use the existing author %s? The topic %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with topic %s use the existing topic %s? The book %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with book %s use the existing book %s? SongsPlugin.SongsTab Songs Mode Enable search as you type Display verses on live tool bar Update service from song edit Import missing songs from service files SongsPlugin.TopicsForm Topic Maintenance Topic name: You need to type in a topic name. SongsPlugin.VerseType Verse Chorus Bridge Pre-Chorus Intro Ending Other SongsPlugin.ZionWorxImport Error reading CSV file. File not valid ZionWorx CSV format.