# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Functional tests to test calls for network interfaces. """ from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import call, patch from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QHostAddress, QNetworkAddressEntry, QNetworkInterface import openlp.core.common from openlp.core.common import get_network_interfaces from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin class FakeIP4InterfaceEntry(QObject): """ Class to face an interface for testing purposes """ def __init__(self, name='lo'): self.my_name = name if name in ['localhost', 'lo']: self.my_ip = QNetworkAddressEntry() self.my_ip.setBroadcast(QHostAddress('')) self.my_ip.setIp(QHostAddress('')) self.my_ip.setPrefixLength(8) self.fake_data = {'lo': {'ip': '', 'broadcast': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 8, 'localnet': ''}} else: # Define a fake real address self.my_ip = QNetworkAddressEntry() self.my_ip.setBroadcast(QHostAddress('')) self.my_ip.setIp(QHostAddress('')) self.my_ip.setPrefixLength(24) self.fake_data = {self.my_name: {'ip': '', 'broadcast': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 24, 'localnet': ''}} def addressEntries(self): """ Return fake IP address """ return [self.my_ip] def flags(self): """ Return a QFlags enum with IsUp and IsRunning """ return QNetworkInterface.IsUp | QNetworkInterface.IsRunning def name(self): return self.my_name def isValid(self): return True class TestInterfaces(TestCase, TestMixin): """ A test suite to test out functions/methods that use network interface(s). """ def setUp(self): """ Create an instance and a few example actions. """ self.build_settings() if not hasattr(self, 'fake_lo'): # Since these shouldn't change, only need to instantiate them the first time self.fake_lo = FakeIP4InterfaceEntry() self.fake_localhost = FakeIP4InterfaceEntry(name='localhost') self.fake_address = FakeIP4InterfaceEntry(name='eth25') def tearDown(self): """ Clean up """ self.destroy_settings() @patch.object(openlp.core.common, 'log') def test_network_interfaces_no_interfaces(self, mock_log): """ Test no interfaces available """ # GIVEN: Test environment call_debug = [call('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information')] call_warning = [call('No active IPv4 network interfaces detected')] # WHEN: get_network_interfaces() is called with patch('openlp.core.common.QNetworkInterface') as mock_network_interface: mock_network_interface.allInterfaces.return_value = [] interfaces = get_network_interfaces() # THEN: There should not be any interfaces detected mock_log.debug.assert_has_calls(call_debug) mock_log.warning.assert_has_calls(call_warning) assert not interfaces, 'There should have been no active interfaces listed' @patch.object(openlp.core.common, 'log') def test_network_interfaces_lo(self, mock_log): """ Test get_network_interfaces() returns an empty dictionary if "lo" is the only network interface """ # GIVEN: Test environment call_debug = [ call('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information'), call("Filtering out interfaces we don't care about: lo") ] # WHEN: get_network_interfaces() is called with patch('openlp.core.common.QNetworkInterface') as mock_network_interface: mock_network_interface.allInterfaces.return_value = [self.fake_lo] interfaces = get_network_interfaces() # THEN: There should be no interfaces mock_log.debug.assert_has_calls(call_debug) assert interfaces == {}, 'There should be no interfaces listed' @patch.object(openlp.core.common, 'log') def test_network_interfaces_localhost(self, mock_log): """ Test get_network_interfaces() returns an empty dictionary if "localhost" is the only network interface """ # GIVEN: Test environment call_debug = [ call('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information'), call("Filtering out interfaces we don't care about: localhost") ] # WHEN: get_network_interfaces() is called with patch('openlp.core.common.QNetworkInterface') as mock_network_interface: mock_network_interface.allInterfaces.return_value = [self.fake_localhost] interfaces = get_network_interfaces() # THEN: There should be no interfaces mock_log.debug.assert_has_calls(call_debug) assert interfaces == {}, 'There should be no interfaces listed' @patch.object(openlp.core.common, 'log') def test_network_interfaces_eth25(self, mock_log): """ Test get_network_interfaces() returns proper dictionary with 'eth25' """ # GIVEN: Test environment call_debug = [ call('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information'), call('Checking for isValid and flags == IsUP | IsRunning'), call('Checking address(es) protocol'), call('Checking for protocol == IPv4Protocol'), call('Getting interface information'), call('Adding eth25 to active list') ] # WHEN: get_network_interfaces() is called with patch('openlp.core.common.QNetworkInterface') as mock_network_interface: mock_network_interface.allInterfaces.return_value = [self.fake_address] interfaces = get_network_interfaces() # THEN: There should be a fake 'eth25' interface mock_log.debug.assert_has_calls(call_debug) assert interfaces == self.fake_address.fake_data @patch.object(openlp.core.common, 'log') def test_network_interfaces_lo_eth25(self, mock_log): """ Test get_network_interfaces() returns proper dictionary with 'eth25' """ # GIVEN: Test environment call_debug = [ call('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information'), call("Filtering out interfaces we don't care about: lo"), call('Checking for isValid and flags == IsUP | IsRunning'), call('Checking address(es) protocol'), call('Checking for protocol == IPv4Protocol'), call('Getting interface information'), call('Adding eth25 to active list') ] # WHEN: get_network_interfaces() is called with patch('openlp.core.common.QNetworkInterface') as mock_network_interface: mock_network_interface.allInterfaces.return_value = [self.fake_lo, self.fake_address] interfaces = get_network_interfaces() # THEN: There should be a fake 'eth25' interface mock_log.debug.assert_has_calls(call_debug) assert interfaces == self.fake_address.fake_data, "There should have been only 'eth25' interface listed"