# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Raoul Snyman # # Portions copyright (c) 2008-2012 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan # # Corwin, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, Meinert Jordan, # # Armin Köhler, Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias # # Põldaru, Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, # # Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Frode Woldsund # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ The :mod:`maindisplay` module provides the functionality to display screens and play multimedia within OpenLP. """ import cgi import logging import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWebKit, QtOpenGL from PyQt4.phonon import Phonon from openlp.core.lib import Receiver, build_html, ServiceItem, image_to_byte, \ translate, PluginManager, expand_tags, Settings from openlp.core.lib.theme import BackgroundType from openlp.core.ui import HideMode, ScreenList, AlertLocation log = logging.getLogger(__name__) #http://www.steveheffernan.com/html5-video-player/demo-video-player.html #http://html5demos.com/two-videos class Display(QtGui.QGraphicsView): """ This is a general display screen class. Here the general display settings will done. It will be used as specialized classes by Main Display and Preview display. """ def __init__(self, parent, live, controller): if live: QtGui.QGraphicsView.__init__(self) # Overwrite the parent() method. self.parent = lambda: parent else: QtGui.QGraphicsView.__init__(self, parent) self.isLive = live self.controller = controller self.screen = {} self.plugins = PluginManager.get_instance().plugins # FIXME: On Mac OS X (tested on 10.7) the display screen is corrupt with # OpenGL. Only white blank screen is shown on the 2nd monitor all the # time. We need to investigate more how to use OpenGL properly on Mac OS # X. if sys.platform != 'darwin': self.setViewport(QtOpenGL.QGLWidget()) def setup(self): """ Set up and build the screen base """ log.debug(u'Start Display base setup (live = %s)' % self.isLive) self.setGeometry(self.screen[u'size']) log.debug(u'Setup webView') self.webView = QtWebKit.QWebView(self) self.webView.setGeometry(0, 0, self.screen[u'size'].width(), self.screen[u'size'].height()) self.webView.settings().setAttribute( QtWebKit.QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) palette = self.webView.palette() palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Base, QtCore.Qt.transparent) self.webView.page().setPalette(palette) self.webView.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, False) self.page = self.webView.page() self.frame = self.page.mainFrame() if self.isLive and log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: self.webView.settings().setAttribute( QtWebKit.QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.webView, QtCore.SIGNAL(u'loadFinished(bool)'), self.isWebLoaded) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Vertical, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) def resizeEvent(self, ev): self.webView.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) def isWebLoaded(self): """ Called by webView event to show display is fully loaded """ log.debug(u'Webloaded') self.webLoaded = True class MainDisplay(Display): """ This is the display screen as a specialized class from the Display class """ def __init__(self, parent, imageManager, live, controller): Display.__init__(self, parent, live, controller) self.imageManager = imageManager self.screens = ScreenList.get_instance() self.plugins = PluginManager.get_instance().plugins self.rebuildCSS = False self.hideMode = None self.override = {} self.retranslateUi() self.mediaObject = None if live: self.audioPlayer = AudioPlayer(self) else: self.audioPlayer = None self.firstTime = True self.setStyleSheet(u'border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;') windowFlags = QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.Tool | \ QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint if Settings().value(u'advanced/x11 bypass wm', True): windowFlags |= QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint # FIXME: QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen is workaround to make display screen # stay always on top on Mac OS X. For details see bug 906926. # It needs more investigation to fix it properly. if sys.platform == 'darwin': windowFlags |= QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen self.setWindowFlags(windowFlags) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setTransparency(False) if self.isLive: QtCore.QObject.connect(Receiver.get_receiver(), QtCore.SIGNAL(u'live_display_hide'), self.hideDisplay) QtCore.QObject.connect(Receiver.get_receiver(), QtCore.SIGNAL(u'live_display_show'), self.showDisplay) QtCore.QObject.connect(Receiver.get_receiver(), QtCore.SIGNAL(u'update_display_css'), self.cssChanged) QtCore.QObject.connect(Receiver.get_receiver(), QtCore.SIGNAL(u'config_updated'), self.configChanged) def setTransparency(self, enabled): if enabled: self.setAutoFillBackground(False) else: self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_NoSystemBackground, False) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, enabled) self.repaint() def cssChanged(self): """ We may need to rebuild the CSS on the live display. """ self.rebuildCSS = True def configChanged(self): """ Call the plugins to rebuild the Live display CSS as the screen has not been rebuild on exit of config. """ if self.rebuildCSS and self.plugins: for plugin in self.plugins: plugin.refreshCss(self.frame) self.rebuildCSS = False def retranslateUi(self): """ Setup the interface translation strings. """ self.setWindowTitle(translate('OpenLP.MainDisplay', 'OpenLP Display')) def setup(self): """ Set up and build the output screen """ log.debug(u'Start MainDisplay setup (live = %s)' % self.isLive) self.screen = self.screens.current self.setVisible(False) Display.setup(self) if self.isLive: # Build the initial frame. image_file = Settings().value(u'advanced/default image', u':/graphics/openlp-splash-screen.png') background_color = QtGui.QColor() background_color.setNamedColor(Settings().value( u'advanced/default color', u'#ffffff')) if not background_color.isValid(): background_color = QtCore.Qt.white splash_image = QtGui.QImage(image_file) self.initialFrame = QtGui.QImage( self.screen[u'size'].width(), self.screen[u'size'].height(), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) painter_image = QtGui.QPainter() painter_image.begin(self.initialFrame) painter_image.fillRect(self.initialFrame.rect(), background_color) painter_image.drawImage( (self.screen[u'size'].width() - splash_image.width()) / 2, (self.screen[u'size'].height() - splash_image.height()) / 2, splash_image) serviceItem = ServiceItem() serviceItem.bg_image_bytes = image_to_byte(self.initialFrame) self.webView.setHtml(build_html(serviceItem, self.screen, self.isLive, None, plugins=self.plugins)) self.__hideMouse() log.debug(u'Finished MainDisplay setup') def text(self, slide): """ Add the slide text from slideController ``slide`` The slide text to be displayed """ log.debug(u'text to display') # Wait for the webview to update before displaying text. while not self.webLoaded: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') self.setGeometry(self.screen[u'size']) self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(u'show_text("%s")' % slide.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u'\"', u'\\\"')) def alert(self, text, location): """ Display an alert. ``text`` The text to be displayed. """ log.debug(u'alert to display') # First we convert <>& marks to html variants, then apply # formattingtags, finally we double all backslashes for JavaScript. text_prepared = expand_tags( cgi.escape(text)).replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u'\"', u'\\\"') if self.height() != self.screen[u'size'].height() or not \ self.isVisible(): shrink = True js = u'show_alert("%s", "%s")' % (text_prepared, u'top') else: shrink = False js = u'show_alert("%s", "")' % text_prepared height = self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(js) if shrink: if text: alert_height = int(height) self.resize(self.width(), alert_height) self.setVisible(True) if location == AlertLocation.Middle: self.move(self.screen[u'size'].left(), (self.screen[u'size'].height() - alert_height) / 2) elif location == AlertLocation.Bottom: self.move(self.screen[u'size'].left(), self.screen[u'size'].height() - alert_height) else: self.setVisible(False) self.setGeometry(self.screen[u'size']) def directImage(self, name, path, background): """ API for replacement backgrounds so Images are added directly to cache. """ self.imageManager.add_image(name, path, u'image', background) if hasattr(self, u'serviceItem'): self.override[u'image'] = name self.override[u'theme'] = self.serviceItem.themedata.theme_name self.image(name) # Update the preview frame. if self.isLive: self.parent().updatePreview() return True return False def image(self, name): """ Add an image as the background. The image has already been added to the cache. ``Image`` The name of the image to be displayed. """ log.debug(u'image to display') image = self.imageManager.get_image_bytes(name) self.controller.mediaController.video_reset(self.controller) self.displayImage(image) def displayImage(self, image): """ Display an image, as is. """ self.setGeometry(self.screen[u'size']) if image: js = u'show_image("data:image/png;base64,%s");' % image else: js = u'show_image("");' self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(js) def resetImage(self): """ Reset the backgound image to the service item image. Used after the image plugin has changed the background. """ log.debug(u'resetImage') if hasattr(self, u'serviceItem'): self.displayImage(self.serviceItem.bg_image_bytes) else: self.displayImage(None) # clear the cache self.override = {} def preview(self): """ Generates a preview of the image displayed. """ log.debug(u'preview for %s', self.isLive) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') # We must have a service item to preview. if self.isLive and hasattr(self, u'serviceItem'): # Wait for the fade to finish before geting the preview. # Important otherwise preview will have incorrect text if at all! if self.serviceItem.themedata and \ self.serviceItem.themedata.display_slide_transition: while self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(u'show_text_complete()') \ .toString() == u'false': Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') # Wait for the webview to update before getting the preview. # Important otherwise first preview will miss the background ! while not self.webLoaded: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') # if was hidden keep it hidden if self.isLive: if self.hideMode: self.hideDisplay(self.hideMode) else: # Single screen active if self.screens.display_count == 1: # Only make visible if setting enabled. if Settings().value( u'general/display on monitor', True): self.setVisible(True) else: self.setVisible(True) return QtGui.QPixmap.grabWidget(self) def buildHtml(self, serviceItem, image=None): """ Store the serviceItem and build the new HTML from it. Add the HTML to the display """ log.debug(u'buildHtml') self.webLoaded = False self.initialFrame = None self.serviceItem = serviceItem background = None # We have an image override so keep the image till the theme changes. if self.override: # We have an video override so allow it to be stopped. if u'video' in self.override: Receiver.send_message(u'video_background_replaced') self.override = {} # We have a different theme. elif self.override[u'theme'] != serviceItem.themedata.theme_name: Receiver.send_message(u'live_theme_changed') self.override = {} else: # replace the background background = self.imageManager. \ get_image_bytes(self.override[u'image']) self.setTransparency(self.serviceItem.themedata.background_type == BackgroundType.to_string(BackgroundType.Transparent)) if self.serviceItem.themedata.background_filename: self.serviceItem.bg_image_bytes = self.imageManager. \ get_image_bytes(self.serviceItem.themedata.theme_name) if image: image_bytes = self.imageManager.get_image_bytes(image) else: image_bytes = None html = build_html(self.serviceItem, self.screen, self.isLive, background, image_bytes, self.plugins) log.debug(u'buildHtml - pre setHtml') self.webView.setHtml(html) log.debug(u'buildHtml - post setHtml') if serviceItem.foot_text: self.footer(serviceItem.foot_text) # if was hidden keep it hidden if self.hideMode and self.isLive and not serviceItem.is_media(): if Settings().value(u'general/auto unblank', False): Receiver.send_message(u'slidecontroller_live_unblank') else: self.hideDisplay(self.hideMode) self.__hideMouse() def footer(self, text): """ Display the Footer """ log.debug(u'footer') js = u'show_footer(\'' + \ text.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace(u'\'', u'\\\'') + u'\')' self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(js) def hideDisplay(self, mode=HideMode.Screen): """ Hide the display by making all layers transparent Store the images so they can be replaced when required """ log.debug(u'hideDisplay mode = %d', mode) if self.screens.display_count == 1: # Only make visible if setting enabled. if not Settings().value(u'general/display on monitor', True): return if mode == HideMode.Screen: self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(u'show_blank("desktop");') self.setVisible(False) elif mode == HideMode.Blank or self.initialFrame: self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(u'show_blank("black");') else: self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(u'show_blank("theme");') if mode != HideMode.Screen: if self.isHidden(): self.setVisible(True) self.webView.setVisible(True) self.hideMode = mode def showDisplay(self): """ Show the stored layers so the screen reappears as it was originally. Make the stored images None to release memory. """ log.debug(u'showDisplay') if self.screens.display_count == 1: # Only make visible if setting enabled. if not Settings().value(u'general/display on monitor', True): return self.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_blank("show");') if self.isHidden(): self.setVisible(True) self.hideMode = None # Trigger actions when display is active again. if self.isLive: Receiver.send_message(u'live_display_active') def __hideMouse(self): """ Hide mouse cursor when moved over display. """ if Settings().value(u'advanced/hide mouse', False): self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor) self.frame.evaluateJavaScript('document.body.style.cursor = "none"') else: self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor) self.frame.evaluateJavaScript('document.body.style.cursor = "auto"') class AudioPlayer(QtCore.QObject): """ This Class will play audio only allowing components to work with a soundtrack independent of the user interface. """ log.info(u'AudioPlayer Loaded') def __init__(self, parent): """ The constructor for the display form. ``parent`` The parent widget. """ log.debug(u'AudioPlayer Initialisation started') QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.currentIndex = -1 self.playlist = [] self.repeat = False self.mediaObject = Phonon.MediaObject() self.mediaObject.setTickInterval(100) self.audioObject = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory) Phonon.createPath(self.mediaObject, self.audioObject) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.mediaObject, QtCore.SIGNAL(u'aboutToFinish()'), self.onAboutToFinish) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.mediaObject, QtCore.SIGNAL(u'finished()'), self.onFinished) def __del__(self): """ Shutting down so clean up connections """ self.stop() for path in self.mediaObject.outputPaths(): path.disconnect() def onAboutToFinish(self): """ Just before the audio player finishes the current track, queue the next item in the playlist, if there is one. """ self.currentIndex += 1 if len(self.playlist) > self.currentIndex: self.mediaObject.enqueue(self.playlist[self.currentIndex]) def onFinished(self): if self.repeat: log.debug(u'Repeat is enabled... here we go again!') self.mediaObject.clearQueue() self.mediaObject.clear() self.currentIndex = -1 self.play() def connectVolumeSlider(self, slider): slider.setAudioOutput(self.audioObject) def reset(self): """ Reset the audio player, clearing the playlist and the queue. """ self.currentIndex = -1 self.playlist = [] self.stop() self.mediaObject.clear() def play(self): """ We want to play the file so start it """ log.debug(u'AudioPlayer.play() called') if self.currentIndex == -1: self.onAboutToFinish() self.mediaObject.play() def pause(self): """ Pause the Audio """ log.debug(u'AudioPlayer.pause() called') self.mediaObject.pause() def stop(self): """ Stop the Audio and clean up """ log.debug(u'AudioPlayer.stop() called') self.mediaObject.stop() def addToPlaylist(self, filenames): """ Add another file to the playlist. ``filenames`` A list with files to be added to the playlist. """ if not isinstance(filenames, list): filenames = [filenames] self.playlist.extend(map(Phonon.MediaSource, filenames)) def next(self): if not self.repeat and self.currentIndex + 1 == len(self.playlist): return isPlaying = self.mediaObject.state() == Phonon.PlayingState self.currentIndex += 1 if self.repeat and self.currentIndex == len(self.playlist): self.currentIndex = 0 self.mediaObject.clearQueue() self.mediaObject.clear() self.mediaObject.enqueue(self.playlist[self.currentIndex]) if isPlaying: self.mediaObject.play() def goTo(self, index): isPlaying = self.mediaObject.state() == Phonon.PlayingState self.mediaObject.clearQueue() self.mediaObject.clear() self.currentIndex = index self.mediaObject.enqueue(self.playlist[self.currentIndex]) if isPlaying: self.mediaObject.play() def connectSlot(self, signal, slot): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.mediaObject, signal, slot)