# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ This module contains tests for the upgrade submodule of the Bibles plugin. """ import pytest import shutil from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch from sqlalchemy import create_engine from openlp.core.common.settings import ProxyMode from openlp.core.lib.db import upgrade_db from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib import upgrade from tests.utils.constants import RESOURCE_PATH @pytest.fixture() def mock_message_box(): patched_message_box = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.upgrade.QtWidgets.QMessageBox') mocked_message_box = patched_message_box.start() mocked_no_button = MagicMock() mocked_http_button = MagicMock() mocked_both_button = MagicMock() mocked_https_button = MagicMock() mocked_message_box_inst = MagicMock( **{'addButton.side_effect': [mocked_no_button, mocked_http_button, mocked_both_button, mocked_https_button]}) mocked_message_box.return_value = mocked_message_box_inst yield mocked_message_box_inst, mocked_both_button, mocked_https_button, mocked_http_button, mocked_no_button patched_message_box.stop() @pytest.fixture() def db_url(): tmp_path = Path(mkdtemp()) db_path = RESOURCE_PATH / 'bibles' / 'web-bible-2.4.6-proxy-meta-v1.sqlite' db_tmp_path = tmp_path / 'web-bible-2.4.6-proxy-meta-v1.sqlite' shutil.copyfile(db_path, db_tmp_path) yield 'sqlite:///' + str(db_tmp_path) shutil.rmtree(tmp_path, ignore_errors=True) def test_upgrade_2_basic(mock_message_box, db_url, mock_settings): """ Test that upgrade 2 completes properly when the user chooses not to use a proxy ('No') """ # GIVEN: An version 1 web bible with proxy settings mocked_message_box = mock_message_box[0] # WHEN: Calling upgrade_db and the user has 'clicked' the 'No' button upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade) # THEN: The proxy meta data should have been removed, and the version should have been changed to version 2 mocked_message_box.assert_not_called() engine = create_engine(db_url) conn = engine.connect() assert conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "version"').first().value == '2' def test_upgrade_2_none_selected(mock_message_box, db_url, mock_settings): """ Test that upgrade 2 completes properly when the user chooses not to use a proxy ('No') """ # GIVEN: An version 1 web bible with proxy settings # WHEN: Calling upgrade_db and the user has 'clicked' the 'No' button mocked_message_box_instance = mock_message_box[0] mocked_no_button = mock_message_box[4] mocked_message_box_instance.clickedButton.return_value = mocked_no_button upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade) # THEN: The proxy meta data should have been removed, and the version should have been changed to version 2 engine = create_engine(db_url) conn = engine.connect() assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_server"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_username"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_password"').fetchall()) == 0 assert conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "version"').first().value == '2' mock_settings.setValue.assert_not_called() def test_upgrade_2_http_selected(mock_message_box, db_url, mock_settings): """ Test that upgrade 2 completes properly when the user chooses to use a HTTP proxy """ # GIVEN: An version 1 web bible with proxy settings # WHEN: Calling upgrade_db and the user has 'clicked' the 'HTTP' button mocked_message_box_instance = mock_message_box[0] mocked_http_button = mock_message_box[3] mocked_message_box_instance.clickedButton.return_value = mocked_http_button upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade) # THEN: The proxy meta data should have been removed, the version should have been changed to version 2, and the # proxy server saved to the settings engine = create_engine(db_url) conn = engine.connect() assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_server"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_username"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_password"').fetchall()) == 0 assert conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "version"').first().value == '2' assert mock_settings.setValue.call_args_list == [ call('advanced/proxy http', 'proxy_server'), call('advanced/proxy username', 'proxy_username'), call('advanced/proxy password', 'proxy_password'), call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)] def test_upgrade_2_https_selected(mock_message_box, db_url, mock_settings): """ Tcest that upgrade 2 completes properly when the user chooses to use a HTTPS proxy """ # GIVEN: An version 1 web bible with proxy settings # WHEN: Calling upgrade_db and the user has 'clicked' the 'HTTPS' button mocked_message_box_instance = mock_message_box[0] mocked_https_button = mock_message_box[2] mocked_message_box_instance.clickedButton.return_value = mocked_https_button upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade) # THEN: The proxy settings should have been removed, the version should have been changed to version 2, and the # proxy server saved to the settings engine = create_engine(db_url) conn = engine.connect() assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_server"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_username"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_password"').fetchall()) == 0 assert conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "version"').first().value == '2' assert mock_settings.setValue.call_args_list == [ call('advanced/proxy https', 'proxy_server'), call('advanced/proxy username', 'proxy_username'), call('advanced/proxy password', 'proxy_password'), call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)] def test_upgrade_2_both_selected(mock_message_box, db_url, mock_settings): """ Tcest that upgrade 2 completes properly when the user chooses to use a both HTTP and HTTPS proxies """ # GIVEN: An version 1 web bible with proxy settings # WHEN: Calling upgrade_db mocked_message_box_instance = mock_message_box[0] mocked_both_button = mock_message_box[1] mocked_message_box_instance.clickedButton.return_value = mocked_both_button upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade) # THEN: The proxy settings should have been removed, the version should have been changed to version 2, and the # proxy server saved to the settings engine = create_engine(db_url) conn = engine.connect() assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_server"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_username"').fetchall()) == 0 assert len(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "proxy_password"').fetchall()) == 0 assert conn.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE key = "version"').first().value == '2' assert mock_settings.setValue.call_args_list == [ call('advanced/proxy http', 'proxy_server'), call('advanced/proxy https', 'proxy_server'), call('advanced/proxy username', 'proxy_username'), call('advanced/proxy password', 'proxy_password'), call('advanced/proxy mode', ProxyMode.MANUAL_PROXY)]