AlertsPlugin &Alert 警告(A) Show an alert message. 显示一个警告信息. Alert name singular 警告 Alerts name plural 警告 Alerts container title 警告 <strong>Alerts Plugin</strong><br />The alert plugin controls the displaying of alerts on the display screen. AlertsPlugin.AlertForm Alert Message 警告信息 Alert &text: 警告文本(T): &New 新建(N) &Save 保存(S) Displ&ay 显示(A) Display && Cl&ose 显示关闭(O) New Alert 新建警告 &Parameter: 参数(P): No Parameter Found 未找到参数 You have not entered a parameter to be replaced. Do you want to continue anyway? 您还没有输入需要被替换的参数,仍然希望继续吗? No Placeholder Found 未找到占位符 The alert text does not contain '<>'. Do you want to continue anyway? 警告文字并不包含'<>'。 您依然希望继续吗? You haven't specified any text for your alert. Please type in some text before clicking New. AlertsPlugin.AlertsManager Alert message created and displayed. 警告信息已创建并显示. AlertsPlugin.AlertsTab Font 字体 Font name: 字体名称: Font color: 字体颜色: Font size: 字号: Alert timeout: 警告时长: BiblesPlugin &Bible 圣经(B) Bible name singular 圣经 Bibles name plural 圣经 Bibles container title 圣经 No Book Found 未找到任何书卷 No matching book could be found in this Bible. Check that you have spelled the name of the book correctly. 在这本圣经中未发现任何匹配的书卷,请检查您输入的书名是否正确。 Import a Bible. 导入一本圣经 Add a new Bible. 新增一本圣经 Edit the selected Bible. 编辑选中的圣经 Delete the selected Bible. 删除选中的圣经 Preview the selected Bible. 预览选中的圣经 Send the selected Bible live. 将选中的圣经发送到现场 Add the selected Bible to the service. 将选中的圣经增加到聚会 <strong>Bible Plugin</strong><br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display Bible verses from different sources during the service. <strong>圣经插件</strong><br />在敬拜时圣经插件提供从不同来源显示圣经经节的功能 Genesis 创世纪 Exodus 出埃及记 Leviticus 利未记 Numbers 民数记 Deuteronomy 申命记 Joshua 约书亚记 Judges 士师记 Ruth 路得记 1 Samuel 撒母耳记上 2 Samuel 撒母耳记下 1 Kings 列王纪上 2 Kings 列王纪下 1 Chronicles 历代志上 2 Chronicles 历代志下 Ezra 以斯拉记 Nehemiah 尼希米记 Esther 以斯帖记 Job 约伯记 Psalms 诗篇 Proverbs 箴言 Ecclesiastes 传道书 Song of Solomon 雅歌 Isaiah 以赛亚书 Jeremiah 耶利米书 Lamentations 耶利米哀歌 Ezekiel 以西结书 Daniel 但以理书 Hosea 何西阿书 Joel 约珥书 Amos 阿摩司书 Obadiah 俄巴底亚书 Jonah 约拿书 Micah 弥迦书 Nahum 那鸿书 Habakkuk 哈巴谷书 Zephaniah 西番雅书 Haggai 哈该书 Zechariah 撒加利亚书 Malachi 玛拉基书 Matthew 马太福音 Mark 马可福音 Luke 路加福音 John 约翰福音 Acts 使徒行传 Romans 罗马书 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 2 Corinthians 哥林多后书 Galatians 加拉太书 Ephesians 以弗所书 Philippians 腓力比书 Colossians 哥罗西书 1 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦前书 2 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦后书 1 Timothy 提摩太前书 2 Timothy 提摩太后书 Titus 提多书 Philemon 腓力门书 Hebrews 希伯来书 James 雅各书 1 Peter 彼得前书 2 Peter 彼得后书 1 John 约翰一书 2 John 约翰二书 3 John 约翰三书 Jude 犹大书 Revelation 启示录 Judith 犹滴传 Wisdom 智慧篇 Tobit 多比传 Sirach 德训篇 Baruch 巴鲁书 1 Maccabees 马加比一书 2 Maccabees 马加比二书 3 Maccabees 马加比三书 4 Maccabees 马加比四书 Rest of Daniel 但以理补编 Rest of Esther 以斯帖补编 Prayer of Manasses 玛拿西祷言 Letter of Jeremiah 耶利米书信 Prayer of Azariah 亚撒利雅祷词 Susanna 苏珊娜传 Bel 比勒 1 Esdras 艾斯达前书 2 Esdras 艾斯达后书 : Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 : 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 v Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 v 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 V Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 V 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 verse Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 verses Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verses 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 to 2 - range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 to range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 , connecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2, 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5 and connecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 and 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5 end ending identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - end = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To The Last Verse BiblesPlugin.BibleEditForm You need to specify a version name for your Bible. 您需要为您的圣经指定一个版本名称。 You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. 您需要为您的圣经设置版权。在公有领域的圣经需要被标注出来。 Bible Exists 圣经版本存在 This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. 该版本圣经已存在。请导入一个不同版本的圣经或是先删除已存在的那个。 Duplicate Book Name 重复的书卷名 You need to specify a book name for "{text}". The book name "{name}" is not correct. Numbers can only be used at the beginning and must be followed by one or more non-numeric characters. The Book Name "{name}" has been entered more than once. BiblesPlugin.BibleManager Scripture Reference Error 经文标识错误 Web Bible cannot be used in Text Search Text Search is not available with Web Bibles. Please use the Scripture Reference Search instead. This means that the currently used Bible or Second Bible is installed as Web Bible. If you were trying to perform a Reference search in Combined Search, your reference is invalid. Nothing found BiblesPlugin.BiblesTab Verse Display 经节显示 Only show new chapter numbers 只显示新的篇章号 Bible theme: 圣经主题: No Brackets 无括号 ( And ) ( 和 ) { And } { 和 } [ And ] [ 和 ] Display second Bible verses 显示第二种圣经经文 Custom Scripture References 自定义经文标识 Multiple alternative verse separators may be defined. They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|". Please clear this edit line to use the default value. 可定义多种不同的经节分隔符。 它们必须被一条竖线"|"分隔。 若要使用默认值,请清空这一行。 English 中文 Default Bible Language 默认圣经语言 Book name language in search field, search results and on display: 书卷名称语言在搜索栏, 搜索结果和显示器上: Bible Language 圣经语言 Application Language 应用程序语言 Show verse numbers Note: Changes do not affect verses in the Service Verse separator: Range separator: List separator: End mark: Quick Search Settings Reset search type to "Text or Scripture Reference" on startup Don't show error if nothing is found in "Text or Scripture Reference" Search automatically while typing (Text search must contain a minimum of {count} characters and a space for performance reasons) BiblesPlugin.BookNameDialog Select Book Name 选择书卷名 Current name: 当前名称: Corresponding name: 对应名称: Show Books From 显示书卷从 Old Testament 旧约 New Testament 新约 Apocrypha 次经 The following book name cannot be matched up internally. Please select the corresponding name from the list. 以下书卷名无法进行内部配对。请从列表中选择对应的名称。 BiblesPlugin.BookNameForm You need to select a book. 您需要选择一册书卷。 BiblesPlugin.CSVBible Importing verses... done. 正在导入经节... 完成。 Importing books... {book} Importing verses from {book}... Importing verses from <book name>... BiblesPlugin.EditBibleForm Bible Editor 圣经编辑器 License Details 许可证细节 Version name: 版本名称: Copyright: 版权: Permissions: 权限: Default Bible Language 默认圣经语言 Book name language in search field, search results and on display: 书卷名称语言在搜索栏,搜索结果和显示器上: Global Settings 全局设定 Bible Language 圣经语言 Application Language 应用程序语言 English 中文 This is a Web Download Bible. It is not possible to customize the Book Names. 这是一本网络版圣经。 不可能自定义书卷名。 To use the customized book names, "Bible language" must be selected on the Meta Data tab or, if "Global settings" is selected, on the Bible page in Configure OpenLP. 要使用自定义书卷名称,"圣经语言" 必须在Meta数据标签上被选中,或者,在配置OpenLP里的圣经页面上(如果已选择 "全局设定"的话)。 BiblesPlugin.HTTPBible Registering Bible and loading books... 正在注册圣经并载入书卷... Registering Language... 正在注册语言... Download Error 下载时出现错误 There was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection, and if this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. 在下载您选择的经节时出现一个问题。请检查您的网络连接,如果此错误继续出现请考虑报告软件缺陷。 Parse Error 解析错误 There was a problem extracting your verse selection. If this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. 在解包您选择的经节时出现问题。如果此错误继续出现请考虑报告软件缺陷。 Importing {book}... Importing <book name>... BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm Bible Import Wizard 圣经导入向导 This wizard will help you to import Bibles from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. 该向导将帮助您导入各种不同格式的圣经。点击下面的下一步选择导入的格式来启动导入过程。 Web Download 网络下载 Location: 位置: Crosswalk Crosswalk BibleGateway BibleGateway Bible: 圣经: Download Options 下载选项 Server: 服务器: Username: 用户名: Password: 密码: Proxy Server (Optional) 代理服务器(可选) License Details 许可证细节 Set up the Bible's license details. 设置圣经的许可证细节 Version name: 版本名称: Copyright: 版权: Please wait while your Bible is imported. 请稍等,正在导入您的圣经。 You need to specify a file with books of the Bible to use in the import. 您需要指定包含圣经书卷的文件来使用导入。 You need to specify a file of Bible verses to import. 您需要指定包含圣经经节的文件来使用导入。 You need to specify a version name for your Bible. 您需要为您的圣经指定一个版本名称。 You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. 您需要为您的圣经设置版权。在公有领域的圣经需要被标注出来。 Bible Exists 圣经版本存在 This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. 该版本圣经已存在。请导入一个不同版本的圣经或是先删除已存在的那个。 Your Bible import failed. 你的圣经导入失败 CSV File CSV文件 Bibleserver 圣经服务器 Permissions: 权限: Bible file: 圣经文件: Books file: 书卷文件: Verses file: 经节文件: Registering Bible... 正在注册圣经... Registered Bible. Please note, that verses will be downloaded on demand and thus an internet connection is required. Click to download bible list Download bible list Error during download An error occurred while downloading the list of bibles from %s. Bibles: SWORD data folder: SWORD zip-file: Defaults to the standard SWORD data folder Import from folder Import from Zip-file To import SWORD bibles the pysword python module must be installed. Please read the manual for instructions. BiblesPlugin.LanguageDialog Select Language 选择语言 OpenLP is unable to determine the language of this translation of the Bible. Please select the language from the list below. OpenLP无法确定此翻译本圣经的语言,请在下列菜单中选择语言。 Language: 语言: BiblesPlugin.LanguageForm You need to choose a language. 您需要选择一种语言。 BiblesPlugin.MediaItem Find: 寻找: Book: 曲集: Chapter: 篇章: Verse: 经节: From: 从: To: 到: Text Search 文本搜索 Second: 第二版本: Scripture Reference 经文出处: Toggle to keep or clear the previous results. 切换保留或清空之前的结果。 You cannot combine single and dual Bible verse search results. Do you want to delete your search results and start a new search? 您不能结合单和双圣经经节搜索结果。您希望删除搜索结果并开始新的搜索吗? Bible not fully loaded. 圣经没有完全载入。 Information 信息 Search Scripture Reference... 搜索经文出处... Search Text... 搜索文本... Search 搜索 Select Clear the search results. Text or Reference Text or Reference... Are you sure you want to completely delete "{bible}" Bible from OpenLP? You will need to re-import this Bible to use it again. The second Bible does not contain all the verses that are in the main Bible. Only verses found in both Bibles will be shown. {count:d} verses have not been included in the results. BiblesPlugin.OpenSongImport Incorrect Bible file type supplied. OpenSong Bibles may be compressed. You must decompress them before import. 提供了不正确的圣经文件。OpenSong圣经也许被压缩过。您必须在导入前解压它们。 Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like a Zefania XML bible, please use the Zefania import option. BiblesPlugin.Opensong Importing {name} {chapter}... BiblesPlugin.OsisImport Removing unused tags (this may take a few minutes)... Importing %(bookname)s %(chapter)s... The file is not a valid OSIS-XML file: {text} BiblesPlugin.Sword Importing {name}... BiblesPlugin.SwordImport An unexpected error happened while importing the SWORD bible, please report this to the OpenLP developers. {error} BiblesPlugin.ZefaniaImport Incorrect Bible file type supplied. Zefania Bibles may be compressed. You must decompress them before import. BiblesPlugin.Zefnia Importing {book} {chapter}... CustomPlugin Custom Slide name singular 自定义幻灯片 Custom Slides name plural 自定义幻灯片 Custom Slides container title 自定义幻灯片 Load a new custom slide. 载入一张新的自定义幻灯片。 Import a custom slide. 导入一张自定义幻灯片。 Add a new custom slide. 新增一张自定义幻灯片。 Edit the selected custom slide. 编辑选中的自定义幻灯片。 Delete the selected custom slide. 删除选中的自定义幻灯片。 Preview the selected custom slide. 预览选中的自定义幻灯片 Send the selected custom slide live. 将选中的自定义幻灯片发送到现场 Add the selected custom slide to the service. 将选中的自定义幻灯片添加到敬拜仪式里。 <strong>Custom Slide Plugin </strong><br />The custom slide plugin provides the ability to set up custom text slides that can be displayed on the screen the same way songs are. This plugin provides greater freedom over the songs plugin. CustomPlugin.CustomTab Custom Display 自定义显示 Display footer 显示页脚 Import missing custom slides from service files CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm Edit Custom Slides 编辑自定义幻灯片 &Title: 标题(T): Add a new slide at bottom. 在底部新增一张幻灯片 Edit the selected slide. 编辑所选中的幻灯片 Edit all the slides at once. 同时编辑所有幻灯片 Split a slide into two by inserting a slide splitter. 插入一个幻灯片分隔符来将一张幻灯片拆分为两张 The&me: 主题(M): &Credits: 制作名单(C): You need to type in a title. 您需要输入一个标题 Ed&it All 编辑所有(I) Insert Slide 插入幻灯片 You need to add at least one slide. CustomPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Slide 编辑幻灯片 CustomPlugin.MediaItem Are you sure you want to delete the "{items:d}" selected custom slide(s)? ImagePlugin <strong>Image Plugin</strong><br />The image plugin provides displaying of images.<br />One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the theme. <strong>图片插件</strong><br />图片插件提供图片展示。<br />这个插件其中一个显著的特征是它可在敬拜管理器中将多张照片分组,使显示多张照片更容易。这个插件也可以使用OpenLP的计时循环特征来创建可自动播放的幻灯演示。除此以外,该插件中的图片可以被用来覆盖当前主题的背景,使基于文本的项目(比如歌曲)使用选中的图片作为背景而不是主题提供的背景。 Image name singular 图片 Images name plural 图片 Images container title 图片 Add a new image. 新增一张图片 Edit the selected image. 编辑选中的图片 Delete the selected image. 删除选中的图片 Preview the selected image. 预览选中的图片 Send the selected image live. 将选中的图片发送到现场。 Add the selected image to the service. 将选中的图片添加到敬拜仪式里。 Add new image(s). Add new image(s) ImagePlugin.AddGroupForm Add group Parent group: Group name: You need to type in a group name. Could not add the new group. This group already exists. ImagePlugin.ChooseGroupForm Select Image Group Add images to group: No group Existing group New group ImagePlugin.ExceptionDialog Select Attachment 选择附件 ImagePlugin.MediaItem Select Image(s) 选择图片 You must select an image to replace the background with. 您必须选择一张图片来替换背景。 Missing Image(s) 遗失图片 There was no display item to amend. 没有显示项目可以修改 -- Top-level group -- You must select an image or group to delete. Remove group Are you sure you want to remove "{name}" and everything in it? The following image(s) no longer exist: {names} The following image(s) no longer exist: {names} Do you want to add the other images anyway? There was a problem replacing your background, the image file "{name}" no longer exists. ImagesPlugin.ImageTab Visible background for images with aspect ratio different to screen. 长宽比例与屏幕不同的图片的可见背景 Media.player Audio Video VLC is an external player which supports a number of different formats. Webkit is a media player which runs inside a web browser. This player allows text over video to be rendered. This media player uses your operating system to provide media capabilities. MediaPlugin <strong>Media Plugin</strong><br />The media plugin provides playback of audio and video. <strong>媒体插件</strong><br />媒体插件提供音频和视频的回放。 Media name singular 媒体 Media name plural 媒体 Media container title 媒体 Load new media. 载入新媒体 Add new media. 新增媒体 Edit the selected media. 编辑选中的媒体 Delete the selected media. 删除选中的媒体 Preview the selected media. 预览选中的媒体 Send the selected media live. 将选中的媒体发送到现场 Add the selected media to the service. 将选中的媒体添加到敬拜仪式 MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelector Select Media Clip Source Media path: Select drive from list Load disc Track Details Title: 标题: Audio track: Subtitle track: HH:mm:ss.z Clip Range Start point: Set start point Jump to start point End point: Set end point Jump to end point MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelectorForm No path was given Given path does not exists An error happened during initialization of VLC player VLC player failed playing the media CD not loaded correctly The CD was not loaded correctly, please re-load and try again. DVD not loaded correctly The DVD was not loaded correctly, please re-load and try again. Set name of mediaclip Name of mediaclip: Enter a valid name or cancel Invalid character The name of the mediaclip must not contain the character ":" MediaPlugin.MediaItem Select Media 选择媒体 You must select a media file to delete. 您必须先选中一个媒体文件才能删除 You must select a media file to replace the background with. 您必须选择一个媒体文件来替换背景。 Missing Media File 缺少媒体文件 There was no display item to amend. 没有显示项目可以修改 Unsupported File 不支持的文件 Use Player: 使用播放器: VLC player required VLC player required for playback of optical devices Load CD/DVD Mediaclip already saved This mediaclip has already been saved File %s not supported using player %s Unsupported Media File CD/DVD playback is only supported if VLC is installed and enabled. There was a problem replacing your background, the media file "{name}" no longer exists. The optical disc {name} is no longer available. The file {name} no longer exists. Videos ({video});;Audio ({audio});;{files} (*) MediaPlugin.MediaTab Allow media player to be overridden 允许媒体播放器被覆盖 Start new Live media automatically OpenLP Image Files 图片文件 Backup OpenLP has been upgraded, do you want to create a backup of OpenLPs data folder? Backup of the data folder failed! Open A backup of the data folder has been createdat {text} Video Files OpenLP.AboutForm Credits 参与人名单 License 许可 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. 这个程序是自由软件,您可以在由自由软件基金会发布的GNU通用公共许可证的条款,第2版的许可下重新分配和/或修改它。 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See below for more details. 这个程序是在它将会有用的期望下分发的,但没有任何保障,甚至没有任何暗示的适销性或针对特定用途的保障。参阅以下更多细节。 OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations (if Impress, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is installed) for church worship using a computer and a data projector. Find out more about OpenLP: OpenLP is written and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to see more free Christian software being written, please consider volunteering by using the button below. OpenLP <version><revision> - 开源歌词演示 OpenLP是一个免费的教会演示软件,或歌词演示软件,被用在教会敬拜时使用电脑和数字投影仪来展示歌词,圣经经节,视频,图片,甚至幻灯片演示(如果已安装Impress, PowerPoint或PowerPoint Viewer的话)。 参阅更多OpenLP的信息: OpenLP是由志愿者编写和维护的。如果您想看到更多基督教的软件被编写出来,请考虑点击下面的按钮来志愿加入。 Volunteer 志愿者 Project Lead Developers Contributors Packagers Testers Translators Afrikaans (af) Czech (cs) Danish (da) German (de) Greek (el) English, United Kingdom (en_GB) English, South Africa (en_ZA) Spanish (es) Estonian (et) Finnish (fi) French (fr) Hungarian (hu) Indonesian (id) Japanese (ja) Norwegian Bokmål (nb) Dutch (nl) Polish (pl) Portuguese, Brazil (pt_BR) Russian (ru) Swedish (sv) Tamil(Sri-Lanka) (ta_LK) Chinese(China) (zh_CN) Documentation Built With Python: Qt5: PyQt5: Oxygen Icons: MuPDF: Final Credit "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but inherit eternal life." -- John 3:16 And last but not least, final credit goes to God our Father, for sending His Son to die on the cross, setting us free from sin. We bring this software to you for free because He has set us free. Copyright (C) 2004-2016 {cr} Portions copyright (C) 2004-2016 {others} build {version} OpenLP.AdvancedTab UI Settings 用户界面设置 Expand new service items on creation 创建时扩展新的敬拜仪式项目 Enable application exit confirmation 启用应用程序退出时确认 Mouse Cursor 鼠标指针 Hide mouse cursor when over display window 当移动到显示窗口时隐藏鼠标指针 Open File 打开文件 Advanced 高级 Default Service Name 默认敬拜仪式名称 Enable default service name 启用默认敬拜仪式名称 Date and Time: 时间和日期: Monday 周一 Tuesday 周二 Wednesday 周三 Friday 周五 Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日 Now 现在 Time when usual service starts. 通常敬拜开始时间 Name: 名称: Consult the OpenLP manual for usage. 参阅OpenLP说明书来使用。 Example: 样本: Bypass X11 Window Manager 绕过X11窗口管理器 Syntax error. 语法错误。 Data Location 数据位置 Current path: 当前路径: Custom path: 自定义路径: Browse for new data file location. 浏览新的数据文件位置 Set the data location to the default. 将数据位置设置为默认。 Cancel 取消 Cancel OpenLP data directory location change. 取消OpenLP数据目录位置的改变 Copy data to new location. 复制数据到新位置 Copy the OpenLP data files to the new location. 将OpenLP数据文件复制到新位置。 <strong>WARNING:</strong> New data directory location contains OpenLP data files. These files WILL be replaced during a copy. <strong>警告:</strong> 新数据目录包含OpenLP数据文件。这些文件将会在复制时被替换。 Data Directory Error 数据目录错误 Select Data Directory Location 选择数据目录位置 Confirm Data Directory Change 确认数据目录改变 Reset Data Directory 重置数据目录 Overwrite Existing Data 覆盖已存在的数据 Thursday Display Workarounds Use alternating row colours in lists Restart Required This change will only take effect once OpenLP has been restarted. Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to the default location? This location will be used after OpenLP is closed. 您确定要改变OpenLP数据目录的位置到默认位置吗? 该位置将会在OpenLP关闭时被使用。 Max height for non-text slides in slide controller: Disabled When changing slides: Do not auto-scroll Auto-scroll the previous slide into view Auto-scroll the previous slide to top Auto-scroll the previous slide to middle Auto-scroll the current slide into view Auto-scroll the current slide to top Auto-scroll the current slide to middle Auto-scroll the current slide to bottom Auto-scroll the next slide into view Auto-scroll the next slide to top Auto-scroll the next slide to middle Auto-scroll the next slide to bottom Number of recent service files to display: Open the last used Library tab on startup Double-click to send items straight to Live Preview items when clicked in Library Preview items when clicked in Service Automatic 自动 Revert to the default service name "{name}". OpenLP data directory was not found {path} This data directory was previously changed from the OpenLP default location. If the new location was on removable media, that media needs to be made available. Click "No" to stop loading OpenLP. allowing you to fix the the problem. Click "Yes" to reset the data directory to the default location. Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to: {path} The data directory will be changed when OpenLP is closed. WARNING: The location you have selected {path} appears to contain OpenLP data files. Do you wish to replace these files with the current data files? OpenLP.ColorButton Click to select a color. 点击以选取一种颜色。 OpenLP.DB RGB Video Digital Storage Network RGB 1 RGB 2 RGB 3 RGB 4 RGB 5 RGB 6 RGB 7 RGB 8 RGB 9 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8 Video 9 Digital 1 Digital 2 Digital 3 Digital 4 Digital 5 Digital 6 Digital 7 Digital 8 Digital 9 Storage 1 Storage 2 Storage 3 Storage 4 Storage 5 Storage 6 Storage 7 Storage 8 Storage 9 Network 1 Network 2 Network 3 Network 4 Network 5 Network 6 Network 7 Network 8 Network 9 OpenLP.ExceptionDialog Error Occurred 发生错误 Send E-Mail 发送邮件 Save to File 保存到文件 Attach File 附加文件 <strong>Please describe what you were trying to do.</strong> &nbsp;If possible, write in English. <strong>Oops, OpenLP hit a problem and couldn't recover!</strong> <br><br><strong>You can help </strong> the OpenLP developers to <strong>fix this</strong> by<br> sending them a <strong>bug report</strong> to {email}{newlines} {first_part}<strong>No email app? </strong> You can <strong>save</strong> this information to a <strong>file</strong> and<br>send it from your <strong>mail on browser</strong> via an <strong>attachment.</strong><br><br><strong>Thank you<strong> for being part of making OpenLP better!<br> <strong>Thank you for your description!</strong> <strong>Tell us what you were doing when this happened.</strong> <strong>Please enter a more detailed description of the situation OpenLP.ExceptionForm Save Crash Report 保存崩溃报告 Text files (*.txt *.log *.text) 文本文件(*.txt *.log *.text) Platform: {platform} OpenLP.FileRenameForm File Rename 重命名文件 New File Name: 新建文件名: File Copy 复制文件 OpenLP.FirstTimeLanguageForm Select Translation 选择翻译版本 Choose the translation you'd like to use in OpenLP. 选择您希望使用的OpenLP翻译版本。 Translation: 翻译版本: OpenLP.FirstTimeWizard Songs 歌曲 First Time Wizard 首次使用向导 Welcome to the First Time Wizard 欢迎来到首次使用向导 Default Settings 默认设置 Enabling selected plugins... 正在启用选中的插件... No Internet Connection 无网络连接 Unable to detect an Internet connection. 未检测到Internet网络连接 Sample Songs 歌曲样本 Select and download public domain songs. 选择并下载属于公有领域的歌曲 Sample Bibles 圣经样本 Select and download free Bibles. 选择并下载免费圣经。 Sample Themes 主题样本 Select and download sample themes. 选择并下载主题样本。 Set up default settings to be used by OpenLP. 设置OpenLP将使用的默认设定。 Default output display: 默认输出显示: Select default theme: 选择默认主题: Starting configuration process... 正在启动配置进程... Setting Up And Downloading 正在设置并下载 Please wait while OpenLP is set up and your data is downloaded. 请稍等,OpenLP正在进行设置并下载您的数据。 Setting Up 正在设置 Download Error 下载时出现错误 There was a connection problem during download, so further downloads will be skipped. Try to re-run the First Time Wizard later. There was a connection problem while downloading, so further downloads will be skipped. Try to re-run the First Time Wizard later. Downloading Resource Index Please wait while the resource index is downloaded. Please wait while OpenLP downloads the resource index file... Downloading and Configuring Please wait while resources are downloaded and OpenLP is configured. Network Error There was a network error attempting to connect to retrieve initial configuration information Unable to download some files Select parts of the program you wish to use You can also change these settings after the Wizard. Custom Slides – Easier to manage than songs and they have their own list of slides Bibles – Import and show Bibles Images – Show images or replace background with them Presentations – Show .ppt, .odp and .pdf files Media – Playback of Audio and Video files Remote – Control OpenLP via browser or smartphone app Song Usage Monitor Alerts – Display informative messages while showing other slides Projectors – Control PJLink compatible projects on your network from OpenLP Downloading {name}... Download complete. Click the {button} button to return to OpenLP. Download complete. Click the {button} button to start OpenLP. Click the {button} button to return to OpenLP. Click the {button} button to start OpenLP. This wizard will help you to configure OpenLP for initial use. Click the {button} button below to start. No Internet connection was found. The First Time Wizard needs an Internet connection in order to be able to download sample songs, Bibles and themes. Click the {button} button now to start OpenLP with initial settings and no sample data. To re-run the First Time Wizard and import this sample data at a later time, check your Internet connection and re-run this wizard by selecting "Tools/Re-run First Time Wizard" from OpenLP. To cancel the First Time Wizard completely (and not start OpenLP), click the {button} button now. OpenLP.FormattingTagDialog Configure Formatting Tags 配置格式标签 Description 描述 Tag 标签 Start HTML HTML起始 End HTML HTML终止 Default Formatting Custom Formatting OpenLP.FormattingTagForm <HTML here> <HTML here> Validation Error 校验错误 Description is missing Tag is missing Tag {tag} already defined. Description {tag} already defined. Start tag {tag} is not valid HTML End tag {end} does not match end tag for start tag {start} New Tag {row:d} OpenLP.FormattingTags Red 红色 Black 黑色 Blue 蓝色 Yellow 黄色 Green 绿色 Pink 粉红 Orange 橘黄 Purple 紫色 White 白色 Superscript 上标 Subscript 下标 Paragraph 段落 Bold 粗体 Italics 斜体 Underline 下划线 Break 换行 OpenLP.GeneralTab General 通用 Monitors 监视器 Select monitor for output display: 选择输出监视器: Display if a single screen 显示如果是单屏幕 Application Startup 应用程序启动 Show blank screen warning 显示空白屏幕警告 Show the splash screen 显示斑点屏幕 Application Settings 应用程序设置 Prompt to save before starting a new service 在开始新的敬拜仪式前提示保存 sec CCLI Details CCLI细节 SongSelect username: SongSelect 用户名: SongSelect password: SongSelect 密码: X X Y Y Height 高度 Width 宽度 Check for updates to OpenLP 检查OpenLP更新 Timed slide interval: 计时幻灯片间隔: Background Audio 背景音频 Start background audio paused 开始背景音频已暂停 Service Item Slide Limits 敬拜仪式项目幻灯片限制: Override display position: 覆盖显示位置: Repeat track list 重复音轨列表 Behavior of next/previous on the last/first slide: 在 第一张/最后一张 幻灯片时 下一张/上一张 的行为 &Remain on Slide 停留在当前幻灯片(R) &Wrap around 绕回开头(W) &Move to next/previous service item 移至下一个/上一个敬拜仪式项目(M) Logo Logo file: Browse for an image file to display. 浏览一个图片文件来显示 Revert to the default OpenLP logo. 恢复为默认的OpenLP标志 Don't show logo on startup Automatically open the previous service file Unblank display when changing slide in Live Unblank display when sending items to Live Automatically preview the next item in service OpenLP.LanguageManager Language 语言 Please restart OpenLP to use your new language setting. 请重新启动OpenLP来使用您新的语言设置。 OpenLP.MainDisplay OpenLP Display OpenLP 显示 OpenLP.MainWindow &File 文件(F) &Import 导入(I) &Export 导出(E) &View 显示(V) &Tools 工具(T) &Settings 设定(S) &Language 语言(L) &Help 帮助(H) Open an existing service. 打开一个存在的敬拜仪式。 Save the current service to disk. 将当前的敬拜仪式保存到磁盘。 Save Service As 敬拜仪式另存为 Save the current service under a new name. 以新名称保存当前的敬拜仪式。 E&xit 退出(X) &Theme 主题(T) &Configure OpenLP... 配置OpenLP(C) &User Guide 用户指南(U) &About 关于(A) &Online Help 在线帮助(O) &Web Site 网站(W) Use the system language, if available. 如果可用,使用系统语言。 Add &Tool... 添加工具(T) Add an application to the list of tools. 向工具列表中添加应用。 &Setup 设置(S) &Live 现场(L) OpenLP Version Updated OpenLP版本已升级 OpenLP Main Display Blanked OpenLP主显示已清空 The Main Display has been blanked out 主显示已经被完全清空 English Please add the name of your language here 中文 Configure &Shortcuts... 配置快捷键(S) Open &Data Folder... 打开数据文件夹(D)... Open the folder where songs, bibles and other data resides. 打开歌曲,圣经及其它数据所在的文件夹。 &Autodetect 自动检测(A) Update Theme Images 更新主题图片 Update the preview images for all themes. 为所有主题更新预览图片。 Print the current service. 打印当前敬拜仪式 Re-run First Time Wizard 重新运行首次运行向导 Re-run the First Time Wizard, importing songs, Bibles and themes. 重新运行首次运行向导,导入歌曲,圣经和主题。 Re-run First Time Wizard? 再次运行首次运行向导? Are you sure you want to re-run the First Time Wizard? Re-running this wizard may make changes to your current OpenLP configuration and possibly add songs to your existing songs list and change your default theme. 您确定要再次运行首次运行向导吗? 再次运行这个想到可能会改变您当前的OpenLP配置并可能向您已存的歌曲列表中添加歌曲和改变默认的主题。 Clear List Clear List of recent files 清空列表 Clear the list of recent files. 清空最近使用的文件列表 Configure &Formatting Tags... 配置格式标签(F) Settings 设定 Import settings? 导入设定? Import settings 导入设定 OpenLP will now close. Imported settings will be applied the next time you start OpenLP. OpenLP即将关闭。导入的设定将会在下一次您启动OpenLP时应用。 Export Settings File 导出设定文件 New Data Directory Error 新数据目录错误 General 通用 Library Jump to the search box of the current active plugin. Are you sure you want to import settings? Importing settings will make permanent changes to your current OpenLP configuration. Importing incorrect settings may cause erratic behaviour or OpenLP to terminate abnormally. The file you have selected does not appear to be a valid OpenLP settings file. Processing has terminated and no changes have been made. Export setting error &Recent Services &New Service &Open Service &Save Service Save Service &As... &Manage Plugins Exit OpenLP Are you sure you want to exit OpenLP? &Exit OpenLP Version {new} of OpenLP is now available for download (you are currently running version {current}). You can download the latest version from The key "{key}" does not have a default value so it will be skipped in this export. An error occurred while exporting the settings: {err} Default Theme: {theme} Copying OpenLP data to new data directory location - {path} - Please wait for copy to finish OpenLP Data directory copy failed {err} &Layout Presets Service 敬拜仪式 Themes 主题 Projectors Close OpenLP - Shut down the program. Export settings to a *.config file. Import settings from a *.config file previously exported from this or another machine. &Projectors Hide or show Projectors. Toggle visibility of the Projectors. L&ibrary Hide or show the Library. Toggle the visibility of the Library. &Themes Hide or show themes Toggle visibility of the Themes. &Service Hide or show Service. Toggle visibility of the Service. &Preview Hide or show Preview. Toggle visibility of the Preview. Li&ve Hide or show Live L&ock visibility of the panels Lock visibility of the panels. Toggle visibility of the Live. You can enable and disable plugins from here. More information about OpenLP. Set the interface language to {name} &Show all Reset the interface back to the default layout and show all the panels. Use layout that focuses on setting up the Service. Use layout that focuses on Live. OpenLP Settings (*.conf) OpenLP.Manager Database Error 数据库错误 OpenLP cannot load your database. Database: {db} The database being loaded was created in a more recent version of OpenLP. The database is version {db_ver}, while OpenLP expects version {db_up}. The database will not be loaded. Database: {db_name} OpenLP.MediaManagerItem No Items Selected 未选择项目 &Add to selected Service Item 添加到选中的敬拜仪式项目(A) You must select one or more items to preview. 您必须选择一个或多个项目来预览。 You must select one or more items to send live. 您必须选择一个或多个项目来发送到现场 You must select one or more items. 您必须选择一个或多个项目。 You must select an existing service item to add to. 您必须选择一个已存在的敬拜仪式项目来被添加 Invalid Service Item 无效的敬拜仪式项目 You must select one or more items to add. 您必须选择一个或多个项目来添加。 No Search Results 无搜索结果 Invalid File Type 无效的文件类型 &Clone 建立副本(C) Duplicate files were found on import and were ignored. 在导入时发现并忽略了重复的文件 Invalid File {name}. Suffix not supported You must select a {title} service item. Search is too short to be used in: "Search while typing" OpenLP.OpenLyricsImportError <lyrics> tag is missing. <lyrics> 标签丢失。 <verse> tag is missing. <verse> 标签丢失。 OpenLP.PJLink1 Unknown status No message Error while sending data to projector Undefined command: OpenLP.PlayerTab Players Available Media Players 可用媒体播放器 Player Search Order Visible background for videos with aspect ratio different to screen. %s (unavailable) %s (不可用) NOTE: To use VLC you must install the %s version Will insert "32bit" or "64bit" OpenLP.PluginForm Plugin Details 插件详情 Status: 状态: Active 已启用 Manage Plugins {name} (Disabled) {name} (Active) {name} (Inactive) OpenLP.PrintServiceDialog Fit Page 适合页面 Fit Width 适合宽度 OpenLP.PrintServiceForm Options 选项 Copy 复制 Copy as HTML 复制为HTML Zoom In 放大 Zoom Out 缩小 Zoom Original 缩放到原始尺寸 Other Options 其它选项 Include slide text if available 如果可用,包括幻灯片文字 Include service item notes 包含敬拜仪式项目注意事项 Include play length of media items 包含媒体项目的播放时长 Add page break before each text item 在每个文本项目前添加页面换行符 Service Sheet 敬拜仪式单张 Print 打印 Title: 标题: Custom Footer Text: 自定义页脚文本: OpenLP.ProjectorConstants OK General projector error Not connected error Lamp error Fan error High temperature detected Cover open detected Check filter Authentication Error Undefined Command Invalid Parameter Projector Busy Projector/Display Error Invalid packet received Warning condition detected Error condition detected PJLink class not supported Invalid prefix character The connection was refused by the peer (or timed out) The remote host closed the connection The host address was not found The socket operation failed because the application lacked the required privileges The local system ran out of resources (e.g., too many sockets) The socket operation timed out The datagram was larger than the operating system's limit An error occurred with the network (Possibly someone pulled the plug?) The address specified with socket.bind() is already in use and was set to be exclusive The address specified to socket.bind() does not belong to the host The requested socket operation is not supported by the local operating system (e.g., lack of IPv6 support) The socket is using a proxy, and the proxy requires authentication The SSL/TLS handshake failed The last operation attempted has not finished yet (still in progress in the background) Could not contact the proxy server because the connection to that server was denied The connection to the proxy server was closed unexpectedly (before the connection to the final peer was established) The connection to the proxy server timed out or the proxy server stopped responding in the authentication phase. The proxy address set with setProxy() was not found An unidentified error occurred Not connected Connecting Connected Getting status Off Initialize in progress Power in standby Warmup in progress Power is on Cooldown in progress Projector Information available Sending data Received data The connection negotiation with the proxy server failed because the response from the proxy server could not be understood OpenLP.ProjectorEdit Name Not Set You must enter a name for this entry.<br />Please enter a new name for this entry. Duplicate Name OpenLP.ProjectorEditForm Add New Projector Edit Projector IP Address Port Number PIN Name Location Notes 注意 Database Error 数据库错误 There was an error saving projector information. See the log for the error OpenLP.ProjectorManager Add Projector Edit Projector Delete Projector Select Input Source View Projector Connect to selected projectors Disconnect from selected projectors Disconnect from selected projector Power on selected projector Standby selected projector Blank selected projector screen Show selected projector screen &View Projector Information &Edit Projector &Connect Projector D&isconnect Projector Power &On Projector Power O&ff Projector Select &Input Edit Input Source &Blank Projector Screen &Show Projector Screen &Delete Projector Name IP Port 端口 Notes 注意 Projector information not available at this time. Projector Name Manufacturer Model Other info Power status Shutter is Closed Current source input is Lamp Hours No current errors or warnings Current errors/warnings Projector Information No message Not Implemented Yet Are you sure you want to delete this projector? Add a new projector. Edit selected projector. Delete selected projector. Choose input source on selected projector. View selected projector information. Connect to selected projector. Connect to selected projectors. Disconnect from selected projector. Disconnect from selected projectors. Power on selected projector. Power on selected projectors. Put selected projector in standby. Put selected projectors in standby. Blank selected projectors screen Blank selected projectors screen. Show selected projector screen. Show selected projectors screen. is on is off Authentication Error No Authentication Error OpenLP.ProjectorPJLink Fan Lamp Temperature Cover Filter Other 其它 OpenLP.ProjectorTab Projector Communication Options Connect to projectors on startup Socket timeout (seconds) Poll time (seconds) Tabbed dialog box Single dialog box OpenLP.ProjectorWizard Duplicate IP Address Invalid IP Address Invalid Port Number OpenLP.ScreenList Screen 屏幕 primary 主要 OpenLP.ServiceItem [slide {frame:d}] <strong>Start</strong>: {start} <strong>Length</strong>: {length} OpenLP.ServiceItemEditForm Reorder Service Item 重新排列敬拜仪式项目 OpenLP.ServiceManager Move to &top 置顶(T) Move item to the top of the service. 将项目移至敬拜仪式顶部 Move &up 上移(U) Move item up one position in the service. 在该敬拜仪式中上移一位项目 Move &down 下移(D) Move item down one position in the service. 在该敬拜仪式中下移一位项目 Move to &bottom 置底(B) Move item to the end of the service. 将项目移至敬拜仪式底部 &Delete From Service 从敬拜仪式中删除 Delete the selected item from the service. 从敬拜仪式中删除选中的项目 &Add New Item 添加新项目(A) &Add to Selected Item 添加到选中的项目(A) &Edit Item 编辑项目(E) &Reorder Item 重新排列项目(R) &Notes 注意事项(N) &Change Item Theme 改变项目主题(C) File is not a valid service. 文件不是一个有效的敬拜仪式。 Missing Display Handler 缺少显示处理程序 Your item cannot be displayed as there is no handler to display it 由于没有相关的处理程序,您的项目无法显示 Your item cannot be displayed as the plugin required to display it is missing or inactive 由于缺少或未启用显示该项目的插件,你的项目无法显示。 &Expand all 扩展所有(E) Expand all the service items. 扩展所有敬拜仪式项目。 &Collapse all 收起所有(C) Collapse all the service items. 收起所有敬拜仪式项目。 Open File 打开文件 Moves the selection down the window. 将选项下移到窗口。 Move up 上移 Moves the selection up the window. 将选项上移到窗口 Go Live 发送到现场 Send the selected item to Live. 将选中的项目发送至现场 &Start Time 开始时间(S) Show &Preview 显示预览(P) Modified Service 已修改的敬拜仪式 The current service has been modified. Would you like to save this service? 当前敬拜仪式已被修改。您想保存这个敬拜仪式吗? Custom Service Notes: 自定义敬拜仪式注意事项: Notes: 注意事项: Playing time: 播放时间: Untitled Service 未命名敬拜仪式 File could not be opened because it is corrupt. 文件已损坏,无法打开。 Empty File 空文件 This service file does not contain any data. 这个敬拜仪式文件不包含任何数据。 Corrupt File 损坏的文件 Load an existing service. 加载一个存在的敬拜仪式。 Save this service. 保持这个敬拜仪式。 Select a theme for the service. 选择该敬拜仪式的主题。 Slide theme 幻灯片主题 Notes 注意 Edit 编辑 Service copy only 仅复制敬拜仪式 Error Saving File 保存文件时发生错误 There was an error saving your file. 保存您的文件时发生了一个错误。 Service File(s) Missing 敬拜仪式文件丢失 &Rename... Create New &Custom Slide &Auto play slides Auto play slides &Loop Auto play slides &Once &Delay between slides OpenLP Service Files (*.osz *.oszl) OpenLP Service Files (*.osz);; OpenLP Service Files - lite (*.oszl) OpenLP Service Files (*.osz);; File is not a valid service. The content encoding is not UTF-8. The service file you are trying to open is in an old format. Please save it using OpenLP 2.0.2 or greater. This file is either corrupt or it is not an OpenLP 2 service file. &Auto Start - inactive &Auto Start - active Input delay Delay between slides in seconds. 幻灯片之间延时 Rename item title Title: 标题: The following file(s) in the service are missing: {name} These files will be removed if you continue to save. An error occurred while writing the service file: {error} OpenLP.ServiceNoteForm Service Item Notes 敬拜项目注意事项 OpenLP.SettingsForm Configure OpenLP 配置OpenLP OpenLP.ShortcutListDialog Action 动作 Shortcut 快捷方式 Duplicate Shortcut 重复的快捷键 Alternate 代替的 Select an action and click one of the buttons below to start capturing a new primary or alternate shortcut, respectively. 选择一个动作并点击以下一个按钮来分别开始记录一个新的主要的或替代的快捷键。 Default 默认 Custom 自定义 Capture shortcut. 记录快捷键。 Restore the default shortcut of this action. 将此动作的快捷键恢复为默认。 Restore Default Shortcuts 恢复为默认快捷键 Do you want to restore all shortcuts to their defaults? 您想将所有快捷键恢复为默认吗? Configure Shortcuts 配置快捷键 The shortcut "{key}" is already assigned to another action, please use a different shortcut. OpenLP.SlideController Hide 隐藏 Go To 转到 Blank Screen 清空屏幕 Blank to Theme 清空屏幕到主题 Show Desktop 显示桌面 Previous Service 上一个敬拜仪式 Next Service 下一个敬拜仪式 Escape Item 避开项目 Move to previous. 移到前一项 Move to next. 移到后一项 Play Slides 播放幻灯片 Delay between slides in seconds. 幻灯片之间延时 Move to live. 移到现场 Add to Service. 添加到敬拜仪式 Edit and reload song preview. 编辑并重新载入歌曲预览 Start playing media. 开始播放媒体 Pause audio. 暂停声音 Pause playing media. 暂停媒体播放 Stop playing media. 停止媒体播放 Video position. 视频位置 Audio Volume. 音频音量 Go to "Verse" 转到"主歌" Go to "Chorus" 转到 "副歌" Go to "Bridge" 转到"桥段" Go to "Pre-Chorus" 转到 "导歌" Go to "Intro" 转到"前奏" Go to "Ending" 转到 "结尾" Go to "Other" 转到 "其它" Previous Slide 上一张幻灯片 Next Slide 下一张幻灯片 Pause Audio 暂停音频 Background Audio 背景音频 Go to next audio track. 切到下一个音轨 Tracks 音轨 Loop playing media. Video timer. OpenLP.SourceSelectForm Select Projector Source Edit Projector Source Text Ignoring current changes and return to OpenLP Delete all user-defined text and revert to PJLink default text Discard changes and reset to previous user-defined text Save changes and return to OpenLP Delete entries for this projector Are you sure you want to delete ALL user-defined source input text for this projector? OpenLP.SpellTextEdit Spelling Suggestions 拼写建议 Formatting Tags 格式标签 Language: 语言: OpenLP.StartTimeForm Theme Layout 主题布局 The blue box shows the main area. 蓝色区块显示主区域。 The red box shows the footer. 红色区块显示页脚。 OpenLP.StartTime_form Item Start and Finish Time 项目开始和结束时间 Hours: 小时: Minutes: 分钟: Seconds: 秒: Start 开始 Finish 结束 Length 长度 Time Validation Error 时间校验错误 Finish time is set after the end of the media item 终止时间被设置为媒体项目结束之后 Start time is after the finish time of the media item 开始时间在媒体项目终止时间之后 OpenLP.ThemeForm (approximately %d lines per slide) (大约每张幻灯片%d行) OpenLP.ThemeManager Create a new theme. 新建一个主题 Edit Theme 编辑主题 Edit a theme. 编辑一个主题 Delete Theme 删除主题 Delete a theme. 删除一个主题 Import Theme 导入主题 Import a theme. 导入一个主题 Export Theme 导出主题 Export a theme. 导出一个主题 &Edit Theme 编辑主题(E) &Delete Theme 删除主题(D) Set As &Global Default 设定为全局默认(G) You must select a theme to edit. 您必须先选择一个主题来编辑 You are unable to delete the default theme. 您不能删除默认主题 You have not selected a theme. 您还没有选中一个主题 Theme Exported 主题已导出 Your theme has been successfully exported. 您的主题已成功导出。 Theme Export Failed 主题导出失败 Select Theme Import File 选择要导入的主题文件 File is not a valid theme. 文件不是一个有效的主题 &Copy Theme 复制主题(C) &Rename Theme 重命名主题(R) &Export Theme 导出主题(E) You must select a theme to rename. 您必须选择一个主题来重命名 Rename Confirmation 确认重命名 Rename %s theme? 重命名 %s 主题? You must select a theme to delete. 您必须选择一个主题来删除。 Delete Confirmation 确认删除 Delete %s theme? 删除 %s 主题? Validation Error 校验错误 A theme with this name already exists. 以这个名字的主题已经存在。 Theme Already Exists 主题已存在 OpenLP Themes (*.otz) Unable to delete theme {text} (default) Copy of {name} Copy of <theme name> Save Theme - ({name}) The theme export failed because this error occurred: {err} {name} (default) Theme {name} already exists. Do you want to replace it? {count} time(s) by {plugin} Theme is currently used {text} OpenLP.ThemeWizard Theme Wizard 主题向导 Welcome to the Theme Wizard 欢迎来到主题向导 Set Up Background 设置背景 Set up your theme's background according to the parameters below. 根据下列参数设置您的主题背景。 Background type: 背景类型: Gradient 渐变 Gradient: 渐变: Horizontal 水平 Vertical 垂直 Circular 圆形 Top Left - Bottom Right 左上 - 右下 Bottom Left - Top Right 左下 - 右上 Main Area Font Details 主区域字体细节 Define the font and display characteristics for the Display text 为显示文字定义字体和显示特性 Font: 字体: Size: 字号: Line Spacing: 行距: &Outline: 轮廓(O): &Shadow: 阴影(S): Bold 粗体 Italic 斜体 Footer Area Font Details 页脚区域字体细节 Define the font and display characteristics for the Footer text 为页脚文字定义字体和显示特征 Text Formatting Details 文字格式细节 Allows additional display formatting information to be defined 允许定义更多的显示格式信息 Horizontal Align: 水平对齐: Left 居左 Right 居右 Center 居中 Output Area Locations 输出区域位置 &Main Area 主区域(M) &Use default location 使用默认位置(U) X position: X坐标: px 像素 Y position: Y坐标: Width: 宽度: Height: 高度: Use default location 使用默认位置 Theme name: 主题名称: This wizard will help you to create and edit your themes. Click the next button below to start the process by setting up your background. 这个向导将帮助您创建并编辑您的主题。要开始这个过程,点击下面的下一步按钮设置您的背景。 Transitions: 过渡: &Footer Area 页脚区域(F) Starting color: 起始颜色: Ending color: 结束颜色: Background color: 背景颜色: Justify 对齐 Layout Preview 预览布局 Transparent 透明 Preview and Save 预览并保存 Preview the theme and save it. 预览并保存主题 Background Image Empty 背景图片空白 Select Image 选择图片 Theme Name Missing 缺少主题名称 There is no name for this theme. Please enter one. 这个主题还没有名字,请输入一个。 Theme Name Invalid 无效的主题名 Invalid theme name. Please enter one. 无效的主题名字,请输入另一个。 Solid color color: Allows you to change and move the Main and Footer areas. You have not selected a background image. Please select one before continuing. 您尚未选择一张背景图片。请在继续前选择一张。 Edit Theme - {name} Select Video OpenLP.ThemesTab Global Theme 全局主题 Theme Level 主题级别 S&ong Level 歌曲级别(O) Use the theme from each song in the database. If a song doesn't have a theme associated with it, then use the service's theme. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. 使用每首歌曲在数据库里的主题。如果一首歌曲没有主题与之关联,那么使用敬拜仪式的主题。如果敬拜仪式不包含主题,那么使用全局主题。 &Service Level 敬拜仪式级别(S) Use the theme from the service, overriding any of the individual songs' themes. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. 使用敬拜仪式的主题,覆盖任何歌曲的主题。如果敬拜仪式不包含主题,那么使用全局主题。 &Global Level 全局级别(G) Use the global theme, overriding any themes associated with either the service or the songs. 使用全局主题,覆盖任何与敬拜仪式或歌曲关联的主题。 Themes 主题 Universal Settings &Wrap footer text OpenLP.Ui Delete the selected item. 删除选中的项目。 Move selection up one position. 上移一位选项。 Move selection down one position. 下移一位选项。 &Vertical Align: 垂直对齐(V): Finished import. 导入完成。 Format: 格式: Importing 正在导入 Importing "%s"... 正在导入"%s"... Select Import Source 选择导入源 Select the import format and the location to import from. 选择导入格式和被导入的位置 Open %s File 打开 %s 文件 %p% %p% Ready. 准备就绪。 Starting import... 正在开始导入... You need to specify at least one %s file to import from. A file type e.g. OpenSong 您需要指定至少一个 %s 文件来导入。 Welcome to the Bible Import Wizard 欢迎来到圣经导入向导 Welcome to the Song Export Wizard 欢迎来到歌曲导出向导 Welcome to the Song Import Wizard 欢迎来到歌曲导入向导 Author Singular 作者 Authors Plural 作者 © Copyright symbol. © Song Maintenance 歌曲维护 Topic Singular 题目 Topics Plural 题目 Title and/or verses not found 未找到标题和/或段落 XML syntax error XML语法错误 Open %s Folder 打开 %s 文件夹 You need to specify one %s file to import from. A file type e.g. OpenSong 您需要指定一个%s文件来导入。 You need to specify one %s folder to import from. A song format e.g. PowerSong 您需要指定一个%s文件夹来导入。 Importing Songs 导入歌曲 Welcome to the Duplicate Song Removal Wizard Written by Author Unknown About 关于 &Add 添加(A) Add group Advanced 高级 All Files 所有文件 Automatic 自动 Background Color 背景颜色 Bottom 底部 Browse... 浏览... Cancel 取消 CCLI number: CCLI号码: Create a new service. 创建一个新的敬拜仪式 Confirm Delete 确认删除 Continuous 连续的 Default 默认 Default Color: 默认颜色: Service %Y-%m-%d %H-%M This may not contain any of the following characters: /\?*|<>[]":+ See for more information. 敬拜仪式 %Y-%m-%d %H-%M &Delete 删除(D) Display style: 显示风格: Duplicate Error 重复错误 &Edit 编辑(E) Empty Field 空白区域 Error 错误 Export 导出 File 文件 File Not Found pt Abbreviated font pointsize unit Help 帮助 h The abbreviated unit for hours Invalid Folder Selected Singular 选中了无效的文件夹 Invalid File Selected Singular 选中了无效的文件 Invalid Files Selected Plural 选中了无效的文件 Image 图片 Import 导入 Layout style: 布局风格: Live 现场 Live Background Error 现场背景错误 Live Toolbar 现场工具栏 Load 载入 Manufacturer Singular Manufacturers Plural Model Singular Models Plural m The abbreviated unit for minutes Middle 中间 New 新建 New Service 新建敬拜仪式 New Theme 新建主题 Next Track 下一个音轨 No Folder Selected Singular 未选择文件夹 No File Selected Singular 未选择文件 No Files Selected Plural 未选择文件 No Item Selected Singular 未选择项目 No Items Selected Plural 未选择项目 OpenLP is already running. Do you wish to continue? OpenLP已经在运行了。您希望继续吗? Open service. 打开敬拜仪式。 Play Slides in Loop 循环播放幻灯片 Play Slides to End 顺序播放幻灯片 Preview 预览 Print Service 打印服务 Projector Singular Projectors Plural Replace Background 替换背景 Replace live background. 替换现场背景 Reset Background 重置背景 Reset live background. 重置现场背景 s The abbreviated unit for seconds Save && Preview 保存预览 Search 搜索 Search Themes... Search bar place holder text 搜索主题... You must select an item to delete. 您必须选择一个项目来删除。 You must select an item to edit. 您必须选择一个项目来编辑。 Settings 设定 Save Service 保存敬拜仪式 Service 敬拜仪式 Optional &Split 可选分隔(S) Split a slide into two only if it does not fit on the screen as one slide. 如果一张幻灯片无法放置在一个屏幕上,那么将它分为两张。 Stop Play Slides in Loop 停止循环播放幻灯片 Stop Play Slides to End 停止顺序播放幻灯片 Theme Singular 主题 Themes Plural 主题 Tools 工具 Top 顶部 Unsupported File 不支持的文件 Verse Per Slide 每页显示经节 Verse Per Line 每行显示经节 Version 版本 View 查看 View Mode 显示模式 CCLI song number: Preview Toolbar OpenLP OpenLP Replace live background is not available when the WebKit player is disabled. Songbook Singular Songbooks Plural Background color: 背景颜色: Add group. File {name} not found. Please try selecting it individually. Start {code} Video Search is Empty or too Short <strong>The search you have entered is empty or shorter than 3 characters long.</strong><br><br>Please try again with a longer search. No Bibles Available 无任何圣经可用 <strong>There are no Bibles currently installed.</strong><br><br>Please use the Import Wizard to install one or more Bibles. Book Chapter Chapter Verse 主歌 Psalm Book names may be shortened from full names, for an example Ps 23 = Psalm 23 OpenLP.core.lib %s and %s Locale list separator: 2 items %s, and %s Locale list separator: end %s, %s Locale list separator: middle %s, %s Locale list separator: start Openlp.ProjectorTab Source select dialog interface PresentationPlugin <strong>Presentation Plugin</strong><br />The presentation plugin provides the ability to show presentations using a number of different programs. The choice of available presentation programs is available to the user in a drop down box. <strong>演示插件</strong><br />演示插件提供使用许多不同的程序来展示演示的能力。用户可在下拉菜单中选择可用的演示程序选项。 Presentation name singular 演示 Presentations name plural 演示 Presentations container title 演示 Load a new presentation. 加载一个新演示。 Delete the selected presentation. 删除选中的演示。 Preview the selected presentation. 预览选中的演示。 Send the selected presentation live. 将选中的演示发送到现场。 Add the selected presentation to the service. 将选中的演示发送到敬拜仪式。 PresentationPlugin.MediaItem Select Presentation(s) 选择演示 Automatic 自动 Present using: 演示使用: File Exists 文件存在 A presentation with that filename already exists. 以这个名字命名的演示文件已存在。 This type of presentation is not supported. 不支持该类型的演示文件。 Missing Presentation 丢失演示文件 Presentations ({text}) The presentation {name} no longer exists. The presentation {name} is incomplete, please reload. PresentationPlugin.PowerpointDocument An error occurred in the PowerPoint integration and the presentation will be stopped. Restart the presentation if you wish to present it. PresentationPlugin.PresentationTab Available Controllers 可用控制器 Allow presentation application to be overridden 允许演示程序被覆盖 PDF options Use given full path for mudraw or ghostscript binary: Select mudraw or ghostscript binary. The program is not ghostscript or mudraw which is required. PowerPoint options Clicking on the current slide advances to the next effect Let PowerPoint control the size and monitor of the presentations (This may fix PowerPoint scaling issues in Windows 8 and 10) {name} (unavailable) RemotePlugin <strong>Remote Plugin</strong><br />The remote plugin provides the ability to send messages to a running version of OpenLP on a different computer via a web browser or through the remote API. <strong>遥控插件</strong><br />遥控插件可以透过网页浏览器或是远程API向另一台电脑上正在运行的OpenLP发送信息。 Remote name singular 遥控 Remotes name plural 遥控 Remote container title 遥控 Server Config Change Server configuration changes will require a restart to take effect. RemotePlugin.Mobile Service Manager 敬拜仪式管理器 Slide Controller 幻灯片控制器 Alerts 警告 Search 搜索 Home 主页 Refresh 刷新 Blank 空白 Theme 主题 Desktop 桌面 Show 显示 Prev 上一个 Next 下一个 Text 文本 Show Alert 显示警告 Go Live 发送到现场 Add to Service 添加到敬拜仪式 Add &amp; Go to Service 添加 &amp; 转到敬拜仪式 No Results 没有结果 Options 选项 Service 敬拜仪式 Slides 幻灯片 Settings 设定 Remote 遥控 Stage View Live View RemotePlugin.RemoteTab Serve on IP address: 服务于IP地址: Port number: 端口: Server Settings 服务器设置 Remote URL: 远程URL: Stage view URL: 舞台视图URL: Display stage time in 12h format 以12小时制显示舞台时间。 Android App Android应用 Live view URL: HTTPS Server Could not find an SSL certificate. The HTTPS server will not be available unless an SSL certificate is found. Please see the manual for more information. User Authentication User id: Password: 密码: Show thumbnails of non-text slides in remote and stage view. iOS App Scan the QR code or click <a href="{qr}">download</a> to install the Android app from Google Play. Scan the QR code or click <a href="{qr}">download</a> to install the iOS app from the App Store. SongUsagePlugin &Song Usage Tracking 歌曲使用状况跟踪(S) &Delete Tracking Data 删除跟踪数据(D) Delete song usage data up to a specified date. 删除指定日期之前的歌曲使用数据。 &Extract Tracking Data 提取跟踪数据(E) Generate a report on song usage. 生成歌曲使用报告 Toggle Tracking 切换跟踪 Toggle the tracking of song usage. 切换歌曲使用跟踪。 <strong>SongUsage Plugin</strong><br />This plugin tracks the usage of songs in services. <strong>歌曲使用状况插件</strong><br />这个插件跟踪在敬拜仪式中歌曲的使用状况。 SongUsage name singular 歌曲使用 SongUsage name plural 歌曲使用 SongUsage container title 歌曲使用 Song Usage 歌曲使用 Song usage tracking is active. 歌曲使用跟踪已启用。 Song usage tracking is inactive. 歌曲使用跟踪未启用。 display 显示 printed 已打印 SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDeleteForm Delete Song Usage Data 删除歌曲使用数据 Delete Selected Song Usage Events? 删除选中的歌曲使用事件? Are you sure you want to delete selected Song Usage data? 您确定想删除选中的歌曲使用数据? Deletion Successful 删除成功 Select the date up to which the song usage data should be deleted. All data recorded before this date will be permanently deleted. All requested data has been deleted successfully. SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDetailForm Song Usage Extraction 歌曲使用状况提取 Select Date Range 选择日期范围 to Report Location 报告位置 Output File Location 输出文件位置 Report Creation 创建报告 Output Path Not Selected 未选择输出路径 You have not set a valid output location for your song usage report. Please select an existing path on your computer. Report Creation Failed usage_detail_{old}_{new}.txt Report {name} has been successfully created. An error occurred while creating the report: {error} SongsPlugin &Song 歌曲(S) Import songs using the import wizard. 使用导入向导来导入歌曲。 <strong>Songs Plugin</strong><br />The songs plugin provides the ability to display and manage songs. <strong>歌曲插件</strong><br />歌曲插件提供了显示和管理歌曲的能力。 &Re-index Songs 重新索引歌曲(R) Re-index the songs database to improve searching and ordering. 重新索引歌曲数据库来改善搜索和排列 Reindexing songs... 正在重新索引歌曲... Arabic (CP-1256) 阿拉伯文(CP-1256) Baltic (CP-1257) 波罗的海文 (CP-1257) Central European (CP-1250) 中欧(CP-1250) Cyrillic (CP-1251) 西里尔文 (CP-1251) Greek (CP-1253) 希腊文 (CP-1253) Hebrew (CP-1255) 希伯来文 (CP-1225) Japanese (CP-932) 日文 (CP-932) Korean (CP-949) 韩文 (CP-949) Simplified Chinese (CP-936) 简体中文(CP-936) Thai (CP-874) 泰文(CP-874) Traditional Chinese (CP-950) 繁体中文(CP-950) Turkish (CP-1254) 土耳其文 (CP-1254) Vietnam (CP-1258) 越南文 (CP-1258) Western European (CP-1252) 西欧 (CP-1252) Character Encoding 字符编码 The codepage setting is responsible for the correct character representation. Usually you are fine with the preselected choice. 编码设定负责正确的字符表示。 通常您会满意预选的设定。 Please choose the character encoding. The encoding is responsible for the correct character representation. 请选择字符编码。 该编码负责正确的字符表示。 Song name singular 歌曲 Songs name plural 歌曲 Songs container title 歌曲 Exports songs using the export wizard. 使用导出向导来导出歌曲。 Add a new song. 新增一首歌曲。 Edit the selected song. 编辑选中的歌曲。 Delete the selected song. 删除选中的歌曲。 Preview the selected song. 预览选中的歌曲。 Send the selected song live. 将选中的歌曲发送到现场 Add the selected song to the service. 添加选中的歌曲道敬拜仪式 Reindexing songs 重新索引歌曲 CCLI SongSelect Import songs from CCLI's SongSelect service. Find &Duplicate Songs Find and remove duplicate songs in the song database. SongsPlugin.AuthorType Words Author who wrote the lyrics of a song Music Author who wrote the music of a song Words and Music Author who wrote both lyrics and music of a song Translation Author who translated the song SongsPlugin.AuthorsForm Author Maintenance 作者维护 Display name: 显示名称: First name: 名: Last name: 姓: You need to type in the first name of the author. 您需要输入作者的名。 You need to type in the last name of the author. 您需要输入作者的姓。 You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names? 您尚未设定作者的显示名称,是否将姓名组合起来? SongsPlugin.CCLIFileImport The file does not have a valid extension. 此文件没有有效的扩展名。 SongsPlugin.DreamBeamImport Invalid DreamBeam song file. Missing DreamSong tag. SongsPlugin.EasyWorshipSongImport Unexpected data formatting. No song text found. [above are Song Tags with notes imported from EasyWorship] This file does not exist. Could not find the "Songs.MB" file. It must be in the same folder as the "Songs.DB" file. This file is not a valid EasyWorship database. Could not retrieve encoding. Administered by {admin} "{title}" could not be imported. {entry} "{title}" could not be imported. {error} SongsPlugin.EditBibleForm Meta Data Meta数据 Custom Book Names 自定义书卷名 SongsPlugin.EditSongForm Song Editor 歌曲编辑器 &Title: 标题(T): Alt&ernate title: 副标题(E): &Lyrics: 歌词(L): &Verse order: 段落顺序(V): Ed&it All 编辑所有(I) Title && Lyrics 标题歌词 &Add to Song 添加到歌曲(A) &Remove 移除(R) A&dd to Song 添加到歌曲(D) R&emove 移除(E) New &Theme 新建主题(T) Copyright Information 版权信息 Comments 评论 Theme, Copyright Info && Comments 主题,版权信息 评论 Add Author 添加作者 This author does not exist, do you want to add them? 该作者名称不存在,您希望加入他们吗? This author is already in the list. 该作者已在列表上。 You have not selected a valid author. Either select an author from the list, or type in a new author and click the "Add Author to Song" button to add the new author. 您没有选择有效的作者。从列表中选择一个作者,或者输入一个新作者名称并点击"将作者添加到歌曲"按钮来新增一个作者名。 Add Topic 添加题目 This topic does not exist, do you want to add it? 该题目不存在,您想要添加它吗? This topic is already in the list. 该题目已在列表上 You have not selected a valid topic. Either select a topic from the list, or type in a new topic and click the "Add Topic to Song" button to add the new topic. 您还没有选择一个有效的题目。从列表中选择一个题目,或是输入一个新题目并点击"将题目添加到歌曲"按钮来添加一个新题目。 You need to type in a song title. 您需要为歌曲输入标题。 You need to type in at least one verse. 您需要输入至少一段歌词。 You need to have an author for this song. 您需要给这首歌曲一个作者。 Linked Audio 关联的音频 Add &File(s) 添加文件(F) Add &Media 添加媒体(M) Remove &All 移除所有(A) Open File(s) 打开文件 <strong>Warning:</strong> Not all of the verses are in use. <strong>警告:</strong> 没有使用所有歌词。 <strong>Warning:</strong> You have not entered a verse order. Invalid Verse Order &Edit Author Type Edit Author Type Choose type for this author &Manage Authors, Topics, Songbooks Add &to Song Re&move Authors, Topics && Songbooks Add Songbook This Songbook does not exist, do you want to add it? This Songbook is already in the list. You have not selected a valid Songbook. Either select a Songbook from the list, or type in a new Songbook and click the "Add to Song" button to add the new Songbook. There are no verses corresponding to "{invalid}". Valid entries are {valid}. Please enter the verses separated by spaces. There is no verse corresponding to "{invalid}". Valid entries are {valid}. Please enter the verses separated by spaces. There are misplaced formatting tags in the following verses: {tag} Please correct these tags before continuing. You have {count} verses named {name} {number}. You can have at most 26 verses with the same name SongsPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Verse 编辑段落 &Verse type: 段落类型(V): &Insert 插入(I) Split a slide into two by inserting a verse splitter. 添加一个歌词分隔符来拆分一张幻灯片。 SongsPlugin.ExportWizardForm Song Export Wizard 歌曲导出向导 Select Songs 选择歌曲 Check the songs you want to export. 选择您希望导出的歌曲。 Uncheck All 全不选 Check All 全选 Select Directory 选择目录 Directory: 目录: Exporting 正在导出 Please wait while your songs are exported. 请稍等,您的歌曲正在导出。 You need to add at least one Song to export. 您需要添加至少一首歌曲来导出。 No Save Location specified 未指定保存位置 Starting export... 正在开始导出... You need to specify a directory. 您需要指定一个目录 Select Destination Folder 选择目标文件夹 Select the directory where you want the songs to be saved. 选择您希望保存歌曲的目录 This wizard will help to export your songs to the open and free <strong>OpenLyrics </strong> worship song format. SongsPlugin.FoilPresenterSongImport Invalid Foilpresenter song file. No verses found. SongsPlugin.GeneralTab Enable search as you type 启用即敲即搜 SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm Select Document/Presentation Files 选择文档/演示文件 Song Import Wizard 歌曲导入向导 This wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. 这个向导将帮助您导入不同格式的歌曲。点击下面的下一步选择导入格式来开始这个过程。 Generic Document/Presentation 通用文档/演示 Add Files... 添加文件... Remove File(s) 移除文件 Please wait while your songs are imported. 请等待,您的歌曲正在被导入。 Words Of Worship Song Files Word Of Worship 歌曲文件 Songs Of Fellowship Song Files Songs Of Fellowship 歌曲文件 SongBeamer Files SongBeamer 文件 SongShow Plus Song Files SongShow Plus 歌曲文件 Foilpresenter Song Files Foilpresenter 歌曲文件 Copy 复制 Save to File 保存到文件 The Songs of Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice. 由于OpenLP无法访问OpenOffice或LibreOffice,Songs of Fellowship导入器已被禁用。 The generic document/presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice. 由于OpenLP无法访问OpenOffice或LibreOffice,通用文档/演示导入器已被禁用。 OpenLyrics Files OpenLyrics文件 CCLI SongSelect Files CCLI SongSelect 文件 EasySlides XML File EasySlides XML 文件 EasyWorship Song Database EasyWorship 歌曲数据库 DreamBeam Song Files DreamBeam 歌曲文件 You need to specify a valid PowerSong 1.0 database folder. 您需要指定一个有效的PowerSong 1.0 数据库文件夹。 ZionWorx (CSV) ZionWorx (CSV) First convert your ZionWorx database to a CSV text file, as explained in the <a href="">User Manual</a>. 首先将您的ZionWorx数据库转换为一个CSV文本文件,如<a href="">用户指南</a>所解释的。 SundayPlus Song Files SundayPlus 歌曲文件 This importer has been disabled. 这个导入器已被禁用。 MediaShout Database MediaShout 数据库 The MediaShout importer is only supported on Windows. It has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "pyodbc" module. MediaShout仅支持Windows。由于缺少Python模块它已被禁用。如果您想使用这个导入器,您需要安装"pyodbc"模块。 SongPro Text Files SongPro 文本文件 SongPro (Export File) SongPro (导出文件) In SongPro, export your songs using the File -> Export menu 在SongPro里, 使用 文件->导出 菜单来导出您的歌曲 EasyWorship Service File WorshipCenter Pro Song Files The WorshipCenter Pro importer is only supported on Windows. It has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "pyodbc" module. PowerPraise Song Files PresentationManager Song Files Worship Assistant Files Worship Assistant (CSV) In Worship Assistant, export your Database to a CSV file. OpenLyrics or OpenLP 2 Exported Song OpenLP 2 Databases LyriX Files LyriX (Exported TXT-files) VideoPsalm Files VideoPsalm OPS Pro database The OPS Pro importer is only supported on Windows. It has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "pyodbc" module. ProPresenter Song Files The VideoPsalm songbooks are normally located in {path} SongsPlugin.LyrixImport File {name} Error: {error} SongsPlugin.MediaFilesForm Select Media File(s) 选择媒体文件 Select one or more audio files from the list below, and click OK to import them into this song. 在以下列表中选择一个或多个音频文件,并点击OK来将它们导入到这首歌曲。 SongsPlugin.MediaItem Titles 标题 Lyrics 歌词 CCLI License: CCLI许可: Entire Song 整首歌曲 Maintain the lists of authors, topics and books. 维护作者,题目和曲集列表 copy For song cloning 建立歌曲副本 Search Titles... 搜索标题... Search Entire Song... 搜索整首歌曲... Search Lyrics... 搜索歌词... Search Authors... 搜索作者 Search Songbooks... Search Topics... Copyright 版权 Search Copyright... CCLI number Search CCLI number... Are you sure you want to delete the "{items:d}" selected song(s)? SongsPlugin.MediaShoutImport Unable to open the MediaShout database. 无法打开MediaShout数据库。 SongsPlugin.OPSProImport Unable to connect the OPS Pro database. "{title}" could not be imported. {error} SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport Not a valid OpenLP 2 song database. SongsPlugin.OpenLyricsExport Exporting "{title}"... SongsPlugin.OpenSongImport Invalid OpenSong song file. Missing song tag. SongsPlugin.PowerSongImport No songs to import. 没有歌曲可以导入。 Verses not found. Missing "PART" header. 未找到歌词。缺少 "PART" 标头。 No {text} files found. Invalid {text} file. Unexpected byte value. Invalid {text} file. Missing "TITLE" header. Invalid {text} file. Missing "COPYRIGHTLINE" header. SongsPlugin.PresentationManagerImport File is not in XML-format, which is the only format supported. SongsPlugin.SongBookForm &Name: 名称(N): &Publisher: 出版商(P): You need to type in a name for the book. 您需要为曲集输入一个名称 Songbook Maintenance SongsPlugin.SongExportForm Your song export failed. 您的歌曲导出失败。 Finished export. To import these files use the <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> importer. 导出完成。要导入这些文件,使用<strong>OpenLyrics</strong>导入器 Your song export failed because this error occurred: {error} SongsPlugin.SongImport copyright 版权 The following songs could not be imported: 无法导入以下歌曲: Cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice 无法访问OpenOffice或LibreOffice Unable to open file 无法打开文件 File not found 找不到文件 SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm Could not add your author. 无法添加您的作者名称 This author already exists. 该作者名称已存在 Could not add your topic. 无法加入您的题目 This topic already exists. 该题目已存在 Could not add your book. 无法加入您的书卷 This book already exists. 该书卷已存在 Could not save your changes. 无法保存改动。 Could not save your modified author, because the author already exists. 无法保存您改动的作者名,因为该作者名已存在 Could not save your modified topic, because it already exists. 无法保存您改动的题目,因为它已经存在了。 Delete Author 删除作者名 Are you sure you want to delete the selected author? 你真的要删除选中的作者名吗? This author cannot be deleted, they are currently assigned to at least one song. 该作者名无法被删除,它目前至少被指派给了一首歌。 Delete Topic 删除题目 Are you sure you want to delete the selected topic? 您确定要删除选中的题目吗? This topic cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. 该题目无法被删除,它目前已被指派给了至少一首歌。 Delete Book 删除曲集 Are you sure you want to delete the selected book? 您真的要删除选中的曲集吗? This book cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. 无法删除这个曲集,它当前被指派给至少一首歌曲。 The author {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with author {new} use the existing author {original}? The topic {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with topic {new} use the existing topic {original}? The book {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with book {new} use the existing book {original}? SongsPlugin.SongSelectForm CCLI SongSelect Importer <strong>Note:</strong> An Internet connection is required in order to import songs from CCLI SongSelect. Username: 用户名: Password: 密码: Save username and password Login Search Text: Search 搜索 Logout View 查看 Title: 标题: Author(s): Copyright: 版权: CCLI Number: Lyrics: Back Import 导入 More than 1000 results Your search has returned more than 1000 results, it has been stopped. Please refine your search to fetch better results. Logging out... Save Username and Password WARNING: Saving your username and password is INSECURE, your password is stored in PLAIN TEXT. Click Yes to save your password or No to cancel this. Error Logging In There was a problem logging in, perhaps your username or password is incorrect? Song Imported Incomplete song This song is missing some information, like the lyrics, and cannot be imported. Your song has been imported, would you like to import more songs? Stop Found {count:d} song(s) SongsPlugin.SongsTab Songs Mode 歌曲模式 Update service from song edit 从音乐编辑中更新敬拜仪式 Display songbook in footer Enable "Go to verse" button in Live panel Import missing songs from Service files Display "{symbol}" symbol before copyright info SongsPlugin.TopicsForm Topic Maintenance 题目维护 Topic name: 题目名称: You need to type in a topic name. 您需要输入一个题目名称 SongsPlugin.VerseType Verse 主歌 Chorus 副歌 Bridge 桥段 Pre-Chorus 导歌 Intro 前奏 Ending 结束 Other 其它 SongsPlugin.VideoPsalmImport Error: {error} SongsPlugin.WordsofWorshipSongImport Invalid Words of Worship song file. Missing "{text}" header. Invalid Words of Worship song file. Missing "{text}" string. SongsPlugin.WorshipAssistantImport Error reading CSV file. 读取CSV文件发生错误。 File not valid WorshipAssistant CSV format. Line {number:d}: {error} Record {count:d} Decoding error: {error} SongsPlugin.WorshipCenterProImport Unable to connect the WorshipCenter Pro database. SongsPlugin.ZionWorxImport Error reading CSV file. 读取CSV文件发生错误。 File not valid ZionWorx CSV format. 文件不为有效的ZionWorx CSV格式。 Record %d 录制 %d Line {number:d}: {error} Record {index} Decoding error: {error} Wizard Wizard This wizard will help you to remove duplicate songs from the song database. You will have a chance to review every potential duplicate song before it is deleted. So no songs will be deleted without your explicit approval. Searching for duplicate songs. Please wait while your songs database is analyzed. Here you can decide which songs to remove and which ones to keep. Information 信息 No duplicate songs have been found in the database. Review duplicate songs ({current}/{total}) common.languages (Afan) Oromo Language code: om Abkhazian Language code: ab Afar Language code: aa Afrikaans Language code: af Albanian Language code: sq Amharic Language code: am Amuzgo Language code: amu Ancient Greek Language code: grc Arabic Language code: ar Armenian Language code: hy Assamese Language code: as Aymara Language code: ay Azerbaijani Language code: az Bashkir Language code: ba Basque Language code: eu Bengali Language code: bn Bhutani Language code: dz Bihari Language code: bh Bislama Language code: bi Breton Language code: br Bulgarian Language code: bg Burmese Language code: my Byelorussian Language code: be Cakchiquel Language code: cak Cambodian Language code: km Catalan Language code: ca Chinese Language code: zh Comaltepec Chinantec Language code: cco Corsican Language code: co Croatian Language code: hr Czech Language code: cs Danish Language code: da Dutch Language code: nl English Language code: en 中文 Esperanto Language code: eo Estonian Language code: et Faeroese Language code: fo Fiji Language code: fj Finnish Language code: fi French Language code: fr Frisian Language code: fy Galician Language code: gl Georgian Language code: ka German Language code: de Greek Language code: el Greenlandic Language code: kl Guarani Language code: gn Gujarati Language code: gu Haitian Creole Language code: ht Hausa Language code: ha Hebrew (former iw) Language code: he Hiligaynon Language code: hil Hindi Language code: hi Hungarian Language code: hu Icelandic Language code: is Indonesian (former in) Language code: id Interlingua Language code: ia Interlingue Language code: ie Inuktitut (Eskimo) Language code: iu Inupiak Language code: ik Irish Language code: ga Italian Language code: it Jakalteko Language code: jac Japanese Language code: ja Javanese Language code: jw K'iche' Language code: quc Kannada Language code: kn Kashmiri Language code: ks Kazakh Language code: kk Kekchí Language code: kek Kinyarwanda Language code: rw Kirghiz Language code: ky Kirundi Language code: rn Korean Language code: ko Kurdish Language code: ku Laothian Language code: lo Latin Language code: la Latvian, Lettish Language code: lv Lingala Language code: ln Lithuanian Language code: lt Macedonian Language code: mk Malagasy Language code: mg Malay Language code: ms Malayalam Language code: ml Maltese Language code: mt Mam Language code: mam Maori Language code: mi Maori Language code: mri Marathi Language code: mr Moldavian Language code: mo Mongolian Language code: mn Nahuatl Language code: nah Nauru Language code: na Nepali Language code: ne Norwegian Language code: no Occitan Language code: oc Oriya Language code: or Pashto, Pushto Language code: ps Persian Language code: fa Plautdietsch Language code: pdt Polish Language code: pl Portuguese Language code: pt Punjabi Language code: pa Quechua Language code: qu Rhaeto-Romance Language code: rm Romanian Language code: ro Russian Language code: ru Samoan Language code: sm Sangro Language code: sg Sanskrit Language code: sa Scots Gaelic Language code: gd Serbian Language code: sr Serbo-Croatian Language code: sh Sesotho Language code: st Setswana Language code: tn Shona Language code: sn Sindhi Language code: sd Singhalese Language code: si Siswati Language code: ss Slovak Language code: sk Slovenian Language code: sl Somali Language code: so Spanish Language code: es Sudanese Language code: su Swahili Language code: sw Swedish Language code: sv Tagalog Language code: tl Tajik Language code: tg Tamil Language code: ta Tatar Language code: tt Tegulu Language code: te Thai Language code: th Tibetan Language code: bo Tigrinya Language code: ti Tonga Language code: to Tsonga Language code: ts Turkish Language code: tr Turkmen Language code: tk Twi Language code: tw Uigur Language code: ug Ukrainian Language code: uk Urdu Language code: ur Uspanteco Language code: usp Uzbek Language code: uz Vietnamese Language code: vi Volapuk Language code: vo Welch Language code: cy Wolof Language code: wo Xhosa Language code: xh Yiddish (former ji) Language code: yi Yoruba Language code: yo Zhuang Language code: za Zulu Language code: zu