AlertsPlugin&OpozoriloPrikaži opozoriloname singularOpozoriloname pluralOpozorilacontainer titleOpozorilaAlertsPlugin.AlertFormOpozorilno sporočiloBesedilo &opozorila&Novo&ShraniZ&aslonZaslon && &ZapriNovo opozorilo&Parameter:Ne najdem parametrov.Niste vnesli zamenjave parametra.
Želite vseeno nadaljevati?Ne najdem označbe mesta.Besedilo opozorila ne vsebuje '<>'.
Ali naj vseeno nadaljujem?AlertsPlugin.AlertsManagerOpozorilo ustvarjeno in prikazano.AlertsPlugin.AlertsTabPisavaOblika pisave:Barva pisave:Barva ozadja:Velikost pisave:Čas prikaza opozorila:BiblesPluginname singularSveto pismoname pluralSveto pismocontainer titleSveto pismoNe najdem knjigeNe najdem knjige v tem Svetem pismu. Preverite pravilnost zapisa knjige.uvozi Sveto pismo.Dodaj novo Sveto pismo.Uredi izbrano Sveto pismo.Izbriši izbrano Sveto pismo.Predogled izbranega Svetega pisma.Pošlji izbrano Sveto pismo.Dodaj izbrano Sveto pismo k sv. maši.<strong>Sveto pismo vtičnik</strong><br />Vtičnik za Sveto pismo omogoča prikaz odlomkov iz različnih virov med sv. mašo.&Nadgradi starejše Sveto pismo.Nadgradi Sveto pismo v najnovejši format.1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Knjiga kraljev2 Knjiga kraljevMatejMarkoLukaJanezApostolska delaRimljanom1 Korinčanom2 KorinčanomGalačanomEfežanomFilipljanomKološanom1 Tesaloničanom2 Tesaloničanom1 Timotej2 TimotejTituHebrejcem1 Peter2 Peter1 Janez2 Janez3 JanezJudaRazodetjeSirahBaruhVerse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 : 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 v 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 V 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1Verse identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verses 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 to 2range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2range identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2doconnecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2, 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5connecting identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - 2 and 4 - 5 = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To 2 And Verses 4 To 5ending identifier e.g. Genesis 1 verse 1 - end = Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 1 To The Last VerseBiblesPlugin.BibleEditFormYou need to specify a version name for your Bible.You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such.Sveto pismo obstajaThis Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one.You need to specify a book name for "%s".The book name "%s" is not correct.
Numbers can only be used at the beginning and must
be followed by one or more non-numeric characters.Knjiga "%s" je vnešena večkrat.BiblesPlugin.BibleManagerNapaka oznake citata.Spletno Sveto pismo ne more biti uporabljeno.Besedilno iskanje po spletnem Svetem Pismu ni možno.Iskalni niz ni vnešen.
Besede lahko ločiš s presledki za iskanje po besednih zvezah ali z vejicami za iskanje po posamezni besedi.Sveto pismo ni nameščeno. Uporabite čarovnika za uvoz.Sveto pismo ni na voljoPlease pay attention to the appended "s" of the wildcards and refrain from translating the words inside the names in the brackets.Your scripture reference is either not supported by OpenLP or is invalid. Please make sure your reference conforms to one of the following patterns or consult the manual:
BiblesPlugin.BiblesTabSvetopisemska tema:Brez oklepajev( In )( In )( In )Opozorilo:
Spremembe ne bodo prikazane v besedilu, ki je že v MašiMultiple alternative verse separators may be defined.
They have to be separated by a vertical bar "|".
Please clear this edit line to use the default value.EnglishPrivzeti jezik Svetega pismaJezik Svetega pismaJezik programaBiblesPlugin.BookNameDialogIzberi ime knjigeTrenuto ime:Ustrezno ime:Prikaži knjige odStara zavezaNova zavezaBiblesPlugin.BookNameFormIzbrati morate knjigo.BiblesPlugin.CSVBibleUvažam knjige... %sUvažanje citatov... končano.BiblesPlugin.EditBibleFormUrejevalnik Svetega pismaPodrobnosti o licencahRazličica:Copyright:Dovoljenja:Privzeti jezik Svetega pismaSplošne nastavitveJezik Svetega pismaJezik programaEnglishThis is a Web Download Bible.
It is not possible to customize the Book Names.To use the customized book names, "Bible language" must be selected on the Meta Data tab or, if "Global settings" is selected, on the Bible page in Configure OpenLP.BiblesPlugin.HTTPBibleRegistriram SP in nalagam knjige...Registriram jezik...Importing <book name>...Uvažam %s...Download ErrorThere was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection, and if this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug.Parse ErrorThere was a problem extracting your verse selection. If this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug.BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardFormČarovnik za uvoz SPThis wizard will help you to import Bibles from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from.Web DownloadLocation:CrosswalkBibleGatewaySveto pismo:Opcije prenosaStrežnik:Uporabnik:Geslo:Proxy Server (Optional)Podrobnosti o licencahSet up the Bible's license details.Različica:Copyright:Počakajte da se uvoz SP zaključi.You need to specify a file with books of the Bible to use in the import.You need to specify a file of Bible verses to import.You need to specify a version name for your Bible.You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such.Sveto pismo obstajaThis Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one.Prenos SP je bil neuspešen.CSV FileBibleserverDovoljenja:Bible file:Books file:Verses file:Registering Bible...BiblesPlugin.LanguageDialogIzberi jezikOpenLP is unable to determine the language of this translation of the Bible. Please select the language from the list below.Jezik:BiblesPlugin.LanguageFormIzbrati moraš jezik.BiblesPlugin.MediaItemHitroNajdi:Knjiga:Poglavje:Vrstica:Od:Do:Besedilno iskanjeSecond:Scripture ReferenceToggle to keep or clear the previous results.You cannot combine single and dual Bible verse search results. Do you want to delete your search results and start a new search?Sveto pismo ni v celoti naloženo.InformacijaThe second Bible does not contain all the verses that are in the main Bible. Only verses found in both Bibles will be shown. %d verses have not been included in the results.Are you sure you want to completely delete "%s" Bible from OpenLP?
You will need to re-import this Bible to use it again.BiblesPlugin.OpenSongImportBiblesPlugin.OpensongBiblesPlugin.OsisImportBiblesPlugin.UpgradeWizardFormIzberi 'backup' mapoČarovnik za nadgradnjo SPThis wizard will help you to upgrade your existing Bibles from a prior version of OpenLP 2. Click the next button below to start the upgrade process.Izberi 'backup' mapoIzberi 'backup' mapo za SPPrevious releases of OpenLP 2.0 are unable to use upgraded Bibles. This will create a backup of your current Bibles so that you can simply copy the files back to your OpenLP data directory if you need to revert to a previous release of OpenLP. Instructions on how to restore the files can be found in our <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a>.Please select a backup location for your Bibles.'Backup' mapa:Ne želim varnostno kopirati SPIzberi Sveto pismoIzberi SP za posodobitevPosodabljamPočakajte, da se SP posodobi.The backup was not successful.
To backup your Bibles you need permission to write to the given directory.Posodabljanje SP %s od %s: %s
NeuspešnoPosodabljanje SP %s od %s: %s
Posodabljam...Download ErrorZa posodobitev spletnega SP potrebuješ spletni dostop.Download ErrorPosodabljanje SP %s od %s: %s
Zaključeno, %S neuspešnoUpgrading Bible(s): %s successful%s
Please note that verses from Web Bibles will be downloaded on demand and so an Internet connection is required.Posodabljanje SP(s): %s uspešno%SPosodabljanje neuspešno.You need to specify a backup directory for your Bibles.Začenjam posodobitev...There are no Bibles that need to be upgraded.BiblesPlugin.ZefaniaImportBiblesPlugin.ZefniaCustomPluginname singularUporabnikov diapozitiv name pluralDiapozitivicontainer titleDiapozitiviNaloži nov diapozitiv.Uvozi diapozitiv.Dodaj nov diapozitivUredi izbrani diapozitiv.Izbriši izbrani diapozitiv.Predogled izbranega diapozitiva.Prikaži izbrani diapozitiv.Dodaj izbran diapozitiv k Maši.CustomPlugin.CustomTabCustom DisplayPrikaz noge straniCustomPlugin.EditCustomFormUredi diapozitive&Naslov:Dodaj diapozitiv na konec.Uredi izbrani diapozitiv.Uredi vse diapozitive naenkrat.Razdeli diapozitiv na dva z vstavitvijo delilnika.Te&ma:Vpisati moraš naslov.Ured%i vseVstavi diapozitivCustomPlugin.EditVerseFormUredi diapozitivCustomPlugin.MediaItemImagePluginUntranslated string
<strong>Image Plugin</strong><br />The image plugin provides displaying of images.<br />One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the singularSlikaname pluralSlikecontainer titleSlikeNaloži novo sliko.Dodaj novo sliko.Uredi izbrano sliko.Izbriši izbrano sliko.Predogled izbrane slike.Prikaži izbrano sliko.Dodaj izbrano sliko k Maši.ImagePlugin.AddGroupFormImagePlugin.ChooseGroupFormImagePlugin.ExceptionDialogIzberi priponkoImagePlugin.MediaItemIzberi slike(s)Izberi sliko katero želiš postaviti za ozadje.Manjkajoča slika(e)Sledeče slika(e) ne obstajajo: %SSledeče slika(e) ne obstajajo: %S
Ali želiš vseeno dodati ostale slike?There was a problem replacing your background, the image file "%s" no longer exists.There was no display item to amend.ImagesPlugin.ImageTabMedia.playerMediaPlugin<strong>Media Plugin</strong><br />The media plugin provides playback of audio and vidname singularMedianame pluralMediacontainer titleMediaLoad new media.Add new media.Edit the selected media.Delete the selected media.Preview the selected media.Send the selected media live.MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelectorNaslov:MediaPlugin.MediaClipSelectorFormMediaPlugin.MediaItemVideo (%s);;Glasba (%s);;%s (*)There was no display item to amend.Nepodprta datotekaPredvajalnik:MediaPlugin.MediaTabOPenLP.MainWindowOpenLPSlikovne datotekeInformacijaBible format has changed.
You have to upgrade your existing Bibles.
Should OpenLP upgrade now?OpenLP.AboutFormCreditsLicencabuild %sThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See below for more details.OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection
OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations (if Impress, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is installed) for church worship using a computer and a data projector.
Find out more about OpenLP:
OpenLP is written and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to see more free Christian software being written, please consider volunteering by using the button below.VolunteerOpenLP.AdvancedTabNastavitve u. vmesnikaŠt. zadnjih datotek za prikaz:Remember active media manager tab on startupDvoklik za takojšnji prikazExpand new service items on creationPotrjevanje izhoda iz programaKurzor miškeSkri kurzor miške na prikaznem oknuPrivzeta slikaBarva ozadja:Slikovna datoteka:Odpri datotekoNaprednoDatum in čas:PonedeljekTorekSredaPetekSobotaNedeljaDanes /Now?/Ime:Consult the OpenLP manual for usage.Primer:Zaobidi X11 Window ManagerSyntax error.Prekliči<strong>WARNING:</strong> New data directory location contains OpenLP data files. These files WILL be replaced during a copy.OpenLP data directory was not found
This data directory was previously changed from the OpenLP default location. If the new location was on removable media, that media needs to be made available.
Click "No" to stop loading OpenLP. allowing you to fix the the problem.
Click "Yes" to reset the data directory to the default location.Are you sure you want to change the location of the OpenLP data directory to:
The data directory will be changed when OpenLP is closed.OpenLP.ColorButtonKlikni za izbiro barve.OpenLP.DBOpenLP.ExceptionDialogError OccurredOops! OpenLP hit a problem, and couldn't recover. The text in the box below contains information that might be helpful to the OpenLP developers, so please e-mail it to, along with a detailed description of what you were doing when the problem occurred.Pošlji E-MailPripni datotekoOpenLP.ExceptionFormPlatform: %s
Text files (*.txt *.log *.text)**OpenLP Bug Report**
Version: %s
--- Details of the Exception. ---
--- Exception Traceback ---
--- System information ---
--- Library Versions ---
Please add the information that bug reports are favoured written in English.*OpenLP Bug Report*
Version: %s
--- Details of the Exception. ---
--- Exception Traceback ---
--- System information ---
--- Library Versions ---
OpenLP.FileRenameFormOpenLP.FirstTimeLanguageFormPrevod:OpenLP.FirstTimeWizardPesmiPrve nastavitveWelcome to the First Time WizardActivate required PluginsIzberi vtičnike za uporabo.Sveto pismoSlikePrezentacijeOmogoči daljinski dostopOmogoči opozorilaDownloading %s...Ni povezave s spletom.Ne zaznam povezave s spletom.Vzorčne pesmiVzorčno Sveto pismoVzorčne temeIzberi privzeto temo:Starting configuration process...Please wait while OpenLP is set up and your data is downloaded.NastavljanjeDiapozitiviKončanoNo Internet connection was found. The First Time Wizard needs an Internet connection in order to be able to download sample songs, Bibles and themes. Click the Finish button now to start OpenLP with initial settings and no sample data.
To re-run the First Time Wizard and import this sample data at a later time, check your Internet connection and re-run this wizard by selecting "Tools/Re-run First Time Wizard" from OpenLP.Download ErrorPrekličiOpenLP.FormattingTagDialogConfigure Formatting TagsOpisOznakaZačetek HTMLKonec HTMLOpenLP.FormattingTagForm<HTML tukaj>Tag %s already defined.OpenLP.FormattingTagsRdečaČrnaModraRumenaZelenaRozaOranžnaŠkrlatnaBelaNadpisanoPodpisanoOdstavekKrepkoPoševnoPodčrtanoOpenLP.GeneralTabSplošnoMonitorji secCCLI DetailsXYVišinaŠirinaPreveri nadgradnje OpenLPČas prikaza diapozitiva:Glasba ozadjaOpenLP.LanguageManagerJezikZa spremembo jezika, ponovno zaženi program.OpenLP.MainDisplayOpenLP.MainWindow&Datoteka&Uvoz&Izvoz&OrodjeNa&stavitve&Jezik&HelpUpravljanje MašeUpravljanje Teme&Novo&OdpriOdpri obstoječo Mašo.&ShraniShrani &kot...Shrani Mašo kot...&IzhodZapri OpenLP&TemeUpravljanje &MašeSeznam &vtičnikovIzpiši vtičnike&User Guide&AboutMore information about OpenLP&Online Help&Spletna stran&Privzeto&PrikazOpenLP Version UpdatedPrivzeta tema: %sPlease add the name of your language hereSlovenianZapri OpenLP&AutodetectClear List of recent filesPočisti seznamPočisti seznam zadnjih datotek.Export OpenLP settings to a specified *.config fileNastavitveNastavitve za uvoz?Odpri datotekoOpenLP Export Settings Files (*.conf)Nastavitve za uvozOpenLP se bo zaprl. Uvožene nastavitve bodo uporabljene ob naslednjem zagonu programa.OpenLP Export Settings File (*.conf)Copying OpenLP data to new data directory location - %s - Please wait for copy to finishSplošnoOpenLP.ManagerDatabase ErrorThe database being loaded was created in a more recent version of OpenLP. The database is version %d, while OpenLP expects version %d. The database will not be loaded.
Database: %sOpenLP cannot load your database.
Database: %sOpenLP.MediaManagerItemInvalid File TypeOpenLP.OpenLyricsImportErrorOpenLP.PJLink1OpenLP.PlayerTabRazpoložljivipredvajalniki:%s (nerazpoložljivo)OpenLP.PluginFormSeznam vtičnikovPodrobnosti vtičnikovStatus:AktivnoNeaktivno%s (Neaktivno)%s (Activno)OpenLP.PrintServiceDialogPrilagodi straniPrilagodi širinoOpenLP.PrintServiceFormOpcijeKopirajCopiraj kot HTMLZoom +Zoom -Zoom OriginalDruge možnostiNatisniNaslov:OpenLP.ProjectorConstantsOpenLP.ProjectorEditOpenLP.ProjectorEditFormDatabase ErrorOpenLP.ProjectorManagerPortOpenLP.ProjectorPJLinkDrugoOpenLP.ProjectorTabOpenLP.ProjectorWizardOpenLP.ScreenListZaslonprimarniOpenLP.ServiceItem<strong>Start</strong>: %s<strong>Trajanje</strong>: %sOpenLP.ServiceItemEditFormOpenLP.ServiceManager&Razširi vse&Združi vseOdpri datotekoPomik gorPrikažiCorrupt FileNaloži obstoječo Mašo.Shrani to MašoUrediKopiraj MašoNaslov:OpenLP.ServiceNoteFormOpenLP.SettingsFormKonfiguriraj OpenLPOpenLP.ShortcutListDialogBližnjicaPrivzetoOpenLP.SlideControllerSkrijPojdiPrikaži namizjePredvajaj diapozitiveDodaj k MašiPrejšnji diapozitivNaslednji diapozitivPremor glasbeGlasba ozadjaNaslednja glasbaOpenLP.SourceSelectFormOpenLP.SpellTextEditJezik:OpenLP.StartTimeFormOpenLP.StartTime_formUre:Minute:Sekunde:KončanoOpenLP.ThemeFormOpenLP.ThemeManagerCopy of <theme name>Kopiram %sTema že obstajaOpenLP.ThemeWizardČarovnik za temeWelcome to the Theme WizardNastavi ozadjeFont:Velikost:Razmik vrstic:O&senčenoKrepkoPoševnoFooter Area Font DetailsText Formatting DetailsLevoDesnoCenterX position:pxY position:Širina:Višina:Ime teme:Barva ozadja:TransparentPredogled in shraniOpenLP.ThemesTabTemeOpenLP.Ui&Navpična poravnava:Uvoz zaključen.Format:UvažamUvažam "%s"...Select the import format and the location to import from.Odpri %s Datoteko%p%Začenjam z uvozom...A file type e.g. OpenSongYou need to specify at least one %s file to import from.Welcome to the Bible Import WizardWelcome to the Song Export WizardWelcome to the Song Import WizardSingularAvtorPluralAvtorjiCopyright symbol.SingularPluralSingularPluralXML syntax errorWelcome to the Bible Upgrade WizardA file type e.g. OpenSongA song format e.g. PowerSongDod&ajNaprednoAvtomatskoBarva ozadjaPrekličiCCLI number:Potrdi brisanjePrivzetoPrivzeta barva:This may not contain any of the following characters: /\?*|<>[]":+
See for more information.Iz&brišiUr%ediPrazno poljeErrorIzvoziAbbreviated font pointsize unitptThe abbreviated unit for hourshSingularSingularPluralSlikaUvoziPredvajajNapaka ozadja za predvajanjeSingularPluralSingularPluralThe abbreviated unit for minutesmNovoNova MašaNova temaSingularSingularDatoteka ni izbranaPluralDatoteke niso izbraneSingularPluralOdpri MašoPredvajaj diapozitive v zankiPredvajaj diapozitive do koncaPredogledNatisni MašoSingularPluralZamenjaj ozadje.Zamenjaj prikazano ozadje.Ponastavi ozadje.Ponastavi prikazano ozadje.The abbreviated unit for secondssIščiSearch bar place holder text NastavitveShrani MašoMašaRazdeli diapozitiv na dva v primeru, da ne moreš predvajati kot enega.Start %sUstavi predvajanje diapozitivov v zankiUstavi predvajanje diapozitivov do koncaSingularTemaPluralTemeNepodprta datotekaRazličicaOpenLP.core.libLocale list separator: 2 itemsLocale list separator: endLocale list separator: middleLocale list separator: startOpenlp.ProjectorTabPresentationPluginname singularname pluralPrezentacijecontainer titlePrezentacijePresentationPlugin.MediaItemAvtomatskoDatoteka obstajaPresentationPlugin.PowerpointDocumentPresentationPlugin.PresentationTab%s (nerazpoložljivo)RemotePluginname singularname pluralcontainer titleRemotePlugin.MobileUpravljanje MašeOpozorilaIščiOsvežiZatemniTemaNamizjePrejšnjiNaslednjiBesediloPrikaži opozoriloPrikažiDodaj k mašiOpcijeMašaNastavitveRemotePlugin.RemoteTabServe on IP address:Port number:Server SettingsRemote URL:Stage view URL:Android AppGeslo:SongUsagePluginname singularname pluralcontainer titlezaslonnatisnjenoSongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDeleteFormIzbriši podatke o uporabi pesmiIzbris uspešenSongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDetailFormdousage_detail_%s_%s.txtPoročilo
je bilo uspešno narejeno. SongsPlugin<strong>Songs Plugin</strong><br />The songs plugin provides the ability to display and manage songs.&Indeksiraj pesmiPonovno indeksiraj bazo pesmi za hitrejše iskanje in sortiranje.Arabic (CP-1256)Baltic (CP-1257)Central European (CP-1250)Cyrillic (CP-1251)Greek (CP-1253)Hebrew (CP-1255)Japanese (CP-932)Korean (CP-949)Simplified Chinese (CP-936)Thai (CP-874)Traditional Chinese (CP-950)Turkish (CP-1254)Vietnam (CP-1258)Western European (CP-1252)Character EncodingThe codepage setting is responsible
for the correct character representation.
Usually you are fine with the preselected choice.Please choose the character encoding.
The encoding is responsible for the correct character singularPesemname pluralPesmicontainer titlePesmiIzvozi pesmi s čarovnikom za izvoz.Dodaj novo pesem.Uredi izbrano pesem.Izbriši izbrano pesem.Predogled izbrane pesmi.Prikaži izbrano pesem.Dodaj izbrano pesem k Maši.SongsPlugin.AuthorTypeAuthor who wrote the lyrics of a songAuthor who wrote the music of a songAuthor who wrote both lyrics and music of a songAuthor who translated the songSongsPlugin.AuthorsFormAuthor MaintenancePrikazano ime:Ime:Priimek:SongsPlugin.CCLIFileImportSongsPlugin.DreamBeamImportSongsPlugin.EasyWorshipSongImportAdministered by %sSongsPlugin.EditBibleFormMeta DataSongsPlugin.EditSongForm&Naslov:Ured%i vseKnjiga:Številka:Copyright InformationKomentarTheme, Copyright Info && CommentsDodaj avtorjaDodaj knjigoIzbrati moraš avtorja pesmi.SongsPlugin.EditVerseFormSongsPlugin.ExportWizardFormIzberi pesmiIzberi vseIzberi direktorijDirectorij:SongsPlugin.FoilPresenterSongImportInvalid Foilpresenter song file. No verses found.SongsPlugin.ImportWizardFormThis wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from.OpenLP 2.0 DatabasesKopirajThe Songs of Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice.The generic document/presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOffice.MediaShout DatabaseSongPro Text FilesSongPro (Export File)In SongPro, export your songs using the File -> Export menuSongsPlugin.MediaFilesFormSongsPlugin.MediaItemNasloviBesedilaCela pesemFor song cloningSongsPlugin.MediaShoutImportSongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImportNot a valid OpenLP 2.0 song database.SongsPlugin.OpenLyricsExportIzvažam "%s"...SongsPlugin.OpenSongImportSongsPlugin.PowerSongImportSongsPlugin.SongBookFormSong Book Maintenance&Ime:&Izdajatelj:SongsPlugin.SongExportFormNeuspešen izvoz pesmi.Finished export. To import these files use the <strong>OpenLyrics</strong> importer.SongsPlugin.SongImportcopyrightNaslednjih pesmi ne morem uvoziti:Cannot access OpenOffice or LibreOfficeNe morem odpreti datotekeNe najdem datotekeSongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceFormIzbriši avtorjaIzbriši knjigoThis book cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song.SongsPlugin.SongSelectFormUporabnik:Geslo:IščiNaslov:Copyright:UvoziSongsPlugin.SongsTabSongsPlugin.TopicsFormSongsPlugin.VerseTypeUvodZaključekDrugoSongsPlugin.WordsofWorshipSongImportSongsPlugin.WorshipAssistantImportError reading CSV file.SongsPlugin.WorshipCenterProImportSongsPlugin.ZionWorxImportError reading CSV file.File not valid ZionWorx CSV format.WizardInformacija