AlertPlugin.AlertForm No Parameter found Ühtegi parameetrit ei leitud You have not entered a parameter to be replaced. Do you want to continue anyway? Sa ei ole sisestanud parameetrit, mida asendada. Kas tahad sellegipoolest jätkata? No Placeholder found Ühtegi kohahoidjat ei leitud The alert text does not contain '<>'. Do want to continue anyway? Teate tekst ei sisalda '<>' märke. Kas tahad sellegipoolest jätkata? AlertsPlugin &Alert &Teade Show an alert message. Teate kuvamine. <strong>Alerts Plugin</strong><br />The alert plugin controls the displaying of nursery alerts on the display screen <strong>Teadete plugin</strong><br />Teadete plugina abil saab juhtida näiteks lastehoiu teadete kuvamist ekraanil Alert name singular Teade Alerts name plural Teated Alerts container title Teated AlertsPlugin.AlertForm Alert Message Teate sõnum Alert &text: Teate &tekst: &New &Uus &Save &Salvesta Displ&ay &Kuva Display && Cl&ose Kuva && &sulge New Alert Uus teade You haven't specified any text for your alert. Please type in some text before clicking New. Sa ei ole oma teatele teksti lisanud. Enne nupu Uus vajutamist sisesta mingi tekst. &Parameter: &Parameeter: AlertsPlugin.AlertsManager Alert message created and displayed. Teate sõnum loodi ja kuvati. AlertsPlugin.AlertsTab Font Kirjastiil Font name: Kirjastiili nimi: Font color: Kirja värvus: Background color: Taustavärvus: Font size: Kirja suurus: Alert timeout: Teate kestus: BibleDB.Wizard Importing testaments... %s Testamentide importimine... %s Importing testaments... done. Testamentide importimine... valmis. Importing books... %s Raamatute importimine... %s Importing verses from %s... Importing verses from <book name>... Salmide importimine failist %s... Importing verses... done. Salmide importimine... valmis. BiblePlugin.HTTPBible Download Error Tõrge allalaadimisel Parse Error Parsimise viga There was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection, and if this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Valitud salmide allalaadimisel esines viga. Kontrolli oma internetiühendust ning kui see viga kordub, teata sellest veast. There was a problem extracting your verse selection. If this error continues to occur please consider reporting a bug. Sinu salmide vahemiku analüüsimisel esines viga. Kui see viga kordub, siis palun teata sellest veast. BiblePlugin.MediaItem You cannot combine single and second bible verses. Do you want to delete your search results and start a new search? Ühe- ja kahekeelseid piiblisalme pole võimalik kombineerida. Kas sa tahad kustutada otsingutulemused ja alustada uut otsingut? Bible not fully loaded Piibel pole täielikult laaditud BiblesPlugin &Bible &Piibel <strong>Bible Plugin</strong><br />The Bible plugin provides the ability to display bible verses from different sources during the service. <strong>Piibli plugin</strong><br />Piibli plugina abil saab teenistuse ajal kuvada erinevate tõlgete piiblisalme. Import a Bible Piibli importimine Add a new Bible Uue Piibli lisamine Edit the selected Bible Valitud Piibli muutmine Delete the selected Bible Valitud Piibli kustutamine Preview the selected Bible Valitud Piibli eelvaade Send the selected Bible live Valitud Piibli saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Bible to the service Valitud Piibli lisamine teenistusse Bible name singular Piibel Bibles name plural Piiblid Bibles container title Piiblid No Book Found Ühtegi raamatut ei leitud No matching book could be found in this Bible. Check that you have spelled the name of the book correctly. Sellest Piiblist ei leitud vastavat raamatut. Kontrolli, kas sa sisestasid raamatu nime õigesti. BiblesPlugin.BibleManager Scripture Reference Error Kirjakohaviite tõrge Web Bible cannot be used Veebipiiblit pole võimalik kasutada Text Search is not available with Web Bibles. Tekstiotsing veebipiiblist pole võimalik. You did not enter a search keyword. You can separate different keywords by a space to search for all of your keywords and you can separate them by a comma to search for one of them. Sa ei sisestanud otsingusõna. Sa võid eraldada võtmesõnad tühikuga, et otsida neid kõiki, või eraldada need komaga, et otsitaks ühte neist. No Bibles available Piibleid pole There are no Bibles currently installed. Please use the Import Wizard to install one or more Bibles. Praegu pole ühtegi Piiblit paigaldatud. Palun paigalda mõni Piibel importimise nõustaja abil. Your scripture reference is either not supported by OpenLP or is invalid. Please make sure your reference conforms to one of the following patterns: Book Chapter Book Chapter-Chapter Book Chapter:Verse-Verse Book Chapter:Verse-Verse,Verse-Verse Book Chapter:Verse-Verse,Chapter:Verse-Verse Book Chapter:Verse-Chapter:Verse BiblesPlugin.BiblesTab Verse Display Salmi kuvamine Only show new chapter numbers Kuvatakse ainult uute peatükkide numbreid Layout style: Paigutuse laad: Display style: Kuvalaad: Bible theme: Piibli kujundus: Verse Per Slide Iga salm eraldi slaidil Verse Per Line Iga salm eraldi real Continuous Jätkuv No Brackets Ilma sulgudeta ( And ) ( ja ) { And } { ja } [ And ] [ ja ] Note: Changes do not affect verses already in the service. Märkus: Muudatused ei rakendu juba teenistusesse lisatud salmidele. Display second Bible verses Piiblit kuvatakse kahes keeles BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm Bible Import Wizard Piibli importimise nõustaja This wizard will help you to import Bibles from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. See nõustaja aitab erinevatest vormingutest Piibleid importida. Klõpsa all asuvale edasi nupule, et alustada vormingu valimisest, millest importida. Web Download Veebist allalaadimine Location: Asukoht: Crosswalk Crosswalk BibleGateway BibleGateway Bible: Piibel: Download Options Allalaadimise valikud Server: Server: Username: Kasutajanimi: Password: Parool: Proxy Server (Optional) Proksiserver (valikuline) License Details Litsentsist lähemalt Set up the Bible's license details. Määra Piibli litsentsi andmed. Version name: Versiooni nimi: Copyright: Autoriõigus: Please wait while your Bible is imported. Palun oota, kuni sinu Piiblit imporditakse. You need to specify a file with books of the Bible to use in the import. Pead määrama faili, mis sisaldab piibliraamatuid, mida tahad importida. You need to specify a file of Bible verses to import. Pead ette andma piiblisalmide faili, mida importida. You need to specify a version name for your Bible. Pead määrama Piibli versiooni nime. You need to set a copyright for your Bible. Bibles in the Public Domain need to be marked as such. Pead määrama piiblitõlke autoriõiguse! Avalikkuse omandisse kuuluvad Piiblid tuleb vastavalt tähistada. Bible Exists Piibel on juba olemas This Bible already exists. Please import a different Bible or first delete the existing one. See Piibel on juba olemas! Palun impordi mingi muu Piibel või kustuta enne olemasolev. Your Bible import failed. Piibli importimine nurjus. Starting Registering bible... Piibli registreerimise alustamine... Registered bible. Please note, that verses will be downloaded on demand and thus an internet connection is required. Piibel on registreeritud. Pane tähele, et salmid laaditakse alla vajadusel, seetõttu on vajalik internetiühendus. Permissions: Õigused: CSV File CSV fail 1.x bible 1.x Piibel Bibleserver Piibliserver Bible file: Piibli fail: Testaments file: Testamentide fail: Books file: Raamatute fail: Verses file: Salmide fail: You have not specified a testaments file. Do you want to proceed with the import? Sa pole määranud testamentide faili. Kas tahad importimisega jätkata? BiblesPlugin.MediaItem Quick Kiirotsing Find: Otsing: Results: Tulemused: Book: Raamat: Chapter: Peatükk: Verse: Salm: From: Algus: To: Kuni: Text Search Tekstiotsing Clear Puhasta Keep Säilita Second: Teine: Scripture Reference BiblesPlugin.Opensong Importing %s %s... Importing <book name> <chapter>... %s %s. peatüki importimine... BiblesPlugin.OsisImport Detecting encoding (this may take a few minutes)... Kooditabeli tuvastamine (see võib võtta mõne minuti)... Importing %s %s... Importing <book name> <chapter>... %s %s. peatüki importimine... CustomPlugin <strong>Custom Plugin</strong><br />The custom plugin provides the ability to set up custom text slides that can be displayed on the screen the same way songs are. This plugin provides greater freedom over the songs plugin. <strong>Kohandatud plugin</strong><br />Kohandatud plugin võimaldab tekitada oma tekstiga slaidid, mida kuvatakse ekraanil täpselt nagu laulusõnugi. See plugin võimaldab rohkem vabadust, kui laulude plugin. CustomPlugin.CustomTab Custom Display Kohandatud kuva Display footer Jaluse kuvamine CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm Edit Custom Slides Kohandatud slaidide muutmine &Title: &Pealkiri: Add a new slide at bottom. Uue slaidi lisamine kõige alumiseks. Edit the selected slide. Valitud slaidi muutmine. Edit all the slides at once. Kõigi slaidide muutmine ühekorraga. Split Slide Slaidi tükeldamine Split a slide into two by inserting a slide splitter. Tükelda slaid kaheks, sisestades slaidide eraldaja. The&me: &Kujundus: &Credits: &Autorid: You need to type in a title. Pead sisestama pealkirja. You need to add at least one slide Pead lisama vähemalt ühe slaidi Ed&it All Muuda &kõiki CustomsPlugin Import a Custom Impordi kohandatud Load a new Custom Laadi uus kohandatud Add a new Custom Lisa uus kohandatud Edit the selected Custom Muuda valitud kohandatut Delete the selected Custom Kustuta valitud kohandatud Preview the selected Custom Valitud kohandatu eelvaade Send the selected Custom live Valitud kohandatu saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Custom to the service Valitud kohandatud slaidi lisamine teenistusse Custom name singular Kohandatud Customs name plural Kohandatud Custom container title Kohandatud ImagePlugin <strong>Image Plugin</strong><br />The image plugin provides displaying of images.<br />One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the theme. <strong>Pildiplugin</strong><br />Pildiplugin võimaldab piltide kuvamise.<br />Üks selle plugina One of the distinguishing features of this plugin is the ability to group a number of images together in the service manager, making the displaying of multiple images easier. This plugin can also make use of OpenLP's "timed looping" feature to create a slide show that runs automatically. In addition to this, images from the plugin can be used to override the current theme's background, which renders text-based items like songs with the selected image as a background instead of the background provided by the theme. Load a new Image Uue pildi laadimine Add a new Image Uue pildi lisamine Edit the selected Image Valitud pildi muutmine Delete the selected Image Valitud pildi kustutamine Preview the selected Image Valitud pildi eelvaatlemine Send the selected Image live Valitud pildi saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Image to the service Valitud pildi lisamine teenistusele Image name singular Pilt Images name plural Pildid Images container title Pildid ImagePlugin.ExceptionDialog Select Attachment Manuse valimine ImagePlugin.MediaItem Select Image(s) Pildi (piltide) valimine You must select an image to delete. Pead valima pildi, mida kustutada. You must select an image to replace the background with. Pead enne valima pildi, millega tausta asendada. Missing Image(s) Puuduvad pildid The following image(s) no longer exist: %s Järgnevaid pilte enam pole: %s The following image(s) no longer exist: %s Do you want to add the other images anyway? Järgnevaid pilte enam pole: %sKas tahad teised pildid sellest hoolimata lisada? There was a problem replacing your background, the image file "%s" no longer exists. Tausta asendamisel esines viga, pildifaili "%s" enam pole. MediaPlugin <strong>Media Plugin</strong><br />The media plugin provides playback of audio and video. <strong>Meediaplugin</strong><br />Meedia plugin võimaldab audio- ja videofailide taasesitamist. Load a new Media Uue meedia laadimine Add a new Media Uue meedia lisamine Edit the selected Media Valitud meedia muutmine Delete the selected Media Valitud meedia kustutamine Preview the selected Media Valitud meedia eelvaatlus Send the selected Media live Valitud meedia saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Media to the service Valitud meedia lisamine teenistusse Media name singular Meedia Media name plural Meedia Media container title Meedia MediaPlugin.MediaItem Select Media Meedia valimine You must select a media file to delete. Pead valima meedia, mida kustutada. Missing Media File Puuduv meediafail The file %s no longer exists. Faili %s ei ole enam olemas. You must select a media file to replace the background with. Pead enne valima meediafaili, millega tausta asendada. There was a problem replacing your background, the media file "%s" no longer exists. Tausta asendamisel esines viga, meediafaili "%s" enam pole. Videos (%s);;Audio (%s);;%s (*) MediaPlugin.MediaTab Media Display Meediakuva Use Phonon for video playback Phononi kasutamine video esitamiseks OpenLP Image Files Pildifailid OpenLP.AboutForm Credits Autorid License Litsents Contribute Aita kaasa build %s kompileering %s OpenLP <version><revision> - Open Source Lyrics Projection OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations (if, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer is installed) for church worship using a computer and a data projector. Find out more about OpenLP: OpenLP is written and maintained by volunteers. If you would like to see more free Christian software being written, please consider contributing by using the button below. OpenLP <version><revision> - avatud lähtekoodiga laulusõnade kuvaja OpenLP on vaba esitlustarkvara kirikusse, võib öelda ka laulusõnade projitseerimise tarkvara, mis sobib laulusõnade, piiblisalmide, videote, piltide ja isegi esitluste (kui, PowerPoint või PowerPoint Viewer on paigaldatud) kuvamiseks dataprojektori kaudu kirikus. OpenLP kohta võid lähemalt uurida aadressil: OpenLP on kirjutatud vabatahtlike poolt. Kui sulle meeldiks näha rohkem kristlikku tarkvara, siis võid annetada, selleks klõpsa alumisele nupule. Project Lead Raoul "superfly" Snyman Developers Tim "TRB143" Bentley Jonathan "gushie" Corwin Michael "cocooncrash" Gorven Scott "sguerrieri" Guerrieri Raoul "superfly" Snyman Martin "mijiti" Thompson Jon "Meths" Tibble Contributors Meinert "m2j" Jordan Andreas "googol" Preikschat Christian "crichter" Richter Philip "Phill" Ridout Maikel Stuivenberg Carsten "catini" Tingaard Frode "frodus" Woldsund Testers Philip "Phill" Ridout Wesley "wrst" Stout (lead) Packagers Thomas "tabthorpe" Abthorpe (FreeBSD) Tim "TRB143" Bentley (Fedora) Michael "cocooncrash" Gorven (Ubuntu) Matthias "matthub" Hub (Mac OS X) Raoul "superfly" Snyman (Windows, Ubuntu) Built With Python: Qt4: PyQt4: Oxygen Icons: Final Credit "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but inherit eternal life." -- John 3:16 And last but not least, final credit goes to God our Father, for sending His Son to die on the cross, setting us free from sin. We bring this software to you for free because He has set us free. Projekti juht Raoul "superfly" Snyman Arendajad Tim "TRB143" Bentley Jonathan "gushie" Corwin Michael "cocooncrash" Gorven Scott "sguerrieri" Guerrieri Raoul "superfly" Snyman Martin "mijiti" Thompson Jon "Meths" Tibble Abilised Meinert "m2j" Jordan Andreas "googol" Preikschat Christian "crichter" Richter Philip "Phill" Ridout Maikel Stuivenberg Carsten "catini" Tingaard Frode "frodus" Woldsund Testijad Philip "Phill" Ridout Wesley "wrst" Stout (lead) Pakendajad Thomas "tabthorpe" Abthorpe (FreeBSD) Tim "TRB143" Bentley (Fedora) Michael "cocooncrash" Gorven (Ubuntu) Matthias "matthub" Hub (Mac OS X) Raoul "superfly" Snyman (Windows, Ubuntu) Kasutatud tehnoloogiad Python: Qt4: PyQt4: Oxygeni ikoonid: Lõpptänu "Sest nõnda on Jumal maailma armastanud, et ta oma ainusündinud Poja on andnud, et ükski, kes temasse usub, ei hukkuks, vaid et tal oleks igavene elu. -- Johannese 3:16 Lõpuks suurim tänu kuulub Jumalale meie Isale, kes saatis oma Poja ristile surema, et vabastada meid patust. Me anname selle tarkvara sulle tasuta, sest Tema on teinud meid vabaks. Copyright © 2004-2011 Raoul Snyman Portions copyright © 2004-2011 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Meinert Jordan, Andreas Preikschat, Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, CarstennTinggaard, Frode Woldsund This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See below for more details. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type "show w". This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type "show c" for details. The hypothetical commands "show w" and "show c" should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than "show w" and "show c"; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program "Gnomovision" (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. OpenLP.AdvancedTab UI Settings Kasutajaliidese sätted Number of recent files to display: Kuvatavate hiljutiste failide arv: Remember active media manager tab on startup Käivitumisel tuletatakse meelde, milline meediahalduri osa oli aktiivne Double-click to send items straight to live Topeltklõps otse ekraanile saatmiseks Expand new service items on creation Uued teenistuse kirjed on loomisel laiendatud Enable application exit confirmation Rakenduse lõpetamise teabe lubamine Mouse Cursor Hiirekursor Hide mouse cursor when over display window Default Image Background color: Taustavärvus: Image file: Open File Faili avamine OpenLP.DisplayTagDialog Edit Selection Valiku muutmine Update Uuenda Description Kirjeldus Tag Silt Start tag Alustamise silt End tag Lõpu silt Default Vaikimisi Tag id Sildi ID Start Html HTMLi algus End Html HTMLi lõpp OpenLP.DisplayTagTab Update Error Tõrge uuendamisel Tag "n" already defined. Silt "n" on juba defineeritud. Tag %s already defined. Silt %s on juba defineeritud. OpenLP.ExceptionDialog Error Occurred Esines viga Oops! OpenLP hit a problem, and couldn't recover. The text in the box below contains information that might be helpful to the OpenLP developers, so please e-mail it to, along with a detailed description of what you were doing when the problem occurred. Uups! OpenLP-s esines viga, millest pole võimalik taastada. Alumises kastis olev tekst võib olla kasulik OpenLP arendajatele, palun meili see aadressil, koos täpse kirjeldusega sellest, mida sa tegid, kui selline probleem esines. Send E-Mail Saada e-kiri Save to File Salvesta faili Please enter a description of what you were doing to cause this error (Minimum 20 characters) Palun kirjelda siin, mida sa tegid, mis kutsus selle vea esile. (vähemalt 20 tähte) Attach File Pane fail kaasa Description characters to enter : %s Puuduvad tähed kirjelduses: %s OpenLP.ExceptionForm Platform: %s Platvorm: %s Save Crash Report Vearaporti salvestamine Text files (*.txt *.log *.text) Tekstifailid (*.txt *.log *.text) **OpenLP Bug Report** Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s **OpenLP Bug Report** Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s *OpenLP Bug Report* Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s Please add the information that bug reports are favoured written in English. *OpenLP Bug Report* Version: %s --- Details of the Exception. --- %s --- Exception Traceback --- %s --- System information --- %s --- Library Versions --- %s OpenLP.FileRenameForm File Rename Faili ümbernimetamine New File Name: Uue faili nimi: File Copy Faili kopeerimine OpenLP.GeneralTab General Üldine Monitors Monitorid Select monitor for output display: Vali väljundkuva ekraan: Display if a single screen Kuvatakse, kui on ainult üks ekraan Application Startup Rakenduse käivitumine Show blank screen warning Kuvatakse tühja ekraani hoiatust Automatically open the last service Automaatselt avatakse viimane teenistus Show the splash screen Käivitumisel kuvatakse logo Application Settings Rakenduse sätted Prompt to save before starting a new service Enne uue teenistuse alustamist küsitakse, kas salvestada avatud teenistus Automatically preview next item in service Järgmise teenistuse elemendi automaatne eelvaade Slide loop delay: Slaidi näitamise pikkus korduses: sec sek CCLI Details CCLI andmed SongSelect username: SongSelecti kasutajanimi: SongSelect password: SongSelecti parool: Display Position Kuva asukoht X X Y Y Height Kõrgus Width Laius Override display position Kuva asukoht määratakse jõuga Screen Ekraan primary peamine Check for updates to OpenLP OpenLP uuenduste kontrollimine OpenLP.LanguageManager Language Keel Please restart OpenLP to use your new language setting. Uue keele kasutamiseks käivita OpenLP uuesti. OpenLP.MainDisplay OpenLP Display OpenLP kuva OpenLP.MainWindow &File &Fail &Import &Impordi &Export &Ekspordi &View &Vaade M&ode &Režiim &Tools &Tööriistad &Settings &Sätted &Language &Keel &Help A&bi Media Manager Meediahaldur Service Manager Teenistuse haldur Theme Manager Kujunduse haldur &New &Uus Ctrl+N Ctrl+N &Open &Ava Open an existing service. Olemasoleva teenistuse avamine. Ctrl+O Ctrl+O &Save &Salvesta Save the current service to disk. Praeguse teenistuse salvestamine kettale. Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Save &As... Salvesta &kui... Save Service As Salvesta teenistus kui Save the current service under a new name. Praeguse teenistuse salvestamine uue nimega. Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S E&xit &Välju Quit OpenLP Lahku OpenLPst Alt+F4 Alt+F4 &Theme &Kujundus &Configure OpenLP... &Seadista OpenLP... &Media Manager &Meediahaldur Toggle Media Manager Meediahalduri lüliti Toggle the visibility of the media manager. Meediahalduri nähtavuse ümberlüliti. F8 F8 &Theme Manager &Kujunduse haldur Toggle Theme Manager Kujunduse halduri lüliti Toggle the visibility of the theme manager. Kujunduse halduri nähtavuse ümberlülitamine. F10 F10 &Service Manager &Teenistuse haldur Toggle Service Manager Teenistuse halduri lüliti Toggle the visibility of the service manager. Teenistuse halduri nähtavuse ümberlülitamine. F9 F9 &Preview Panel &Eelvaatluspaneel Toggle Preview Panel Eelvaatluspaneeli lüliti Toggle the visibility of the preview panel. Eelvaatluspaneeli nähtavuse ümberlülitamine. F11 F11 &Live Panel &Ekraani paneel Toggle Live Panel Ekraani paneeli lüliti Toggle the visibility of the live panel. Ekraani paneeli nähtavuse muutmine. F12 F12 &Plugin List &Pluginate loend List the Plugins Pluginate loend Alt+F7 Alt+F7 &User Guide &Kasutajajuhend &About &Lähemalt More information about OpenLP Lähem teave OpenLP kohta Ctrl+F1 Ctrl+F1 &Online Help &Abi veebis &Web Site &Veebileht &Auto Detect &Isetuvastus Use the system language, if available. Kui saadaval, kasutatakse süsteemi keelt. Set the interface language to %s Kasutajaliidese keeleks %s määramine Add &Tool... Lisa &tööriist... Add an application to the list of tools. Rakenduse lisamine tööriistade loendisse. &Default &Vaikimisi Set the view mode back to the default. Vaikimisi kuvarežiimi taastamine. &Setup &Ettevalmistus Set the view mode to Setup. Ettevalmistuse kuvarežiimi valimine. &Live &Otse Set the view mode to Live. Vaate režiimiks ekraanivaate valimine. OpenLP Version Updated OpenLP uuendus OpenLP Main Display Blanked OpenLP peakuva on tühi The Main Display has been blanked out Peakuva on tühi Default Theme: %s Vaikimisi kujundus: %s Version %s of OpenLP is now available for download (you are currently running version %s). You can download the latest version from OpenLP versioon %s on nüüd allalaadimiseks saadaval (sina kasutad praegu versiooni %s). Sa võid viimase versiooni alla laadida aadressilt English Please add the name of your language here Eesti Configure &Shortcuts... &Kiirklahvide seadistamine... Close OpenLP OpenLP sulgemine Are you sure you want to close OpenLP? Kas oled kindel, et tahad OpenLP sulgeda? Print the current Service Order. Praeguse teenistuse järjekorra printimine. Ctrl+P Ctrl+P &Configure Display Tags Open &Data Folder... Open the folder where songs, bibles and other data resides. OpenLP.MediaManagerItem No Items Selected Ühtegi elementi pole valitud &Add to selected Service Item &Lisa valitud teenistuse elemendile You must select one or more items to preview. Sa pead valima vähemalt ühe kirje, mida eelvaadelda. You must select one or more items to send live. Sa pead valima vähemalt ühe kirje, mida tahad ekraanil näidata. You must select one or more items. Pead valima vähemalt ühe elemendi. You must select an existing service item to add to. Pead valima olemasoleva teenistuse, millele lisada. Invalid Service Item Vigane teenistuse element You must select a %s service item. Pead valima teenistuse elemendi %s. OpenLP.PluginForm Plugin List Pluginate loend Plugin Details Plugina andmed Status: Olek: Active Aktiivne Inactive Pole aktiivne %s (Inactive) %s (pole aktiivne) %s (Active) %s (aktiivne) %s (Disabled) %s (keelatud) OpenLP.PrintServiceDialog Fit Page Fit Width OpenLP.PrintServiceForm Options Close Copy Copy as HTML Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom Original Other Options Include slide text if available Include service item notes Include play length of media items Service Order Sheet Teenistuse järjekord OpenLP.ServiceItemEditForm Reorder Service Item Teenistuse elementide ümberjärjestamine OpenLP.ServiceManager Load an existing service Olemasoleva teenistuse laadimine Save this service Selle teenistuse salvestamine Select a theme for the service Vali teenistuse jaoks kujundus Move to &top Tõsta ü&lemiseks Move item to the top of the service. Teenistuse algusesse tõstmine. Move &up Liiguta &üles Move item up one position in the service. Elemendi liigutamine teenistuses ühe koha võrra ettepoole. Move &down Liiguta &alla Move item down one position in the service. Elemendi liigutamine teenistuses ühe koha võrra tahapoole. Move to &bottom Tõsta &alumiseks Move item to the end of the service. Teenistuse lõppu tõstmine. &Delete From Service &Kustuta teenistusest Delete the selected item from the service. Valitud elemendi kustutamine teenistusest. &Add New Item &Lisa uus element &Add to Selected Item &Lisa valitud elemendile &Edit Item &Muuda kirjet &Reorder Item &Muuda elemendi kohta järjekorras &Notes &Märkmed &Change Item Theme &Muuda elemendi kujundust File is not a valid service. The content encoding is not UTF-8. Fail ei ole sobiv teenistus. Sisu ei ole UTF-8 kodeeringus. File is not a valid service. Fail pole sobiv teenistus. Missing Display Handler Puudub kuvakäsitleja Your item cannot be displayed as there is no handler to display it Seda elementi pole võimalik näidata ekraanil, kuna puudub seda käsitsev programm Your item cannot be displayed as the plugin required to display it is missing or inactive Seda elementi pole võimalik näidata ekraanil, kuna puudub seda käsitsev programm &Expand all &Laienda kõik Expand all the service items. Kõigi teenistuse kirjete laiendamine. &Collapse all &Ahenda kõik Collapse all the service items. Kõigi teenistuse kirjete ahendamine. Open File Faili avamine OpenLP Service Files (*.osz) OpenLP teenistuse failid (*.osz) Moves the selection down the window. Valiku tõstmine aknas allapoole. Move up Liiguta üles Moves the selection up the window. Valiku tõstmine aknas ülespoole. Go Live Ekraanile Send the selected item to Live. Valitud kirje saatmine ekraanile. Modified Service Teenistust on muudetud Notes: Märkmed: &Start Time Show &Preview Show &Live The current service has been modified. Would you like to save this service? OpenLP.ServiceNoteForm Service Item Notes Teenistuse elemendi märkmed OpenLP.SettingsForm Configure OpenLP Seadista OpenLP OpenLP.ShortcutListDialog Customize Shortcuts Kiirklahvide kohandamine Action Tegevus Shortcut Kiirklahv Default: %s Vaikimisi: %s Custom: Kohandatud: None Pole Duplicate Shortcut Dubleeriv kiirklahv The shortcut "%s" is already assigned to another action, please use a different shortcut. Kiirklahv "%s" on juba seotud teise tegevusega, kasuta mingit muud kiirklahvi. Alternate OpenLP.SlideController Move to previous Eelmisele liikumine Move to next Järgmisele liikumine Hide Peida Move to live Tõsta ekraanile Edit and reload song preview Muuda ja kuva laulu eelvaade uuesti Start continuous loop Katkematu korduse alustamine Stop continuous loop Katkematu korduse lõpetamine Delay between slides in seconds Viivitus slaidide vahel sekundites Start playing media Meediaesituse alustamine Go To Liigu kohta Blank Screen Ekraani tühjendamine Blank to Theme Kujunduse tausta näitamine Show Desktop Töölaua näitamine Previous Slide Eelmine slaid Next Slide Järgmine slaid Previous Service Eelmine teenistus Next Service Järgmine teenistus Escape Item Kuva sulgemine OpenLP.SpellTextEdit Spelling Suggestions Õigekirjasoovitused Formatting Tags Siltide vormindus OpenLP.StartTimeForm Item Start Time Hours: h m Minutes: Seconds: OpenLP.ThemeForm Select Image Pildi valimine Theme Name Missing Kujundusel puudub nimi There is no name for this theme. Please enter one. Kujundusel ei ole nime. Palun sisesta nimi. Theme Name Invalid Sobimatu kujunduse nimi Invalid theme name. Please enter one. Kujunduse nimi pole sobiv. Palun sisesta sobiv nimi. (%d lines per slide) (%d rida slaidil) OpenLP.ThemeManager Create a new theme. Uue kujunduse loomine. Edit Theme Kujunduse muutmine Edit a theme. Kujunduse muutmine. Delete Theme Kujunduse kustutamine Delete a theme. Kujunduse kustutamine. Import Theme Kujunduse importimine Import a theme. Kujunduse importimine. Export Theme Kujunduse eksportimine Export a theme. Kujunduse eksportimine. &Edit Theme Kujunduse &muutmine &Delete Theme Kujunduse &kustutamine Set As &Global Default Määra &globaalseks vaikeväärtuseks %s (default) %s (vaikimisi) You must select a theme to edit. Pead valima kujunduse, mida muuta. You are unable to delete the default theme. Vaikimisi kujundust pole võimalik kustutada. Theme %s is used in the %s plugin. Kujundust %s kasutatakse pluginas %s. You have not selected a theme. Sa ei ole kujundust valinud. Save Theme - (%s) Salvesta kujundus - (%s) Theme Exported Kujundus eksporditud Your theme has been successfully exported. Sinu kujunduse on edukalt eksporditud. Theme Export Failed Kujunduse eksportimine nurjus Your theme could not be exported due to an error. Sinu kujundust polnud võimalik eksportida, kuna esines viga. Select Theme Import File Importimiseks kujunduse faili valimine File is not a valid theme. The content encoding is not UTF-8. See fail ei ole korrektne kujundus. Sisu kodeering ei ole UTF-8. File is not a valid theme. See fail ei ole sobilik kujundus. &Copy Theme &Kopeeri kujundust &Rename Theme &Nimeta kujundus ümber &Export Theme &Ekspordi kujundus You must select a theme to rename. Pead valima kujunduse, mida ümber nimetada. Rename Confirmation Ümbernimetamise kinnitus Rename %s theme? Kas anda kujundusele %s uus nimi? You must select a theme to delete. Pead valima kujunduse, mida tahad kustutada. Delete Confirmation Kustutamise kinnitus Delete %s theme? Kas kustutada kujundus %s? Validation Error Valideerimise viga A theme with this name already exists. Sellenimeline teema on juba olemas. OpenLP Themes (*.theme *.otz) OpenLP.ThemeWizard Theme Wizard Kujunduse nõustaja Welcome to the Theme Wizard Tere tulemast kujunduse nõustajasse Set Up Background Tausta määramine Set up your theme's background according to the parameters below. Määra kujunduse taust, kasutades järgnevaid parameetreid. Background type: Tausta liik: Solid Color Ühtlane värv Gradient Üleminek Color: Värvus: Gradient: Üleminek: Horizontal Horisontaalne Vertical Vertikaalne Circular Radiaalne Top Left - Bottom Right Loodest kagusse Bottom Left - Top Right Edelast kirdesse Main Area Font Details Peamise kirja üksikasjad Define the font and display characteristics for the Display text Määra font ja teised kuvatava teksti omadused Font: Kirjastiil: Size: Suurus: Line Spacing: Reavahe: &Outline: &Kontuurjoon: &Shadow: &Vari: Bold Rasvane Italic Kaldkiri Footer Area Font Details Jaluse fondi üksikasjad Define the font and display characteristics for the Footer text Määra jaluse kirja font ja muud omadused Text Formatting Details Teksti vorminduse üksikasjad Allows additional display formatting information to be defined Võimaldab määrata lisaks vorminduse andmeid Horizontal Align: Rõhtjoondus: Left Vasakul Right Paremal Center Keskel Output Area Locations Väljundala asukoht Allows you to change and move the main and footer areas. Võimaldab muuta ja liigutada peamist ja jaluse ala. &Main Area &Peamine ala &Use default location &Vaikimisi asukoha kasutamine X position: X-asukoht: px px Y position: Y-asukoht: Width: Laius: Height: Kõrgus: Use default location Vaikimisi asukoha kasutamine Save and Preview Salvestamine ja eelvaade View the theme and save it replacing the current one or change the name to create a new theme Vaata kujundus üle ja salvesta see, asendades olemasolev või muuda nime, et luua uus kujundus Theme name: Kujunduse nimi: This wizard will help you to create and edit your themes. Click the next button below to start the process by setting up your background. See nõustaja aitab kujundusi luua ja muuta. Klõpsa edasi nupul, et alustada tausta määramisest. Transitions: Üleminekud: &Footer Area &Jaluse ala Edit Theme - %s Teema muutmine - %s OpenLP.ThemesTab Global Theme Üldine kujundus Theme Level Kujunduse tase S&ong Level &Laulu tase Use the theme from each song in the database. If a song doesn't have a theme associated with it, then use the service's theme. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. Iga laulu jaoks kasutatakse sellele andmebaasis määratud kujundust. Kui laulul kujundus puudub, kasutatakse teenistuse kujundust. Kui teenistusel kujundus puudub, siis kasutatakse üleüldist kujundust. &Service Level &Teenistuse tase Use the theme from the service, overriding any of the individual songs' themes. If the service doesn't have a theme, then use the global theme. Kasutatakse teenistuse kujundust, eirates laulude kujundusi. Kui teenistusel kujundust pole, kasutatakse globaalset. &Global Level &Üleüldine tase Use the global theme, overriding any themes associated with either the service or the songs. Kasutatakse globaalset kujundust, eirates nii teenistuse kui laulu kujundust. OpenLP.Ui Error Viga &Delete &Kustuta Delete the selected item. Valitud kirje kustutamine. Move selection up one position. Valiku liigutamine ühe koha võrra ülespoole. Move selection down one position. Valiku liigutamine ühe koha võrra allapoole. About Programmist &Add &Lisa Advanced Täpsem All Files Kõik failid Bottom All Browse... Lehitse... Cancel Loobu CCLI number: CCLI number: Create a new service. Uue teenistuse loomine. &Edit &Muuda Empty Field Export pt Abbreviated font pointsize unit pt Image Pilt Import Impordi Length %s Live Ekraan Live Background Error Ekraani tausta viga Live Panel Load Laadi Middle Keskel New Uus New Service Uus teenistus New Theme Uus kujundus No File Selected Singular No Files Selected Plural No Item Selected Singular No Items Selected Plural Ühtegi elementi pole valitud 1.x 1.x OpenLP 2.0 OpenLP 2.0 Open Service Teenistuse avamine Preview Eelvaade Preview Panel Print Service Order Teenistuse järjekorra printimine Replace Background Tausta asendamine Replace Live Background Ekraani tausta asendamine Reset Background Tausta lähtestamine Reset Live Background Ekraani tausta asendamine s The abbreviated unit for seconds s Save && Preview Salvesta && eelvaatle Search Otsi You must select an item to delete. You must select an item to edit. Pead valima kirje, mida muuta. Save Service Service Start %s Theme Singular Kujundus Themes Plural Kujundused Top Üleval Version &Vertical Align: Finished import. Importimine lõpetatud. Format: Vorming: Importing Importimine Importing "%s"... "%s" importimine... Select Import Source Importimise allika valimine Select the import format and the location to import from. The 1.x importer has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If you want to use this importer, you will need to install the "python-sqlite" module. 1.x importija on ühe puuduva Pythoni mooduli pärast keelatud. Kui sa tahad seda importijat kasutada, pead paigaldama mooduli "python-sqlite". Open %s File %p% %p% Ready. Valmis. Starting import... Importimise alustamine... You need to specify at least one %s file to import from. A file type e.g. OpenSong Welcome to the Bible Import Wizard Teretulemast Piibli importimise nõustajasse Welcome to the Song Export Wizard Welcome to the Song Import Wizard Tere tulemast laulude importimise nõustajasse Author Singular Authors Plural Autorid © Copyright symbol. © Song Book Singular Laulik Song Books Plural Laulikud Song Maintenance Laulude haldus Topic Singular Teema Topics Plural Teemad OpenLP.displayTagDialog Configure Display Tags PresentationPlugin <strong>Presentation Plugin</strong><br />The presentation plugin provides the ability to show presentations using a number of different programs. The choice of available presentation programs is available to the user in a drop down box. <strong>Esitluse plugin</strong><br />Esitluse plugin võimaldab näidata esitlusi erinevate programmidega. Saadaolevate esitlusprogrammide valik on saadaval valikukastis. Load a new Presentation Uue esitluse laadimine Delete the selected Presentation Valitud esitluse kustutamine Preview the selected Presentation Valitud esitluse eelvaatlus Send the selected Presentation live Valitud esitluse saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Presentation to the service Valitud esitluse lisamine teenistusse Presentation name singular Esitlus Presentations name plural Esitlused Presentations container title Esitlused PresentationPlugin.MediaItem Select Presentation(s) Esitlus(t)e valimine Automatic Automaatne Present using: Esitluseks kasutatakse: File Exists Fail on olemas A presentation with that filename already exists. Sellise nimega esitluse fail on juba olemas. Unsupported File Toetamata fail This type of presentation is not supported. Seda liiki esitlus ei ole toetatud. Presentations (%s) Esitlused (%s) Missing Presentation Puuduv esitlus The Presentation %s no longer exists. Esitlust %s enam ei ole. The Presentation %s is incomplete, please reload. Esitlus %s ei ole täielik, palun laadi see uuesti. PresentationPlugin.PresentationTab Available Controllers Saadaolevad juhtijad Allow presentation application to be overriden Esitlusrakendust on lubatud asendada %s (unavailable) RemotePlugin <strong>Remote Plugin</strong><br />The remote plugin provides the ability to send messages to a running version of OpenLP on a different computer via a web browser or through the remote API. <b>Kaugjuhtimisplugin</b><br>See plugin võimaldab töötavale openlp programmile teadete saatmise teisest arvutist veebilehitseja või mõne muu rakenduse kaudu.<br>Selle peamine rakendus on teadete saatmine lastehoiust. Remote name singular Kaugjuhtimine Remotes name plural Kaugjuhtimine Remote container title Kaugjuhtimine RemotePlugin.RemoteTab Serve on IP address: Saadaval IP-aadressilt: Port number: Pordi number: Server Settings Serveri sätted SongUsagePlugin &Song Usage Tracking &Laulude kasutuse jälgimine &Delete Tracking Data &Kustuta kogutud andmed Delete song usage data up to a specified date. Laulude kasutuse andmete kustutamine kuni antud kuupäevani. &Extract Tracking Data &Eralda laulukasutuse andmed Generate a report on song usage. Genereeri raport laulude kasutuse kohta. Toggle Tracking Laulukasutuse jälgimine Toggle the tracking of song usage. Laulukasutuse jälgimise sisse- ja väljalülitamine. <strong>SongUsage Plugin</strong><br />This plugin tracks the usage of songs in services. <strong>Laulude plugin</strong><br />See plugin võimaldab laulude kuvamise ja haldamise. SongUsage name singular Laulukasutus SongUsage name plural Laulukasutus SongUsage container title Laulukasutus SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDeleteForm Delete Song Usage Data Laulukasutuse andmete kustutamine Delete Selected Song Usage Events? Kas kustutada valitud laulude kasutamise sündmused? Are you sure you want to delete selected Song Usage data? Kas oled kindel, et tahad kustutada valitud laulude kasutuse andmed? Deletion Successful Kustutamine edukas All requested data has been deleted successfully. Kõik kustutamisele määratud andmed kustutati edukalt. SongUsagePlugin.SongUsageDetailForm Song Usage Extraction Laulukasutuse salvestamine Select Date Range Vali kuupäevade vahemik to kuni Report Location Asukohast raporteerimine Output File Location Väljundfaili asukoht usage_detail_%s_%s.txt laulukasutuse_andmed_%s_%s.txt Report Creation Raporti koostamine Report %s has been successfully created. Raport %s on edukalt loodud. SongsPlugin &Song &Laul Import songs using the import wizard. Laulude importimine importimise nõustajaga. <strong>Songs Plugin</strong><br />The songs plugin provides the ability to display and manage songs. <strong>Laulude plugin</strong><br />See plugin võimaldab laulude kuvamise ja haldamise. &Re-index Songs &Indekseeri laulud uuesti Re-index the songs database to improve searching and ordering. Laulude andmebaasi kordusindekseerimine, et parendada otsimist ja järjekorda. Reindexing songs... Laulude kordusindekseerimine... Add a new Song Uue laulu lisamine Edit the selected Song Valitud laulu muutmine Delete the selected Song Valitud laulu kustutamine Preview the selected Song Valitud laulu eelvaatlus Send the selected Song live Valitud laulu saatmine ekraanile Add the selected Song to the service Valitud laulu lisamine teenistusele Song name singular Laul Songs name plural Laulud Songs container title Laulud Arabic (CP-1256) Araabia (CP-1256) Baltic (CP-1257) Balti (CP-1257) Central European (CP-1250) Kesk-Euroopa (CP-1250) Cyrillic (CP-1251) Kirillitsa (CP-1251) Greek (CP-1253) Kreeka (CP-1253) Hebrew (CP-1255) Heebrea (CP-1255) Japanese (CP-932) Jaapani (CP-932) Korean (CP-949) Korea (CP-949) Simplified Chinese (CP-936) Lihtsustatud Hiina (CP-936) Thai (CP-874) Tai (CP-874) Traditional Chinese (CP-950) Tradistiooniline Hiina (CP-950) Turkish (CP-1254) Türgi (CP-1254) Vietnam (CP-1258) Vietnami (CP-1258) Western European (CP-1252) Lääne-Euroopa (CP-1252) Character Encoding Märgikodeering The codepage setting is responsible for the correct character representation. Usually you are fine with the preselected choice. Kodeering on vajalik märkide õige esitamise jaoks. Tavaliselt on vaikimisi valik õige. Please choose the character encoding. The encoding is responsible for the correct character representation. Palun vali märgikodeering. Kodeering on vajalik märkide õige esitamise jaoks. Exports songs using the export wizard. SongsPlugin.AuthorsForm Author Maintenance Autorite haldus Display name: Täisnimi: First name: Eesnimi: Last name: Perekonnanimi: You need to type in the first name of the author. Pead sisestama autori eesnime. You need to type in the last name of the author. Pead sisestama autori perekonnanime. You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names? Sa ei ole sisestanud autori kuvamise nime, kas see tuleks kombineerida ees- ja perekonnanimest? SongsPlugin.CCLIFileImport Importing song %d of %d Laulu importimine, %d %d-st SongsPlugin.EditSongForm Song Editor Lauluredaktor &Title: &Pealkiri: Alt&ernate title: &Alternatiivne pealkiri: &Lyrics: &Sõnad: &Verse order: &Salmide järjekord: Ed&it All Muuda &kõiki Title && Lyrics Pealkiri && laulusõnad &Add to Song &Lisa laulule &Remove &Eemalda &Manage Authors, Topics, Song Books &Autorite, teemade ja laulikute haldamine A&dd to Song L&isa laulule R&emove &Eemalda Book: Book: Number: Number: Authors, Topics && Song Book Autorid, teemad && laulik New &Theme Uus &kujundus Copyright Information Autoriõiguse andmed Comments Kommentaarid Theme, Copyright Info && Comments Kujundus, autoriõigus && kommentaarid Add Author Autori lisamine This author does not exist, do you want to add them? Seda autorit veel pole, kas tahad autori lisada? This author is already in the list. See autor juba on loendis. You have not selected a valid author. Either select an author from the list, or type in a new author and click the "Add Author to Song" button to add the new author. Sa ei ole valinud ühtegi sobilikku autorit. Vali autor loendist või sisesta uue autori nimi ja klõpsa uue nupul "Lisa laulule autor". Add Topic Teema lisamine This topic does not exist, do you want to add it? Sellist teemat pole. Kas tahad selle lisada? This topic is already in the list. See teema juba on loendis. You have not selected a valid topic. Either select a topic from the list, or type in a new topic and click the "Add Topic to Song" button to add the new topic. Sa pole valinud sobivat teemat. Vali teema kas loendist või sisesta uus teema ja selle lisamiseks klõpsa nupule "Lisa laulule teema". You need to type in a song title. Pead sisestama laulu pealkirja. You need to type in at least one verse. Pead sisestama vähemalt ühe salmi. Warning Hoiatus The verse order is invalid. There is no verse corresponding to %s. Valid entries are %s. Salmide järjekord pole sobiv. Mitte ükski valm ei vasta %s-le. Sobivad salmid on %s. You have not used %s anywhere in the verse order. Are you sure you want to save the song like this? Sa pole kasutanud %s mitte kusagil salmide järjekorras. Kas sa oled kindel, et tahad laulu selliselt salvestada? Add Book Lauliku lisamine This song book does not exist, do you want to add it? Sellist laulikut pole. Kas tahad selle lisada? You need to have an author for this song. Pead lisama sellele laulule autori. You need to type some text in to the verse. Salm peab sisaldama teksti. SongsPlugin.EditVerseForm Edit Verse Salmi muutmine &Verse type: &Salmi liik: &Insert &Sisesta SongsPlugin.ExportWizardForm Song Export Wizard This wizard will help to export your songs to the open and free OpenLyrics worship song format. Select Songs Check the songs you want to export. Uncheck All Check All Select Directory Select the directory you want the songs to be saved. Directory: Exporting Please wait while your songs are exported. You need to add at least one Song to export. No Save Location specified You need to specified a directory to save the songs in. Starting export... Selecte to Folder SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm Select Document/Presentation Files Dokumentide/esitluste valimine Song Import Wizard Laulude importimise nõustaja This wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of formats. Click the next button below to start the process by selecting a format to import from. See nõustaja aitab sul laule importida paljudest erinevatest formaatidest. Klõpsa all asuvat edasi nuppu, et jätkata tegevust importimise vormingu valimisega. Generic Document/Presentation Tavaline dokumenti/esitlus Filename: Failinimi: The OpenLyrics importer has not yet been developed, but as you can see, we are still intending to do so. Hopefully it will be in the next release. OpenLyrics importija ei ole veel valmis, kuid nagu sa näed, on meil plaanis see luua. Loodetavasti saab see järgmiseks väljalaskeks valmis. Add Files... Lisa faile... Remove File(s) Faili(de) eemaldamine The Songs of Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot find on your computer. Songs of Fellowship importija on keelatud, kuna OpenLP ei suuda leida sinu arvutist The generic document/presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot find on your computer. Tavalisest dokumendist/esitlusest importija on keelatud, kuna OpenLP ei suuda leida sinu arvutist Please wait while your songs are imported. Palun oota, kuni laule imporditakse. Administered by %s Haldab %s OpenLP 2.0 Databases OpenLP 2.0 andmebaas v1.x Databases v1.x andmebaas Words Of Worship Song Files Words Of Worship Song failid You need to specify at least one document or presentation file to import from. Songs Of Fellowship Song Files SongBeamer Files SongShow Plus Song Files Foilpresenter Song Files SongsPlugin.MediaItem Maintain the lists of authors, topics and books Autorite, teemade ja raamatute loendi haldamine Titles Pealkirjad Lyrics Laulusõnad Delete Song(s)? Kas kustutada laul(ud)? CCLI License: CCLI litsents: Entire Song Kogu laulust Are you sure you want to delete the %n selected song(s)? SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport Importing song %d of %d. Laulu importimine, %d. %d-st. SongsPlugin.OpenLyricsExport Exporting "%s"... SongsPlugin.SongBookForm Song Book Maintenance Lauliku haldus &Name: &Nimi: &Publisher: &Kirjastaja: You need to type in a name for the book. Pead sisestama lauliku nime. SongsPlugin.SongExportForm Finished export. Your song export failed. SongsPlugin.SongImport copyright autoriõigus SongsPlugin.SongImportForm Your song import failed. Laulu importimine nurjus. SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm Could not add your author. Autori lisamine pole võimalik. This author already exists. See autor on juba olemas. Could not add your topic. Sinu teema lisamine pole võimalik. This topic already exists. Teema on juba olemas. Could not add your book. Lauliku lisamine pole võimalik. This book already exists. See laulik on juba olemas. Could not save your changes. Muudatuste salvestamine pole võimalik. Could not save your modified author, because the author already exists. Sinu muudetud autorit pole võimalik salvestada, kuna autor on juba olemas. Could not save your modified topic, because it already exists. Sinu muudetud teemat pole võimalik salvestada, kuna selline on juba olemas. Delete Author Autori kustutamine Are you sure you want to delete the selected author? Kas oled kindel, et tahad kustutada valitud autori? This author cannot be deleted, they are currently assigned to at least one song. Seda autorit pole võimalik kustutada, kuna ta on märgitud vähemalt ühe laulu autoriks. Delete Topic Teema kustutamine Are you sure you want to delete the selected topic? Kas oled kindel, et tahad valitud teema kustutada? This topic cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. Seda teemat pole võimalik kustutada, kuna see on seostatud vähemalt ühe lauluga. Delete Book Lauliku kustutamine Are you sure you want to delete the selected book? Kas oled kindel, et tahad valitud lauliku kustutada? This book cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song. Seda laulikut pole võimalik kustutada, kuna vähemalt üks laul kuulub sellesse laulikusse. The author %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with author %s use the existing author %s? Autor %s on juba olemas. Kas sa tahad, et laulud autoriga %s liidetaks olemasolevale autorile %s? The topic %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with topic %s use the existing topic %s? Teema %s on juba olemas. Kas sa tahad, et laulud teemaga %s kasutaksid olemasolevat teemat %s? The book %s already exists. Would you like to make songs with book %s use the existing book %s? Laulik %s on juba olemas. Kas sa tahad, et lauliku %s laulid liidetaks olemasoleva laulikuga %s? SongsPlugin.SongsTab Songs Mode Laulurežiim Enable search as you type Otsing sisestamise ajal Display verses on live tool bar Salme kuvatakse ekraani tööriistaribal Update service from song edit Teenistuse uuendamine laulu muutmisel Add missing songs when opening service Teenistuse avamisel lisatakse puuduvad laulud SongsPlugin.TopicsForm Topic Maintenance Teemade haldus Topic name: Teema nimi: You need to type in a topic name. Pead sisestama teema nime. SongsPlugin.VerseType Verse Salm Chorus Refrään Bridge Vahemäng Pre-Chorus Eelrefrään Intro Sissejuhatus Ending Lõpetus Other Muu