AuditDetailDialog 0 0 593 501 Audit Detail Extraction 420 470 170 25 QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok 10 370 571 70 Report Location :/exports/export_load.png:/exports/export_load.png 10 10 561 361 Report Type 50 40 481 23 Summary Detailed true Select Date Range dd/MM/yyyy true to dd/MM/yyyy true Select Time Periods First Service true hh:mm AP to hh:mm AP true Second Service true hh:mm AP to hh:mm AP Third Service true hh:mm AP to hh:mm AP buttonBox accepted() AuditDetailDialog accept() 455 483 445 575 buttonBox rejected() AuditDetailDialog close() 528 484 526 531 FirstCheckBox stateChanged(int) AuditDetailDialog changeFirstService(int) 26 285 136 483 SecondCheckBox stateChanged(int) AuditDetailDialog changeSecondService(int) 41 323 103 494 ThirdCheckBox stateChanged(int) AuditDetailDialog changeThirdService(int) 38 351 155 463 SaveFilePushButton pressed() AuditDetailDialog defineOutputLocation() 538 419 385 480 accept() changeFirstService(int) changeSecondService(int) changeThirdService(int) defineOutputLocation()