commit_message = soup.find('div', id='commit-message').find('div', id='edit-commit_message') \
.find('div', 'yui3-editable_text-text').p
merge_info['commit_message'] = commit_message.string
# Find all tr-tags with this class. Makes it possible to get bug numbers.
Merge ... into...
div_branches = soup.find('div', class_='context-publication')
branches = div_branches.h1.contents[0]
merge_info['target_branch'] = '+branch/' + branches[(branches.find(' into lp:') + 9):]
# Find the authors email address. It is hidden in a javascript line like this:
# conf = {"status_value": "Needs review", "source_revid": "tomasgroth@yahoo.dk-20160921204550-gxduegmcmty9rljf",
# "user_can_edit_status": false, ...
script_tag = soup.find('script', attrs={"id": "codereview-script"})
content = script_tag.contents[0]
start_pos = content.find('source_revid') + 16
pattern = re.compile(r'.*\w-\d\d\d\d\d+')
match = pattern.match(content[start_pos:])
merge_info['author_email'] = match.group()[:-15]
# Launchpad doesn't supply the author's true name, so we'll just grab whatever they use for display on LP
a_person = soup.find('div', id='registration').find('a', 'person')
merge_info['author_name'] = a_person.contents[0]
return merge_info
def do_merge(merge_info, yes_to_all=False):
Do the merge
# Check that we are in the right branch
bzr_info_output = subprocess.check_output(['bzr', 'info'])
if merge_info['target_branch'] not in bzr_info_output.decode():
print('ERROR: It seems you are not in the right folder...')
return False
# Merge the branch
if yes_to_all:
can_merge = True
user_choice = input('Merge ' + merge_info['branch_url'] + ' into local branch? (y/N/q): ').lower()
if user_choice == 'q':
return False
can_merge = user_choice == 'y'
if can_merge:
subprocess.call(['bzr', 'merge', merge_info['branch_url']])
return True
def qcommit(commit_message, author_name, author_email, bugs=[]):
Use qcommit to make the commit
# Setup QT workaround to make qbzr look right on my box
my_env = os.environ.copy()
my_env['QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM'] = 'native'
# Print stuff that kan be copy/pasted into qbzr GUI
if bugs:
print('These bugs can be copy/pasted in: ' + ' '.join(['lp:{}'.format(bug) for bug in bugs]))
print('The authors email is: {} <{}>'.format(author_name, author_email))
# Run qcommit
subprocess.call(['bzr', 'qcommit', '-m', commit_message], env=my_env)
def do_commit(merge_info, yes_to_all=False, use_qcommit=False):
Actually do the commit
if use_qcommit:
qcommit(merge_info['commit_message'], merge_info['author_name'], merge_info['author_email'],
return True
# Create commit command
commit_command = ['bzr', 'commit']
if 'bugs' in merge_info:
commit_command.extend(['--fixes=lp:{}'.format(bug) for bug in merge_info['bugs']])
commit_command.extend(['-m', merge_info['commit_message'],
'--author', '{author_name} <{author_email}>'.format(**merge_info)])
if yes_to_all:
can_commit = True
print('About to run the bzr command below:\n')
print(' '.join(commit_command))
user_choice = input('Run the command (y), use qcommit (q) or cancel (C): ').lower()
if user_choice == 'q':
qcommit(merge_info['commit_message'], merge_info['author_name'], merge_info['author_email'],
return True
can_commit = user_choice == 'y'
if can_commit:
return True
return False
def main():
Run the script
args = parse_args()
if not is_merge_url_valid(args.url):
merge_info = get_merge_info(args.url)
if not merge_info:
if not do_merge(merge_info, args.yes_to_all):
if not do_commit(merge_info, args.yes_to_all, args.use_qcommit):
if __name__ == '__main__':