EditSongDialog 0 0 734 602 Song Editor :/icon/openlp.org-icon-32.bmp:/icon/openlp.org-icon-32.bmp 8 8 711 461 0 0 321 461 Title: 0 0 Alternative Title: Lyrics: QTextEdit::NoWrap false 329 0 381 431 0 0 381 66 Authors 2 2 0 0 false QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength 8 110 16777215 Add to Song Add Authors 0 65 381 61 SongBook 2 2 Add Song Book 0 130 381 66 Topic 2 2 Add to Song Add Topic 0 200 191 231 Selected Authors 2 2 true Remove 190 200 181 231 Selected Topics 2 2 true Remove Selectedroup TextWidget 10 520 641 45 70 16777215 Theme 110 16777215 Add a Theme 500 570 156 27 QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Save 20 490 311 25 Verse Order: 340 440 381 110 QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Copyright Info: CCL Number: 29 16777215 © ButtonBox rejected() EditSongDialog close() 607 456 578 -15 ButtonBox accepted() EditSongDialog close() 549 461 91 -50