# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ Provide the theme XML and handling functions for OpenLP v2 themes. """ import json import logging from lxml import etree, objectify from openlp.core.common import AppLocation, de_hump from openlp.core.common.json import OpenLPJsonDecoder, OpenLPJsonEncoder from openlp.core.common.path import Path, str_to_path from openlp.core.lib import str_to_bool, ScreenList, get_text_file_string log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BackgroundType(object): """ Type enumeration for backgrounds. """ Solid = 0 Gradient = 1 Image = 2 Transparent = 3 Video = 4 @staticmethod def to_string(background_type): """ Return a string representation of a background type. """ if background_type == BackgroundType.Solid: return 'solid' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Gradient: return 'gradient' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Image: return 'image' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Transparent: return 'transparent' elif background_type == BackgroundType.Video: return 'video' @staticmethod def from_string(type_string): """ Return a background type for the given string. """ if type_string == 'solid': return BackgroundType.Solid elif type_string == 'gradient': return BackgroundType.Gradient elif type_string == 'image': return BackgroundType.Image elif type_string == 'transparent': return BackgroundType.Transparent elif type_string == 'video': return BackgroundType.Video class BackgroundGradientType(object): """ Type enumeration for background gradients. """ Horizontal = 0 Vertical = 1 Circular = 2 LeftTop = 3 LeftBottom = 4 @staticmethod def to_string(gradient_type): """ Return a string representation of a background gradient type. """ if gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal: return 'horizontal' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Vertical: return 'vertical' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.Circular: return 'circular' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop: return 'leftTop' elif gradient_type == BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom: return 'leftBottom' @staticmethod def from_string(type_string): """ Return a background gradient type for the given string. """ if type_string == 'horizontal': return BackgroundGradientType.Horizontal elif type_string == 'vertical': return BackgroundGradientType.Vertical elif type_string == 'circular': return BackgroundGradientType.Circular elif type_string == 'leftTop': return BackgroundGradientType.LeftTop elif type_string == 'leftBottom': return BackgroundGradientType.LeftBottom class HorizontalType(object): """ Type enumeration for horizontal alignment. """ Left = 0 Right = 1 Center = 2 Justify = 3 Names = ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'] class VerticalType(object): """ Type enumeration for vertical alignment. """ Top = 0 Middle = 1 Bottom = 2 Names = ['top', 'middle', 'bottom'] BOOLEAN_LIST = ['bold', 'italics', 'override', 'outline', 'shadow', 'slide_transition'] INTEGER_LIST = ['size', 'line_adjustment', 'x', 'height', 'y', 'width', 'shadow_size', 'outline_size', 'horizontal_align', 'vertical_align', 'wrap_style'] class Theme(object): """ A class to encapsulate the Theme XML. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise the theme object. """ # basic theme object with defaults json_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir) / 'core' / 'lib' / 'json' / 'theme.json' jsn = get_text_file_string(json_path) self.load_theme(jsn) self.background_filename = None def expand_json(self, var, prev=None): """ Expand the json objects and make into variables. :param var: The array list to be processed. :param prev: The preceding string to add to the key to make the variable. """ for key, value in var.items(): if prev: key = prev + "_" + key if isinstance(value, dict): self.expand_json(value, key) else: setattr(self, key, value) def extend_image_filename(self, path): """ Add the path name to the image name so the background can be rendered. :param openlp.core.common.path.Path path: The path name to be added. :rtype: None """ if self.background_type == 'image' or self.background_type == 'video': if self.background_filename and path: self.theme_name = self.theme_name.strip() self.background_filename = path / self.theme_name / self.background_filename def set_default_header_footer(self): """ Set the header and footer size into the current primary screen. 10 px on each side is removed to allow for a border. """ current_screen = ScreenList().current self.font_main_y = 0 self.font_main_width = current_screen['size'].width() - 20 self.font_main_height = current_screen['size'].height() * 9 / 10 self.font_footer_width = current_screen['size'].width() - 20 self.font_footer_y = current_screen['size'].height() * 9 / 10 self.font_footer_height = current_screen['size'].height() / 10 def load_theme(self, theme, theme_path=None): """ Convert the JSON file and expand it. :param theme: the theme string :param openlp.core.common.path.Path theme_path: The path to the theme :rtype: None """ if theme_path: jsn = json.loads(theme, cls=OpenLPJsonDecoder, base_path=theme_path) else: jsn = json.loads(theme, cls=OpenLPJsonDecoder) self.expand_json(jsn) def export_theme(self, theme_path=None): """ Loop through the fields and build a dictionary of them """ theme_data = {} for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): theme_data["{attr}".format(attr=attr)] = value if theme_path: return json.dumps(theme_data, cls=OpenLPJsonEncoder, base_path=theme_path) return json.dumps(theme_data, cls=OpenLPJsonEncoder) def parse(self, xml): """ Read in an XML string and parse it. :param xml: The XML string to parse. """ self.parse_xml(str(xml)) def parse_xml(self, xml): """ Parse an XML string. :param xml: The XML string to parse. """ # remove encoding string line = xml.find('?>') if line: xml = xml[line + 2:] try: theme_xml = objectify.fromstring(xml) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: log.exception('Invalid xml {text}'.format(text=xml)) return xml_iter = theme_xml.getiterator() for element in xml_iter: master = '' if element.tag == 'background': if element.attrib: for attr in element.attrib: self._create_attr(element.tag, attr, element.attrib[attr]) parent = element.getparent() if parent is not None: if parent.tag == 'font': master = parent.tag + '_' + parent.attrib['type'] # set up Outline and Shadow Tags and move to font_main if parent.tag == 'display': if element.tag.startswith('shadow') or element.tag.startswith('outline'): self._create_attr('font_main', element.tag, element.text) master = parent.tag if parent.tag == 'background': master = parent.tag if master: self._create_attr(master, element.tag, element.text) if element.attrib: for attr in element.attrib: base_element = attr # correction for the shadow and outline tags if element.tag == 'shadow' or element.tag == 'outline': if not attr.startswith(element.tag): base_element = element.tag + '_' + attr self._create_attr(master, base_element, element.attrib[attr]) else: if element.tag == 'name': self._create_attr('theme', element.tag, element.text) @staticmethod def _translate_tags(master, element, value): """ Clean up XML removing and redefining tags """ master = master.strip().lstrip() element = element.strip().lstrip() value = str(value).strip().lstrip() if master == 'display': if element == 'wrapStyle': return True, None, None, None if element.startswith('shadow') or element.startswith('outline'): master = 'font_main' # fix bold font ret_value = None if element == 'weight': element = 'bold' if value == 'Normal': ret_value = False else: ret_value = True if element == 'proportion': element = 'size' return False, master, element, ret_value if ret_value is not None else value def _create_attr(self, master, element, value): """ Create the attributes with the correct data types and name format """ reject, master, element, value = self._translate_tags(master, element, value) if reject: return field = de_hump(element) tag = master + '_' + field if field in BOOLEAN_LIST: setattr(self, tag, str_to_bool(value)) elif field in INTEGER_LIST: setattr(self, tag, int(value)) else: # make string value unicode if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(str(value), 'utf-8') # None means an empty string so lets have one. if value == 'None': value = '' setattr(self, tag, str(value).strip().lstrip()) def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of this object. """ theme_strings = [] for key in dir(self): if key[0:1] != '_': theme_strings.append('{key:>30}: {value}'.format(key=key, value=getattr(self, key))) return '\n'.join(theme_strings)