# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2022 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Package to test the openlp.core.display.window package. """ import sys import time import pytest from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from PyQt5 import QtCore # Mock QtWebEngineWidgets sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets'] = MagicMock() from openlp.core.display.window import DisplayWindow, DisplayWatcher from openlp.core.common import is_win from openlp.core.common.enum import ServiceItemType from openlp.core.lib.theme import Theme from openlp.core.ui import HideMode @pytest.fixture def mock_geometry(): mocked_screen = MagicMock() mocked_screen.display_geometry = QtCore.QRect(10, 20, 400, 600) mocked_screenlist = MagicMock() mocked_screenlist.current = mocked_screen screenlist_patcher = patch('openlp.core.lib.theme.ScreenList', return_value=mocked_screenlist) screenlist_patcher.start() yield screenlist_patcher.stop() @pytest.fixture def display_window_env(): box_layout_patcher = patch('openlp.core.display.window.QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout') web_view_patcher = patch('openlp.core.display.webengine.WebEngineView') box_layout_patcher.start() web_view_patcher.start() yield box_layout_patcher.stop() web_view_patcher.stop() def test_x11_override_on(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the x11 override option bit is set """ # GIVEN: x11 bypass is on mock_settings.value.return_value = True # WHEN: A DisplayWindow is generated display_window = DisplayWindow() # THEN: The x11 override flag should be set x11_bit = display_window.windowFlags() & QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint assert x11_bit == QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint def test_x11_override_off(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the x11 override option bit is not set when setting if off """ # GIVEN: x11 bypass is off mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: A DisplayWindow is generated display_window = DisplayWindow() # THEN: The x11 override flag should not be set x11_bit = display_window.windowFlags() & QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint assert x11_bit != QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint @patch('openlp.core.display.window.is_macosx') def test_macos_toolwindow_attribute_set(mocked_is_macosx, mock_settings, display_window_env): """ Test that on macOS, the Qt.WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow attribute is set """ # GIVEN: We're on macOS mocked_is_macosx.return_value = True # WHEN: A DisplayWindow is created display_window = DisplayWindow() # THEN: The attribute is set assert display_window.testAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow) is True @patch('openlp.core.display.window.is_macosx') def test_not_macos_toolwindow_attribute_set(mocked_is_macosx, mock_settings, display_window_env): """ Test that on systems other than macOS, the Qt.WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow attribute is NOT set """ # GIVEN: We're on macOS mocked_is_macosx.return_value = False # WHEN: A DisplayWindow is created display_window = DisplayWindow() # THEN: The attribute is set assert display_window.testAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow) is False def test_set_scale_not_initialised(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the scale js is not run if the page is not initialised """ # GIVEN: A display window not yet initialised display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = False display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() # WHEN: set scale is run display_window.set_scale(0.5) # THEN: javascript should not be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_not_called() def test_set_scale_initialised(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the scale js is run if the page is initialised """ # GIVEN: A initialised display window display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() # WHEN: set scale is run display_window.set_scale(0.5) # THEN: javascript should not be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.setScale(50.0);') def test_set_startup_screen(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the startup screen get set correctly """ # GIVEN: A display window and mocked settings with logo path display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() if is_win(): image_path = 'c:/my/image.png' expect_image_path = '/' + image_path else: image_path = '/my/image.png' expect_image_path = image_path display_window.openlp_splash_screen_path = Path('/default/splash_screen.png') settings = { 'core/logo background color': 'red', 'core/logo file': Path(image_path), 'core/logo hide on startup': False } mock_settings.value.side_effect = lambda key: settings[key] # WHEN: set_startup_screen is run display_window.set_startup_screen() # THEN: javascript should be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with( 'Display.setStartupSplashScreen("red", "file://{path}");'.format(path=expect_image_path)) def test_set_startup_screen_default_image(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the startup screen get set correctly """ # GIVEN: A display window and mocked settings with logo path display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() if is_win(): splash_screen_path = 'c:/default/splash_screen.png' expect_splash_screen_path = '/' + splash_screen_path else: splash_screen_path = '/default/splash_screen.png' expect_splash_screen_path = splash_screen_path display_window.openlp_splash_screen_path = Path(splash_screen_path) settings = { 'core/logo background color': 'blue', 'core/logo file': Path(':/graphics/openlp-splash-screen.png'), 'core/logo hide on startup': False } mock_settings.value.side_effect = lambda key: settings[key] # WHEN: set_startup_screen is run display_window.set_startup_screen() # THEN: javascript should be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_with( 'Display.setStartupSplashScreen("blue", "file://{path}");'.format(path=expect_splash_screen_path)) def test_set_startup_screen_missing(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the startup screen get set correctly """ # GIVEN: A display window and mocked settings with logo path missing display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.openlp_splash_screen_path = Path('/default/splash_screen.png') settings = { 'core/logo background color': 'green', 'core/logo file': None, 'core/logo hide on startup': False } mock_settings.value.side_effect = lambda key: settings[key] # WHEN: set_startup_screen is run display_window.set_startup_screen() # THEN: javascript should be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_with( 'Display.setStartupSplashScreen("green", "");') def test_set_startup_screen_hide(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the startup screen get set correctly """ # GIVEN: A display window and mocked settings with hide logo true display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.openlp_splash_screen_path = Path('/default/splash_screen.png') settings = { 'core/logo background color': 'orange', 'core/logo file': Path('/my/image.png'), 'core/logo hide on startup': True } mock_settings.value.side_effect = lambda key: settings[key] # WHEN: set_startup_screen is run display_window.set_startup_screen() # THEN: javascript should be run display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with( 'Display.setStartupSplashScreen("orange", "");') def test_after_loaded(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test the correct steps are taken when the webview is loaded """ # GIVEN: An initialised display window and settings for item transitions and hide mouse returns true display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True mock_settings.value.return_value = True display_window.scale = 2 display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.set_scale = MagicMock() display_window.set_startup_screen = MagicMock() # WHEN: after_loaded is run display_window.after_loaded() # THEN: The following functions should have been called display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.init({' 'isDisplay: true,' 'doItemTransitions: true,' 'slideNumbersInFooter: true,' 'hideMouse: true' '});') display_window.set_scale.assert_called_once_with(2) display_window.set_startup_screen.assert_called_once() def test_after_loaded_hide_mouse_not_display(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test the mouse is showing even if the `hide mouse` setting is set while is_display=false """ # GIVEN: An initialised display window and settings for item transitions and hide mouse returns true display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = False mock_settings.value.return_value = True display_window.scale = 2 display_window._is_initialised = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.set_scale = MagicMock() display_window.set_startup_screen = MagicMock() # WHEN: after_loaded is run display_window.after_loaded() # THEN: Display.init should be called where is_display=false, do_item_transitions=true, show_mouse=false display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.init({' 'isDisplay: false,' 'doItemTransitions: true,' 'slideNumbersInFooter: true,' 'hideMouse: false' '});') @patch.object(time, 'time') def test_run_javascript_no_sync_no_wait(mock_time, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ test a script is run on the webview """ # GIVEN: A (fake) webengine page display_window = DisplayWindow() webengine_page = MagicMock() display_window.webview.page = MagicMock(return_value=webengine_page) # WHEN: javascript is requested to run display_window.run_javascript('javascript to execute') # THEN: javascript should be run with no delay webengine_page.runJavaScript.assert_called_once_with('javascript to execute') mock_time.sleep.assert_not_called() @patch.object(time, 'time') def test_run_javascript_sync_no_wait(mock_time, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ test a synced script is run on the webview and immediately returns a result """ # GIVEN: A (fake) webengine page with a js callback fn def save_callback(script, callback): callback(1234) display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.webview = MagicMock() webengine_page = MagicMock() webengine_page.runJavaScript.side_effect = save_callback display_window.webview.page.return_value = webengine_page # WHEN: javascript is requested to run result = display_window.run_javascript('javascript to execute', True) # THEN: javascript should be run with no delay and return with the correct result assert result == 1234 webengine_page.runJavaScript.assert_called_once() mock_time.sleep.assert_not_called() @patch('openlp.core.display.window.is_win') def test_fix_font_bold_windows(mocked_is_win, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that on Windows, fonts that end with "Bold" are handled """ # GIVEN: A display window and a font name mocked_is_win.return_value = True display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() font_name = 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' # WHEN: The font is processed result = display_window._fix_font_name(font_name) # Then the font name should be fixed assert result == 'Arial Rounded MT' @patch('openlp.core.display.window.is_win') def test_fix_font_bold_not_windows(mocked_is_win, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that on NOT Windows, fonts that end with "Bold" are ignored """ # GIVEN: A display window and a font name mocked_is_win.return_value = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() font_name = 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' # WHEN: The font is processed result = display_window._fix_font_name(font_name) # Then the font name should be fixed assert result == 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' @patch('openlp.core.display.window.is_win') def test_fix_font_foundry(mocked_is_win, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that a font with a foundry name in it has the foundry removed """ # GIVEN: A display window and a font name mocked_is_win.return_value = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() font_name = 'CMG Sans [Foundry]' # WHEN: The font is processed result = display_window._fix_font_name(font_name) # Then the font name should be fixed assert result == 'CMG Sans' def test_set_theme_is_display_video(display_window_env, mock_settings, mock_geometry): """ Test the set_theme function """ # GIVEN: A display window and a video theme display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() theme = Theme() theme.background_type = 'video' result_theme = Theme() result_theme.background_type = 'transparent' result_theme = result_theme.export_theme(is_js=True) # WHEN: The set theme function is called display_window.set_theme(theme, is_sync=False, service_item_type=ServiceItemType.Text) # THEN: The final theme should be transparent display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.setTheme({theme});'.format(theme=result_theme), is_sync=False) def test_set_theme_not_display_video(display_window_env, mock_settings, mock_geometry): """ Test the set_theme function """ # GIVEN: A display window and a video theme display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = False display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() theme = Theme() theme.background_type = 'video' theme.background_border_color = 'border_colour' result_theme = Theme() result_theme.background_type = 'solid' result_theme.background_border_color = 'border_colour' result_theme.background_start_color = 'border_colour' result_theme.background_end_color = 'border_colour' result_theme.background_main_color = 'border_colour' result_theme.background_footer_color = 'border_colour' result_theme.background_color = 'border_colour' result_theme = result_theme.export_theme(is_js=True) # WHEN: The set theme function is called display_window.set_theme(theme, is_sync=False, service_item_type=False) # THEN: The final theme should use 'border_colour' for it's colour values display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.setTheme({theme});'.format(theme=result_theme), is_sync=False) def test_set_theme_not_display_live(display_window_env, mock_settings, mock_geometry): """ Test the set_theme function """ # GIVEN: A display window and a video theme display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = False display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() theme = Theme() theme.background_type = 'live' result_theme = Theme() result_theme.background_type = 'solid' result_theme.background_start_color = '#590909' result_theme.background_end_color = '#590909' result_theme.background_main_color = '#090909' result_theme.background_footer_color = '#090909' result_theme = result_theme.export_theme(is_js=True) # WHEN: The set theme function is called display_window.set_theme(theme, is_sync=False, service_item_type=False) # THEN: The final theme should use the preset colour values display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.setTheme({theme});'.format(theme=result_theme), is_sync=False) @patch('openlp.core.display.window.Registry.execute') @patch('openlp.core.display.window.ScreenList') def test_show_display(mocked_screenlist, mocked_registry_execute, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test show_display function """ # GIVEN: Display window as the active display display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.is_display = True display_window.isHidden = MagicMock(return_value=True) display_window.setVisible = MagicMock() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() mocked_screenlist.screens = [1, 2] # WHEN: Show display is run display_window.show_display() # THEN: Should show the display and set the hide mode to none display_window.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(True) display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.show();') @patch('openlp.core.display.window.ScreenList') def test_show_display_no_display(mocked_screenlist, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test show_display function when no displays are available """ # GIVEN: A Display window, one screen and core/display on monitor disabled display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.is_display = True mocked_screenlist.return_value = [1] mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Show display is run display_window.show_display() # THEN: Shouldn't run the js show fn assert display_window.run_javascript.call_count == 0 def test_hide_display_to_screen(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test hide to screen in the hide_display function """ # GIVEN: Display window and setting advanced/disable transparent display = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.setVisible = MagicMock() mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Hide display is run with no mode (should default to Screen) display_window.hide_display() # THEN: Should hide the display with the js transparency function (not setVisible) display_window.setVisible.call_count == 0 display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.toTransparent();') def test_hide_display_to_blank(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test hide to screen in the hide_display function """ # GIVEN: Display window and setting advanced/disable transparent display = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Hide display is run with HideMode.Blank display_window.hide_display(HideMode.Blank) # THEN: Should run the correct javascript on the display and set the hide mode display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.toBlack();') def test_hide_display_to_theme(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test hide to screen in the hide_display function """ # GIVEN: Display window and setting advanced/disable transparent display = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Hide display is run with HideMode.Theme display_window.hide_display(HideMode.Theme) # THEN: Should run the correct javascript on the display and set the hide mode display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.toTheme();') def test_hide_display_to_transparent(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test hide to screen in the hide_display function """ # GIVEN: Display window and setting advanced/disable transparent display = False display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.run_javascript = MagicMock() display_window.setVisible = MagicMock() mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Hide display is run with HideMode.Screen display_window.hide_display(HideMode.Screen) # THEN: Should run the correct javascript on the display and not set the visiblity display_window.run_javascript.assert_called_once_with('Display.toTransparent();') assert display_window.setVisible.call_count == 0 def test_hide_transparent_to_screen(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that when going transparent, and the disable transparent setting is enabled, the screen mode should be used. """ # GIVEN: Display window and setting advanced/disable transparent display = True display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.setVisible = MagicMock() mock_settings.value.return_value = True # WHEN: Hide display is run with HideMode.Screen display_window.hide_display(HideMode.Screen) # THEN: Should run setVisible(False) display_window.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False) @patch('openlp.core.display.window.ScreenList') def test_hide_display_no_display(mocked_screenlist, display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test show_display function when no displays are available """ # GIVEN: A Display window, one screen and core/display on monitor disabled display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.hide_mode = None display_window.is_display = True mocked_screenlist.return_value = [1] mock_settings.value.return_value = False # WHEN: Hide display is run display_window.hide_display(HideMode.Screen) # THEN: Hide mode should still be none assert display_window.hide_mode is None def test_display_watcher_set_initialised(): """ Test that the initialised signal is emitted """ # GIVEN: A DisplayWatcher instance display_watcher = DisplayWatcher(None) # WHEN: setInitialised is called with patch.object(display_watcher, 'initialised') as mocked_initialised: display_watcher.setInitialised(True) # THEN: initialised should have been emitted mocked_initialised.emit.assert_called_once_with(True) def test_display_watcher_please_repaint(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that the repaint is initiated """ # GIVEN: A DisplayWindow instance with mocked out webview display_window = DisplayWindow() display_window.webview = MagicMock() # WHEN: pleaseRepaint is called on the DisplayWatcher display_window.display_watcher.pleaseRepaint() # THEN: Qt update for the webview should have been triggered assert display_window.webview.update.call_count == 1 def test_close_event_ignores_event(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that when the window receives a close event, it ignores it """ # GIVEN: A DisplayWindow instance and a mocked event display_window = DisplayWindow() mocked_event = MagicMock() # WHEN: The closeEvent() method is called display_window.closeEvent(mocked_event) # THEN: The event should have been ignored mocked_event.ignore.assert_called_once() def test_close_event_accepts_event_manual_close(display_window_env, mock_settings): """ Test that when the window receives a close event due to manually being closed, it accepts it """ # GIVEN: A DisplayWindow instance and a mocked event display_window = DisplayWindow() mocked_event = MagicMock() # WHEN: The closeEvent() method is called display_window._is_manual_close = True display_window.closeEvent(mocked_event) # THEN: The event should have been ignored assert mocked_event.ignore.called is False