# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Raoul Snyman # # Portions copyright (c) 2008-2014 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan # # Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, # # Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. # # Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, # # Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, # # Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, # # Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky, Patrick Zimmermann # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ The :mod:`~openlp.core.ui.media.webkit` module contains our WebKit video player """ from PyQt4 import QtGui import logging from openlp.core.common import Settings from openlp.core.lib import translate from openlp.core.ui.media import MediaState from openlp.core.ui.media.mediaplayer import MediaPlayer log = logging.getLogger(__name__) VIDEO_CSS = """ #videobackboard { z-index:3; background-color: %(bgcolor)s; } #video { background-color: %(bgcolor)s; z-index:4; } """ VIDEO_JS = """ function show_video(state, path, volume, loop, variable_value){ // Sometimes video.currentTime stops slightly short of video.duration and video.ended is intermittent! var video = document.getElementById('video'); if(volume != null){ video.volume = volume; } switch(state){ case 'load': video.src = 'file:///' + path; if(loop == true) { video.loop = true; } video.load(); break; case 'play': video.play(); break; case 'pause': video.pause(); break; case 'stop': show_video('pause'); video.currentTime = 0; break; case 'close': show_video('stop'); video.src = ''; break; case 'length': return video.duration; case 'current_time': return video.currentTime; case 'seek': video.currentTime = variable_value; break; case 'isEnded': return video.ended; case 'setVisible': video.style.visibility = variable_value; break; case 'setBackBoard': var back = document.getElementById('videobackboard'); back.style.visibility = variable_value; break; } } """ VIDEO_HTML = """ """ FLASH_CSS = """ #flash { z-index:5; } """ FLASH_JS = """ function getFlashMovieObject(movieName) { if (window.document[movieName]){ return window.document[movieName]; } if (document.embeds && document.embeds[movieName]){ return document.embeds[movieName]; } } function show_flash(state, path, volume, variable_value){ var text = document.getElementById('flash'); var flashMovie = getFlashMovieObject("OpenLPFlashMovie"); var src = "src = 'file:///" + path + "'"; var view_parm = " wmode='opaque'" + " width='100%%'" + " height='100%%'"; var swf_parm = " name='OpenLPFlashMovie'" + " autostart='true' loop='false' play='true'" + " hidden='false' swliveconnect='true' allowscriptaccess='always'" + " volume='" + volume + "'"; switch(state){ case 'load': text.innerHTML = ""; flashMovie = getFlashMovieObject("OpenLPFlashMovie"); flashMovie.Play(); break; case 'play': flashMovie.Play(); break; case 'pause': flashMovie.StopPlay(); break; case 'stop': flashMovie.StopPlay(); tempHtml = text.innerHTML; text.innerHTML = ''; text.innerHTML = tempHtml; break; case 'close': flashMovie.StopPlay(); text.innerHTML = ''; break; case 'length': return flashMovie.TotalFrames(); case 'current_time': return flashMovie.CurrentFrame(); case 'seek': // flashMovie.GotoFrame(variable_value); break; case 'isEnded': //TODO check flash end return false; case 'setVisible': text.style.visibility = variable_value; break; } } """ FLASH_HTML = """ """ VIDEO_EXT = [ '*.3gp', '*.3gpp', '*.3g2', '*.3gpp2', '*.aac', '*.flv', '*.f4a', '*.f4b', '*.f4p', '*.f4v', '*.mov', '*.m4a', '*.m4b', '*.m4p', '*.m4v', '*.mkv', '*.mp4', '*.ogv', '*.webm', '*.mpg', '*.wmv', '*.mpeg', '*.avi', '*.swf' ] AUDIO_EXT = [ '*.mp3', '*.ogg' ] class WebkitPlayer(MediaPlayer): """ A specialised version of the MediaPlayer class, which provides a QtWebKit display. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Constructor """ super(WebkitPlayer, self).__init__(parent, 'webkit') self.original_name = 'WebKit' self.display_name = '&WebKit' self.parent = parent self.can_background = True self.audio_extensions_list = AUDIO_EXT self.video_extensions_list = VIDEO_EXT def get_media_display_css(self): """ Add css style sheets to htmlbuilder """ background = QtGui.QColor(Settings().value('players/background color')).name() css = VIDEO_CSS % {'bgcolor': background} return css + FLASH_CSS def get_media_display_javascript(self): """ Add javascript functions to htmlbuilder """ return VIDEO_JS + FLASH_JS def get_media_display_html(self): """ Add html code to htmlbuilder """ return VIDEO_HTML + FLASH_HTML def setup(self, display): """ Set up the player """ display.web_view.resize(display.size()) display.web_view.raise_() self.has_own_widget = False def check_available(self): """ Check the availability of the media player """ return True def load(self, display): """ Load a video """ log.debug('load vid in Webkit Controller') controller = display.controller if display.has_audio and not controller.media_info.is_background: volume = controller.media_info.volume vol = float(volume) / float(100) else: vol = 0 path = controller.media_info.file_info.absoluteFilePath() if controller.media_info.is_background: loop = 'true' else: loop = 'false' display.web_view.setVisible(True) if controller.media_info.file_info.suffix() == 'swf': controller.media_info.is_flash = True js = 'show_flash("load","%s");' % (path.replace('\\', '\\\\')) else: js = 'show_video("load", "%s", %s, %s);' % (path.replace('\\', '\\\\'), str(vol), loop) display.frame.evaluateJavaScript(js) return True def resize(self, display): """ Resize the player """ display.web_view.resize(display.size()) def play(self, display): """ Play a video """ controller = display.controller display.web_loaded = True length = 0 start_time = 0 if self.state != MediaState.Paused and controller.media_info.start_time > 0: start_time = controller.media_info.start_time self.set_visible(display, True) if controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("play");') else: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("play");') if start_time > 0: self.seek(display, controller.media_info.start_time * 1000) # TODO add playing check and get the correct media length controller.media_info.length = length self.state = MediaState.Playing display.web_view.raise_() return True def pause(self, display): """ Pause a video """ controller = display.controller if controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("pause");') else: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("pause");') self.state = MediaState.Paused def stop(self, display): """ Stop a video """ controller = display.controller if controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("stop");') else: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("stop");') self.state = MediaState.Stopped def volume(self, display, volume): """ Set the volume """ controller = display.controller # 1.0 is the highest value if display.has_audio: vol = float(volume) / float(100) if not controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video(null, null, %s);' % str(vol)) def seek(self, display, seek_value): """ Go to a position in the video """ controller = display.controller if controller.media_info.is_flash: seek = seek_value display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("seek", null, null, "%s");' % (seek)) else: seek = float(seek_value) / 1000 display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("seek", null, null, null, "%f");' % (seek)) def reset(self, display): """ Reset the player """ controller = display.controller if controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("close");') else: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("close");') self.state = MediaState.Off def set_visible(self, display, status): """ Set the visibility """ controller = display.controller if status: is_visible = "visible" else: is_visible = "hidden" if controller.media_info.is_flash: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("setVisible", null, null, "%s");' % is_visible) else: display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("setVisible", null, null, null, "%s");' % is_visible) def update_ui(self, display): """ Update the UI """ controller = display.controller if controller.media_info.is_flash: current_time = display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("current_time");') length = display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_flash("length");') else: if display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("isEnded");'): self.stop(display) current_time = display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("current_time");') # check if conversion was ok and value is not 'NaN' if current_time and current_time != float('inf'): current_time = int(current_time * 1000) length = display.frame.evaluateJavaScript('show_video("length");') # check if conversion was ok and value is not 'NaN' if length and length != float('inf'): length = int(length * 1000) if current_time: controller.media_info.length = length controller.seek_slider.setMaximum(length) if not controller.seek_slider.isSliderDown(): controller.seek_slider.blockSignals(True) controller.seek_slider.setSliderPosition(current_time) controller.seek_slider.blockSignals(False) def get_info(self): """ Return some information about this player """ return(translate('Media.player', 'Webkit is a media player which runs ' 'inside a web browser. This player allows text over video to be ' 'rendered.') + '
' + translate('Media.player', 'Audio') + '
' + str(AUDIO_EXT) + '
' + translate('Media.player', 'Video') + '
' + str(VIDEO_EXT) + '