# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ The :mod:`common` module contains most of the components and libraries that make OpenLP work. """ import hashlib import importlib import logging import os import re import sys import traceback from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, AddressValueError from shutil import which from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT from PyQt5 import QtGui from PyQt5.QtCore import QCryptographicHash as QHash from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QAbstractSocket, QHostAddress, QNetworkInterface from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector try: from distro import id as distro_id except ImportError: # The distro module is only valid for Linux, so if it doesn't exist, create a function that always returns False def distro_id(): return False log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.__init__') FIRST_CAMEL_REGEX = re.compile('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)') SECOND_CAMEL_REGEX = re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])') CONTROL_CHARS = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]') INVALID_FILE_CHARS = re.compile(r'[\\/:*?"<>|+\[\]%]') IMAGES_FILTER = None REPLACMENT_CHARS_MAP = str.maketrans({'\u2018': '\'', '\u2019': '\'', '\u201c': '"', '\u201d': '"', '\u2026': '...', '\u2013': '-', '\u2014': '-', '\v': '\n\n', '\f': '\n\n'}) NEW_LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r' ?(\r\n?|\n) ?') WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[ \t]+') INTERFACE_FILTER = re.compile('lo|loopback|docker|tun', re.IGNORECASE) def get_network_interfaces(): """ Creates a dictionary of local IPv4 interfaces on local machine. If no active interfaces available, returns a dict of localhost IPv4 information :returns: Dict of interfaces """ log.debug('Getting local IPv4 interface(es) information') interfaces = {} for interface in QNetworkInterface.allInterfaces(): interface_name = interface.name() if INTERFACE_FILTER.search(interface_name): log.debug('Filtering out interfaces we don\'t care about: {name}'.format(name=interface_name)) continue log.debug('Checking for isValid and flags == IsUP | IsRunning') if not interface.isValid() or not (interface.flags() & (QNetworkInterface.IsUp | QNetworkInterface.IsRunning)): continue log.debug('Checking address(es) protocol') for address in interface.addressEntries(): ip = address.ip() log.debug('Checking for protocol == IPv4Protocol') if ip.protocol() == QAbstractSocket.IPv4Protocol: log.debug('Getting interface information') interfaces[interface_name] = { 'ip': ip.toString(), 'broadcast': address.broadcast().toString(), 'netmask': address.netmask().toString(), 'prefix': address.prefixLength(), 'localnet': QHostAddress(address.netmask().toIPv4Address() & ip.toIPv4Address()).toString() } log.debug('Adding {interface} to active list'.format(interface=interface.name())) if len(interfaces) == 0: log.warning('No active IPv4 network interfaces detected') return interfaces def trace_error_handler(logger): """ Log the calling path of an exception :param logger: logger to use so traceback is logged to correct class """ log_string = "OpenLP Error trace" for tb in traceback.extract_stack(): log_string += '\n File {file} at line {line} \n\t called {data}'.format(file=tb[0], line=tb[1], data=tb[3]) logger.error(log_string) def extension_loader(glob_pattern, excluded_files=None): """ A utility function to find and load OpenLP extensions, such as plugins, presentation and media controllers and importers. :param str glob_pattern: A glob pattern used to find the extension(s) to be imported. Should be relative to the application directory. i.e. plugins/*/*plugin.py :param list[str] | None excluded_files: A list of file names to exclude that the glob pattern may find. :rtype: None """ from openlp.core.common.applocation import AppLocation app_dir = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir) for extension_path in app_dir.glob(glob_pattern): extension_path = extension_path.relative_to(app_dir) if extension_path.name in (excluded_files or []): continue log.debug('Attempting to import %s', extension_path) module_name = path_to_module(extension_path) try: importlib.import_module(module_name) except (ImportError, OSError): # On some platforms importing vlc.py might cause OSError exceptions. (e.g. Mac OS X) log.exception('Failed to import {module_name} on path {extension_path}' .format(module_name=module_name, extension_path=extension_path)) def path_to_module(path): """ Convert a path to a module name (i.e openlp.core.common) :param pathlib.Path path: The path to convert to a module name. :return: The module name. :rtype: str """ module_path = path.with_suffix('') return 'openlp.' + '.'.join(module_path.parts) def get_frozen_path(frozen_option, non_frozen_option): """ Return a path based on the system status. :param frozen_option: :param non_frozen_option: """ if hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and sys.frozen == 1: return frozen_option return non_frozen_option class ThemeLevel(object): """ Provides an enumeration for the level a theme applies to """ Global = 1 Service = 2 Song = 3 class SlideLimits(object): """ Provides an enumeration for behaviour of OpenLP at the end limits of each service item when pressing the up/down arrow keys """ End = 1 Wrap = 2 Next = 3 class Singleton(type): """ Provide a `Singleton` metaclass https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6760685/creating-a-singleton-in-python """ _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new instance if one does not already exist. """ if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls] def de_hump(name): """ Change any Camel Case string to python string """ sub_name = FIRST_CAMEL_REGEX.sub(r'\1_\2', name) return SECOND_CAMEL_REGEX.sub(r'\1_\2', sub_name).lower() def is_win(): """ Returns true if running on a system with a nt kernel e.g. Windows, Wine :return: True if system is running a nt kernel false otherwise """ return os.name.startswith('nt') def is_macosx(): """ Returns true if running on a system with a darwin kernel e.g. Mac OS X :return: True if system is running a darwin kernel false otherwise """ return sys.platform.startswith('darwin') def is_linux(distro=None): """ Returns true if running on a system with a linux kernel e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, etc :param distro: If not None, check if running that Linux distro :return: True if system is running a linux kernel false otherwise """ result = sys.platform.startswith('linux') if result and distro: result = result and distro == distro_id() return result def is_64bit_instance(): """ Returns true if the python/OpenLP instance running is 64 bit. If running a 32 bit instance on a 64 bit system this will return false. :return: True if the python/OpenLP instance running is 64 bit, otherwise False. """ return (sys.maxsize > 2**32) def verify_ipv4(addr): """ Validate an IPv4 address :param addr: Address to validate :returns: bool """ try: IPv4Address(addr) return True except AddressValueError: return False def verify_ipv6(addr): """ Validate an IPv6 address :param addr: Address to validate :returns: bool """ try: IPv6Address(addr) return True except AddressValueError: return False def verify_ip_address(addr): """ Validate an IP address as either IPv4 or IPv6 :param addr: Address to validate :returns: bool """ return True if verify_ipv4(addr) else verify_ipv6(addr) def md5_hash(salt=None, data=None): """ Returns the hashed output of md5sum on salt,data using Python3 hashlib :param salt: Initial salt :param data: OPTIONAL Data to hash :returns: str """ log.debug('md5_hash(salt="{text}")'.format(text=salt)) if not salt and not data: return None hash_obj = hashlib.new('md5') if salt: hash_obj.update(salt) if data: hash_obj.update(data) hash_value = hash_obj.hexdigest() log.debug('md5_hash() returning "{text}"'.format(text=hash_value)) return hash_value def qmd5_hash(salt=None, data=None): """ Returns the hashed output of MD5Sum on salt, data using PyQt5.QCryptographicHash. Function returns a QByteArray instead of a text string. If you need a string instead, call with result = str(qmd5_hash(salt=..., data=...), encoding='ascii') :param salt: Initial salt :param data: OPTIONAL Data to hash :returns: QByteArray """ log.debug('qmd5_hash(salt="{text}"'.format(text=salt)) if salt is None and data is None: return None hash_obj = QHash(QHash.Md5) if salt: hash_obj.addData(salt) if data: hash_obj.addData(data) hash_value = hash_obj.result().toHex() log.debug('qmd5_hash() returning "{hash}"'.format(hash=hash_value)) return hash_value def clean_button_text(button_text): """ Clean the & and other characters out of button text :param button_text: The text to clean """ return button_text.replace('&', '').replace('< ', '').replace(' >', '') def add_actions(target, actions): """ Adds multiple actions to a menu or toolbar in one command. :param target: The menu or toolbar to add actions to :param actions: The actions to be added. An action consisting of the keyword ``None`` will result in a separator being inserted into the target. """ for action in actions: if action is None: target.addSeparator() else: target.addAction(action) def get_uno_command(connection_type='pipe'): """ Returns the UNO command to launch an libreoffice.org instance. """ for command in ['libreoffice', 'soffice']: if which(command): break else: raise FileNotFoundError('Command not found') OPTIONS = '--nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard' if connection_type == 'pipe': CONNECTION = '"--accept=pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;"' else: CONNECTION = '"--accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"' return '{cmd} {opt} {conn}'.format(cmd=command, opt=OPTIONS, conn=CONNECTION) def get_uno_instance(resolver, connection_type='pipe'): """ Returns a running libreoffice.org instance. :param resolver: The UNO resolver to use to find a running instance. """ log.debug('get UNO Desktop Openoffice - resolve') if connection_type == 'pipe': return resolver.resolve('uno:pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext') else: return resolver.resolve('uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext') def get_filesystem_encoding(): """ Returns the name of the encoding used to convert Unicode filenames into system file names. """ encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if encoding is None: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() return encoding def delete_file(file_path): """ Deletes a file from the system. :param pathlib.Path file_path: The file, including path, to delete. :return: True if the deletion was successful, or the file never existed. False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if not file_path: return False try: if file_path.exists(): file_path.unlink() return True except OSError: log.exception('Unable to delete file {file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)) return False def get_images_filter(): """ Returns a filter string for a file dialog containing all the supported image formats. """ from openlp.core.common.i18n import translate global IMAGES_FILTER if not IMAGES_FILTER: log.debug('Generating images filter.') formats = list(map(bytes.decode, map(bytes, QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats()))) visible_formats = '(*.{text})'.format(text='; *.'.join(formats)) actual_formats = '(*.{text})'.format(text=' *.'.join(formats)) IMAGES_FILTER = '{text} {visible} {actual}'.format(text=translate('OpenLP', 'Image Files'), visible=visible_formats, actual=actual_formats) return IMAGES_FILTER def is_not_image_file(file_path): """ Validate that the file is not an image file. :param pathlib.Path file_path: The file to be checked. :return: If the file is not an image :rtype: bool """ if not (file_path and file_path.exists()): return True else: formats = [bytes(fmt).decode().lower() for fmt in QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats()] if file_path.suffix[1:].lower() in formats: return False return True def clean_filename(filename): """ Removes invalid characters from the given ``filename``. :param str filename: The "dirty" file name to clean. :return: The cleaned string :rtype: str """ return INVALID_FILE_CHARS.sub('_', CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', filename)) def check_binary_exists(program_path): """ Function that checks whether a binary exists. :param pathlib.Path program_path: The full path to the binary to check. :return: program output to be parsed :rtype: bytes """ log.debug('testing program_path: {text}'.format(text=program_path)) try: # Setup startupinfo options for check_output to avoid console popping up on windows if is_win(): from subprocess import STARTUPINFO, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo = STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW else: startupinfo = None run_log = check_output([str(program_path), '--help'], stderr=STDOUT, startupinfo=startupinfo) except CalledProcessError as e: run_log = e.output except Exception: trace_error_handler(log) run_log = '' log.debug('check_output returned: {text}'.format(text=run_log)) return run_log def get_file_encoding(file_path): """ Utility function to incrementally detect the file encoding. :param pathlib.Path file_path: Filename for the file to determine the encoding for. :return: The name of the encoding detected :rtype: str """ detector = UniversalDetector() try: with file_path.open('rb') as detect_file: while not detector.done: chunk = detect_file.read(1024) if not chunk: break detector.feed(chunk) except OSError: log.exception('Error detecting file encoding') finally: return detector.close()['encoding'] def normalize_str(irregular_string): """ Normalize the supplied string. Remove unicode control chars and tidy up white space. :param str irregular_string: The string to normalize. :return: The normalized string :rtype: str """ irregular_string = irregular_string.translate(REPLACMENT_CHARS_MAP) irregular_string = CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', irregular_string) irregular_string = NEW_LINE_REGEX.sub('\n', irregular_string) return WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub(' ', irregular_string)