version: OpenLP-win-ci-b{build} image: - Visual Studio 2017 clone_script: - curl -L -o sourcecode.tar.gz - 7z e sourcecode.tar.gz - 7z x sourcecode.tar - mv BRANCHPATH openlp-branch environment: matrix: - PYTHON: C:\\Python37-x64 CHOCO_VLC: vlc - PYTHON: C:\\Python37 CHOCO_VLC: vlc --forcex86 install: # Install dependencies from pypi - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install sqlalchemy alembic appdirs chardet beautifulsoup4 lxml Mako mysql-connector-python pytest mock pyodbc psycopg2 pypiwin32 websockets asyncio waitress six webob requests QtAwesome PyQt5 PyQtWebEngine pymediainfo PyMuPDF QDarkStyle python-vlc Pyro4 zeroconf" build: off test_script: - cd openlp-branch # Run the tests - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pytest -v tests" # Go back to the user root folder - cd.. after_test: # This is where we create a package using PyInstaller # Install PyInstaller - "%PYTHON%\\python.exe -m pip install pyinstaller" # Disabled portable installers - can't figure out how to make them silent # - curl -L -O # - PortableApps.comInstaller_3.4.4.paf.exe /S # - curl -L -O # - PortableApps.comLauncher_2.2.1.paf.exe /S # - curl -L -O # - NSISPortable_3.0_English.paf.exe /S # Download and unpack portable-bundle - appveyor DownloadFile - 7z x portable-setup.7z # Install VLC - choco install %CHOCO_VLC% # Get the packaging code - appveyor DownloadFile -FileName packaging.tar.gz - 7z e packaging.tar.gz - 7z x packaging.tar - mv ~openlp-core/openlp/packaging packaging # If this is trunk we should also build the manual - ps: >- If (BUILD_DOCS) { &"$env:PYTHON\python.exe" -m pip install sphinx Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile documentation.tar.gz 7z e documentation.tar.gz 7z x documentation.tar mv ~openlp-core/openlp/documentation documentation cd packaging &"$env:PYTHON\python.exe" builders/ --skip-update -c windows/config-appveyor.ini -b ../openlp-branch -d ../documentation --portable --tag-override TAG } else { cd packaging &"$env:PYTHON\python.exe" builders/ --skip-update --skip-translations -c windows/config-appveyor.ini -b ../openlp-branch --portable --tag-override TAG } artifacts: - path: openlp-branch\dist\*.exe name: Portable-installer - path: openlp-branch\dist\*.msi name: Installer