#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import time import os import ConfigParser import logging import optparse import sys import platform import re import subprocess as subp if __name__ == '__main__': # set default actions doBuild = True doCompressView = True doPackageView = True doCreateDmg = True doCompressDmg = True doDeployQt = True # set the script name script_name = "build" parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest = 'config', help = 'config file', metavar = 'CONFIG') parser.add_option('-v', '--package-view', dest = 'package_view', help = 'triggers view adjustment scripts for package', metavar = 'PACKAGEVIEWONLY', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-y', '--compress-view', dest = 'compress_view', help = 'triggers view adjustment scripts for dmg', metavar = 'COMPRESSVIEWONLY', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-p', '--package', dest = 'package', help = 'package application folder to dmg', metavar = 'PACKAGE', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-z', '--compress', dest = 'compress', help = 'compresses the existing dmg', metavar = 'COMPRESS', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-b', '--basedir', dest = 'basedir', help = 'volume basedir like /Volumes/OpenLP', metavar = 'BASEDIR', default='/Volumes/OpenLP') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # if an option is set, false all if (options.package_view is True or options.compress_view is True or options.package is True or options.compress is True): doBuild = False doDeployQt = False doPackageView = options.package_view doCompressView = options.compress_view doCreateDmg = options.package doCompressDmg = options.compress if not options.config: parser.error('option --config|-c is required') logHandler = logging.StreamHandler() logHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) logging.getLogger().addHandler(logHandler) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.readfp(open(options.config, 'r')) if not config.has_section('openlp'): logging.error('[%s] config file "%s" lacks an [openlp] section', script_name, options.config) sys.exit(1) if not sys.platform == "darwin": logging.error('[%s] this script only works on Macintosh OS X systems, not on %s', script_name, sys.platform) sys.exit(1) version = platform.mac_ver()[0] # we only need the differenciation between leopard and snow leopard if version.startswith("10.6"): SNOWLEOPARD = True logging.info('[%s] using snow leopard scripts (version = %s)', script_name, version) adjustview_scriptname = "applescript-adjustview-10-6.master" seticon_scriptname = "applescript-seticon-10-6.master" else: SNOWLEOPARD = False logging.info('[%s] using leopard scripts (version = %s)', script_name, version) adjustview_scriptname = "applescript-adjustview-10-5.master" seticon_scriptname = "applescript-seticon-10-5.master" if not os.path.isfile(adjustview_scriptname) or not os.path.isfile(seticon_scriptname): logging.error('[%s] could not find apple scripts for given mac version %s', script_name, version) sys.exit(1) settings = dict() for k in config.options('openlp'): settings[k] = config.get('openlp', k) # prepare the configuration files os.system('python expander.py --config %(config_file)s --template openlp.spec.master --expandto %(target_directory)s/openlp.spec' \ % { 'config_file' : options.config, 'target_directory' : os.getcwd() }) os.system('python expander.py --config %(config_file)s --template Info.plist.master --expandto %(target_directory)s/Info.plist' \ % { 'config_file' : options.config, 'target_directory' : os.getcwd() }) os.system('python expander.py --config %(config_file)s --template version.master --expandto %(target_directory)s/.version' \ % { 'config_file' : options.config, 'target_directory' : os.getcwd() }) # prepare variables app_name = settings['openlp_appname'].lower() app_dir = os.getcwd() + '/' + settings['openlp_appname'] + '.app' # if the view option is set, skip the building steps if (doBuild is True): logging.info('[%s] now building the app with pyinstaller at "%s"...', script_name, settings['pyinstaller_basedir']) result = os.system('python %s/pyinstaller.py openlp.spec' \ % settings['pyinstaller_basedir']) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] The pyinstaller build reported an error, cannot continue!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the qt_menu files...', script_name) # see http://www.pyinstaller.org/ticket/157 result = os.system('cp -R %(qt_menu_directory)s %(application_directory)s/Contents/Resources' \ % { 'qt_menu_directory' : settings['qt_menu_basedir'], 'application_directory' : app_dir }) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy the qt_menu files, cannot continue!', script_name) sys.exit(1) dist_folder = os.getcwd() + '/dist/' + app_name # logging.info('[%s] copying the additional app files (from %s)...', script_name, dist_folder) # result = os.system('cp -R %(dist_directory)s/* %(application_directory)s/Contents/MacOS' \ # % { 'dist_directory' : dist_folder, # 'application_directory' : app_dir }) # if (result != 0): # logging.error('[%s] could not copy additional files, cannot continue!', script_name) # sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the new plugins...', script_name) result = os.system('cp -R %(openlp_directory)s/openlp/plugins %(application_directory)s/Contents/MacOS' \ % { 'openlp_directory' : settings['openlp_basedir'], 'application_directory' : app_dir }) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy plugins, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the icons to the resource directory...', script_name) result = os.system('cp %(icon_file)s %(application_directory)s/Contents/Resources' \ % { 'icon_file' : settings['openlp_icon_file'], 'application_directory' : app_dir }) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy the icon, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the version file...', script_name) result = os.system('CpMac %s/.version %s/Contents/MacOS' % (os.getcwd(), app_dir)) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy the version file, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the new Info.plist...', script_name) result = os.system('cp %(target_directory)s/Info.plist %(application_directory)s/Contents' \ % { 'target_directory' : os.getcwd(), 'application_directory' : app_dir }) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy the info file, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) if (doDeployQt is True): logging.info('[%s] running mac deploy qt on %s.app...', script_name, settings['openlp_appname']); result = os.system('macdeployqt %s.app' % settings['openlp_appname']); if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not create dmg file!', script_name) sys.exit(1) if (doCreateDmg is True): logging.info('[%s] creating the dmg...', script_name) dmg_file = os.getcwd() + '/' + settings['openlp_dmgname'] + '.dmg' result = os.system('hdiutil create %(dmg_file)s~ -ov -megabytes %(vol_size)s -fs HFS+ -volname %(vol_name)s' \ % { 'dmg_file' : dmg_file, 'vol_size' : '250', 'vol_name' : settings['openlp_appname'] }) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not create dmg file!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] mounting the dmg file...', script_name) output = subp.Popen(["hdiutil", "attach", dmg_file + "~.dmg"], stdout=subp.PIPE).communicate()[0] logging.debug(output) p = re.compile('Apple_HFS\s+(.+?)\s*$') result = p.search(output, re.M) volume_basedir = '' if result: volume_basedir = result.group(1) else: logging.error('could not mount dmg file, cannot continue!') sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the app (from %s) to the dmg (at %s)...', script_name, app_dir, volume_basedir) result = os.system('CpMac -r %s %s' \ % ( app_dir, volume_basedir )) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy application, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) logging.info('[%s] copying the background image...', script_name) # os.mkdir(volume_basedir + '/.background') result = os.system('CpMac %s %s' % (settings['installer_backgroundimage_file'], volume_basedir + '/.installer-background.png')) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not copy the background image, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) else: # setting base dir volume_basedir = options.basedir dmg_file = os.getcwd() + '/' + settings['openlp_dmgname'] + '.dmg' if (doPackageView is True): logging.info('[%s] making adjustments to the view...', script_name) try: f = open(adjustview_scriptname) p = subp.Popen(["osascript"], stdin=subp.PIPE) p.communicate(f.read() % ((os.getcwd() + '/' + settings['openlp_dmg_icon_file']), settings['openlp_appname'], settings['openlp_appname'], settings['openlp_appname'])) f.close() result = p.returncode if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not adjust the view, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) except IOError, e: logging.error('[%s] could not adjust the view (%s), dmg creation failed!', script_name, e) sys.exit(1) except OSError, e: logging.error('[%s] could not adjust the view (%s), dmg creation failed!', script_name, e) sys.exit(1) if (doCreateDmg is True): logging.info('[%s] unmounting the dmg...', script_name) result = os.system('hdiutil detach %s' % volume_basedir) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not unmount the dmg file, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) if (doCompressDmg is True): logging.info('[%s] compress the dmg file...', script_name) result = os.system('hdiutil convert %s~.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o %s' \ % (dmg_file, dmg_file)) if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not compress the dmg file, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) if (doCompressView is True): logging.info('[%s] setting icon of the dmg file...', script_name) try: f = open(seticon_scriptname) p = subp.Popen(["osascript"], stdin=subp.PIPE) p.communicate(f.read() % ((os.getcwd() + '/' + settings['openlp_dmg_icon_file']), dmg_file)) f.close() result = p.returncode if (result != 0): logging.error('[%s] could not set the icon to the dmg file, dmg creation failed!', script_name) sys.exit(1) except IOError, e: logging.error('[%s] could not adjust the view (%s), dmg creation failed!', script_name, e) sys.exit(1) except OSError, e: logging.error('[%s] could not set the icon to the dmg file(%s), dmg creation failed!', script_name, e) sys.exit(1) if (doCompressDmg is True): logging.info('[%s] finished creating dmg file, resulting file is "%s"', script_name, dmg_file)