FirstTimeWizard 0 0 550 386 First Time Wizard true QWizard::ModernStyle QWizard::IndependentPages|QWizard::NoBackButtonOnStartPage 8 0 163 0 163 16777215 0 :/wizards/wizard_importbible.bmp 0 8 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Welcome to the First Time Wizard</span></p></body></html> Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 40 This wizard will help you to configure OpenLP for initial use . Click the next button below to start the process of selection your initial options. true 10 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Activate required Plugins Select the Plugins you wish to use. Songs true Custom Text true Bible true Images true Presentations true Media (Audio and Video) true Remote Control Monitor Song Usage true Download Samples from Select samples to downlaod and install for use. 20 20 416 17 No Internet connection found so unable to download any defaults 30 50 441 191 Download Samples Sample Songs Bible XXX (Repeat per bible) Theme XXX (Repeat per theme) Configure Settings Configure the initial value for settings 20 20 252 58 Default output display false QComboBox::NoInsert QComboBox::AdjustToContents Select the default Theme QComboBox::AdjustToContents Apply Updates Press Finish to apply requested updates. 8 20 FirstTimeWizard accepted() FirstTimeWizard accept() 455 368 483 401