2.x Song Database Structure

The song database in 2.x is similar to the 1.x format. The
biggest differences are the addition of extra tables, and the use of
SQLite version 3.

The song database contains the following tables:
- authors
- authors_songs
- song_books
- songs
- songs_topics
- topics

"authors" Table
This table holds the names of all the authors. It has the following

* id
* first_name
* last_name
* display_name

"authors_songs" Table
This is a bridging table between the "authors" and "songs" tables, which
serves to create a many-to-many relationship between the two tables. It
has the following columns:

* author_id
* song_id

"song_books" Table
The "song_books" table holds a list of books that a congregation gets
their songs from, or old hymnals now no longer used. This table has the
following columns:

* id
* name
* publisher

"songs" Table
This table contains the songs, and each song has a list of attributes.
The "songs" table has the following columns:

* id
* song_book_id
* title
* lyrics
* verse_order
* copyright
* comments
* ccli_number
* song_number
* theme_name
* search_title
* search_lyrics

"songs_topics" Table
This is a bridging table between the "songs" and "topics" tables, which
serves to create a many-to-many relationship between the two tables. It
has the following columns:

* song_id
* topic_id

"topics" Table
The topics table holds a selection of topics that songs can cover. This
is useful when a worship leader wants to select songs with a certain
theme. This table has the following columns:

* id
* name

The lyrics definition (more or less similar to interformat to/from ChangingSong
The tags <i></i><b></b><u></u> can also be used within the lyrics test.

! Please note that this format has been checked at

<lyrics lang="en_US">
  <title>Amazing Grace</title>
  <verse name="v1">
    <theme>name of verse specific theme (optional)</theme>
    <comment>any text (optional)</comment>
    <part name="men">
	Amazing grace, how ...
    <part name="women">
	A b c
	D e f
  <verse name="c">
    <theme>name of verse specific theme (optional)</theme>
    <comment>any text (optional)</comment>
<lyrics lang="de_DE">
  <title>Erstaunliche Anmut</title>
  <verse name="v1">
    Erstaunliche Anmut, wie
  <verse name="c">