# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Raoul Snyman # # Portions copyright (c) 2008-2012 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan # # Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, # # Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. # # Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, # # Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, # # Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, # # Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky, Patrick Zimmermann # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ The :mod:`serviceitem` provides the service item functionality including the type and capability of an item. """ import cgi import datetime import logging import os import uuid from openlp.core.lib import build_icon, clean_tags, expand_tags, translate, ImageSource log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ServiceItemType(object): """ Defines the type of service item """ Text = 1 Image = 2 Command = 3 class ItemCapabilities(object): """ Provides an enumeration of a service item's capabilities ``CanPreview`` The capability to allow the ServiceManager to add to the preview tab when making the previous item live. ``CanEdit`` The capability to allow the ServiceManager to allow the item to be edited ``CanMaintain`` The capability to allow the ServiceManager to allow the item to be reordered. ``RequiresMedia`` Determines is the serviceItem needs a Media Player ``CanLoop`` The capability to allow the SlideController to allow the loop processing. ``CanAppend`` The capability to allow the ServiceManager to add leaves to the item ``NoLineBreaks`` The capability to remove lines breaks in the renderer ``OnLoadUpdate`` The capability to update MediaManager when a service Item is loaded. ``AddIfNewItem`` Not Used ``ProvidesOwnDisplay`` The capability to tell the SlideController the service Item has a different display. ``HasDetailedTitleDisplay`` ServiceItem provides a title ``HasVariableStartTime`` The capability to tell the ServiceManager that a change to start time is possible. ``CanSoftBreak`` The capability to tell the renderer that Soft Break is allowed ``CanWordSplit`` The capability to tell the renderer that it can split words is allowed ``HasBackgroundAudio`` That a audio file is present with the text. ``CanAutoStartForLive`` The capability to ignore the do not play if display blank flag. """ CanPreview = 1 CanEdit = 2 CanMaintain = 3 RequiresMedia = 4 CanLoop = 5 CanAppend = 6 NoLineBreaks = 7 OnLoadUpdate = 8 AddIfNewItem = 9 ProvidesOwnDisplay = 10 HasDetailedTitleDisplay = 11 HasVariableStartTime = 12 CanSoftBreak = 13 CanWordSplit = 14 HasBackgroundAudio = 15 CanAutoStartForLive = 16 class ServiceItem(object): """ The service item is a base class for the plugins to use to interact with the service manager, the slide controller, and the projection screen compositor. """ log.info(u'Service Item created') def __init__(self, plugin=None): """ Set up the service item. ``plugin`` The plugin that this service item belongs to. """ if plugin: self.renderer = plugin.renderer self.name = plugin.name self.title = u'' self.shortname = u'' self.audit = u'' self.items = [] self.iconic_representation = None self.raw_footer = [] self.foot_text = u'' self.theme = None self.service_item_type = None self._raw_frames = [] self._display_frames = [] self._uuid = 0 self.notes = u'' self.from_plugin = False self.capabilities = [] self.is_valid = True self.icon = None self.themedata = None self.main = None self.footer = None self.bg_image_bytes = None self.search_string = u'' self.data_string = u'' self.edit_id = None self.xml_version = None self.start_time = 0 self.end_time = 0 self.media_length = 0 self.from_service = False self.image_border = u'#000000' self.background_audio = [] self.theme_overwritten = False self.temporary_edit = False self.will_auto_start = False self._new_item() def _new_item(self): """ Method to set the internal id of the item. This is used to compare service items to see if they are the same. """ self._uuid = unicode(uuid.uuid1()) def add_capability(self, capability): """ Add an ItemCapability to a ServiceItem ``capability`` The capability to add """ self.capabilities.append(capability) def is_capable(self, capability): """ Tell the caller if a ServiceItem has a capability ``capability`` The capability to test for """ return capability in self.capabilities def add_icon(self, icon): """ Add an icon to the service item. This is used when displaying the service item in the service manager. ``icon`` A string to an icon in the resources or on disk. """ self.icon = icon self.iconic_representation = build_icon(icon) def render(self, provides_own_theme_data=False): """ The render method is what generates the frames for the screen and obtains the display information from the renderer. At this point all slides are built for the given display size. ``provides_own_theme_data`` This switch disables the usage of the item's theme. However, this is disabled by default. If this is used, it has to be taken care, that the renderer knows the correct theme data. However, this is needed for the theme manager. """ log.debug(u'Render called') self._display_frames = [] self.bg_image_bytes = None if not provides_own_theme_data: self.renderer.set_item_theme(self.theme) self.themedata, self.main, self.footer = self.renderer.pre_render() if self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text: log.debug(u'Formatting slides: %s' % self.title) # Save rendered pages to this dict. In the case that a slide is used # twice we can use the pages saved to the dict instead of rendering # them again. previous_pages = {} for slide in self._raw_frames: verse_tag = slide[u'verseTag'] if verse_tag in previous_pages and previous_pages[verse_tag][0] == slide[u'raw_slide']: pages = previous_pages[verse_tag][1] else: pages = self.renderer.format_slide(slide[u'raw_slide'], self) previous_pages[verse_tag] = (slide[u'raw_slide'], pages) for page in pages: page = page.replace(u'
', u'{br}') html = expand_tags(cgi.escape(page.rstrip())) self._display_frames.append({ u'title': clean_tags(page), u'text': clean_tags(page.rstrip()), u'html': html.replace(u' ', u' '), u'verseTag': verse_tag }) elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image or self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command: pass else: log.error(u'Invalid value renderer: %s' % self.service_item_type) self.title = clean_tags(self.title) # The footer should never be None, but to be compatible with a few # nightly builds between 1.9.4 and 1.9.5, we have to correct this to # avoid tracebacks. if self.raw_footer is None: self.raw_footer = [] self.foot_text = u'
'.join(filter(None, self.raw_footer)) def add_from_image(self, path, title, background=None): """ Add an image slide to the service item. ``path`` The directory in which the image file is located. ``title`` A title for the slide in the service item. """ if background: self.image_border = background self.service_item_type = ServiceItemType.Image self._raw_frames.append({u'title': title, u'path': path}) self.renderer.image_manager.addImage(path, ImageSource.ImagePlugin, self.image_border) self._new_item() def add_from_text(self, raw_slide, verse_tag=None): """ Add a text slide to the service item. ``raw_slide`` The raw text of the slide. """ if verse_tag: verse_tag = verse_tag.upper() self.service_item_type = ServiceItemType.Text title = raw_slide[:30].split(u'\n')[0] self._raw_frames.append({u'title': title, u'raw_slide': raw_slide, u'verseTag': verse_tag}) self._new_item() def add_from_command(self, path, file_name, image): """ Add a slide from a command. ``path`` The title of the slide in the service item. ``file_name`` The title of the slide in the service item. ``image`` The command of/for the slide. """ self.service_item_type = ServiceItemType.Command self._raw_frames.append({u'title': file_name, u'image': image, u'path': path}) self._new_item() def get_service_repr(self, lite_save): """ This method returns some text which can be saved into the service file to represent this item. """ service_header = { u'name': self.name, u'plugin': self.name, u'theme': self.theme, u'title': self.title, u'icon': self.icon, u'footer': self.raw_footer, u'type': self.service_item_type, u'audit': self.audit, u'notes': self.notes, u'from_plugin': self.from_plugin, u'capabilities': self.capabilities, u'search': self.search_string, u'data': self.data_string, u'xml_version': self.xml_version, u'start_time': self.start_time, u'end_time': self.end_time, u'media_length': self.media_length, u'background_audio': self.background_audio, u'theme_overwritten': self.theme_overwritten, u'will_auto_start': self.will_auto_start } service_data = [] if self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text: service_data = [slide for slide in self._raw_frames] elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image: if lite_save: for slide in self._raw_frames: service_data.append({u'title': slide[u'title'], u'path': slide[u'path']}) else: service_data = [slide[u'title'] for slide in self._raw_frames] elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command: for slide in self._raw_frames: service_data.append({u'title': slide[u'title'], u'image': slide[u'image'], u'path': slide[u'path']}) return {u'header': service_header, u'data': service_data} def set_from_service(self, serviceitem, path=None): """ This method takes a service item from a saved service file (passed from the ServiceManager) and extracts the data actually required. ``serviceitem`` The item to extract data from. ``path`` Defaults to *None*. This is the service manager path for things which have their files saved with them or None when the saved service is lite and the original file paths need to be preserved.. """ log.debug(u'set_from_service called with path %s' % path) header = serviceitem[u'serviceitem'][u'header'] self.title = header[u'title'] self.name = header[u'name'] self.service_item_type = header[u'type'] self.shortname = header[u'plugin'] self.theme = header[u'theme'] self.add_icon(header[u'icon']) self.raw_footer = header[u'footer'] self.audit = header[u'audit'] self.notes = header[u'notes'] self.from_plugin = header[u'from_plugin'] self.capabilities = header[u'capabilities'] # Added later so may not be present in older services. self.search_string = header.get(u'search', u'') self.data_string = header.get(u'data', u'') self.xml_version = header.get(u'xml_version') self.start_time = header.get(u'start_time', 0) self.end_time = header.get(u'end_time', 0) self.media_length = header.get(u'media_length', 0) self.will_auto_start = header.get(u'will_auto_start', False) if u'background_audio' in header: self.background_audio = [] for filename in header[u'background_audio']: # Give them real file paths self.background_audio.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) self.theme_overwritten = header.get(u'theme_overwritten', False) if self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text: for slide in serviceitem[u'serviceitem'][u'data']: self._raw_frames.append(slide) elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image: if path: for text_image in serviceitem[u'serviceitem'][u'data']: filename = os.path.join(path, text_image) self.add_from_image(filename, text_image) else: for text_image in serviceitem[u'serviceitem'][u'data']: self.add_from_image(text_image[u'path'], text_image[u'title']) elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command: for text_image in serviceitem[u'serviceitem'][u'data']: if path: self.add_from_command(path, text_image[u'title'], text_image[u'image']) else: self.add_from_command(text_image[u'path'], text_image[u'title'], text_image[u'image']) self._new_item() def get_display_title(self): """ Returns the title of the service item. """ if self.is_text(): return self.title else: if ItemCapabilities.HasDetailedTitleDisplay in self.capabilities: return self._raw_frames[0][u'title'] elif len(self._raw_frames) > 1: return self.title else: return self._raw_frames[0][u'title'] def merge(self, other): """ Updates the _uuid with the value from the original one The _uuid is unique for a given service item but this allows one to replace an original version. ``other`` The service item to be merged with """ self._uuid = other._uuid self.notes = other.notes self.temporary_edit = other.temporary_edit # Copy theme over if present. if other.theme is not None: self.theme = other.theme self._new_item() self.render() if self.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.HasBackgroundAudio): log.debug(self.background_audio) def __eq__(self, other): """ Confirms the service items are for the same instance """ if not other: return False return self._uuid == other._uuid def __ne__(self, other): """ Confirms the service items are not for the same instance """ return self._uuid != other._uuid def is_media(self): """ Confirms if the ServiceItem is media """ return ItemCapabilities.RequiresMedia in self.capabilities def is_command(self): """ Confirms if the ServiceItem is a command """ return self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command def is_image(self): """ Confirms if the ServiceItem is an image """ return self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image def uses_file(self): """ Confirms if the ServiceItem uses a file """ return self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image or self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Command def is_text(self): """ Confirms if the ServiceItem is text """ return self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text def set_media_length(self, length): """ Stores the media length of the item ``length`` The length of the media item """ self.media_length = length if length > 0: self.add_capability(ItemCapabilities.HasVariableStartTime) def get_frames(self): """ Returns the frames for the ServiceItem """ if self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text: return self._display_frames else: return self._raw_frames def get_rendered_frame(self, row): """ Returns the correct frame for a given list and renders it if required. ``row`` The service item slide to be returned """ if self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Text: return self._display_frames[row][u'html'].split(u'\n')[0] elif self.service_item_type == ServiceItemType.Image: return self._raw_frames[row][u'path'] else: return self._raw_frames[row][u'image'] def get_frame_title(self, row=0): """ Returns the title of the raw frame """ try: return self._raw_frames[row][u'title'] except IndexError: return u'' def get_frame_path(self, row=0, frame=None): """ Returns the path of the raw frame """ if not frame: try: frame = self._raw_frames[row] except IndexError: return u'' if self.is_image(): path_from = frame[u'path'] else: path_from = os.path.join(frame[u'path'], frame[u'title']) return path_from def remove_frame(self, frame): """ Remove the specified frame from the item """ if frame in self._raw_frames: self._raw_frames.remove(frame) def get_media_time(self): """ Returns the start and finish time for a media item """ start = None end = None if self.start_time != 0: start = translate('OpenLP.ServiceItem', 'Start: %s') % \ unicode(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.start_time)) if self.media_length != 0: end = translate('OpenLP.ServiceItem', 'Length: %s') % \ unicode(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.media_length)) if not start and not end: return u'' elif start and not end: return start elif not start and end: return end else: return u'%s
%s' % (start, end) def update_theme(self, theme): """ updates the theme in the service item ``theme`` The new theme to be replaced in the service item """ self.theme_overwritten = (theme == None) self.theme = theme self._new_item() self.render() def remove_invalid_frames(self, invalid_paths=None): """ Remove invalid frames, such as ones where the file no longer exists. """ if self.uses_file(): for frame in self.get_frames(): if self.get_frame_path(frame=frame) in invalid_paths: self.remove_frame(frame) def validate(self): """ Validates this service item """ return bool(self._raw_frames)