# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Interface tests to test the themeManager class and related methods. """ import pytest from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings from openlp.core.ui.thememanager import ThemeManager @pytest.fixture() def theme_manager(settings): thm = ThemeManager() return thm def test_theme_manager_initialise(theme_manager): """ Test the thememanager initialise - basic test """ # GIVEN: A new a call to initialise theme_manager.setup_ui = MagicMock() theme_manager.build_theme_path = MagicMock() Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme') # WHEN: the initialisation is run theme_manager.bootstrap_initialise() # THEN: theme_manager.setup_ui.assert_called_once_with(theme_manager) assert theme_manager.global_theme == 'my_theme' theme_manager.build_theme_path.assert_called_once_with() @patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.create_paths') @patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.AppLocation.get_section_data_path') def test_build_theme_path(mocked_get_section_data_path, mocked_create_paths, theme_manager): """ Test the thememanager build_theme_path """ # GIVEN: A mocked out AppLocation.get_directory() and mocked create_paths mocked_get_section_data_path.return_value = Path('tests/my_theme') # WHEN: the build_theme_path is run theme_manager.build_theme_path() # THEN: The theme path and the thumb path should be correct assert theme_manager.theme_path == Path('tests/my_theme') assert theme_manager.thumb_path == Path('tests/my_theme/thumbnails') mocked_create_paths.assert_called_once_with(Path('tests/my_theme'), Path('tests/my_theme/thumbnails')) def test_click_on_new_theme(theme_manager): """ Test the on_add_theme event handler is called by the UI """ # GIVEN: An initial form Settings().setValue('themes/global theme', 'my_theme') mocked_event = MagicMock() theme_manager.on_add_theme = mocked_event theme_manager.setup_ui(theme_manager) # WHEN displaying the UI and pressing cancel new_theme = theme_manager.toolbar.actions['newTheme'] new_theme.trigger() assert mocked_event.call_count == 1, 'The on_add_theme method should have been called once' @patch('openlp.core.ui.themeform.ThemeForm._setup') @patch('openlp.core.ui.filerenameform.FileRenameForm._setup') def test_bootstrap_post(mocked_rename_form, mocked_theme_form, theme_manager): """ Test the functions of bootstrap_post_setup are called. """ # GIVEN: theme_manager.theme_path = MagicMock() # WHEN: with patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.ThemeProgressForm'): theme_manager.bootstrap_post_set_up() # THEN: assert theme_manager.progress_form is not None assert theme_manager.theme_form is not None assert theme_manager.file_rename_form is not None def test_bootstrap_completion(theme_manager): """ Test the functions of bootstrap_post_setup are called. """ # GIVEN: theme_manager.load_themes = MagicMock() theme_manager.upgrade_themes = MagicMock() # WHEN: theme_manager.bootstrap_completion() # THEN: theme_manager.upgrade_themes.assert_called_once() theme_manager.load_themes.assert_called_once()