# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2022 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ This module contains tests for the lib submodule of the Presentations plugin. """ from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock, call, patch from openlp.core.lib import ServiceItemContext from openlp.core.lib.serviceitem import ItemCapabilities from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem import PresentationMediaItem def test_build_file_mask_string(media_item): """ Test the build_file_mask_string() method """ # GIVEN: Different controllers. impress_controller = MagicMock() impress_controller.enabled.return_value = True impress_controller.supports = ['odp'] impress_controller.also_supports = ['ppt'] presentation_controller = MagicMock() presentation_controller.enabled.return_value = True presentation_controller.supports = ['ppt'] presentation_controller.also_supports = [] presentation_viewer_controller = MagicMock() presentation_viewer_controller.enabled.return_value = False pdf_controller = MagicMock() pdf_controller.enabled.return_value = True pdf_controller.supports = ['pdf'] pdf_controller.also_supports = ['xps', 'oxps', 'epub', 'cbz', 'fb2'] # Mock the controllers. media_item.controllers = { 'Impress': impress_controller, 'Powerpoint': presentation_controller, 'Powerpoint Viewer': presentation_viewer_controller, 'Pdf': pdf_controller } # WHEN: Build the file mask. with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.translate') as mocked_translate: mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda module, string_to_translate: string_to_translate media_item.build_file_mask_string() # THEN: The file mask should be generated correctly with a space before all bar the first. assert '*.odp' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the odp extension' assert ' *.ppt' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the ppt extension' assert ' *.pdf' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the pdf extension' assert ' *.xps' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the xps extension' assert ' *.oxps' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the oxps extension' assert ' *.epub' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the epub extension' assert ' *.cbz' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the cbz extension' assert ' *.fb2' in media_item.on_new_file_masks, 'The file mask should contain the fb2 extension' def test_clean_up_thumbnails(media_item): """ Test that the clean_up_thumbnails method works as expected when files exist. """ # GIVEN: A mocked controller, and mocked os.path.getmtime mocked_disabled_controller = MagicMock() mocked_disabled_controller.enabled.return_value = False mocked_disabled_supports = PropertyMock() type(mocked_disabled_controller).supports = mocked_disabled_supports mocked_enabled_controller = MagicMock() mocked_enabled_controller.enabled.return_value = True mocked_doc = MagicMock(**{'get_thumbnail_path.return_value': Path()}) mocked_enabled_controller.add_document.return_value = mocked_doc mocked_enabled_controller.supports = ['tmp'] media_item.controllers = { 'Enabled': mocked_enabled_controller, 'Disabled': mocked_disabled_controller } thumb_path = MagicMock(st_mtime=100) file_path = MagicMock(st_mtime=400) with patch.object(Path, 'stat', side_effect=[thumb_path, file_path]), \ patch.object(Path, 'exists', return_value=True): presentation_file = Path('file.tmp') # WHEN: calling clean_up_thumbnails media_item.clean_up_thumbnails(presentation_file, True) # THEN: doc.presentation_deleted should have been called since the thumbnails mtime will be greater than # the presentation_file's mtime. mocked_doc.assert_has_calls([call.get_thumbnail_path(1, True), call.presentation_deleted()], True) assert mocked_disabled_supports.call_count == 0 def test_clean_up_thumbnails_missing_file(media_item): """ Test that the clean_up_thumbnails method works as expected when file is missing. """ # GIVEN: A mocked controller, and mocked os.path.exists mocked_controller = MagicMock() mocked_doc = MagicMock() mocked_controller.add_document.return_value = mocked_doc mocked_controller.supports = ['tmp'] media_item.controllers = { 'Mocked': mocked_controller } presentation_file = Path('file.tmp') with patch.object(Path, 'exists', return_value=False): # WHEN: calling clean_up_thumbnails media_item.clean_up_thumbnails(presentation_file, True) # THEN: doc.presentation_deleted should have been called since the presentation file did not exist. mocked_doc.assert_has_calls([call.get_thumbnail_path(1, True), call.presentation_deleted()], True) def test_pdf_generate_slide_data(media_item): """ Test that the generate slide data function makes the correct ajustments to a pdf service item. """ # GIVEN: A mocked pdf service item media_item.list_view = MagicMock() media_item.display_type_combo_box = MagicMock() mocked_service_item = MagicMock() # WHEN: generate_slide_data is called media_item.generate_slide_data(mocked_service_item, context=ServiceItemContext.Live, file_path=Path('test.pdf')) # THEN: Should be categorized as images and overrides the theme assert mocked_service_item.name == 'images' mocked_service_item.add_capability.assert_any_call(ItemCapabilities.ProvidesOwnTheme) @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.FolderLibraryItem._setup') @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.PresentationMediaItem.setup_item') def test_search_found(mock_setup, mock_item, registry): """ Test that the search method works correctly """ # GIVEN: The Mediaitem set up a list of presentations media_item = PresentationMediaItem(None, MagicMock(), None) media_item.manager = MagicMock() media_item.manager.get_all_objects.return_value = [MagicMock(file_path='test.odp')] # WHEN: Retrieving the test file result = media_item.search('test.odp', False) # THEN: a file should be found assert result == [['test.odp', 'test.odp']], 'The result file contain the file name' @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.FolderLibraryItem._setup') @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.PresentationMediaItem.setup_item') def test_search_not_found(mock_setup, mock_item, registry): """ Test that the search doesn't find anything """ # GIVEN: The Mediaitem set up a list of media media_item = PresentationMediaItem(None, MagicMock(), None) media_item.manager = MagicMock() media_item.manager.get_all_objects.return_value = [] # WHEN: Retrieving the test file result = media_item.search('test.pptx', False) # THEN: a file should be found assert result == [], 'The result file should be empty'