# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2022 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Functional tests to test the PresentationController and PresentationDocument classes and related methods. """ import pytest from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller import PresentationController, PresentationDocument, \ PresentationList FOLDER_TO_PATCH = 'openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.PresentationDocument.get_thumbnail_folder' @pytest.fixture() def get_thumbnail_folder(settings): gtf = patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.PresentationDocument.get_thumbnail_folder', return_value=Path()) yield gtf.start() gtf.stop() @pytest.fixture() def create_paths(settings): c_paths = patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.create_paths') yield c_paths.start() c_paths.stop() @pytest.fixture() def setup(settings): s_up = patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.PresentationDocument._setup') yield s_up.start() s_up.stop() @pytest.fixture() def presentation(settings, get_thumbnail_folder): mocked_plugin = MagicMock() mocked_plugin.settings_section = 'presentations' return PresentationController(mocked_plugin) @pytest.fixture() def document(presentation): return PresentationDocument(presentation, Path('')) def test_constructor(presentation): """ Test the Constructor """ # GIVEN: A mocked plugin # WHEN: The PresentationController is created # THEN: The name of the presentation controller should be correct assert 'PresentationController' == presentation.name, \ 'The name of the presentation controller should be correct' def test_save_titles_and_notes(document): """ Test PresentationDocument.save_titles_and_notes method with two valid lists """ # GIVEN: two lists of length==2 and a mocked open and get_thumbnail_folder with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.Path.write_text') as mocked_write_text, \ patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder: titles = ['uno', 'dos'] notes = ['one', 'two'] # WHEN: calling save_titles_and_notes mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = Path('test') document.save_titles_and_notes(titles, notes) # THEN: the last call to open should have been for slideNotes2.txt assert mocked_write_text.call_count == 3, 'There should be exactly three files written' mocked_write_text.assert_has_calls([call('uno\ndos', encoding='utf-8'), call('one', encoding='utf-8'), call('two', encoding='utf-8')]) def test_save_titles_and_notes_with_none(document): """ Test PresentationDocument.save_titles_and_notes method with no data """ # GIVEN: None and an empty list and a mocked open and get_thumbnail_folder with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder: titles = None notes = None # WHEN: calling save_titles_and_notes mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = 'test' document.save_titles_and_notes(titles, notes) # THEN: No file should have been created assert mocked_open.call_count == 0, 'No file should be created' def test_get_titles_and_notes(document): """ Test PresentationDocument.get_titles_and_notes method """ # GIVEN: A mocked open, get_thumbnail_folder and exists with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.Path.read_text', return_value='uno\ndos\n') as mocked_read_text, \ patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder, \ patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.Path.exists') as mocked_exists: mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = Path('test') mocked_exists.return_value = True # WHEN: calling get_titles_and_notes result_titles, result_notes = document.get_titles_and_notes() # THEN: it should return two items for the titles and two empty strings for the notes assert type(result_titles) is list, 'result_titles should be of type list' assert len(result_titles) == 2, 'There should be two items in the titles' assert type(result_notes) is list, 'result_notes should be of type list' assert len(result_notes) == 2, 'There should be two items in the notes' assert mocked_read_text.call_count == 3, 'Three files should be read' def test_get_titles_and_notes_with_file_not_found(document): """ Test PresentationDocument.get_titles_and_notes method with file not found """ # GIVEN: A mocked open, get_thumbnail_folder and exists with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.Path.read_text') as mocked_read_text, \ patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder: mocked_read_text.side_effect = FileNotFoundError() mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = Path('test') # WHEN: calling get_titles_and_notes result_titles, result_notes = document.get_titles_and_notes() # THEN: it should return two empty lists assert isinstance(result_titles, list), 'result_titles should be of type list' assert len(result_titles) == 0, 'there be no titles' assert isinstance(result_notes, list), 'result_notes should be a list' assert len(result_notes) == 0, 'but the list should be empty' def test_get_titles_and_notes_with_file_error(document): """ Test PresentationDocument.get_titles_and_notes method with file errors """ # GIVEN: A mocked open, get_thumbnail_folder and exists with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.Path.read_text') as mocked_read_text, \ patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder: mocked_read_text.side_effect = OSError() mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = Path('test') # WHEN: calling get_titles_and_notes result_titles, result_notes = document.get_titles_and_notes() # THEN: it should return two empty lists assert type(result_titles) is list, 'result_titles should be a list' def test_initialise_presentation_document(setup): """ Test the PresentationDocument __init__ method when initialising the PresentationDocument Class """ # GIVEN: A mocked setup method and mocked controller # WHEN: Creating an instance of PresentationDocument PresentationDocument(MagicMock(), 'Name') # THEN: PresentationDocument._setup should have been called with the argument 'Name' setup.assert_called_once_with('Name') def test_presentation_document_setup(create_paths, get_thumbnail_folder): """ Test the PresentationDocument _setup method when initialising the PresentationDocument Class """ # GIVEN: A mocked controller, patched create_paths and get_thumbnail_folder methods get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = Path('returned/path/') # WHEN: Creating an instance of PresentationDocument PresentationDocument(MagicMock(), 'Name') # THEN: create_paths should have been called with 'returned/path/' create_paths.assert_called_once_with(Path('returned', 'path/')) def test_load_presentation(get_thumbnail_folder): """ Test the PresentationDocument.load_presentation method. """ # GIVEN: An instance of PresentationDocument instance = PresentationDocument(MagicMock(), 'Name') # WHEN: Calling load_presentation() result = instance.load_presentation() # THEN: load_presentation should return false assert result is False, "PresentationDocument.load_presentation should return false." def test_presentation_list_is_singleton(): """ Test PresentationList is a singleton class """ # GIVEN: a PresentationList presentation_list = PresentationList() # WHEN: I try to create another instance presentation_list_2 = PresentationList() # THEN: I get the same instance returned assert presentation_list_2 is presentation_list def test_presentation_list_add_and_retrieve(document): """ Test adding a presentation document and later retrieving it """ # GIVEN: a fixture with a mocked document which is added to the PresentationList PresentationList().add(document, "unique id") # WHEN: I retrieve the presentation document retrieved_presentation = PresentationList().get_presentation_by_id("unique id") # THEN: I get the same instance returned retrieved_presentation is document def test_presentation_list_remove(document): """ Test removing a presentation document from the list """ # GIVEN: a fixture with a mocked document which is added to the PresentationList PresentationList().add(document, "unique id") # WHEN: I remove the presentation document PresentationList().remove("unique id") # THEN: That document shouldn't be in the list PresentationList().get_presentation_by_id("unique id") is None