# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Package to test the openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api package. """ import os import urllib.error from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import patch from openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api import PlanningCenterAPI from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'planningcenter')) class TestPlanningCenterAPI(TestCase, TestMixin): """ Test the PlanningCenterAPI class """ def test_init(self): """ Test that the api class can be instantiated with an application_id and secret """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class # WHEN: __init__ is called with an application id and secret api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') # THEN: # airplane mode should be false self.assertFalse(api.airplane_mode, 'Class init without airplane mode') def test_init_with_airplane_mode(self): """ Test that the api class can be instantiated with an application_id and secret """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class # WHEN: __init__ is called with an application id and secret and airplane_dir mocked with patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.os.path.isdir') as airplane_isdir: airplane_isdir.return_value = True api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') # THEN: # airplane mode should be true self.assertTrue(api.airplane_mode, 'Class init with airplane mode') def test_get_from_services_api(self): """ Test that the get_from_services_api can be called in airplane mode """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class # WHEN: get_from_services_api is called with empty string as input ('') and airplane mode enabled with patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.os.path.isdir') as airplane_isdir, \ patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.urllib.request.build_opener') \ as mock_opener, \ patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.open'): airplane_isdir.return_value = True api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') mock_opener().open().read.return_value = "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}".encode(encoding='UTF-8') return_value = api.get_from_services_api('test') # THEN: # we should get back the return value we mocked self.assertEqual(return_value['foo'], 'bar', "get_from_services_api returns correct value") def test_check_credentials_returns_empty_string_for_bad_credentials(self): """ Test that check_credentials returns an empty string if authentication fails """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class with mocked out get_from_services_api that returns a 401 (http auth) error api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') with patch.object(api, 'get_from_services_api') as mock_get_services: mock_get_services.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, 401, None, None, None) # WHEN: check_credentials is called return_value = api.check_credentials() # THEN: we have an empty string returns assert return_value == '', "return string is empty for bad authentication" def test_check_credentials_raises_other_exceptions(self): # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class with mocked out get_from_services_api that returns a 400 error api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') with patch.object(api, 'get_from_services_api') as mock_get_services: mock_get_services.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, 300, None, None, None) # WHEN: check_credentials is called in a try block error_code = 0 try: api.check_credentials() except urllib.error.HTTPError as error: error_code = error.code # THEN: we received an exception with code of 300 assert error_code == 300, "correct exception is raised from check_credentials" def test_check_credentials_pass(self): """ Test that check_credentials can be called in airplane mode """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterAPI Class # WHEN: get_from_services_api is called with empty string as input ('') and airplane mode enabled with patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.os.path.isdir') as airplane_isdir, \ patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.urllib.request.build_opener') \ as mock_opener, \ patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.lib.planningcenter_api.open'): airplane_isdir.return_value = True api = PlanningCenterAPI('application_id', 'secret') mock_opener().open().read.return_value = "{\"data\": {\"attributes\": {\"name\": \"jpk\"}}}".\ encode(encoding='UTF-8') return_value = api.check_credentials() # THEN: # Check credentials returns our mocked value self.assertEqual(return_value, 'jpk', "check_credentials returns correct value for pass")