function _createDiv(attrs) { var div = document.createElement("div"); for (key in attrs) { div.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); } document.body.appendChild(div); return div; } describe("The enumeration object", function () { it("BackgroundType should exist", function () { expect(BackgroundType).toBeDefined(); }); it("GradientType should exist", function () { expect(GradientType).toBeDefined(); }); it("HorizontalAlign should exist", function () { expect(HorizontalAlign).toBeDefined(); }); it("VerticalAlign should exist", function () { expect(VerticalAlign).toBeDefined(); }); it("AudioState should exist", function () { expect(AudioState).toBeDefined(); }); it("TransitionState should exist", function(){ expect(TransitionState).toBeDefined(); }); it("AnimationState should exist", function(){ expect(AnimationState).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("The function", function () { it("$() should return the right element", function () { var div = _createDiv({"id": "dollar-test"}); expect($("#dollar-test")[0]).toBe(div); }); it("_buildLinearGradient() should build the correct string", function () { var gradient = _buildLinearGradient("to bottom", "#000", "#fff"); expect(gradient).toBe("linear-gradient(to bottom, #000, #fff) fixed"); }); it("_buildRadialGradient() should build the correct string", function () { var gradient = _buildRadialGradient(10, "#000", "#fff"); expect(gradient).toBe("radial-gradient(#000, #fff) fixed"); }); it("_getStyle should return the correct style on an element", function () { var div = _createDiv({"id": "style-test"});"width", "100px"); expect(_getStyle($("#style-test")[0], "width")).toBe("100px"); }); it("_nl2br should turn UNIX newlines into
tags", function () { var text = "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me"; expect(_nl2br(text)).toEqual("Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me"); }); it("_nl2br should turn Windows newlines into
tags", function () { var text = "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\r\nThat saved a wretch like me"; expect(_nl2br(text)).toEqual("Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me"); }); it("_prepareText should turn verse text into a paragraph", function () { var text = "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me"; expect(_prepareText(text)).toEqual("

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me

"); }); }); describe("The Display object", function () { it("should start with a blank _slides object", function () { expect(Display._slides).toEqual({}); }); it("should have the correct Reveal config", function () { expect(Display._revealConfig).toEqual({ margin: 0.0, minScale: 1.0, maxScale: 1.0, controls: false, progress: false, history: false, keyboard: false, overview: false, center: false, touch: false, help: false, transition: "none", backgroundTransition: "none", viewDistance: 9999, width: "100%", height: "100%" }); }); it("should have an init() method", function () { expect(Display.init).toBeDefined(); }); it("should initialise Reveal when init is called", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "initialize"); document.body.innerHTML = ""; Display.init(); expect(Reveal.initialize).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should have checkerboard class when init is called when not display", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "initialize"); document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.body.classList = ""; Display.init({isDisplay: false}); expect(document.body.classList.contains('checkerboard')).toEqual(true); }); it("should not have checkerboard class when init is called when is a display", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "initialize"); document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.body.classList = ""; Display.init({isDisplay: true}); expect(document.body.classList.contains('checkerboard')).toEqual(false); }); it("should have a reinit() method", function () { expect(Display.reinit).toBeDefined(); }); it("should sync Reveal and set to first slide when reinit is called", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.reinit(); expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Reveal.slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0); }); it("should have a setItemTransition() method", function () { expect(Display.setItemTransition).toBeDefined(); }); it("should have a correctly functioning clearSlides() method", function () { expect(Display.clearSlides).toBeDefined(); var slidesDiv = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); slidesDiv.innerHTML = "

"; Display._slidesContainer = slidesDiv; var footerDiv = _createDiv({"class": "footer"}); Display._footerContainer = footerDiv; Display.clearSlides(); expect($(".slides")[0].innerHTML).toEqual(""); expect(Display._slides).toEqual({}); }); it("should have a correct goToSlide() method", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); spyOn(Display, "_slides"); Display._slides["v1"] = 0; Display.goToSlide("v1"); expect(Reveal.slide).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0); }); it("should have an alert() method", function () { expect(Display.alert).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("Transitions", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); _createDiv({"class": "footer"}); Display._slides = {}; }); afterEach(function() { // Reset theme Display._theme = null; }); it("should have a correctly functioning setItemTransition() method", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "configure"); Display.setItemTransition(true); expect(Reveal.configure).toHaveBeenCalledWith({"backgroundTransition": "fade", "transitionSpeed": "default"}); }); it("should have enabled transitions when _doTransitions is true and applyTheme is run", function () { Display._doTransitions = true; var theme = { "display_slide_transition": true, "display_slide_transition_type": TransitionType.Slide, "display_slide_transition_speed": TransitionSpeed.Fast } Display.setTheme(theme); var slidesDiv = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); slidesDiv.innerHTML = "

"; Display._slidesContainer = slidesDiv; Display.applyTheme(Display._slidesContainer.children[0]) expect(Display._slidesContainer.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("data-transition")).toEqual("slide-horizontal"); expect(Display._slidesContainer.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("data-transition-speed")).toEqual("fast"); }); it("should have not enabled transitions when init() with no transitions and setTheme is run", function () { Display._doTransitions = false; var theme = { "display_slide_transition": true, "display_slide_transition_type": TransitionType.Slide, "display_slide_transition_speed": TransitionSpeed.Fast, } Display.setTheme(theme); var slidesDiv = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); slidesDiv.innerHTML = "

"; Display._slidesContainer = slidesDiv; Display.applyTheme(Display._slidesContainer.children[0]) expect(Display._slidesContainer.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("data-transition")).toEqual("none"); }); it("should have enabled transitions in the correct direction", function () { Display._doTransitions = true; var theme = { "display_slide_transition": true, "display_slide_transition_type": TransitionType.Convex, "display_slide_transition_speed": TransitionSpeed.Slow, "display_slide_transition_direction": TransitionDirection.Vertical, "display_slide_transition_reverse": true, } Display.setTheme(theme); var slidesDiv = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); slidesDiv.innerHTML = "

"; Display._slidesContainer = slidesDiv; Display.applyTheme(Display._slidesContainer.children[0]) expect(Display._slidesContainer.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("data-transition")).toEqual("convex-vertical-reverse"); expect(Display._slidesContainer.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("data-transition-speed")).toEqual("slow"); }); }); describe("Display.alert", function () { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings, text; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; text = "Display.alert"; }); it("should return null if called without any text", function () { expect(Display.alert("", settings)).toBeNull(); }); it("should set the correct alert text", function () { spyOn(Display, "showAlert"); Display.alert(text, settings); expect(Display.showAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should call the addAlertToQueue method if an alert is displaying", function () { spyOn(Display, "addAlertToQueue"); Display._alerts = []; Display._alertState = AlertState.Displaying; Display.alert(text, settings); expect(Display.addAlertToQueue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(text, settings); }); }); describe("Display.showAlert", function () { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; }); it("should create a stylesheet for the settings", function () { spyOn(window, "_createStyle"); Display.showAlert("Test Display.showAlert - stylesheet", settings); expect(_createStyle).toHaveBeenCalledWith("#alert-background.settings", { backgroundColor: settings["backgroundColor"], fontFamily: "'" + settings["fontFace"] + "'", fontSize: settings["fontSize"] + 'pt', color: settings["fontColor"] }); }); it("should change fontFace to 'sans-serif' if no font face is provided", function () { spyOn(window, "_createStyle"); Display.showAlert("Test Display.showAlert - fontFace fix", { "location": 1, "fontFace": "", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }); expect(_createStyle).toHaveBeenCalledWith("#alert-background.settings", { backgroundColor: settings["backgroundColor"], fontFamily: "sans-serif", fontSize: settings["fontSize"] + 'pt', color: settings["fontColor"] }); }); it("should change fontFace to 'sans-serif' if 'Sans Serif' is provided", function () { spyOn(window, "_createStyle"); Display.showAlert("Test Display.showAlert - fontFace fix", { "location": 1, "fontFace": "Sans Serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }); expect(_createStyle).toHaveBeenCalledWith("#alert-background.settings", { backgroundColor: settings["backgroundColor"], fontFamily: "sans-serif", fontSize: settings["fontSize"] + 'pt', color: settings["fontColor"] }); }); it("should set the alert state to AlertState.Displaying", function () { Display.showAlert("Test Display.showAlert - state", settings); expect(Display._alertState).toEqual(AlertState.Displaying); }); it("should remove the 'hide' classes and add the 'show' classes", function () { Display.showAlert("Test Display.showAlert - classes", settings); expect($("#alert-background")[0].classList.contains("hide")).toEqual(false); expect($("#alert-background")[0].classList.contains("show")).toEqual(true); expect($("#alert-text")[0].classList.contains("hide")).toEqual(false); expect($("#alert-text")[0].classList.contains("show")).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("Display.hideAlert", function () { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; }); it("should set the alert state to AlertState.NotDisplaying", function () { Display.showAlert("test", settings); Display.hideAlert(); expect(Display._alertState).toEqual(AlertState.NotDisplaying); }); it("should hide the alert divs when called", function() { Display.showAlert("test", settings); Display.hideAlert(); expect(Display._transitionState).toEqual(TransitionState.ExitTransition); expect(alertBackground.classList.contains("hide")).toEqual(true); expect(alertBackground.classList.contains("show")).toEqual(false); expect(alertText.classList.contains("hide")).toEqual(true); expect(alertText.classList.contains("show")).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("Display.setAlertLocation", function() { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; }); it("should set the correct class when location is top of the page", function () { Display.setAlertLocation(0); expect(alertContainer.className).toEqual("alert-container top"); }); it("should set the correct class when location is middle of the page", function () { Display.setAlertLocation(1); expect(alertContainer.className).toEqual("alert-container middle"); }); it("should set the correct class when location is bottom of the page", function () { Display.setAlertLocation(2); expect(alertContainer.className).toEqual("alert-container bottom"); }); }); describe("Display.addAlertToQueue", function () { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; }); it("should add an alert to the queue if one is displaying already", function() { Display._alerts = []; Display._alertState = AlertState.Displaying; var alertObject = {text: "Testing alert queue", settings: settings}; Display.addAlertToQueue("Testing alert queue", settings); expect(Display._alerts.length).toEqual(1); expect(Display._alerts[0]).toEqual(alertObject); }); }); describe("Display.showNextAlert", function () { var alertContainer, alertBackground, alertText, settings; beforeEach(function () { document.body.innerHTML = ""; alertContainer = _createDiv({"class": "alert-container"}); alertBackground = _createDiv({"id": "alert-background", "class": "hide"}); alertText = _createDiv({"id": "alert-text", "class": "hide"}); settings = { "location": 1, "fontFace": "sans-serif", "fontSize": 40, "fontColor": "#ffffff", "backgroundColor": "#660000", "timeout": 5, "repeat": 1, "scroll": true }; }); it("should return null if there are no alerts in the queue", function () { Display._alerts = []; Display.showNextAlert(); expect(Display.showNextAlert()).toBeNull(); }); it("should call the alert function correctly if there is an alert in the queue", function () { Display._alerts.push({text: "Queued Alert", settings: settings}); spyOn(Display, "showAlert"); Display.showNextAlert(); expect(Display.showAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Display.showAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Queued Alert", settings); }); }); describe("Display.alertTransitionEndEvent", function() { var e = { stopPropagation: function () { } }; it("should call event.stopPropagation()", function () { spyOn(e, "stopPropagation"); Display.alertTransitionEndEvent(e); expect(e.stopPropagation).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should set the correct state after EntranceTransition", function() { Display._transitionState = TransitionState.EntranceTransition; Display.alertTransitionEndEvent(e); expect(Display._transitionState).toEqual(TransitionState.NoTransition); }); it("should set the correct state after ExitTransition, call hideAlert() and showNextAlert()", function() { spyOn(Display, "hideAlert"); spyOn(Display, "showNextAlert"); Display._transitionState = TransitionState.ExitTransition; Display.alertTransitionEndEvent(e); expect(Display._transitionState).toEqual(TransitionState.NoTransition); expect(Display.hideAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Display.showNextAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Display.alertAnimationEndEvent", function () { var e = { stopPropagation: function () { } }; it("should call the hideAlert method", function() { spyOn(Display, "hideAlert"); Display.alertAnimationEndEvent(e); expect(Display.hideAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("Display.setTextSlide", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; var slides_container = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); var footer_container = _createDiv({"class": "footer"}); Display._slidesContainer = slides_container; Display._footerContainer = footer_container; Display._slides = {}; }); it("should add a new slide", function () { var text = "Amazing grace,\nhow sweet the sound"; spyOn(Display, "reinit"); Display.setTextSlide(text); expect(Display._slides["test-slide"]).toEqual(0); expect($(".slides > section > section").length).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > section")[0].innerHTML).toEqual(_prepareText(text)); expect(Display.reinit).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should update an existing slide", function () { var text = "That saved a wretch\nlike me"; spyOn(Display, "reinit"); Display.setTextSlide("Amazing grace,\nhow sweet the sound"); Display.setTextSlide(text); expect(Display._slides["test-slide"]).toEqual(0); expect($(".slides > section > section").length).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > section")[0].innerHTML).toEqual(_prepareText(text)); expect(Display.reinit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // only called once for the first setTextSlide }); it("should give the new slide the future class", function () { var text = "That saved a wretch\nlike me"; spyOn(Display, "reinit"); Display.setTextSlide("Amazing grace,\nhow sweet the sound"); Display.setTextSlide(text); expect($(".slides > section > section")[0].classList.contains("future")).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("Display.setTextSlides", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; var slides_container = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); var footer_container = _createDiv({"class": "footer"}); Display._slidesContainer = slides_container; Display._footerContainer = footer_container; Display._slides = {}; }); it("should add a list of slides", function () { var slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" }, { "verse": "v2", "text": "'twas Grace that taught, my heart to fear\nAnd grace, my fears relieved.\n" + "How precious did that grace appear,\nthe hour I first believed.", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; spyOn(Display, "clearSlides"); spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTextSlides(slides); expect(Display.clearSlides).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); expect(Display._slides["v1"]).toEqual(0); expect(Display._slides["v2"]).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > section").length).toEqual(2); expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("should correctly set outline width", function () { const slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; const theme = { 'font_main_color': 'yellow', 'font_main_outline': true, 'font_main_outline_size': 42, 'font_main_outline_color': 'red' }; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTheme(theme); Display.setTextSlides(slides); const slidesDiv = $(".text-slides")[0]; expect(['-webkit-text-stroke']).toEqual('42pt red'); expect(['-webkit-text-fill-color']).toEqual('yellow'); }) it("should correctly set text alignment,\ (check the order of alignments in the emuns are the same in both js and python)", function () { const slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; // const theme = { 'display_horizontal_align': 3, 'display_vertical_align': 1 }; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTheme(theme); Display.setTextSlides(slides); const slidesDiv = $(".text-slides")[0]; expect(['text-align-last']).toEqual('justify'); expect(['justify-content']).toEqual('center'); }) it("should enable shadows", function () { const slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; // const theme = { 'font_main_shadow': true, 'font_main_shadow_color': "#000", 'font_main_shadow_size': 5 }; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTheme(theme); Display.setTextSlides(slides); const slidesDiv = $(".text-slides")[0]; expect(['text-shadow']).not.toEqual(''); }) it("should not enable shadows", function () { const slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; // const theme = { 'font_main_shadow': false, 'font_main_shadow_color': "#000", 'font_main_shadow_size': 5 }; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTheme(theme); Display.setTextSlides(slides); const slidesDiv = $(".text-slides")[0]; expect(['text-shadow']).toEqual(''); }) it("should correctly set slide size position to theme size when adding a text slide", function () { const slides = [ { "verse": "v1", "text": "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me\n" + "I once was lost, but now I'm found\nWas blind but now I see", "footer": "Public Domain" } ]; // const theme = { 'font_main_y': 789, 'font_main_x': 1000, 'font_main_width': 1230, 'font_main_height': 4560 }; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setTheme(theme); Display.setTextSlides(slides); const slidesDiv = $(".text-slides")[0]; expect(['margin-top']).toEqual('789px'); expect(['left']).toEqual('1000px'); expect(['width']).toEqual('1230px'); expect(['height']).toEqual('4560px'); }) }); describe("Display.setImageSlides", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; var slides_container = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); var footer_container = _createDiv({"class": "footer"}); Display._slidesContainer = slides_container; Display._footerContainer = footer_container; Display._slides = {}; }); it("should add a list of images", function () { var slides = [{"path": "file:///openlp1.jpg"}, {"path": "file:///openlp2.jpg"}]; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setImageSlides(slides); expect(Display._slides["0"]).toEqual(0); expect(Display._slides["1"]).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > section").length).toEqual(2); expect($(".slides > section > section > img").length).toEqual(2); expect($(".slides > section > section > img")[0].getAttribute("src")).toEqual("file:///openlp1.jpg") expect($(".slides > section > section > img")[0].getAttribute("style")).toEqual("width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; object-fit: contain;") expect($(".slides > section > section > img")[1].getAttribute("src")).toEqual("file:///openlp2.jpg") expect($(".slides > section > section > img")[1].getAttribute("style")).toEqual("width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; object-fit: contain;") expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe("Display.setBackgroundImage and Display.resetTheme", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; var slides_container = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); Display._slidesContainer = slides_container; var section = document.createElement("section"); Display._slidesContainer.appendChild(section); }); it("should set the background image data and call sync once for set slides and again for set background", function () { spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setBackgroundImage("/file/path"); expect($(".slides > section")[0].getAttribute("data-background")).toEqual("url('/file/path')"); expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("should restore the background image to the theme", function () { Display._theme = { 'background_type': BackgroundType.Image, 'background_filename': '/another/path' }; $(".slides > section")[0].setAttribute("data-background", "/file/path"); spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.resetTheme(); expect($(".slides > section")[0].getAttribute("data-background")).toEqual("url('/another/path')"); expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe("Display.setVideo", function () { beforeEach(function() { document.body.innerHTML = ""; var slides_container = _createDiv({"class": "slides"}); Display._slidesContainer = slides_container; Display._slides = {}; }); it("should add a video to the page", function () { var video = {"path": "file:///video.mp4"}; spyOn(Reveal, "sync"); spyOn(Reveal, "slide"); Display.setVideo(video); expect($(".slides > section").length).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > video").length).toEqual(1); expect($(".slides > section > video")[0].src).toEqual("file:///video.mp4") expect(Reveal.sync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe("Display.playVideo", function () { var playCalled = false, mockVideo = { play: function () { playCalled = true; } }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should play the video when called", function () { Display.playVideo(); expect(playCalled).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("Display.pauseVideo", function () { var pauseCalled = false, mockVideo = { pause: function () { pauseCalled = true; } }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should pause the video when called", function () { Display.pauseVideo(); expect(pauseCalled).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("Display.stopVideo", function () { var pauseCalled = false, mockVideo = { pause: function () { pauseCalled = true; }, currentTime: 10.0 }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should play the video when called", function () { Display.stopVideo(); expect(pauseCalled).toEqual(true); expect(mockVideo.currentTime).toEqual(0.0); }); }); describe("Display.seekVideo", function () { var mockVideo = { currentTime: 1.0 }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should seek to the specified position within the video when called", function () { Display.seekVideo(7.34); expect(mockVideo.currentTime).toEqual(7.34); }); }); describe("Display.setPlaybackRate", function () { var mockVideo = { playbackRate: 1.0 }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should set the playback rate of the video when called", function () { // Let's sound like chipmunks! Display.setPlaybackRate(1.25); expect(mockVideo.playbackRate).toEqual(1.25); }); }); describe("Display.setVideoVolume", function () { var mockVideo = { volume: 1.0 }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should set the correct volume of the video when called", function () { // Make it quiet Display.setVideoVolume(30); expect(mockVideo.volume).toEqual(0.3); }); }); describe("Display.toggleVideoMute", function () { var mockVideo = { muted: false }; beforeEach(function () { spyOn(window, "$").and.returnValue([mockVideo]); }); it("should mute the video when called", function () { mockVideo.muted = false; Display.toggleVideoMute(); expect(mockVideo.muted).toEqual(true); }); it("should unmute the video when called", function () { mockVideo.muted = true; Display.toggleVideoMute(); expect(mockVideo.muted).toEqual(false); }); });