""" Package to test the openlp.core.lib package. """ from unittest import TestCase from mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch from PyQt4 import QtGui from openlp.core.lib import Registry, ScreenList, ServiceItem from openlp.core.ui.mainwindow import MainWindow class TestServiceManager(TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Create the UI """ Registry.create() self.app = QtGui.QApplication([]) ScreenList.create(self.app.desktop()) Registry().register(u'application', MagicMock()) with patch(u'openlp.core.lib.PluginManager'): self.main_window = MainWindow() self.service_manager = Registry().get(u'service_manager') def tearDown(self): """ Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault """ del self.main_window del self.app def basic_service_manager_test(self): """ Test the Service Manager display functionality """ # GIVEN: A New Service Manager instance # WHEN I have an empty display # THEN the count of items should be zero self.assertEqual(self.service_manager.service_manager_list.topLevelItemCount(), 0, u'The service manager list should be empty ') def context_menu_test(self): """ Test the context_menu() method. """ # GIVEN: A service item added with patch(u'PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidget.itemAt') as mocked_item_at_method, \ patch(u'PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget.mapToGlobal') as mocked_map_to_global, \ patch(u'PyQt4.QtGui.QMenu.exec_') as mocked_exec: mocked_item = MagicMock() mocked_item.parent.return_value = None mocked_item_at_method.return_value = mocked_item # We want 1 to be returned for the position mocked_item.data.return_value = 1 # A service item without capabilities. service_item = ServiceItem() self.service_manager.service_items = [{u'service_item': service_item}] q_point = None # Mocked actions. self.service_manager.edit_action.setVisible = Mock() self.service_manager.create_custom_action.setVisible = Mock() self.service_manager.maintain_action.setVisible = Mock() self.service_manager.notes_action.setVisible = Mock() self.service_manager.time_action.setVisible = Mock() self.service_manager.auto_start_action.setVisible = Mock() # WHEN: Show the context menu. self.service_manager.context_menu(q_point) # THEN: The following actions should be not visible. self.service_manager.edit_action.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False), \ u'The action should be set invisible.' self.service_manager.create_custom_action.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False), \ u'The action should be set invisible.' self.service_manager.maintain_action.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False), \ u'The action should be set invisible.' self.service_manager.notes_action.setVisible.assert_called_with(True), u'The action should be set visible.' self.service_manager.time_action.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False), \ u'The action should be set invisible.' self.service_manager.auto_start_action.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False), \ u'The action should be set invisible.'