# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2021 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Package to test the openlp.plugins.planningcenter.planningcenterplugin package. """ from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings from openlp.core.state import State from openlp.core.ui.icons import UiIcons from openlp.core.ui.settingsform import SettingsForm from openlp.plugins.planningcenter.planningcenterplugin import PlanningCenterPlugin from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin class TestPlanningCenterPlugin(TestCase, TestMixin): """ Test the PlanningcenterPlugin class """ def setUp(self): """ Create the UI """ self.setup_application() self.registry = Registry() Registry.create() State().load_settings() Registry().register('settings', Settings()) self.plugin = PlanningCenterPlugin() self.settings_form = SettingsForm() def tearDown(self): """ Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault """ del self.registry del self.plugin del self.settings_form def test_class_init_defaults(self): """ Test that the plugin class is instantiated with the correct defaults """ # GIVEN: A PlanningcenterPlugin Class # WHEN: the class has been through __init__ # THEN: # planningcenter form is set to None self.assertEqual(self.plugin.planningcenter_form, None, "Init plugin set to None") # icon is set correctly self.assertEqual(self.plugin.icon, UiIcons().planning_center, "Init icon set to planning_center icon") # weight is -1 self.assertEqual(self.plugin.weight, -1, "Init weight set to -1") # the planning_center module is registered active self.assertEqual(State().is_module_active('planning_center'), True, "Init State() is active") def test_initialise(self): """ Test that the initialise function can be called and it passes a call along to its parent class """ # GIVEN: A PlanningcenterPlugin Class # WHEN: initialise has been called on the class with patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.planningcenterplugin.PlanningCenterPlugin.import_planning_center', create=True): return_value = self.plugin.initialise() # THEN: # the function returns and does not fail... it doesn't do much at this point, so this # is mainly to improve test coverage self.assertEqual(return_value, None, "Initialise was called on the class and it didn't crash") def test_import_menu_item_added(self): """ Test that the add_import_menu_item function adds the menu item """ # GIVEN: A PlanningcenterPlugin Class # WHEN: add_import_menu_item is called import_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() self.plugin.add_import_menu_item(import_menu) self.plugin.import_planning_center.setVisible(True) # THEN: # the menu should not be empty self.assertEqual(import_menu.isEmpty(), False, "Menu Item is populated") @patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.forms.selectplanform.SelectPlanForm.exec') @patch('openlp.core.ui.settingsform.SettingsForm.exec') def test_on_import_planning_center_triggered_with_auth_settings(self, mock_editauth_exec, mock_selectplan_exec): """ Test that the on_import_planning_center_triggered function correctly returns the correct form to display. """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterPlugin Class with mocked exec calls on both # PlanningCenter forms and settings set application_id = 'abc' secret = '123' Settings().setValue('planningcenter/application_id', application_id) Settings().setValue('planningcenter/secret', secret) # init the planning center plugin so we have default values defined for Settings() # WHEN: on_import_planning_center_triggered is called self.plugin.on_import_planning_center_triggered() # THEN: self.assertEqual(mock_selectplan_exec.call_count, 1, "Select Plan Form was shown") self.assertEqual(mock_editauth_exec.call_count, 0, "Edit Auth Form was not shown") @patch('openlp.plugins.planningcenter.forms.selectplanform.SelectPlanForm.exec') @patch('openlp.core.ui.settingsform.SettingsForm.exec') def test_on_import_planning_center_triggered_without_auth_settings(self, mock_editauth_exec, mock_selectplan_exec): """ Test that the on_import_planning_center_triggered function correctly returns the correct form to display. """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterPlugin Class with mocked exec calls on both # PlanningCenter forms and settings set application_id = '' secret = '' Settings().setValue('planningcenter/application_id', application_id) Settings().setValue('planningcenter/secret', secret) # init the planning center plugin so we have default values defined for Settings() # WHEN: on_import_planning_center_triggered is called self.plugin.on_import_planning_center_triggered() # THEN: self.assertEqual(mock_selectplan_exec.call_count, 0, "Select Plan Form was not shown") self.assertEqual(mock_editauth_exec.call_count, 1, "Edit Auth Form was shown") def test_about(self): """ Test that the about function returns text. """ # GIVEN: A PlanningCenterPlugin Class # WHEN: about() is called return_value = self.plugin.about() # THEN: self.assertGreater(len(return_value), 0, "About function returned some text") def test_finalise(self): """ Test that the finalise function cleans up after the plugin """ # GIVEN: A PlanningcenterPlugin Class with a bunch of mocks self.plugin.import_planning_center = MagicMock() # WHEN: finalise has been called on the class self.plugin.finalise() # THEN: it cleans up after itself self.plugin.import_planning_center.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False)