# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ The :mod:`~openlp.display.render` module contains functions for rendering. """ import html import logging import math import re from openlp.core.lib.formattingtags import FormattingTags log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SLIM_CHARS = 'fiíIÍjlĺľrtť.,;/ ()|"\'!:\\' CHORD_LINE_MATCH = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\]([\u0080-\uFFFF,\w]*)' '([\u0080-\uFFFF,\w,\s,\.,\,,\!,\?,\;,\:,\|,\",\',\-,\_]*)(\Z)?') CHORD_TEMPLATE = '{chord}' FIRST_CHORD_TEMPLATE = '{chord}' CHORD_LINE_TEMPLATE = '{chord}{tail}{whitespace}{remainder}' WHITESPACE_TEMPLATE = '{whitespaces}' def remove_tags(text, can_remove_chords=False): """ Remove Tags from text for display :param text: Text to be cleaned :param can_remove_chords: Can we remove the chords too? """ text = text.replace('
', '\n') text = text.replace('{br}', '\n') text = text.replace(' ', ' ') for tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags(): text = text.replace(tag['start tag'], '') text = text.replace(tag['end tag'], '') # Remove ChordPro tags if can_remove_chords: text = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]', r'', text) return text def has_valid_tags(text): """ The :func:`~openlp.core.display.render.has_valid_tags` function validates the tags within ``text``. :param str text: The string with formatting tags in it. :returns bool: Returns True if tags are valid, False if there are parsing problems. """ return True def render_chords_in_line(match): """ Render the chords in the line and align them using whitespaces. NOTE: There is equivalent javascript code in chords.js, in the updateSlide function. Make sure to update both! :param str match: The line which contains chords :returns str: The line with rendered html-chords """ whitespaces = '' chord_length = 0 tail_length = 0 # The match could be "[G]sweet the " from a line like "A[D]mazing [D7]grace! How [G]sweet the [D]sound!" # The actual chord, would be "G" in match "[G]sweet the " chord = match.group(1) # The tailing word of the chord, would be "sweet" in match "[G]sweet the " tail = match.group(2) # The remainder of the line, until line end or next chord. Would be " the " in match "[G]sweet the " remainder = match.group(3) # Line end if found, else None end = match.group(4) # Based on char width calculate width of chord for chord_char in chord: if chord_char not in SLIM_CHARS: chord_length += 2 else: chord_length += 1 # Based on char width calculate width of tail for tail_char in tail: if tail_char not in SLIM_CHARS: tail_length += 2 else: tail_length += 1 # Based on char width calculate width of remainder for remainder_char in remainder: if remainder_char not in SLIM_CHARS: tail_length += 2 else: tail_length += 1 # If the chord is wider than the tail+remainder and the line goes on, some padding is needed if chord_length >= tail_length and end is None: # Decide if the padding should be "_" for drawing out words or spaces if tail: if not remainder: for c in range(math.ceil((chord_length - tail_length) / 2) + 2): whitespaces += '_' else: for c in range(chord_length - tail_length + 1): whitespaces += ' ' else: if not remainder: for c in range(math.floor((chord_length - tail_length) / 2)): whitespaces += '_' else: for c in range(chord_length - tail_length + 1): whitespaces += ' ' else: if not tail and remainder and remainder[0] == ' ': for c in range(chord_length): whitespaces += ' ' if whitespaces: if '_' in whitespaces: ws_length = len(whitespaces) if ws_length == 1: whitespaces = '–' else: wsl_mod = ws_length // 2 ws_right = ws_left = ' ' * wsl_mod whitespaces = ws_left + '–' + ws_right whitespaces = WHITESPACE_TEMPLATE.format(whitespaces=whitespaces) return CHORD_LINE_TEMPLATE.format(chord=html.escape(chord), tail=html.escape(tail), whitespace=whitespaces, remainder=html.escape(remainder)) def render_chords(text): """ Render ChordPro tags :param str text: The text containing the chords :returns str: The text containing the rendered chords """ text_lines = text.split('{br}') rendered_lines = [] chords_on_prev_line = False for line in text_lines: # If a ChordPro is detected in the line, replace it with a html-span tag and wrap the line in a span tag. if '[' in line and ']' in line: if chords_on_prev_line: chord_template = CHORD_TEMPLATE else: chord_template = FIRST_CHORD_TEMPLATE chords_on_prev_line = True # Matches a chord, a tail, a remainder and a line end. See expand_and_align_chords_in_line() for more info. new_line = chord_template.format(chord=CHORD_LINE_MATCH.sub(render_chords_in_line, line)) rendered_lines.append(new_line) else: chords_on_prev_line = False rendered_lines.append(html.escape(line)) return '{br}'.join(rendered_lines) def compare_chord_lyric_width(chord, lyric): """ Compare the width of chord and lyrics. If chord width is greater than the lyric width the diff is returned. :param chord: :param lyric: :return: """ chord_length = 0 if chord == ' ': return 0 chord = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', r'', chord) lyric = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', r'', lyric) for chord_char in chord: if chord_char not in SLIM_CHARS: chord_length += 2 else: chord_length += 1 lyriclen = 0 for lyric_char in lyric: if lyric_char not in SLIM_CHARS: lyriclen += 2 else: lyriclen += 1 if chord_length > lyriclen: return chord_length - lyriclen else: return 0 def find_formatting_tags(text, active_formatting_tags): """ Look for formatting tags in lyrics and adds/removes them to/from the given list. Returns the update list. :param text: :param active_formatting_tags: :return: """ if not re.search(r'\{.*?\}', text): return active_formatting_tags word_iterator = iter(text) # Loop through lyrics to find any formatting tags for char in word_iterator: if char == '{': tag = '' char = next(word_iterator) start_tag = True if char == '/': start_tag = False char = next(word_iterator) while char != '}': tag += char char = next(word_iterator) # See if the found tag has an end tag for formatting_tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags(): if formatting_tag['start tag'] == '{' + tag + '}': if formatting_tag['end tag']: if start_tag: # prepend the new tag to the list of active formatting tags active_formatting_tags[:0] = [tag] else: # remove the tag from the list active_formatting_tags.remove(tag) # Break out of the loop matching the found tag against the tag list. break return active_formatting_tags def render_chords_for_printing(text, line_split): """ Render ChordPro tags for printing :param str text: The text containing the chords to be rendered. :param str line_split: The character(s) used to split lines :returns str: The rendered chords """ if not re.search(r'\[.*?\]', text): return text text_lines = text.split(line_split) rendered_text_lines = [] for line in text_lines: # If a ChordPro is detected in the line, build html tables. new_line = '
' active_formatting_tags = [] if re.search(r'\[.*?\]', line): words = line.split(' ') in_chord = False for word in words: chords = [] lyrics = [] new_line += '' # If the word contains a chord, we need to handle it. if re.search(r'\[.*?\]', word): chord = '' lyric = '' # Loop over each character of the word for char in word: if char == '[': in_chord = True if lyric != '': if chord == '': chord = ' ' chords.append(chord) lyrics.append(lyric) chord = '' lyric = '' elif char == ']' and in_chord: in_chord = False elif in_chord: chord += char else: lyric += char if lyric != '' or chord != '': if chord == '': chord = ' ' if lyric == '': lyric = ' ' chords.append(chord) lyrics.append(lyric) new_chord_line = '' new_lyric_line = '' for i in range(len(lyrics)): spacer = compare_chord_lyric_width(chords[i], lyrics[i]) # Handle formatting tags start_formatting_tags = '' if active_formatting_tags: start_formatting_tags = '{' + '}{'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}' # Update list of active formatting tags active_formatting_tags = find_formatting_tags(lyrics[i], active_formatting_tags) end_formatting_tags = '' if active_formatting_tags: end_formatting_tags = '{/' + '}{/'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}' new_chord_line += '' % chords[i] # Check if this is the last column, if so skip spacing calc and instead insert a single space if i + 1 == len(lyrics): new_lyric_line += ''.format( starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=lyrics[i], endtags=end_formatting_tags) else: spacing = '' if spacer > 0: space = ' ' * int(math.ceil(spacer / 2)) spacing = '%s-%s' % (space, space) new_lyric_line += ''.format( starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=lyrics[i], spacing=spacing, endtags=end_formatting_tags) new_line += new_chord_line + new_lyric_line + '' else: start_formatting_tags = '' if active_formatting_tags: start_formatting_tags = '{' + '}{'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}' active_formatting_tags = find_formatting_tags(word, active_formatting_tags) end_formatting_tags = '' if active_formatting_tags: end_formatting_tags = '{/' + '}{/'.join(active_formatting_tags) + '}' new_line += ''.format( starttags=start_formatting_tags, lyrics=word, endtags=end_formatting_tags) new_line += '
%s{starttags}{lyrics} {endtags}{starttags}{lyrics}{spacing}{endtags}
' \ '{starttags}{lyrics} {endtags}
' else: new_line += line new_line += '
' rendered_text_lines.append(new_line) # the {br} tag used to split lines is not inserted again since the style of the line-tables makes them redundant. return ''.join(rendered_text_lines) def render_tags(text, can_render_chords=False, is_printing=False): """ The :func:`~openlp.core.display.render.render_tags` function takes a stirng with OpenLP-style tags in it and replaces them with the HTML version. :param str text: The string with OpenLP-style tags to be rendered. :param bool can_render_chords: Should the chords be rendererd? :param bool is_printing: Are we going to print this? :returns str: The HTML version of the tags is returned as a string. """ if can_render_chords: if is_printing: text = render_chords_for_printing(text, '{br}') else: text = render_chords(text) for tag in FormattingTags.get_html_tags(): text = text.replace(tag['start tag'], tag['start html']) text = text.replace(tag['end tag'], tag['end html']) return text