# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2018 OpenLP Developers # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### # OOo API documentation: # http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/presentation/XSlideShowController.html # http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/Basic # /Getting_Information_about_UNO_Objects#Inspecting_interfaces_during_debugging # http://docs.go-oo.org/sd/html/classsd_1_1SlideShow.html # http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=5252 # http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Working_with_Presentations # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2008-January/006676.html # http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/starting-stopping-and-connecting-openoffice-python # http://nxsy.org/comparing-documents-with-openoffice-and-python import logging import time from PyQt5 import QtCore from openlp.core.common import delete_file, get_uno_command, get_uno_instance, is_win from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry from openlp.core.display.screens import ScreenList from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller import PresentationController, PresentationDocument, \ TextType if is_win(): from win32com.client import Dispatch import pywintypes # Declare an empty exception to match the exception imported from UNO class ErrorCodeIOException(Exception): pass else: try: import uno from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue from com.sun.star.task import ErrorCodeIOException uno_available = True except ImportError: uno_available = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ImpressController(PresentationController): """ Class to control interactions with Impress presentations. It creates the runtime environment, loads and closes the presentation as well as triggering the correct activities based on the users input. """ log.info('ImpressController loaded') def __init__(self, plugin): """ Initialise the class """ log.debug('Initialising') super(ImpressController, self).__init__(plugin, 'Impress', ImpressDocument) self.supports = ['odp'] self.also_supports = ['ppt', 'pps', 'pptx', 'ppsx', 'pptm'] self.process = None self.desktop = None self.manager = None def check_available(self): """ Impress is able to run on this machine. """ log.debug('check_available') if is_win(): return self.get_com_servicemanager() is not None else: return uno_available def start_process(self): """ Loads a running version of OpenOffice in the background. It is not displayed to the user but is available to the UNO interface when required. """ log.debug('start process Openoffice') if is_win(): self.manager = self.get_com_servicemanager() self.manager._FlagAsMethod('Bridge_GetStruct') self.manager._FlagAsMethod('Bridge_GetValueObject') else: # -headless cmd = get_uno_command() self.process = QtCore.QProcess() self.process.startDetached(cmd) def get_uno_desktop(self): """ On non-Windows platforms, use Uno. Get the OpenOffice desktop which will be used to manage impress. """ log.debug('get UNO Desktop Openoffice') uno_instance = None loop = 0 log.debug('get UNO Desktop Openoffice - getComponentContext') context = uno.getComponentContext() log.debug('get UNO Desktop Openoffice - createInstaneWithContext - UnoUrlResolver') resolver = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext('com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver', context) while uno_instance is None and loop < 3: try: uno_instance = get_uno_instance(resolver) except Exception: log.warning('Unable to find running instance ') self.start_process() loop += 1 try: self.manager = uno_instance.ServiceManager log.debug('get UNO Desktop Openoffice - createInstanceWithContext - Desktop') desktop = self.manager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", uno_instance) return desktop except Exception: log.warning('Failed to get UNO desktop') return None def get_com_desktop(self): """ On Windows platforms, use COM. Return the desktop object which will be used to manage Impress. """ log.debug('get COM Desktop OpenOffice') if not self.manager: return None desktop = None try: desktop = self.manager.createInstance('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop') except (AttributeError, pywintypes.com_error): log.warning('Failure to find desktop - Impress may have closed') return desktop if desktop else None def get_com_servicemanager(self): """ Return the OOo service manager for windows. """ log.debug('get_com_servicemanager openoffice') try: return Dispatch('com.sun.star.ServiceManager') except pywintypes.com_error: log.warning('Failed to get COM service manager. Impress Controller has been disabled') return None def kill(self): """ Called at system exit to clean up any running presentations. """ log.debug('Kill OpenOffice') while self.docs: self.docs[0].close_presentation() desktop = None try: if not is_win(): desktop = self.get_uno_desktop() else: desktop = self.get_com_desktop() except Exception: log.warning('Failed to find an OpenOffice desktop to terminate') if not desktop: return docs = desktop.getComponents() cnt = 0 if docs.hasElements(): list_elements = docs.createEnumeration() while list_elements.hasMoreElements(): doc = list_elements.nextElement() if doc.getImplementationName() != 'com.sun.star.comp.framework.BackingComp': cnt += 1 if cnt > 0: log.debug('OpenOffice not terminated as docs are still open') else: try: desktop.terminate() log.debug('OpenOffice killed') except Exception: log.warning('Failed to terminate OpenOffice') class ImpressDocument(PresentationDocument): """ Class which holds information and controls a single presentation. """ def __init__(self, controller, document_path): """ Constructor, store information about the file and initialise. :param openlp.core.common.path.Path document_path: File path for the document to load :rtype: None """ log.debug('Init Presentation OpenOffice') super().__init__(controller, document_path) self.document = None self.presentation = None self.control = None def load_presentation(self): """ Called when a presentation is added to the SlideController. It builds the environment, starts communcations with the background OpenOffice task started earlier. If OpenOffice is not present is is started. Once the environment is available the presentation is loaded and started. """ log.debug('Load Presentation OpenOffice') if is_win(): desktop = self.controller.get_com_desktop() if desktop is None: self.controller.start_process() desktop = self.controller.get_com_desktop() else: desktop = self.controller.get_uno_desktop() url = self.file_path.as_uri() if desktop is None: return False self.desktop = desktop properties = [] properties.append(self.create_property('Hidden', True)) properties = tuple(properties) try: self.document = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, '_blank', 0, properties) except Exception: log.warning('Failed to load presentation {url}'.format(url=url)) return False self.presentation = self.document.getPresentation() self.presentation.Display = ScreenList().current.number + 1 self.control = None self.create_thumbnails() self.create_titles_and_notes() return True def create_thumbnails(self): """ Create thumbnail images for presentation. """ log.debug('create thumbnails OpenOffice') if self.check_thumbnails(): return temp_folder_path = self.get_temp_folder() thumb_dir_url = temp_folder_path.as_uri() properties = [] properties.append(self.create_property('FilterName', 'impress_png_Export')) properties = tuple(properties) doc = self.document pages = doc.getDrawPages() if not pages: return if not temp_folder_path.is_dir(): temp_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True) for index in range(pages.getCount()): page = pages.getByIndex(index) doc.getCurrentController().setCurrentPage(page) url_path = '{path}/{name:d}.png'.format(path=thumb_dir_url, name=index + 1) path = temp_folder_path / '{number:d}.png'.format(number=index + 1) try: doc.storeToURL(url_path, properties) self.convert_thumbnail(path, index + 1) delete_file(path) except ErrorCodeIOException as exception: log.exception('ERROR! ErrorCodeIOException {error:d}'.format(error=exception.ErrCode)) except Exception: log.exception('{path} - Unable to store openoffice preview'.format(path=path)) def create_property(self, name, value): """ Create an OOo style property object which are passed into some Uno methods. """ log.debug('create property OpenOffice') if is_win(): property_object = self.controller.manager.Bridge_GetStruct('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue') else: property_object = PropertyValue() property_object.Name = name property_object.Value = value return property_object def close_presentation(self): """ Close presentation and clean up objects. Triggered by new object being added to SlideController or OpenLP being shutdown. """ log.debug('close Presentation OpenOffice') if self.document: if self.presentation: try: self.presentation.end() self.presentation = None self.document.dispose() except Exception: log.warning("Closing presentation failed") self.document = None self.controller.remove_doc(self) def is_loaded(self): """ Returns true if a presentation is loaded. """ log.debug('is loaded OpenOffice') if self.presentation is None or self.document is None: log.debug("is_loaded: no presentation or document") return False try: if self.document.getPresentation() is None: log.debug("getPresentation failed to find a presentation") return False except Exception: log.warning("getPresentation failed to find a presentation") return False return True def is_active(self): """ Returns true if a presentation is active and running. """ log.debug('is active OpenOffice') if not self.is_loaded(): return False return self.control.isRunning() if self.control else False def unblank_screen(self): """ Unblanks the screen. """ log.debug('unblank screen OpenOffice') return self.control.resume() def blank_screen(self): """ Blanks the screen. """ log.debug('blank screen OpenOffice') self.control.blankScreen(0) def is_blank(self): """ Returns true if screen is blank. """ log.debug('is blank OpenOffice') if self.control and self.control.isRunning(): return self.control.isPaused() else: return False def stop_presentation(self): """ Stop the presentation, remove from screen. """ log.debug('stop presentation OpenOffice') self.presentation.end() self.control = None def start_presentation(self): """ Start the presentation from the beginning. """ log.debug('start presentation OpenOffice') if self.control is None or not self.control.isRunning(): window = self.document.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow() window.setVisible(True) self.presentation.start() self.control = self.presentation.getController() # start() returns before the Component is ready. Try for 15 seconds. sleep_count = 1 while not self.control and sleep_count < 150: time.sleep(0.1) sleep_count += 1 self.control = self.presentation.getController() window.setVisible(False) else: self.control.activate() self.goto_slide(1) # Make sure impress doesn't steal focus, unless we're on a single screen setup if len(ScreenList()) > 1: Registry().get('main_window').activateWindow() def get_slide_number(self): """ Return the current slide number on the screen, from 1. """ return self.control.getCurrentSlideIndex() + 1 def get_slide_count(self): """ Return the total number of slides. """ return self.document.getDrawPages().getCount() def goto_slide(self, slide_no): """ Go to a specific slide (from 1). :param slide_no: The slide the text is required for, starting at 1 """ self.control.gotoSlideIndex(slide_no - 1) def next_step(self): """ Triggers the next effect of slide on the running presentation. """ is_paused = self.control.isPaused() self.control.gotoNextEffect() time.sleep(0.1) if not is_paused and self.control.isPaused(): self.control.gotoPreviousEffect() def previous_step(self): """ Triggers the previous slide on the running presentation. """ self.control.gotoPreviousEffect() def get_slide_text(self, slide_no): """ Returns the text on the slide. :param slide_no: The slide the text is required for, starting at 1 """ return self.__get_text_from_page(slide_no) def get_slide_notes(self, slide_no): """ Returns the text in the slide notes. :param slide_no: The slide the notes are required for, starting at 1 """ return self.__get_text_from_page(slide_no, TextType.Notes) def __get_text_from_page(self, slide_no, text_type=TextType.SlideText): """ Return any text extracted from the presentation page. :param slide_no: The slide the notes are required for, starting at 1 :param notes: A boolean. If set the method searches the notes of the slide. :param text_type: A TextType. Enumeration of the types of supported text. """ text = '' if TextType.Title <= text_type <= TextType.Notes: pages = self.document.getDrawPages() if 0 < slide_no <= pages.getCount(): page = pages.getByIndex(slide_no - 1) if text_type == TextType.Notes: page = page.getNotesPage() for index in range(page.getCount()): shape = page.getByIndex(index) shape_type = shape.getShapeType() if shape.supportsService("com.sun.star.drawing.Text"): # if they requested title, make sure it is the title if text_type != TextType.Title or shape_type == "com.sun.star.presentation.TitleTextShape": text += shape.getString() + '\n' return text def create_titles_and_notes(self): """ Writes the list of titles (one per slide) to 'titles.txt' and the notes to 'slideNotes[x].txt' in the thumbnails directory """ titles = [] notes = [] pages = self.document.getDrawPages() for slide_no in range(1, pages.getCount() + 1): titles.append(self.__get_text_from_page(slide_no, TextType.Title).replace('\n', ' ') + '\n') note = self.__get_text_from_page(slide_no, TextType.Notes) if len(note) == 0: note = ' ' notes.append(note) self.save_titles_and_notes(titles, notes)