# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raoul Snyman # # Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael # # Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Christian Richter, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin # # Thompson, Jon Tibble, Carsten Tinggaard # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### import logging import urllib2 import os import sqlite3 import re from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag, NavigableString from openlp.core.lib import Receiver from openlp.core.utils import AppLocation from common import BibleCommon, SearchResults, unescape from db import BibleDB from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.models import Book log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HTTPBooks(object): """ A wrapper class around a small SQLite database which contains the books, chapter counts and verse counts for the web download Bibles. This class contains a singleton "cursor" so that only one connection to the SQLite database is ever used. """ cursor = None @staticmethod def get_cursor(): """ Return the cursor object. Instantiate one if it doesn't exist yet. """ if HTTPBooks.cursor is None: filepath = os.path.join( AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.PluginsDir), u'bibles', u'resources', u'httpbooks.sqlite') conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath) HTTPBooks.cursor = conn.cursor() return HTTPBooks.cursor @staticmethod def run_sql(query, parameters=()): """ Run an SQL query on the database, returning the results. ``query`` The actual SQL query to run. ``parameters`` Any variable parameters to add to the query. """ cursor = HTTPBooks.get_cursor() cursor.execute(query, parameters) return cursor.fetchall() @staticmethod def get_books(): """ Return a list of all the books of the Bible. """ books = HTTPBooks.run_sql(u'SELECT id, testament_id, name, ' u'abbreviation, chapters FROM books ORDER BY id') book_list = [] for book in books: book_list.append({ u'id': book[0], u'testament_id': book[1], u'name': unicode(book[2]), u'abbreviation': unicode(book[3]), u'chapters': book[4] }) return book_list @staticmethod def get_book(name): """ Return a book by name or abbreviation. ``name`` The name or abbreviation of the book. """ if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = unicode(name) books = HTTPBooks.run_sql(u'SELECT id, testament_id, name, ' u'abbreviation, chapters FROM books WHERE name = ? OR ' u'abbreviation = ?', (name, name)) if books: return { u'id': books[0][0], u'testament_id': books[0][1], u'name': unicode(books[0][2]), u'abbreviation': unicode(books[0][3]), u'chapters': books[0][4] } else: return None @staticmethod def get_chapter(name, chapter): """ Return the chapter details for a specific chapter of a book. ``name`` The name or abbreviation of a book. ``chapter`` The chapter number. """ if not isinstance(name, int): chapter = int(chapter) book = HTTPBooks.get_book(name) chapters = HTTPBooks.run_sql(u'SELECT id, book_id, chapter, ' u'verses FROM chapters WHERE book_id = ?', (book[u'id'],)) if chapters: return { u'id': chapters[0][0], u'book_id': chapters[0][1], u'chapter': chapters[0][2], u'verses': chapters[0][3] } else: return None @staticmethod def get_chapter_count(book): """ Return the number of chapters in a book. ``book`` The name or abbreviation of the book. """ details = HTTPBooks.get_book(book) if details: return details[u'chapters'] return 0 @staticmethod def get_verse_count(book, chapter): """ Return the number of verses in a chapter. ``book`` The name or abbreviation of the book. ``chapter`` The number of the chapter. """ details = HTTPBooks.get_chapter(book, chapter) if details: return details[u'verses'] return 0 class BGExtract(BibleCommon): """ Extract verses from BibleGateway """ def __init__(self, proxyurl=None): log.debug(u'init %s', proxyurl) self.proxyurl = proxyurl def get_bible_chapter(self, version, bookname, chapter) : """ Access and decode bibles via the BibleGateway website ``version`` The version of the bible like 31 for New International version ``bookname`` Name of the Book ``chapter`` Chapter number """ log.debug(u'get_bible_chapter %s, %s, %s', version, bookname, chapter) urlstring = u'http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=%s+%s' \ u'&version=%s' % (bookname, chapter, version) log.debug(u'BibleGateway url = %s' % urlstring) # Let's get the page, and then open it in BeautifulSoup, so as to # attempt to make "easy" work of bad HTML. page = urllib2.urlopen(urlstring) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') soup = BeautifulSoup(page) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') verses = soup.find(u'div', u'result-text-style-normal') verse_number = 0 verse_list = {0: u''} # http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2009/11/parsing-html-the-cthulhu-way.html # This is a PERFECT example of opening the Cthulu tag! # O Bible Gateway, why doth ye such horrific HTML produce? for verse in verses: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(verse, Tag) and verse.name == u'div' and filter(lambda a: a[0] == u'class', verse.attrs)[0][1] == u'footnotes': break if isinstance(verse, Tag) and verse.name == u'sup' and filter(lambda a: a[0] == u'class', verse.attrs)[0][1] != u'versenum': continue if isinstance(verse, Tag) and verse.name == u'p' and not verse.contents: continue if isinstance(verse, Tag) and (verse.name == u'p' or verse.name == u'font') and verse.contents: for item in verse.contents: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(item, Tag) and (item.name == u'h4' or item.name == u'h5'): continue if isinstance(item, Tag) and item.name == u'sup' and filter(lambda a: a[0] == u'class', item.attrs)[0][1] != u'versenum': continue if isinstance(item, Tag) and item.name == u'p' and not item.contents: continue if isinstance(item, Tag) and item.name == u'sup': verse_number = int(str(item.contents[0])) verse_list[verse_number] = u'' continue if isinstance(item, Tag) and item.name == u'font': for subitem in item.contents: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(subitem, Tag) and subitem.name == u'sup' and filter(lambda a: a[0] == u'class', subitem.attrs)[0][1] != u'versenum': continue if isinstance(subitem, Tag) and subitem.name == u'p' and not subitem.contents: continue if isinstance(subitem, Tag) and subitem.name == u'sup': verse_number = int(str(subitem.contents[0])) verse_list[verse_number] = u'' continue if isinstance(subitem, NavigableString): verse_list[verse_number] = verse_list[verse_number] + subitem.replace(u' ', u' ') continue if isinstance(item, NavigableString): verse_list[verse_number] = verse_list[verse_number] + item.replace(u' ', u' ') continue if isinstance(verse, Tag) and verse.name == u'sup': verse_number = int(str(verse.contents[0])) verse_list[verse_number] = u'' continue if isinstance(verse, NavigableString): if not isinstance(verse, unicode): verse = unicode(verse, u'utf8') verse_list[verse_number] = verse_list[verse_number] + \ unescape(verse.replace(u' ', u' ')) # Delete the "0" element, since we don't need it, it's just there for # some stupid initial whitespace, courtesy of Bible Gateway. del verse_list[0] # Finally, return the list of verses in a "SearchResults" object. return SearchResults(bookname, chapter, verse_list) class CWExtract(BibleCommon): """ Extract verses from CrossWalk/BibleStudyTools """ def __init__(self, proxyurl=None): log.debug(u'init %s', proxyurl) self.proxyurl = proxyurl def get_bible_chapter(self, version, bookname, chapter): """ Access and decode bibles via the Crosswalk website ``version`` The version of the bible like niv for New International Version ``bookname`` Text name of in english e.g. 'gen' for Genesis ``chapter`` Chapter number """ log.debug(u'get_bible_chapter %s,%s,%s', version, bookname, chapter) urlbookname = bookname.replace(u' ', u'-') chapter_url = u'http://www.biblestudytools.com/%s/%s/%s.html' % \ (version, urlbookname.lower(), chapter) log.debug(u'URL: %s', chapter_url) page = urllib2.urlopen(chapter_url) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if not page: return None soup = BeautifulSoup(page) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') htmlverses = soup.findAll(u'span', u'versetext') verses = {} reduce_spaces = re.compile(r'[ ]{2,}') fix_punctuation = re.compile(r'[ ]+([.,;])') for verse in htmlverses: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') versenumber = int(verse.contents[0].contents[0]) versetext = u'' for part in verse.contents: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(part, NavigableString): versetext = versetext + part elif part and part.attrMap and \ (part.attrMap[u'class'] == u'WordsOfChrist' or \ part.attrMap[u'class'] == u'strongs'): for subpart in part.contents: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(subpart, NavigableString): versetext = versetext + subpart elif subpart and subpart.attrMap and \ subpart.attrMap[u'class'] == u'strongs': for subsub in subpart.contents: Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') if isinstance(subsub, NavigableString): versetext = versetext + subsub Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') # Fix up leading and trailing spaces, multiple spaces, and spaces # between text and , and . versetext = versetext.strip(u'\n\r\t ') versetext = reduce_spaces.sub(u' ', versetext) versetext = fix_punctuation.sub(r'\1', versetext) verses[versenumber] = versetext return SearchResults(bookname, chapter, verses) class HTTPBible(BibleDB): log.info(u'%s HTTPBible loaded' , __name__) def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): """ Finds all the bibles defined for the system Creates an Interface Object for each bible containing connection information Throws Exception if no Bibles are found. Init confirms the bible exists and stores the database path. """ BibleDB.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) if u'download_source' not in kwargs: raise KeyError(u'Missing keyword argument "download_source"') if u'download_name' not in kwargs: raise KeyError(u'Missing keyword argument "download_name"') self.download_source = kwargs[u'download_source'] self.download_name = kwargs[u'download_name'] if u'proxy_server' in kwargs: self.proxy_server = kwargs[u'proxy_server'] else: self.proxy_server = None if u'proxy_username' in kwargs: self.proxy_username = kwargs[u'proxy_username'] else: self.proxy_username = None if u'proxy_password' in kwargs: self.proxy_password = kwargs[u'proxy_password'] else: self.proxy_password = None def do_import(self): """ Run the import. This method overrides the parent class method. Returns ``True`` on success, ``False`` on failure. """ self.wizard.ImportProgressBar.setMaximum(2) self.wizard.incrementProgressBar('Registering bible...') self.create_meta(u'download source', self.download_source) self.create_meta(u'download name', self.download_name) if self.proxy_server: self.create_meta(u'proxy server', self.proxy_server) if self.proxy_username: # store the proxy userid self.create_meta(u'proxy username', self.proxy_username) if self.proxy_password: # store the proxy password self.create_meta(u'proxy password', self.proxy_password) self.wizard.incrementProgressBar('Registered.') return True def get_verses(self, reference_list): """ A reimplementation of the ``BibleDB.get_verses`` method, this one is specifically for web Bibles. It first checks to see if the particular chapter exists in the DB, and if not it pulls it from the web. If the chapter DOES exist, it simply pulls the verses from the DB using the ancestor method. ``reference_list`` This is the list of references the media manager item wants. It is a list of tuples, with the following format:: (book, chapter, start_verse, end_verse) Therefore, when you are looking for multiple items, simply break them up into references like this, bundle them into a list. This function then runs through the list, and returns an amalgamated list of ``Verse`` objects. For example:: [(u'Genesis', 1, 1, 1), (u'Genesis', 2, 2, 3)] """ for reference in reference_list: log.debug('Reference: %s', reference) book = reference[0] db_book = self.get_book(book) if not db_book: book_details = self.lookup_book(book) if not book_details: Receiver.send_message(u'bibles_nobook') return [] db_book = self.create_book(book_details[u'name'], book_details[u'abbreviation'], book_details[u'testament_id']) book = db_book.name if BibleDB.get_verse_count(self, book, reference[1]) == 0: Receiver.send_message(u'bibles_showprogress') Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') search_results = self.get_chapter(self.name, book, reference[1]) if search_results and search_results.has_verselist(): ## We have found a book of the bible lets check to see ## if it was there. By reusing the returned book name ## we get a correct book. For example it is possible ## to request ac and get Acts back. bookname = search_results.get_book() Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') # check to see if book/chapter exists db_book = self.get_book(bookname) self.create_chapter(db_book.id, search_results.get_chapter(), search_results.get_verselist()) Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') Receiver.send_message(u'bibles_hideprogress') Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events') return BibleDB.get_verses(self, reference_list) def get_chapter(self, version, book, chapter): """ Receive the request and call the relevant handler methods """ log.debug(u'get_chapter %s, %s, %s', version, book, chapter) log.debug(u'source = %s', self.download_source) try: if self.download_source.lower() == u'crosswalk': ev = CWExtract(self.proxy_server) else: ev = BGExtract(self.proxy_server) return ev.get_bible_chapter(self.download_name, book, chapter) except: log.exception("Failed to get bible chapter") return None def get_books(self): """ Return the list of books. """ return [Book.populate(name=book['name']) for book in HTTPBooks.get_books()] def lookup_book(self, book): """ Look up the name of a book. """ return HTTPBooks.get_book(book) def get_chapter_count(self, book): """ Return the number of chapters in a particular book. """ return HTTPBooks.get_chapter_count(book) def get_verse_count(self, book, chapter): """ Return the number of verses for the specified chapter and book. ``book`` The name of the book. ``chapter`` The chapter whose verses are being counted. """ return HTTPBooks.get_verse_count(book, chapter) def set_proxy_server(self, server): """ Sets the proxy server. **Note: This is not actually used.** ``server`` The hostname or IP address of the proxy server. """ self.proxy_server = server