# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ############################################################################### # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # # more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ############################################################################### """ :mod:`openlp.core.lib.projector.db` module Provides the database functions for the Projector module. The Manufacturer, Model, Source tables keep track of the video source strings used for display of input sources. The Source table maps manufacturer-defined or user-defined strings from PJLink default strings to end-user readable strings; ex: PJLink code 11 would map "RGB 1" default string to "RGB PC (analog)" string. (Future feature). The Projector table keeps track of entries for controlled projectors. """ import logging from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, String, and_ from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from openlp.core.lib.db import Manager, init_db, init_url from openlp.core.projectors import upgrade from openlp.core.projectors.constants import PJLINK_DEFAULT_CODES log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.debug('projector.lib.db module loaded') Base = declarative_base(MetaData()) class CommonMixin(object): """ Base class to automate table name and ID column. """ @declared_attr def __tablename__(self): return self.__name__.lower() id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) class Manufacturer(Base, CommonMixin): """ Projector manufacturer table. Manufacturer: name: Column(String(30)) models: Relationship(Model.id) Model table is related. """ def __repr__(self): """ Returns a basic representation of a Manufacturer table entry. """ return ''.format(name=self.name) name = Column(String(30)) models = relationship('Model', order_by='Model.name', backref='manufacturer', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='Manufacturer.id==Model.manufacturer_id', lazy='joined') class Model(Base, CommonMixin): """ Projector model table. Model: name: Column(String(20)) sources: Relationship(Source.id) manufacturer_id: Foreign_key(Manufacturer.id) Manufacturer table links here. Source table is related. """ def __repr__(self): """ Returns a basic representation of a Model table entry. """ return ''.format(name=self.name) manufacturer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('manufacturer.id')) name = Column(String(20)) sources = relationship('Source', order_by='Source.pjlink_name', backref='model', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='Model.id==Source.model_id', lazy='joined') class Source(Base, CommonMixin): """ Projector video source table. Source: pjlink_name: Column(String(15)) pjlink_code: Column(String(2)) text: Column(String(30)) model_id: Foreign_key(Model.id) Model table links here. These entries map PJLink input video source codes to text strings. """ def __repr__(self): """ Return basic representation of Source table entry. """ return ''.format(name=self.pjlink_name, code=self.pjlink_code, text=self.text) model_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('model.id')) pjlink_name = Column(String(15)) pjlink_code = Column(String(2)) text = Column(String(30)) class Projector(Base, CommonMixin): """ Projector table. Projector: ip: Column(String(100)) # Allow for IPv6 or FQDN port: Column(String(8)) pin: Column(String(20)) # Allow for test strings name: Column(String(20)) location: Column(String(30)) notes: Column(String(200)) pjlink_name: Column(String(128)) # From projector pjlink_class Column(String(5)) # From projector manufacturer: Column(String(128)) # From projector model: Column(String(128)) # From projector other: Column(String(128)) # From projector sources: Column(String(128)) # From projector serial_no: Column(String(30)) # From projector (Class 2) sw_version: Column(String(30)) # From projector (Class 2) model_filter: Column(String(30)) # From projector (Class 2) model_lamp: Column(String(30)) # From projector (Class 2) ProjectorSource relates """ def __repr__(self): """ Return basic representation of Source table entry. """ return '< Projector(id="{data}", ip="{ip}", port="{port}", mac_adx="{mac}", pin="{pin}", name="{name}", ' \ 'location="{location}", notes="{notes}", pjlink_name="{pjlink_name}", pjlink_class="{pjlink_class}", ' \ 'manufacturer="{manufacturer}", model="{model}", serial_no="{serial}", other="{other}", ' \ 'sources="{sources}", source_list="{source_list}", model_filter="{mfilter}", ' \ 'model_lamp="{mlamp}", sw_version="{sw_ver}") >'.format(data=self.id, ip=self.ip, port=self.port, mac=self.mac_adx, pin=self.pin, name=self.name, location=self.location, notes=self.notes, pjlink_name=self.pjlink_name, pjlink_class=self.pjlink_class, manufacturer=self.manufacturer, model=self.model, other=self.other, sources=self.sources, source_list=self.source_list, serial=self.serial_no, mfilter=self.model_filter, mlamp=self.model_lamp, sw_ver=self.sw_version) ip = Column(String(100)) port = Column(String(8)) mac_adx = Column(String(18)) pin = Column(String(20)) name = Column(String(20)) location = Column(String(30)) notes = Column(String(200)) pjlink_name = Column(String(128)) pjlink_class = Column(String(5)) manufacturer = Column(String(128)) model = Column(String(128)) other = Column(String(128)) sources = Column(String(128)) serial_no = Column(String(30)) sw_version = Column(String(30)) model_filter = Column(String(30)) model_lamp = Column(String(30)) source_list = relationship('ProjectorSource', order_by='ProjectorSource.code', backref='projector', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='Projector.id==ProjectorSource.projector_id', lazy='joined') class ProjectorSource(Base, CommonMixin): """ Projector local source table This table allows mapping specific projector source input to a local connection; i.e., '11': 'DVD Player' Projector Source: projector_id: Foreign_key(Column(Projector.id)) code: Column(String(3)) # PJLink source code text: Column(String(20)) # Text to display Projector table links here """ def __repr__(self): """ Return basic representation of Source table entry. """ return ''.format(data=self.id, code=self.code, text=self.text, projector_id=self.projector_id) code = Column(String(3)) text = Column(String(20)) projector_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('projector.id')) class ProjectorDB(Manager): """ Class to access the projector database. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): log.debug('ProjectorDB().__init__(args="{arg}", kwargs="{kwarg}")'.format(arg=args, kwarg=kwargs)) super().__init__(plugin_name='projector', init_schema=self.init_schema, upgrade_mod=upgrade) log.debug('ProjectorDB() Initialized using db url {db}'.format(db=self.db_url)) log.debug('Session: {session}'.format(session=self.session)) def init_schema(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Setup the projector database and initialize the schema. Declarative uses table classes to define schema. """ self.db_url = init_url('projector') session, metadata = init_db(self.db_url, base=Base) metadata.create_all(checkfirst=True) return session def get_projector_by_id(self, dbid): """ Locate a DB record by record ID. :param dbid: DB record id :returns: Projector() instance """ log.debug('get_projector_by_id(id="{data}")'.format(data=dbid)) projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.id == dbid) if projector is None: # Not found log.warning('get_projector_by_id() did not find {data}'.format(data=id)) return None log.debug('get_projectorby_id() returning 1 entry for "{entry}" id="{data}"'.format(entry=dbid, data=projector.id)) return projector def get_projector_all(self): """ Retrieve all projector entries. :returns: List with Projector() instances used in Manager() QListWidget. """ log.debug('get_all() called') return_list = [] new_list = self.get_all_objects(Projector) if new_list is None or new_list.count == 0: return return_list for new_projector in new_list: return_list.append(new_projector) log.debug('get_all() returning {items} item(s)'.format(items=len(return_list))) return return_list def get_projector_by_ip(self, ip): """ Locate a projector by host IP/Name. :param ip: Host IP/Name :returns: Projector() instance """ log.debug('get_projector_by_ip(ip="{ip}")'.format(ip=ip)) projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.ip == ip) if projector is None: # Not found log.warning('get_projector_by_ip() did not find {ip}'.format(ip=ip)) return None log.debug('get_projectorby_ip() returning 1 entry for "{ip}" id="{data}"'.format(ip=ip, data=projector.id)) return projector def get_projector_by_name(self, name): """ Locate a projector by name field :param name: Name of projector :returns: Projector() instance """ log.debug('get_projector_by_name(name="{name}")'.format(name=name)) projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.name == name) if projector is None: # Not found log.warning('get_projector_by_name() did not find "{name}"'.format(name=name)) return None log.debug('get_projector_by_name() returning one entry for "{name}" id="{data}"'.format(name=name, data=projector.id)) return projector def add_projector(self, projector): """ Add a new projector entry :param projector: Projector() instance to add :returns: bool True if entry added False if entry already in DB or db error """ old_projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.ip == projector.ip) if old_projector is not None: log.warning('add_projector() skipping entry ip="{ip}" (Already saved)'.format(ip=old_projector.ip)) return False log.debug('add_projector() saving new entry') log.debug('ip="{ip}", name="{name}", location="{location}"'.format(ip=projector.ip, name=projector.name, location=projector.location)) log.debug('notes="{notes}"'.format(notes=projector.notes)) return self.save_object(projector) def update_projector(self, projector=None): """ Update projector entry :param projector: Projector() instance with new information :returns: bool True if DB record updated False if entry not in DB or DB error """ if projector is None: log.error('No Projector() instance to update - cancelled') return False old_projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.id == projector.id) if old_projector is None: log.error('Edit called on projector instance not in database - cancelled') return False log.debug('({ip}) Updating projector with dbid={dbid}'.format(ip=projector.ip, dbid=projector.id)) old_projector.ip = projector.ip old_projector.name = projector.name old_projector.location = projector.location old_projector.pin = projector.pin old_projector.port = projector.port old_projector.pjlink_name = projector.pjlink_name old_projector.manufacturer = projector.manufacturer old_projector.model = projector.model old_projector.other = projector.other old_projector.sources = projector.sources old_projector.serial_no = projector.serial_no old_projector.sw_version = projector.sw_version old_projector.model_filter = projector.model_filter old_projector.model_lamp = projector.model_lamp return self.save_object(old_projector) def delete_projector(self, projector): """ Delete an entry by record id :param projector: Projector() instance to delete :returns: bool True if record deleted False if DB error """ deleted = self.delete_object(Projector, projector.id) if deleted: log.debug('delete_by_id() Removed entry id="{data}"'.format(data=projector.id)) else: log.error('delete_by_id() Entry id="{data}" not deleted for some reason'.format(data=projector.id)) return deleted def get_source_list(self, projector): """ Retrieves the source inputs pjlink code-to-text if available based on manufacturer and model. If not available, then returns the PJLink code to default text. :param projector: Projector instance :returns: dict key: (str) PJLink code for source value: (str) From ProjectorSource, Sources tables or PJLink default code list """ source_dict = {} # Get default list first for key in projector.source_available: item = self.get_object_filtered(ProjectorSource, and_(ProjectorSource.code == key, ProjectorSource.projector_id == projector.id)) if item is None: source_dict[key] = PJLINK_DEFAULT_CODES[key] else: source_dict[key] = item.text return source_dict def get_source_by_id(self, source): """ Retrieves the ProjectorSource by ProjectorSource.id :param source: ProjectorSource id :returns: ProjetorSource instance or None """ source_entry = self.get_object_filtered(ProjectorSource, ProjectorSource.id == source) if source_entry is None: # Not found log.warning('get_source_by_id() did not find "{source}"'.format(source=source)) return None log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry for "{source}""'.format(source=source)) return source_entry def get_source_by_code(self, code, projector_id): """ Retrieves the ProjectorSource by ProjectorSource.id :param source: PJLink ID :param projector_id: Projector.id :returns: ProjetorSource instance or None """ source_entry = self.get_object_filtered(ProjectorSource, and_(ProjectorSource.code == code, ProjectorSource.projector_id == projector_id)) if source_entry is None: # Not found log.warning('get_source_by_id() not found') log.warning('code="{code}" projector_id="{data}"'.format(code=code, data=projector_id)) return None log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry') log.debug('code="{code}" projector_id="{data}"'.format(code=code, data=projector_id)) return source_entry def add_source(self, source): """ Add a new ProjectorSource record :param source: ProjectorSource() instance to add """ log.debug('Saving ProjectorSource(projector_id="{data}" ' 'code="{code}" text="{text}")'.format(data=source.projector_id, code=source.code, text=source.text)) return self.save_object(source)