# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ This module contains tests for the WordProject Bible importer. """ from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch from openlp.core.common.path import Path from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.importers.wordproject import WordProjectBible from tests.utils.constants import RESOURCE_PATH TEST_PATH = RESOURCE_PATH / 'bibles' INDEX_PAGE = (TEST_PATH / 'wordproject_index.htm').read_bytes().decode() CHAPTER_PAGE = (TEST_PATH / 'wordproject_chapter.htm').read_bytes().decode() class TestWordProjectImport(TestCase): """ Test the functions in the :mod:`wordprojectimport` module. """ def setUp(self): self.registry_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.Registry') self.addCleanup(self.registry_patcher.stop) self.registry_patcher.start() self.manager_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.Manager') self.addCleanup(self.manager_patcher.stop) self.manager_patcher.start() @patch.object(Path, 'read_text') def test_process_books(self, mocked_read_text): """ Test the process_books() method """ # GIVEN: A WordProject importer and a bunch of mocked things importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path=Path('kj.zip')) importer.base_path = Path() importer.stop_import_flag = False importer.language_id = 'en' mocked_read_text.return_value = INDEX_PAGE # WHEN: process_books() is called with patch.object(importer, 'find_and_create_book') as mocked_find_and_create_book, \ patch.object(importer, 'process_chapters') as mocked_process_chapters, \ patch.object(importer, 'session') as mocked_session: importer.process_books() # THEN: The right methods should have been called mocked_read_text.assert_called_once_with(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') assert mocked_find_and_create_book.call_count == 66, 'There should be 66 books' assert mocked_process_chapters.call_count == 66, 'There should be 66 books' assert mocked_session.commit.call_count == 66, 'There should be 66 books' @patch.object(Path, 'read_text') def test_process_chapters(self, mocked_read_text): """ Test the process_chapters() method """ # GIVEN: A WordProject importer and a bunch of mocked things importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path=Path('kj.zip')) importer.base_path = Path() importer.stop_import_flag = False importer.language_id = 'en' mocked_read_text.return_value = CHAPTER_PAGE mocked_db_book = MagicMock() mocked_db_book.name = 'Genesis' book_id = 1 book_link = '01/1.htm' # WHEN: process_chapters() is called with patch.object(importer, 'set_current_chapter') as mocked_set_current_chapter, \ patch.object(importer, 'process_verses') as mocked_process_verses: importer.process_chapters(mocked_db_book, book_id, book_link) # THEN: The right methods should have been called expected_set_current_chapter_calls = [call('Genesis', ch) for ch in range(1, 51)] expected_process_verses_calls = [call(mocked_db_book, 1, ch) for ch in range(1, 51)] mocked_read_text.assert_called_once_with(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') assert mocked_set_current_chapter.call_args_list == expected_set_current_chapter_calls assert mocked_process_verses.call_args_list == expected_process_verses_calls @patch.object(Path, 'read_text') def test_process_verses(self, mocked_read_text): """ Test the process_verses() method """ # GIVEN: A WordProject importer and a bunch of mocked things importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path=Path('kj.zip')) importer.base_path = Path() importer.stop_import_flag = False importer.language_id = 'en' mocked_read_text.return_value = CHAPTER_PAGE mocked_db_book = MagicMock() mocked_db_book.name = 'Genesis' book_number = 1 chapter_number = 1 # WHEN: process_verses() is called with patch.object(importer, 'process_verse') as mocked_process_verse: importer.process_verses(mocked_db_book, book_number, chapter_number) # THEN: All the right methods should have been called mocked_read_text.assert_called_once_with(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') assert mocked_process_verse.call_count == 31 def test_process_verse(self): """ Test the process_verse() method """ # GIVEN: An importer and a mocked method importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path=Path('kj.zip')) mocked_db_book = MagicMock() mocked_db_book.id = 1 chapter_number = 1 verse_number = 1 verse_text = ' In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth ' # WHEN: process_verse() is called with patch.object(importer, 'create_verse') as mocked_create_verse: importer.process_verse(mocked_db_book, chapter_number, verse_number, verse_text) # THEN: The create_verse() method should have been called mocked_create_verse.assert_called_once_with(1, 1, 1, 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth') def test_process_verse_no_text(self): """ Test the process_verse() method when there's no text """ # GIVEN: An importer and a mocked method importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path=Path('kj.zip')) mocked_db_book = MagicMock() mocked_db_book.id = 1 chapter_number = 1 verse_number = 1 verse_text = '' # WHEN: process_verse() is called with patch.object(importer, 'create_verse') as mocked_create_verse: importer.process_verse(mocked_db_book, chapter_number, verse_number, verse_text) # THEN: The create_verse() method should NOT have been called assert mocked_create_verse.call_count == 0 def test_do_import(self): """ Test the do_import() method """ # GIVEN: An importer and mocked methods importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path='kj.zip') # WHEN: do_import() is called with patch.object(importer, '_unzip_file') as mocked_unzip_file, \ patch.object(importer, 'get_language_id') as mocked_get_language_id, \ patch.object(importer, 'process_books') as mocked_process_books, \ patch.object(importer, '_cleanup') as mocked_cleanup: mocked_get_language_id.return_value = 1 result = importer.do_import() # THEN: The correct methods should have been called mocked_unzip_file.assert_called_once_with() mocked_get_language_id.assert_called_once_with(None, bible_name='kj.zip') mocked_process_books.assert_called_once_with() mocked_cleanup.assert_called_once_with() assert result is True def test_do_import_no_language(self): """ Test the do_import() method when the language is not available """ # GIVEN: An importer and mocked methods importer = WordProjectBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', file_path='kj.zip') # WHEN: do_import() is called with patch.object(importer, '_unzip_file') as mocked_unzip_file, \ patch.object(importer, 'get_language_id') as mocked_get_language_id, \ patch.object(importer, 'process_books') as mocked_process_books, \ patch.object(importer, '_cleanup') as mocked_cleanup: mocked_get_language_id.return_value = None result = importer.do_import() # THEN: The correct methods should have been called mocked_unzip_file.assert_called_once_with() mocked_get_language_id.assert_called_once_with(None, bible_name='kj.zip') assert mocked_process_books.call_count == 0 mocked_cleanup.assert_called_once_with() assert result is False