[{"serviceitem": {"header": {"will_auto_start": false, "title": "Amazing Grace", "audit": ["Amazing Grace", ["John Newton"], "", ""], "processor": null, "theme_overwritten": false, "start_time": 0, "auto_play_slides_loop": false, "plugin": "songs", "auto_play_slides_once": false, "from_plugin": false, "media_length": 0, "xml_version": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<song xmlns=\"http://openlyrics.info/namespace/2009/song\" version=\"0.8\" createdIn=\"OpenLP 2.1.0\" modifiedIn=\"OpenLP 2.1.0\" modifiedDate=\"2014-12-03T21:31:35\"><properties><titles><title>Amazing Grace</title></titles><authors><author>John Newton</author></authors></properties><lyrics><verse name=\"v1\"><lines>Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound<br/>That saved a wretch like me;<br/>I once was lost, but now am found,<br/>Was blind, but now I see.</lines></verse><verse name=\"v2\"><lines>\u2019Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,<br/>And grace my fears relieved;<br/>How precious did that grace appear,<br/>The hour I first believed!</lines></verse><verse name=\"v3\"><lines>Through many dangers, toils and snares<br/>I have already come;<br/>\u2019Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,<br/>And grace will lead me home.</lines></verse><verse name=\"v4\"><lines>The Lord has promised good to me,<br/>His word my hope secures;<br/>He will my shield and portion be<br/>As long as life endures.</lines></verse><verse name=\"v5\"><lines>Yes, when this heart and flesh shall fail,<br/>And mortal life shall cease,<br/>I shall possess within the veil<br/>A life of joy and peace.</lines></verse><verse name=\"v6\"><lines>When we\u2019ve been there a thousand years,<br/>Bright shining as the sun,<br/>We\u2019ve no less days to sing God\u2019s praise<br/>Than when we first begun.</lines></verse></lyrics></song>", "timed_slide_interval": 0, "data": {"title": "amazing grace@", "authors": "John Newton"}, "type": 1, "background_audio": ["/home/tgc/.local/share/openlp/songs/audio/7/amazing_grace.mp3"], "theme": null, "footer": ["Amazing Grace", "Written by: John Newton"], "name": "songs", "capabilities": [2, 1, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15], "end_time": 0, "notes": "", "search": "", "icon": ":/plugins/plugin_songs.png"}, "data": [{"title": "Amazing Grace! how sweet the s", "verseTag": "V1", "raw_slide": "Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound\nThat saved a wretch like me;\nI once was lost, but now am found,\nWas blind, but now I see."}, {"title": "\u2019Twas grace that taught my hea", "verseTag": "V2", "raw_slide": "\u2019Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,\nAnd grace my fears relieved;\nHow precious did that grace appear,\nThe hour I first believed!"}, {"title": "Through many dangers, toils an", "verseTag": "V3", "raw_slide": "Through many dangers, toils and snares\nI have already come;\n\u2019Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,\nAnd grace will lead me home."}, {"title": "The Lord has promised good to ", "verseTag": "V4", "raw_slide": "The Lord has promised good to me,\nHis word my hope secures;\nHe will my shield and portion be\nAs long as life endures."}, {"title": "Yes, when this heart and flesh", "verseTag": "V5", "raw_slide": "Yes, when this heart and flesh shall fail,\nAnd mortal life shall cease,\nI shall possess within the veil\nA life of joy and peace."}, {"title": "When we\u2019ve been there a thousa", "verseTag": "V6", "raw_slide": "When we\u2019ve been there a thousand years,\nBright shining as the sun,\nWe\u2019ve no less days to sing God\u2019s praise\nThan when we first begun."}]}}]