# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2021 OpenLP Developers # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ########################################################################## """ Interface tests to test the themeManager class and related methods. """ import pytest import logging from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from openlp.core.projectors.constants import PJLINK_PORT from openlp.core.projectors.db import ProjectorDB from openlp.core.projectors.editform import ProjectorEditForm from openlp.core.projectors.manager import ProjectorManager from tests.resources.projector.data import TEST_DB @pytest.fixture() def projector_manager(settings): with patch('openlp.core.projectors.db.init_url') as mocked_init_url: mocked_init_url.return_value = 'sqlite:///%s' % TEST_DB projectordb = ProjectorDB() proj_manager = ProjectorManager(projectordb=projectordb) yield proj_manager projectordb.session.close() del proj_manager @pytest.fixture() def projector_manager_nodb(settings): proj_manager = ProjectorManager(projectordb=None) yield proj_manager del proj_manager def test_bootstrap_initialise(projector_manager): """ Test initialize calls correct startup functions """ # WHEN: we call bootstrap_initialise projector_manager.bootstrap_initialise() # THEN: ProjectorDB is setup assert type(projector_manager.projectordb) == ProjectorDB, \ 'Initialization should have created a ProjectorDB() instance' def test_bootstrap_initialise_nodb(projector_manager_nodb, caplog): """ Test log entry creating new projector DB """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) # WHEN: ProjectorManager created with no DB set caplog.clear() projector_manager_nodb.bootstrap_initialise() # THEN: Log should indicate new DB being created assert caplog.record_tuples[3] == ('openlp.core.projectors.manager', 10, 'Creating new ProjectorDB() instance'), \ "ProjectorManager should have indicated a new DB being created" def test_bootstrap_post_set_up(projector_manager): """ Test post-initialize calls proper setups """ # GIVEN: setup mocks projector_manager._load_projectors = MagicMock() # WHEN: Call to initialize is run projector_manager.bootstrap_initialise() projector_manager.bootstrap_post_set_up() # THEN: verify calls to retrieve saved projectors and edit page initialized assert 1 == projector_manager._load_projectors.call_count, \ 'Initialization should have called load_projectors()' assert type(projector_manager.projector_form) == ProjectorEditForm, \ 'Initialization should have created a Projector Edit Form' assert projector_manager.projectordb is projector_manager.projector_form.projectordb, \ 'ProjectorEditForm should be using same ProjectorDB() instance as ProjectorManager' def test_bootstrap_post_set_up_autostart_projector(projector_manager_nodb, caplog): """ Test post-initialize calling log and QTimer on autostart """ # GIVEN: Setup mocks with patch('openlp.core.projectors.manager.QtCore.QTimer.singleShot') as mock_timer: caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) # WHEN: Initializations called projector_manager_nodb.bootstrap_initialise() projector_manager_nodb.autostart = True projector_manager_nodb.bootstrap_post_set_up() # THEN: verify log entries and timer calls mock_timer.assert_called_once_with(1500, projector_manager_nodb._load_projectors) assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == ('openlp.core.projectors.manager', 10, 'Delaying 1.5 seconds before loading all projectors'), \ "Last log entry should be autoloading entry" def test_udp_listen_add_duplicate_port(projector_manager_nodb, caplog): """ Test adding UDP port listener to port already registered """ # GIVEN: Initial setup caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) projector_manager_nodb.pjlink_udp[PJLINK_PORT] = "Something to set index item" # WHEN: udp_listen_add is called with duplicate port number caplog.clear() projector_manager_nodb.udp_listen_add(port=PJLINK_PORT) # THEN: Verify log entry and registry entry not called assert caplog.record_tuples[0] == ('openlp.core.projectors.manager', 30, 'UDP Listener for port 4352 already added - skipping') @patch('openlp.core.projectors.manager.Registry') def test_udp_listen_add_new(mock_registry, projector_manager_nodb, caplog): """ Test adding new UDP port listener """ # GIVEN: Initial setup caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) log_entries = [('openlp.core.projectors.manager', 10, 'Adding UDP listener on port 4352'), ('openlp.core.projectors.pjlink', 10, '(UDP:4352) PJLinkUDP() Initialized')] # WHEN: Adding new listener caplog.clear() projector_manager_nodb.udp_listen_add(port=PJLINK_PORT) # THEN: Appropriate listener and log entries mock_registry.execute.called_with('udp_broadcast_add', port=PJLINK_PORT) assert caplog.record_tuples == log_entries, 'Invalid log entries'