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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 OpenLP Developers #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
This module contains tests for the bibleimport module.
from io import BytesIO
from lxml import etree, objectify
from unittest import TestCase
from openlp.core.common.languages import Language
from openlp.core.lib.exceptions import ValidationError
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport import BibleImport
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db import BibleDB
from tests.functional import ANY, MagicMock, patch
class TestBibleImport(TestCase):
Test the functions in the :mod:`bibleimport` module.
def setUp(self):
self.test_file = BytesIO(
b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
b' <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
b' <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n'
self.open_patcher = patch('')
self.mocked_open = self.open_patcher.start()
self.log_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.log')
self.mocked_log = self.log_patcher.start()
self.critical_error_message_box_patcher = \
self.mocked_critical_error_message_box = self.critical_error_message_box_patcher.start()
self.setup_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB._setup')
self.trace_error_handler_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.trace_error_handler')
self.mocked_trace_error_handler = self.trace_error_handler_patcher.start()
self.translate_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.translate',
side_effect=lambda module, string_to_translate, *args: string_to_translate)
self.mocked_translate = self.translate_patcher.start()
def init_kwargs_none_test(self):
Test the initialisation of the BibleImport Class when no key word arguments are supplied
# GIVEN: A patched BibleDB._setup, BibleImport class and mocked parent
# WHEN: Creating an instance of BibleImport with no key word arguments
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
# THEN: The filename attribute should be None
self.assertIsInstance(instance, BibleDB)
def init_kwargs_set_test(self):
Test the initialisation of the BibleImport Class when supplied with select keyword arguments
# GIVEN: A patched BibleDB._setup, BibleImport class and mocked parent
# WHEN: Creating an instance of BibleImport with selected key word arguments
kwargs = {'filename': 'bible.xml'}
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock(), **kwargs)
# THEN: The filename keyword should be set to bible.xml
self.assertEqual(instance.filename, 'bible.xml')
self.assertIsInstance(instance, BibleDB)
def get_language_id_language_found_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when called with a name found in the languages list
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns language and an instance of BibleImport
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=Language(30, 'English', 'en')) \
as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB.get_language') as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('English', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from languages.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 30)
self.assertEqual(result, 30)
def get_language_id_language_not_found_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when called with a name not found in the languages list
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns language and an instance of BibleImport
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB.get_language', return_value=20) as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('RUS', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from languages.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 20)
self.assertEqual(result, 20)
def get_language_id_user_choice_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when the language is not found and the user is asked for the language
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns None a mocked BibleDB.get_language which returns a
# language id.
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB.get_language', return_value=40) as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('English', 'KJV')
# THEN: The id of the language returned from BibleDB.get_language should be returned
instance.save_meta.assert_called_once_with('language_id', 40)
self.assertEqual(result, 40)
def get_language_id_user_choice_rejected_test(self):
Test get_language_id() when the language is not found and the user rejects the dilaog box
# GIVEN: A mocked languages.get_language which returns None a mocked BibleDB.get_language which returns a
# language id.
with patch('openlp.core.common.languages.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_languages_get_language, \
patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB.get_language', return_value=None) as mocked_db_get_language:
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.save_meta = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling get_language_id() with a language name and bible name
result = instance.get_language_id('Qwerty', 'KJV')
# THEN: None should be returned and an error should be logged
self.mocked_log.error.assert_called_once_with('Language detection failed when importing from "KJV". '
'User aborted language selection.')
def parse_xml_etree_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when called with the use_objectify default value
# GIVEN: A sample "file" to parse and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data, and should be an instance of eetree_Element
b'<root>\n <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
b' <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n</root>')
self.assertIsInstance(result, etree._Element)
def parse_xml_etree_use_objectify_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when called with use_objectify set to True
# GIVEN: A sample "file" to parse and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', use_objectify=True)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data, and should be an instance of ObjectifiedElement
self.assertIsInstance(result, objectify.ObjectifiedElement)
def parse_xml_elements_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of elements to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of elements to remove and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
elements = ('unsupported', 'x', 'y')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', elements=elements)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
b'<root>\n <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n <data/>\n</root>')
def parse_xml_tags_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of tags to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of tags to remove and an instance of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
tags = ('div', 'p', 'a')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', tags=tags)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
self.assertEqual(etree.tostring(result), b'<root>\n <data>Testdatatokeep</data>\n <data><unsupported>Test'
def parse_xml_elements_tags_test(self):
Test BibleImport.parse_xml() when given a tuple of elements and of tags to remove
# GIVEN: A tuple of elements and of tags to remove and an instacne of BibleImport
self.mocked_open.return_value = self.test_file
elements = ('unsupported', 'x', 'y')
tags = ('div', 'p', 'a')
instance = BibleImport(MagicMock())
instance.wizard = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml, with a test file
result = instance.parse_xml('file.tst', elements=elements, tags=tags)
# THEN: The result returned should contain the correct data
self.assertEqual(etree.tostring(result), b'<root>\n <data>Testdatatokeep</data>\n <data/>\n</root>')
def parse_xml_file_file_not_found_exception_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OpenSong root tag
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a FileNotFoundError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = FileNotFoundError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'No such file or directory'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
self.mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nNo such file or directory')
def parse_xml_file_file_not_found_exception_test(self):
Test that parse_xml handles a FileNotFoundError exception correctly
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a FileNotFoundError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = FileNotFoundError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'No such file or directory'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
self.mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nNo such file or directory')
def parse_xml_file_permission_error_exception_test(self):
Test that parse_xml handles a PermissionError exception correctly
# GIVEN: A mocked open which raises a PermissionError and an instance of BibleImporter
exception = PermissionError()
exception.filename = 'file.tst'
exception.strerror = 'Permission denied'
self.mocked_open.side_effect = exception
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling parse_xml
result = importer.parse_xml('file.tst')
# THEN: parse_xml should have caught the error, informed the user and returned None
self.mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Opening file.tst failed.')
title='An Error Occured When Opening A File',
message='The following error occurred when trying to open\nfile.tst:\n\nPermission denied')
def validate_xml_file_compressed_file_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError when is_compressed returns True
# GIVEN: A mocked parse_xml which returns None
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=True):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling is_compressed
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, with the message 'Compressed file'
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Compressed file')
def validate_xml_file_parse_xml_fails_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError when parse_xml returns None
# GIVEN: A mocked parse_xml which returns None
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=None), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, with the message 'Error when opening file'
# the user that an OpenSong bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Error when opening file')
def validate_xml_file_success_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file returns True with valid XML
# GIVEN: Some test data with an OpenSong Bible "bible" root tag
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<bible></bible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
result = importer.validate_xml_file('', 'bible')
# THEN: True should be returned
def validate_xml_file_opensong_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OpenSong root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring('<bible></bible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an OpenSong bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an OpenSong XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_osis_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an OSIS root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml', return_value=objectify.fromstring(
'<osis xmlns=\'\'></osis>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an OSIS bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an OSIS XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_zefania_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an Zefania root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an Zefania root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml',
return_value=objectify.fromstring('<xmlbible></xmlbible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that an Zefania bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an Zefania XML bible.')
def validate_xml_file_unknown_root_test(self):
Test that validate_xml_file raises a ValidationError with an unknown root tag
# GIVEN: Some test data with an unknown root tag and an instance of BibleImport
with patch.object(BibleImport, 'parse_xml',
return_value=objectify.fromstring('<unknownbible></unknownbible>')), \
patch.object(BibleImport, 'is_compressed', return_value=False):
importer = BibleImport(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')
# WHEN: Calling validate_xml_file
# THEN: ValidationError should be raised, and the critical error message box should was called informing
# the user that a unknown xml bible was found
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context:
importer.validate_xml_file('', 'xbible')
self.assertEqual(context.exception.msg, 'Invalid xml.')
message='Incorrect Bible file type supplied. This looks like an unknown type of XML bible.')