Andreas Preikschat 2d02f3e9a0
2011-04-17 17:47:02 +02:00

545 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Raoul Snyman #
# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2011 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael #
# Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, #
# Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, #
# Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Frode Woldsund #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
# OOo API documentation:
import os
import re
from oooimport import OooImport
if == u'nt':
BOLD = 150.0
from oooimport import PAGE_BEFORE, PAGE_AFTER, PAGE_BOTH
from import BOLD
from import ITALIC
from import PAGE_BEFORE, PAGE_AFTER, \
except ImportError:
class SofImport(OooImport):
Import songs provided on disks with the Songs of Fellowship music books
VOLS1_2.RTF, sof3words.rtf and sof4words.rtf
Use Writer for processing the rtf file
The three books are not only inconsistant with each other, they are
inconsistant in themselves too with their formatting. Not only this, but
the 1+2 book does not space out verses correctly. This script attempts
to sort it out, but doesn't get it 100% right. But better than having to
type them all out!
It attempts to detect italiced verses, and treats these as choruses in
the verse ordering. Again not perfect, but a start.
def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
Initialise the class. Requires a songmanager class which is passed
to SongImport for writing song to disk
OooImport.__init__(self, manager, **kwargs) = False
def process_ooo_document(self):
Handle the import process for SoF files.
def process_sof_file(self):
Process the RTF file, a paragraph at a time
self.blanklines = 0
paragraphs = self.document.getText().createEnumeration()
while paragraphs.hasMoreElements():
if self.stop_import_flag:
paragraph = paragraphs.nextElement()
if paragraph.supportsService(""):
self.finish() = False
def process_paragraph(self, paragraph):
Process a paragraph.
In the first book, a paragraph is a single line. In the latter ones
they may contain multiple lines.
Each paragraph contains textportions. Each textportion has it's own
styling, e.g. italics, bold etc.
Also check for page breaks, which indicates a new song in books 1+2.
In later books, there may not be line breaks, so check for 3 or more
text = u''
textportions = paragraph.createEnumeration()
while textportions.hasMoreElements():
textportion = textportions.nextElement()
if textportion.BreakType in (PAGE_BEFORE, PAGE_BOTH):
text = u''
text += self.process_textportion(textportion)
if textportion.BreakType in (PAGE_AFTER, PAGE_BOTH):
text = u''
def process_paragraph_text(self, text):
Split the paragraph text into multiple lines and process
for line in text.split(u'\n'):
if self.blanklines > 2:
def process_paragraph_line(self, text):
Process a single line. Throw away that text which isn't relevant, i.e.
stuff that appears at the end of the song.
Anything that is OK, append to the current verse
text = text.strip()
if text == u'':
self.blanklines += 1
if self.blanklines > 1:
if self.title != u'':
self.blanklines = 0
if self.skip_to_close_bracket:
if text.endswith(u')'):
self.skip_to_close_bracket = False
if text.startswith(u'CCL Licence'):
self.italics = False
if text == u'A Songs of Fellowship Worship Resource':
if text.startswith(u'(NB.') or text.startswith(u'(Regrettably') \
or text.startswith(u'(From'):
self.skip_to_close_bracket = True
if text.startswith(u'Copyright'):
if text == u'(Repeat)':
if self.title == u'':
if self.copyright == u'':
def process_textportion(self, textportion):
Process a text portion. Here we just get the text and detect if
it's bold or italics. If it's bold then its a song number or song title.
Song titles are in all capitals, so we must bring the capitalization
into line
text = textportion.getString()
text = self.tidy_text(text)
if text.strip() == u'':
return text
if textportion.CharWeight == BOLD:
boldtext = text.strip()
if boldtext.isdigit() and self.song_number == '':
return u''
if self.title == u'':
text = self.uncap_text(text)
return text
if text.strip().startswith(u'('):
return text
self.italics = (textportion.CharPosture == ITALIC)
return text
def new_song(self):
A change of song. Store the old, create a new
... but only if the last song was complete. If not, stick with it
if not self.check_complete():
self.finish() = True
self.skip_to_close_bracket = False
self.is_chorus = False
self.italics = False
self.currentverse = u''
def add_songnumber(self, song_no):
Add a song number, store as alternate title. Also use the song
number to work out which songbook we're in
self.song_number = song_no
self.alternate_title = song_no + u'.'
self.song_book_pub = u'Kingsway Publications'
if int(song_no) <= 640:
self.song_book = u'Songs of Fellowship 1'
elif int(song_no) <= 1150:
self.song_book = u'Songs of Fellowship 2'
elif int(song_no) <= 1690:
self.song_book = u'Songs of Fellowship 3'
self.song_book = u'Songs of Fellowship 4'
def add_title(self, text):
Add the title to the song. Strip some leading/trailing punctuation that
we don't want in a title
title = text.strip()
if title.startswith(u'\''):
title = title[1:]
if title.endswith(u','):
title = title[:-1]
self.title = title
self.import_wizard.incrementProgressBar(u'Processing song ' + title, 0)
def add_sof_author(self, text):
Add the author. OpenLP stores them individually so split by 'and', '&'
and comma.
However need to check for "Mr and Mrs Smith" and turn it to
"Mr Smith" and "Mrs Smith".
text = text.replace(u' and ', u' & ')
def add_verse_line(self, text):
Add a line to the current verse. If the formatting has changed and
we're beyond the second line of first verse, then this indicates
a change of verse. Italics are a chorus
if self.italics != self.is_chorus and ((len(self.verses) > 0) or
(self.currentverse.count(u'\n') > 1)):
if self.italics:
self.is_chorus = True
self.currentverse += text + u'\n'
def finish_verse(self):
Verse is finished, store it. Note in book 1+2, some songs are formatted
incorrectly. Here we try and split songs with missing line breaks into
the correct number of verses.
if self.currentverse.strip() == u'':
if self.is_chorus:
versetag = u'C'
splitat = None
versetag = u'V'
splitat = self.verse_splits(self.song_number)
if splitat:
ln = 0
verse = u''
for line in self.currentverse.split(u'\n'):
ln += 1
if line == u'' or ln > splitat:
self.add_sof_verse(verse, versetag)
ln = 0
if line:
verse = line + u'\n'
verse = u''
verse += line + u'\n'
if verse:
self.add_sof_verse(verse, versetag)
self.add_sof_verse(self.currentverse, versetag)
self.currentverse = u''
self.is_chorus = False
def add_sof_verse(self, lyrics, tag):
self.add_verse(lyrics, tag)
if not self.is_chorus and u'C1' in self.verse_order_list_generated:
self.verse_order_list_generated_useful = True
def uncap_text(self, text):
Words in the title are in all capitals, so we lowercase them.
However some of these words, e.g. referring to God need a leading
capital letter.
There is a complicated word "One", which is sometimes lower and
sometimes upper depending on context. Never mind, keep it lower.
textarr = re.split(u'(\W+)', text)
textarr[0] = textarr[0].capitalize()
for i in range(1, len(textarr)):
# Do not translate these. Fixed strings in SOF song file
if textarr[i] in (u'JESUS', u'CHRIST', u'KING', u'ALMIGHTY',
u'HOLY', u'SPIRIT', u'LAMB', u'YOU', u'YOUR', u'I', u'I\'VE',
u'I\'M', u'I\'LL', u'SAVIOUR', u'O', u'YOU\'RE', u'HE', u'HIS',
u'JUDAH', u'LION', u'LORD\'S', u'ABRAHAM', u'GOD\'S',
textarr[i] = textarr[i].capitalize()
textarr[i] = textarr[i].lower()
text = u''.join(textarr)
return text
def verse_splits(self, song_number):
Because someone at Kingsway forgot to check the 1+2 RTF file,
some verses were not formatted correctly.
if song_number == 11:
return 8
if song_number == 18:
return 5
if song_number == 21:
return 6
if song_number == 23:
return 4
if song_number == 24:
return 7
if song_number == 27:
return 4
if song_number == 31:
return 6
if song_number == 49:
return 4
if song_number == 50:
return 8
if song_number == 70:
return 4
if song_number == 75:
return 8
if song_number == 79:
return 6
if song_number == 97:
return 7
if song_number == 107:
return 4
if song_number == 109:
return 4
if song_number == 133:
return 4
if song_number == 155:
return 10
if song_number == 156:
return 8
if song_number == 171:
return 4
if song_number == 188:
return 7
if song_number == 192:
return 4
if song_number == 208:
return 8
if song_number == 215:
return 8
if song_number == 220:
return 4
if song_number == 247:
return 6
if song_number == 248:
return 6
if song_number == 251:
return 8
if song_number == 295:
return 8
if song_number == 307:
return 5
if song_number == 314:
return 6
if song_number == 325:
return 8
if song_number == 386:
return 6
if song_number == 415:
return 4
if song_number == 426:
return 4
if song_number == 434:
return 5
if song_number == 437:
return 4
if song_number == 438:
return 6
if song_number == 456:
return 8
if song_number == 461:
return 4
if song_number == 469:
return 4
if song_number == 470:
return 5
if song_number == 476:
return 6
if song_number == 477:
return 7
if song_number == 480:
return 8
if song_number == 482:
return 4
if song_number == 512:
return 4
if song_number == 513:
return 8
if song_number == 518:
return 5
if song_number == 520:
return 4
if song_number == 523:
return 6
if song_number == 526:
return 8
if song_number == 527:
return 4
if song_number == 529:
return 4
if song_number == 537:
return 4
if song_number == 555:
return 6
if song_number == 581:
return 4
if song_number == 589:
return 6
if song_number == 590:
return 4
if song_number == 593:
return 8
if song_number == 596:
return 4
if song_number == 610:
return 6
if song_number == 611:
return 6
if song_number == 619:
return 8
if song_number == 645:
return 5
if song_number == 653:
return 6
if song_number == 683:
return 7
if song_number == 686:
return 4
if song_number == 697:
return 8
if song_number == 698:
return 4
if song_number == 704:
return 6
if song_number == 716:
return 4
if song_number == 717:
return 6
if song_number == 730:
return 4
if song_number == 731:
return 8
if song_number == 732:
return 8
if song_number == 738:
return 4
if song_number == 756:
return 9
if song_number == 815:
return 6
if song_number == 830:
return 8
if song_number == 831:
return 4
if song_number == 876:
return 6
if song_number == 877:
return 6
if song_number == 892:
return 4
if song_number == 894:
return 6
if song_number == 902:
return 8
if song_number == 905:
return 8
if song_number == 921:
return 6
if song_number == 940:
return 7
if song_number == 955:
return 9
if song_number == 968:
return 8
if song_number == 972:
return 7
if song_number == 974:
return 4
if song_number == 988:
return 6
if song_number == 991:
return 5
if song_number == 1002:
return 8
if song_number == 1024:
return 8
if song_number == 1044:
return 9
if song_number == 1088:
return 6
if song_number == 1117:
return 6
if song_number == 1119:
return 7
return None