
572 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection
Copyright (c) 2008 Raoul Snyman
Portions copyright (c) 2008-2009 Martin Thompson, Tim Bentley
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import logging
import os
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Renderer(object):
Genarates a pixmap image of a array of text. The Text is formatted to
make sure it fits on the screen and if not extra frames a generated.
global log
log = logging.getLogger(u'Renderer')'Renderer Loaded')
def __init__(self):
Initialise the renderer.
self._rect = None
self._debug = 0
self._right_margin = 64 # the amount of right indent
self._shadow_offset = 5
self._outline_offset = 2
self.theme_name = None
self._theme = None
self._bg_image_filename = None
self._frame = None
self._bg_frame = None
self.bg_image = None
self._bg_frame_small = None
def set_debug(self, debug):
Set the debug mode of the renderer.
The debug mode.
def set_theme(self, theme):
Set the theme to be used.
The theme to be used.
log.debug(u'set theme')
self._theme = theme
self._bg_frame = None
self.bg_image = None
self.theme_name = theme.theme_name
if theme.background_type == u'image':
if theme.background_filename is not None:
def set_bg_image(self, filename):
Set a background image.
The name of the image file.
log.debug(u'set bg image %s', filename)
self._bg_image_filename = unicode(filename)
if self._frame is not None:
def scale_bg_image(self):
Scale the background image to fit the screen.
assert self._frame
preview = QtGui.QImage(self._bg_image_filename)
width = self._frame.width()
height = self._frame.height()
preview = preview.scaled(width, height, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
realwidth = preview.width()
realheight = preview.height()
# and move it to the centre of the preview space
self.bg_image = QtGui.QImage(width, height, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
self.background_offsetx = (width - realwidth) / 2
self.background_offsety = (height - realheight) / 2
painter.drawImage(self.background_offsetx, self.background_offsety, preview)
def set_frame_dest(self, frame_width, frame_height, preview=False):
Set the size of the slide.
The width of the slide.
The height of the slide.
Defaults to *False*. Whether or not to generate a preview.
if preview == True:
self._bg_frame = None
log.debug(u'set frame dest (frame) w %d h %d', frame_width, frame_height)
self._frame = QtGui.QImage(frame_width, frame_height,
if self._bg_image_filename is not None and self.bg_image is None:
if self._bg_frame is None:
def format_slide(self, words, footer):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current
theme settings.
The words to be fitted on the slide.
The footer of the slide.
log.debug(u'format_slide - Start')
verses = []
words = words.replace(u'\r\n', u'\n')
verses_text = words.split(u'\n\n')
text = []
for verse in verses_text:
lines = verse.split(u'\n')
for line in lines:
split_text = self._split_set_of_lines(text, False)
log.debug(u'format_slide - End')
return split_text
def set_text_rectangle(self, rect_main, rect_footer):
Sets the rectangle within which text should be rendered.
The main text block.
The footer text block.
self._rect = rect_main
self._rect_footer = rect_footer
def generate_frame_from_lines(self, lines, footer_lines=None):
Render a set of lines according to the theme, and return the block
The lines to be rendered.
Defaults to *None*. The footer to render.
log.debug(u'generate_frame_from_lines - Start')
#print "Render Lines ", lines
bbox = self._render_lines_unaligned(lines, False)
if footer_lines is not None:
bbox1 = self._render_lines_unaligned(footer_lines, True)
# reset the frame. first time do not worry about what you paint on.
self._frame = QtGui.QImage(self._bg_frame)
x, y = self._correctAlignment(self._rect, bbox)
bbox = self._render_lines_unaligned(lines, False, (x, y), True)
if footer_lines is not None:
bbox = self._render_lines_unaligned(footer_lines, True,
(self._rect_footer.left(),, True)
log.debug(u'generate_frame_from_lines - Finish')
return self._frame
def _generate_background_frame(self):
Generate a background frame to the same size as the frame to be used.
Results are cached for performance reasons.
self._bg_frame = QtGui.QImage(self._frame.width(), self._frame.height(),
log.debug(u'render background %s start', self._theme.background_type)
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
if self._theme.background_type == u'solid':
painter.fillRect(self._frame.rect(), QtGui.QColor(self._theme.background_color))
elif self._theme.background_type == u'gradient':
# gradient
gradient = None
if self._theme.background_direction == u'horizontal':
w = int(self._frame.width()) / 2
# vertical
gradient = QtGui.QLinearGradient(w, 0, w, self._frame.height())
elif self._theme.background_direction == u'vertical':
h = int(self._frame.height()) / 2
# Horizontal
gradient = QtGui.QLinearGradient(0, h, self._frame.width(), h)
w = int(self._frame.width()) / 2
h = int(self._frame.height()) / 2
# Circular
gradient = QtGui.QRadialGradient(w, h, w)
gradient.setColorAt(0, QtGui.QColor(self._theme.background_startColor))
gradient.setColorAt(1, QtGui.QColor(self._theme.background_endColor))
rectPath = QtGui.QPainterPath()
max_x = self._frame.width()
max_y = self._frame.height()
rectPath.moveTo(0, 0)
rectPath.lineTo(0, max_y)
rectPath.lineTo(max_x, max_y)
rectPath.lineTo(max_x, 0)
elif self._theme.background_type== u'image':
# image
if self.bg_image is not None:
painter.drawImage(0 ,0 , self.bg_image)
self._bg_frame_small = self._bg_frame.scaled(QtCore.QSize(280, 210), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio,
log.debug(u'render background End')
def _split_set_of_lines(self, lines, footer):
Given a list of lines, decide how to split them best if they don't all
fit on the screen. This is done by splitting at 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of the
set. If it doesn't fit, even at this size, just split at each
opportunity. We'll do this by getting the bounding box of each line,
and then summing them appropriately.
Returns a list of [lists of lines], one set for each screenful.
The lines of text to split.
The footer text.
bboxes = []
for line in lines:
bboxes.append(self._render_and_wrap_single_line(line, footer))
numlines = len(lines)
bottom = self._rect.bottom()
for ratio in (numlines, numlines/2, numlines/3, numlines/4):
good = 1
startline = 0
endline = startline + ratio
while (endline <= numlines and endline != 0):
by = 0
for (x,y) in bboxes[startline:endline]:
by += y
if by > bottom:
good = 0
startline += ratio
endline = startline + ratio
if good == 1:
retval = []
numlines_per_page = ratio
if good:
c = 0
thislines = []
while c < numlines:
c += 1
if len(thislines) == numlines_per_page:
thislines = []
if len(thislines) > 0:
# print "Just split where you can"
retval = []
startline = 0
endline = startline + 1
while (endline <= numlines):
by = 0
for (x,y) in bboxes[startline:endline]:
by += y
if by > bottom:
startline = endline-1
# gets incremented below
endline = startline
by = 0
endline += 1
return retval
def _correctAlignment(self, rect, bbox):
Corrects the vertical alignment of text.
The block dimentions.
Footer dimensions?
x = rect.left()
if int(self._theme.display_verticalAlign) == 0:
# top align
y =
elif int(self._theme.display_verticalAlign) == 2:
# bottom align
y = rect.bottom() - bbox.height()
elif int(self._theme.display_verticalAlign) == 1:
# centre align
y = + (rect.height() - bbox.height()) / 2
log.error(u'Invalid value for theme.VerticalAlign:%s' % self._theme.display_verticalAlign)
return x, y
def _render_lines_unaligned(self, lines, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0), live=False):
Given a list of lines to render, render each one in turn (using the
``_render_single_line`` fn - which may result in going off the bottom).
They are expected to be pre-arranged to less than a screenful (eg. by
using split_set_of_lines).
Returns the bounding box of the text as QRect.
The lines of text to render.
The slide footer.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. Co-ordinates of the top left corner.
Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
x, y = tlcorner
brx = x
bry = y
for line in lines:
# render after current bottom, but at original left edge
# keep track of right edge to see which is biggest
(thisx, bry) = self._render_and_wrap_single_line(line, footer, (x, bry), live)
if (thisx > brx):
brx = thisx
retval = QtCore.QRect(x, y, brx - x, bry - y)
if self._debug:
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255)))
return retval
def _render_and_wrap_single_line(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0), live=False):
Render a single line of words onto the DC, top left corner specified.
If the line is too wide for the context, it wraps, but right-aligns
the surplus words in the manner of song lyrics.
Returns the bottom-right corner (of what was rendered) as a tuple(x, y).
Line of text to be rendered.
The footer of the slide.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner.
Defaults to *False*. Whether or not this is a live screen.
x, y = tlcorner
# We draw the text to see how big it is and then iterate to make it fit
# when we line wrap we do in in the "lyrics" style, so the second line is
# right aligned with a "hanging indent"
words = line.split(u' ')
thisline = u' '.join(words)
lastword = len(words)
lines = []
maxx = self._rect.width();
maxy = self._rect.height();
while (len(words) > 0):
w , h = self._get_extent_and_render(thisline, footer)
rhs = w + x
if rhs < maxx - self._right_margin:
words = words[lastword:]
thisline = ' '.join(words)
lastword = len(words)
lastword -= 1
thisline = ' '.join(words[:lastword])
startx = x
starty = y
rightextent = None
# dont allow alignment messing with footers
if footer:
align = 0
align = int(self._theme .display_horizontalAlign)
for linenum in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[linenum]
#find out how wide line is
w , h = self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x, y), draw=False)
if self._theme.display_shadow:
w += self._shadow_offset
h += self._shadow_offset
if self._theme.display_outline:
# pixels either side
w += 2 * self._outline_offset
# pixels top/bottom
h += 2 * self._outline_offset
if align == 0: # left align
rightextent = x + w
# shift right from last line's rh edge
if self._theme.display_wrapStyle == 1 and linenum != 0:
rightextent = self._first_line_right_extent + self._right_margin
if rightextent > maxx:
rightextent = maxx
x = rightextent - w
# right align
elif align == 1:
rightextent = maxx
x = maxx - w
# centre
elif align == 2:
x = (maxx - w) / 2;
rightextent = x + w
if live:
# now draw the text, and any outlines/shadows
if self._theme.display_shadow:
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, tlcorner=(x+self._shadow_offset,y+self._shadow_offset),
draw=True, color = self._theme.display_shadow_color)
if self._theme.display_outline:
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x+self._outline_offset,y), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x, y+self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x, y-self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x-self._outline_offset,y), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
if self._outline_offset > 1:
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x+self._outline_offset,y+self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x-self._outline_offset,y+self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x+self._outline_offset,y-self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer, (x-self._outline_offset,y-self._outline_offset), draw=True,
color = self._theme.display_outline_color)
self._get_extent_and_render(line, footer,tlcorner=(x, y), draw=True)
y += h
if linenum == 0:
self._first_line_right_extent = rightextent
# draw a box around the text - debug only
if self._debug:
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
painter.drawRect(startx , starty , rightextent-startx , y-starty)
brcorner = (rightextent , y)
return brcorner
def _set_theme_font(self):
Set the fonts from the current theme settings.
self.footerFont = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_footer_name,
int(self._theme.font_footer_proportion), # size
QtGui.QFont.Normal, # weight
0)# italic
self.mainFont = QtGui.QFont(self._theme.font_main_name,
int(self._theme.font_main_proportion), # size
QtGui.QFont.Normal, # weight
0)# italic
def _get_extent_and_render(self, line, footer, tlcorner=(0, 0), draw=False, color=None):
Find bounding box of text - as render_single_line. If draw is set,
actually draw the text to the current DC as well return width and
height of text as a tuple (w, h).
The line of text to render.
The footer text.
Defaults to *``(0, 0)``*. The top left corner co-ordinates.
Defaults to *False*. Draw the text to the current surface.
Defaults to *None*. The colour to draw with.
# setup defaults
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
# 'twould be more efficient to set this once when theme changes
# or p changes
if footer :
font = self.footerFont
font = self.mainFont
if color is None:
if footer:
x, y = tlcorner
metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)
# xxx some fudges to make it exactly like wx! Take 'em out later
w = metrics.width(line)
h = metrics.height() - 2
if draw:
painter.drawText(x, y + metrics.ascent() , line)
return (w, h)
def snoop_Image(self, image, image2=None):
Debugging method to allow images to be viewed.
An image to save to disk.
Defaults to *None*. Another image to save to disk.
im = image.toImage()'renderer.png', u'png')
if image2 is not None:
im = image2.toImage()'renderer2.png', u'png')